Are Stink Bugs Poisonous, Dangerous Or Harmful To Humans And Pets? (2024)

Owning a pet means having to occasionally demand that they spit out whatever’s in their mouth. Sometimes, it’s a harmless bunch of grass or a found bit of biscuit, but other times, it’s a stink bug. But, are stink bugs poisonous or even dangerous to you or your pet? Let’s walk through the particulars of this very intense insect.

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Are Stink Bugs Poisonous, Dangerous Or Harmful To Humans And Pets? (1)

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What Is a Stink Bug?

There are lots of different kinds of stink bugs present in North America, from plant-feeding stink bugs that can be annoying in gardens, to predatory ones that eat many different garden pests. Plant-feeding stink bugs can cause damage to garden crops and fruit on trees and bushes, but rarely cause serious problems in home gardens.

Predatory stink bugs are actually a great benefit to homeowners because they eat so many different kinds of pests, from armyworms to potato and bean beetles. This is why it’s so important to identify your stink bugs properly before making any control decisions, even if your pets are finding them to be delicious. You might just create a huge problem for yourself by eliminating your friendly neighborhood garden patrol.

Where Do Stink Bugs Come From?

Although there are over 200 species of stink bugs in North America, they are native to Asia and were accidentally introduced to the United States in the late 1900s. Since they do not have any natural predators and can rapidly spread, stink bugs have become established in many areas of the country. For instance, the Brown Marmorated stink bug (BMSB) (Halyomorpha halys) is native to China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. They were discovered in eastern Pennsylvania in 1998 and have quickly become one of North America’s most problematic stink bugs, with a presence in 41 states.

Can Stink Bugs Hurt You?

Although some people have the preconceived notion that stink bugs are “poisonous,” the invasive bugs are typically only harmful to your gardens and other pests, like armyworms, potato and bean beetles. If, by chance, you are allergic to the fluid stink bugs produce when defending themselves, you may show common signs of allergies and dermatological symptoms. However, if you are exposed to a stink bug’s defensive compound, it is recommended to remove the ill-smelling substance by washing the affected skin with soap and water.

Can Stink Bugs Bite or Sting You?

With a name like “stink bug,” you may assume that they are more harmful than they are. Fortunately, most stink bugs do not bite, sting or spread disease. The most harm most stink bugs cause is the ill-smelling substance they release as a defense tactic or if accidentally crushed. That said, there are some species of stink bugs that do occasionally bite. While these bites are usually harmless to humans, certain individuals may have an allergic reaction to the bite, resulting in symptoms like redness, swelling and itching.

How Do Animals React to Stink Bugs?

When a dog or a cat decides to investigate a stink bug, they almost always will end up in their mouths eventually. That’s the bad news about owning a pet. Everything ends up getting tasted. When that thing being consumed is a stink bug, it may look really awful because stink bugs taste very bitter.

Animals tend to froth at the mouth, or throw up, when they eat stink bugs because of the bitter compounds found within the insect and those that the insect extrudes to try to protect itself. The good news is that if your pet has a good memory, they won’t try to eat another one.

What Should I Do if My Pet Eats a Stink Bug?

Don’t worry if your pet eats a stink bug, they’re not poisonous or dangerous in any way. They may make your pet sick to their stomach, or cause diarrhea in severe cases, but unless your pet has an unknown allergy to stink bugs, there’s nothing further to concern yourself with. They’ll just have to digest it and let the situation pass, as it were.

If your pet shows any signs of swelling or breathlessness, that’s a different story, and could be a sign of an allergy. Call your veterinarian and describe the symptoms in detail, as well as what the pet was doing when they started. If your pet has a rare stink bug allergy, they may require veterinary care, but this is a very, very unusual situation.


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How to Identify Stink Bugs

Stink bugs are readily identifiable, with their shield-shaped bodies, long antennae and long jointed limbs. Once you’ve seen one, the entire family is obvious on sight. The trickier part is distinguishing friend from foe, which can help you decide what to do next.

