12 Week Glute Program to Transform Your Booty with Free PDF - The Fitness Phantom (2025)

Training your glutes is crucial when it comes to enhancing your backside appearance and improving your athletic, functional, and lifting performance.

The glutes are sizable and powerful muscles that are located under the fatty tissue of your buttocks. They comprised three muscles- the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. These muscles are involved when you sit, walk, sprint, and perform lower body exercises.

You can build strong, rounded, and symmetrical glutes with consistent strength training and proper nutrition.

In this article, I’ve shared a 12 week glute program that includes workouts from popular fitness coaches, including Jeff Cavalier, Bret Contreras, Jeff Nippard, and Robin Gallant.

This routine is suitable for all fitness enthusiasts, from bodybuilders and athletes to powerlifters and typical fitness freaks.

So, whether you’re a male or female, if you’re looking for a free, easy-to-follow, and effective glute workout program that can transform your booty in three months, this program can help you.

I’ve also attached a free printable PDF of this routine at the end of this article so you can download and use it offline.

Contents show

Why Should You Train Your Glutes?

Being one of the largest muscles in the body, glutes provide stability to the torso, minimizes lower back and hamstring injuries, and enhances lifting and athletic performance.

Here are the top five reasons why you should start developing your glutes:

  1. Improves athletic performance: If you want to jump higher, run faster and longer, and perform explosiveness movement effectively, consider strengthening your glutes. The glutes are one of the largest and strongest muscle groups in your body, and they are involved in various athletic movements like jumping, running, and sprinting.1 Buckthorpe, Matthew et al. “ASSESSING AND TREATING GLUTEUS MAXIMUS WEAKNESS – A CLINICAL COMMENTARY.” International journal of sports physical therapy vol. 14,4 (2019): 655-669.
  2. Minimize the risk of Injuries: Training glutes not only help build muscle but minimize the risk of lower back and hamstring injuries as well. Glutes exercises also activate your posterior chain muscles, like lower spine and rear thigh and make them strong and flexible.2 Jeong, Ui-Cheol et al. “The effects of gluteus muscle strengthening exercise and lumbar stabilization exercise on lumbar muscle strength and balance in chronic low back pain patients.” Journal of Physical Therapy Science vol. 27,12 (2015): 3813-6. doi:10.1589/jpts.27.3813
  3. Improve Body Composition: Rounded and symmetrical glutes add definition to your physique and improve your physical appearance.
  4. Improves Posture: Strong glutes provide stability to the torso, help you sit upright for a longer duration, and improve spinal alignment; all these lead to improving your posture.
  5. Enhance lifting performance: Glutes are involved in major compound liftings, such as the deadlift, squat, bench press, and standing overhead press. So, if you want to enhance your lifting performance, you can buttress your glutes by following this program.

How to Design a Glute Workout Program?

Your glute workout plan must include both compound and isolation exercises.

The compound glute exercises bolster the hamstring and lower back along with the glutes and helps increase strength and mass.

The isolation exercises allow you to target your glute specifically and improve definition and mobility.

Your routine should also contain high-rep, medium-rep, and low-rep sets so you can increase your strength and shape your backside.

Lastly, an efficient glute training program must involve various equipment-based exercises, such as machine hip adduction, barbell hip thrust, cable pull-through, dumbbell frog pump, and resistance band kickback.

Besides all these, you should determine how many times your buttocks should be trained. For example, if you aim to develop a curvy backside, you can train the gluteal muscles at least two times weekly.

The Best 12 Week Glute Program to Transform Your Backside

12 Week Glute Program to Transform Your Booty with Free PDF - The Fitness Phantom (1)

Program Summary:

  • Target Muscles: Glutes
  • Exercise Type: Bodyweight and Resistance Training
  • Program Duration: 3 months
  • Sessions/week: 2-3 times weekly
  • Duration/session: 30-45 minutes
  • Routine Goal: Develop Strong, Toned, and Symmetrical Buttocks
  • Target Gender: Male and Female Both
  • Workout Difficulty: Intermediate

Glute Building Workout Plan Schedule:

  • Week 1 to 3: Athlean X Glute Workout
  • Week 4 to 6: Bret Contreras Glute Workout
  • Week 7 to 9: Robin Gallant’s Intensive Glute Workout
  • Week 10 to 12: Jeff Nippard Glute Hypertrophy Workout

Keep the rest time between 30 seconds to 2 minutes between sets.