One of the most problematic stink bugs in North America is the Brown Marmorated stink bug (BMSB) (Halyomorpha halys). It’s an invasive species that has a nasty habit of overwintering in and near homes, creating a very stinky situation should you attempt to evict them. It’s never one or two with the BMSB, it’s one and hundreds or thousands of his best friends.

The BMSB is, of course, brown, and about ⅔-inch long. If you find them in large groups in your attic or wall voids, this is all you’ll need to make a solid identification, but on the off chance you find a straggler, look for two lighter bands on each of the antennae and darker bands on the tips of the front set of wings. They also have copper or blue metallic depressions on their heads and shoulders and white bands on the edge of their abdomens.

How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs

Like many other pests, stink bugs are looking for a warm place to live for the winter and a food source. So, if you find some in your home, it is not as large a problem as roaches or bed bugs, but you’ll undoubtedly want to get rid of your unwanted guests. There are several tactics you can use to eradicate stink bugs, such as:

  • Remove Light Sources:Stink bugs are attracted to light. Start by turning off any outside lights at dusk and leaving them off overnight.
  • Eliminate Entry Points:Walk the perimeter of your home and inspect for cracks in your foundation or replace broken or damaged windows or screens to ensure the stink bugs do not have any entry points into your home.
  • Avoid Leaving Food Laying Out:If you notice a few stink bugs, practice keeping any food items stored in a refrigerator or tightly sealed container.
  • Check Items Coming Inside From Storage:Inspect all items stored in bins before bringing them into your home.
  • Install Screens Over Outside Vents:Install fine-mesh screens over any outside vents.
  • Use Essential Oils:To treat or prevent stink bug issues, mix 10 to 20 drops of essential oil into a cup of water, add the mixture to a spray bottle and treat all windowsills and doorways.

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How to Prevent Stink Bugs

If you’ve determined what kind of stink bugs are bugging you and your pet, and they’re not the sort that are actually helping you out, you may want to try to keep them away from your animals in the future. It’s impossible to eliminate all insects in an outdoor setting, but by making it harder for them to earn a living, you certainly can deter them.

If you keep a garden, this can be a huge draw for BMSB, but using row covers can help keep them both out of your produce and out of your yard. Without anything to eat, they’ll find somewhere else to be and someone else to annoy. Row covers can be a challenge during fruit set, however, because pollinators will be equally excluded from your crops, so you’ll need to either carefully time your placements or hand pollinate.

Traps are available for stink bugs with lures that will help you determine how many are active in your area. These aren’t really useful for destroying large populations, and can draw more stink bugs into an area where they haven’t been, so you’ll have to be very judicious about their use. Replace the lure regularly and you’ll have a good idea of how many are within luring distance. If you don’t catch many, your problem is likely just an occasional stink bug.

When it comes to stink bugs in the house, your best bet is to exclude them aggressively. Pets can easily find and catch stink bugs that have been hibernating inside and are suddenly active in the springtime, or that have popped out of hibernation on a sunny winter day.


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Make sure that all screens, doors and windows fit tightly, that your home is properly weatherized and that any cracks between the attic and living space are sealed with caulk or expanding foam. You can also build a stink bug trap indoors by placing a roasting pan filled with water (with just a few drops of dish soap) near where they’ve been seen. Darken the room and point a light into the pan to draw them to their doom. Clean the water pan each day until you no longer see stink bugs collect.

Are Stink Bugs Poisonous, Dangerous Or Harmful To Humans And Pets? (2024)


Are Stink Bugs Poisonous, Dangerous Or Harmful To Humans And Pets? ›

Franklin, a veterinarian at the Mid-Atlantic Veterinary Hospital, stink bugs aren't poisonous, but the smelly secretions from stink bugs will irritate the gastrointestinal tract of dogs and cats. This irritation may produce symptoms of vomiting and/or excessive drooling by dogs and cats.

What happens if a stink bug bites you? ›

In these cases, a stink bug bite is not poisonous, even though it may hurt. More often than not, someone may get an allergic reaction to the compounds released by stink bugs, according to Healthline. Some may experience a runny nose or a rash, known as dermatitis, if they come in contact with a crushed stink bug.

Can a stink bug hurt my dog? ›

Stink bugs are not poisonous to dogs, but because they have unpleasant secretions that help protect them from predators, your dog may find that eating them is incredibly unpleasant. After eating or even licking a stink bug, your dog may vomit or begin drooling excessively.

What can a stink bug do to a human? ›

With a name like “stink bug,” you may assume that they are more harmful than they are. Fortunately, most stink bugs do not bite, sting or spread disease. The most harm most stink bugs cause is the ill-smelling substance they release as a defense tactic or if accidentally crushed.

Can you get sick from stink bugs? ›

Stink bugs meet the definition of being poisonous but nowhere near the extent of numerous venomous reptiles or spiders that inject their venom. On rare occasions, stink bugs may cause allergies and dermatological symptoms when someone is highly allergic to the fluid they produce when defending themselves.

What kills stink bugs instantly? ›

Yes, several substances can kill stink bugs on contact. Spraying a mixture of water and dish soap or insecticidal soap on stink bugs can effectively kill them. Pyrethrin-based insecticides and rubbing alcohol solutions also kill stink bugs on contact.

What attracts stink bugs in your house? ›

Stink bugs love to feed on fruits and vegetables, particularly tomatoes, apples, and stone fruits. If you don't properly seal your kitchen trash can or leave fruits and vegetables out on the counter, stink bugs will be able to smell the food and are more likely to be attracted to your home.

How long do stink bugs live? ›

Both nymphs and adults feed on plants and fruit. Stink bug adults will continue to feed and reproduce during summer. Depending upon the species and where they live, the pests may create more than one generation per year (up to 400 eggs during their lifetime). Adult stink bugs tend to live between 6 – 8 months.

What is the purpose of stink bugs? ›

A few species of stink bug are predators of other insects. These predatory stink bugs can actually help protect crops against destructive pests. They eat caterpillars, beetles and even plant-feeding stink bugs. Stink bugs can become household pests when they invade homes for warmth.

What animal kills stink bugs? ›

The list of native natural enemies that attack brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) includes other species of insects, spiders, and even some birds and mammals. For instance, birds to a certain extent, feed on BMSB adults[1], and small mammals such as rats may feed on BMSB eggs[2].

What happens if a stink bug touches you? ›

Stink bugs excrete odorous bodily fluids as a defensive mechanism when threatened. If the toxic fluid gets into the human eye, it can cause unexpected chemical burns or injury.

What bad things do stink bugs do? ›

Adult stink bugs emerge in the spring to feed on plants – which is why they pose a big threat to agriculture. This insect feeds on numerous fruits, vegetables, leaves, and field crops. While feeding, they leave physical damage to the fruit, like pitting and scarring.

Do stink bugs go in your bed? ›

Stink bugs are intrepid explorers inside the home, lumbering along any surface — countertop, couch, toaster or bed.

What happens if a stink bug crawls on you? ›

What happens if a stink bug gets on you? If a stink bug lands on you, it may release its foul-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism. While it can be unpleasant and cause temporary skin irritation, it is not toxic or harmful to humans.

Why do we suddenly have stink bugs? ›

Native to Asia, stink bugs were accidentally introduced into the United States sometime during the late 1990s. Since America is not where stink bugs originally come from, they do not have any natural predators here and can therefore rapidly spread.

What is a fun fact about stink bugs? ›

Stink bugs manually secrete their stink by releasing a liquid substance from pores located in their abdomens. They release this liquid when they're frightened, threatened, or crushed. They'll also produce it to attract other stink bugs during congregation season in fall.

Are stink bugs toxic to skin? ›

Are stink bugs poisonous? While the name might be deceiving, stink bugs are not dangerous or poisonous. Stink bugs don't bite or sting, making them more of a nuisance than a danger. Therefore, both humans and pets are safe from any toxic effects, as stink bugs also do not carry diseases or possess venomous attributes.

What do stinkbug bites look like? ›

Stink bugs do not bite. They do not have fangs or a stinger but instead have a sucking mouth part. They are attracted to plant matter and fruits, including the fruit from trees that drop long bean pods, rather than seeking human flesh.

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