Week 1 to 3 – Athlean X Glute Workout

This training program involves performing an Athlean X 22-day glute workout program during the first three weeks.

The Athlean X glute workout program is created by Jeff Cavaliere, a popular fitness YouTuber, physical therapist, and certified strength and conditioning specialist.

He is known for his unique approach to training, which combines elements of physical therapy, strength training, and functional movement to help his clients achieve their fitness goals while avoiding injury.

Jeff’s 22-day guide includes performing glute-specific exercises on Monday and hamstring exercises on Thursday. This routine will bolster your backside and progress you for the next round of training.

Week 1 – Monday – Glute Workout

Dynamic Stretching

  • Toe Down Hip Lift: 30 seconds for each leg
  • Toe-Up Hip Lift: 30 seconds for each leg

Main Workout

Barbell Hip Thrust3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
Long Leg March3 rounds of 60 seconds each
Forward Leaning Step-up10 reps/side x 2

Week 1Thursday – Hamstring Workout

Romanian Deadlift (RDL)3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
Prone Frog Curl3 rounds of one minute each
Curtsy Lunge10 reps/side x 2

Week 2Monday – Glutes Workout

Perform the following exercises to activate your gluteal muscles:

  1. Toe-up Hip Swing: 30 seconds x each leg
  2. Toe-Down Hip Swing: 30 seconds x each leg

Main Workout

Single-leg Hip Thrust3-4 sets of 8-10 reps on each side
Dumbbell Frog Press3 sets of one minute each
Low Bar Squat3 sets of 10-12 reps

Week 2 – Thursday – Hamstring Workout

Single-leg Romanian DeadliftPerform 8 reps on each side x 3
Slick Floor Bridge Curl3 sets of 60 seconds each
Bulgarian Sprinter Squat2-3 sets x 10 reps/leg

Week 3 – Monday – Glute Training

Perform these exercises for glute activation:

  • Toe Down Hip Lift: 30-sec each leg
  • Toe-Up Hip Lift: 30-sec each leg

Main Workout:

Barbell Hip Thrust3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
Long Leg March3 rounds of 60 seconds each
Forward Leaning Step-upPerform 2-3 sets of 10 reps, each leg

Week 3 – Thursday – Hamstring Training

Romanian Deadlift (RDL)3-4 sets of 10-12 reps
Prone Frog Curl3 rounds of one minute each
Curtsy LungePerform 2-3 sets of 10 reps/leg

Week 4 to 6 – Bret Contreras Glute Workout

Bret Contreras, also known as Glute Guy, is the inventor of the hip thrust exercise and an expert in all things hip extension.

He has a Ph.D. in sports science and has expertise in studying the glutes and their role in athletic performance, strength training, and overall health and fitness.

Bret’s method of glute training is used by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and trainers worldwide.

This is why I’ve included his training in this 12 week glute guide. His routine will provide the optimal amount of mechanical tension, metabolic stress, and muscle damage to the glutes and help you develop firm gluteal muscles.3 How to Design an Optimal Glute Training Program By Bret Contreras

Note: This isn’t a replication of Bret’s Glute Program. I’ve made some changes that I believe can be effective for all fitness enthusiasts.

Week 4 – Monday – Glute Workout (Part A)

Barbell Hip ThrustStart with 10 reps, then 8, 6, and 15.
Goblet squat3 sets of 12 reps
Heavy Kettlebell Deadlift2 sets of 15 reps
45-Degree Hyperextension2 sets of 20 reps
Band Seated Hip Abduction2 sets of 20 reps

Week 4 – Thursday – Glute Workout (Part B)

Banded Hip Thrust3 sets of 10 reps
Walking Lunge25 reps/leg x 2
Reverse Hyperextension3 sets of 10 reps
Lateral Band Walk2 sets of 20 reps

Week 5 – Monday – Glute Training

Barbell Hip Thrust6 reps x 3 (Heavy)
Bulgarian Split Squat10 reps/leg x 2
45-Degree Hyperextension2 sets of 30 reps
Pendulum Quadruped Hip Extension10 reps/leg x 2
Band Side Lying Clam20 reps/leg x 2

Week 5 – Thursday – Glute and Thigh

Double-Banded Hip Thrust20 reps x 3
Cybex Leg Press10 reps x 3
American Deadlift8 reps x 2
Band Standing Hip Abduction20 reps x 2

Week 6 – Monday – Glute Training

Barbell Glute Bridge3 sets of 8-12 reps
Bodyweight/Cable Glute Kickback3 sets of 10-15 reps
Bodyweight Back Extension3 sets of 20-30 reps
Cable Standing Hip Abduction10 reps/leg x 2
Lateral Band Walks10 steps/side x 2

Week 6 – Thursday – Hamstring and Workout

Dumbbell Curtsy Lunge10 reps/leg x 2
Romanian Deadlift (RDL)3-4 sets of 6-8 reps
Dumbbell Prone Leg Curl3-4 sets of 8-10 reps
Leaning Single Leg Calf Raises20 reps/leg x 2

Week 7 to 9 – Robin Gallant Intensive Max Glute Hypertrophy

Robin Gallant is a notable female YouTuber in the fitness industry. Her Intensive Max Glute Hypertrophy program is one of the most effective routines to increase strength and mass in gluteal muscles.

You can include her routine in this 3 month glute transformation program to progress your growth.

Day 1 – Monday

Barbell Back Squat6-8 reps x 27
Barbell RDL10 reps x 39
Walking Lunges8-10 steps/leg x 39
Single Leg Prone Leg Curl8-10 reps/leg x 39
Seated Calf Press Machine30 reps x 310

Please note: Here, RPE (rate of perceived exertion) is a self-measure of how hard you’re pushing yourself to complete the reps. It is a scale of 1-10, with 6-7 being a warm-up, 8 being 2-4 reps left in the tank before failure, 9 stopping one rep shy of complete failure, and 10 is going to complete failure (minor form breakdown acceptable).

Day 3- Wednesday

Squat Press (Or Leg Press)10-1249
Cable Squat Pull Through10-1549
Cable Glute Kickback10/side49
Machine Hip Abduction3049
Roman Chair Calf Raises3039

Day 5- Friday

American Deadlift6-828
Barbell Step Up8-1039
Cable Romanian Deadlift8-1039
Kneeling Leg Curl10-1239

Week 10 to 12 – Jeff Nippard Glute Hypertrophy Workout

Jeff Nippard is one of my favorite fitness YouTubers. I like his knowledge, research, and presentation of information.

Jeff is a natural bodybuilder, powerlifter, and fitness coach. He helps people achieve their desired shape through his YT channel and training programs.

I found his glute hypertrophy workout program useful, so I’ve decided to add some part of it to this routine.

Please note: I’ve adjusted this program so it can fit all. Plus, it only includes glute (and lower body) training, meaning you can incorporate it into your workout routine, depending on the training split you follow.

Monday – Glute Strength Training

Barbell Hip Thrust10-1238
Hip Thrust (Drop Set)15-2018
Cable Pull Through10-1238
Single-Leg Hip Thrust12-1539
Cable Glute Kickback12-1538
Standing Calf Raises15-2038

Thursday – Lower Body Workout

Banded Squat Bouncer20-2538
Banded Lateral Walk20/side28
Machine/Band Hip Abduction20-2528
Frog Pump30-5028
Lower Back Extension15-2038

Download The Glute Building Workout Plan PDF


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Often Should You Train Your Glutes?

You can train your glutes one to three times weekly. Training once will help you sustain your strength, and 2-3 times will make them firm and beefy. However, use the above program as an example if you want to hammer your backside twice or thrice a week.

Can You Transform Your Glutes in 12 Weeks?

Yes, you can develop sturdy and sizeable glutes in three months by following the above program and consuming the proper diet.

Can a Beginner Follow This Routine?

This routine is not suitable for beginners. If you want to follow this program, I suggest you bolster your foundational strength and learn the basics. After you gain some experience, you’ll able to do the exercises outlined in the above routine.

Can You Make Changes to This Program?

You can adjust this program according to your needs. For example, you can replace some exercises, increase and decrease interval time between sets, and reduce and increase the number of repetitions.


12 Week Glute Program to Transform Your Booty with Free PDF - The Fitness Phantom (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.