Deadly Cross (Alex Cross, #28) (2024)


4,091 reviews12.9k followers

December 8, 2020

Alex Cross is back for yet another adventure along the streets of D.C., which means James Patterson has been at it again. When the former wife of a high-ranking politician turns up dead, Cross is on the case. He’s also working with his partner to discover who’s been kidnapping and murdering a number of young women. This is sure to be one summer that will keep Cross busy. A decent addition for series fans, but there’s something lacking in this latest novel.

Alex Cross loves nothing more than spending time with his family, but when work calls, he knows where he’s needed. The former wife of the current vice-president has been found murdered and Cross is willing to step up to help. It would seem that their past acquaintance is not going to help as much as Cross had hoped, as tabloid journalists try to use it to smear her and leave Cross in an awkward position.

While working that case and taking direction from the Chief of Detectives—Cross’ own wife, Bree Stone—Cross and his partner, John Sampson, begin working on a series of kidnappings of young women. What’s worse, some of the women have turned up murdered, leaving little doubt that there’s a serial killer on the loose. Cross and Sampson begin a thorough analysis of the case, but a personal tragedy strikes, sidelining the affable Sampson.

As Cross splits his time between cases, he’s not getting the traction he had hoped, which is causing a significant amount of pressure up the chain of command. Bree is feeling the heat from her own superiors and loses it at one point, wondering if police work is really for her. It’s no easy decision, but, like Cross, family comes before the badge.

After Cross finds himself in rural Alabama working some leads, he learns something that could solve the case that has those on Capitol Hill buzzing. It could be a red herring, but there’s no time to leave anything to chance. What Cross learns blows the case wide open, forcing everyone to question what they know and who they can trust.

Back in D.C., it’s anyone’s guess who could be killing young women, but Sampson bounces back, using work as a salve, and discovers a few breadcrumbs of his own. With so much set to chance in the Cross sphere, solving these cases might help with what’s on the horizon.

I have long enjoyed the work of James Patterson on this series, one of the few that he has kept for himself. While Cross does not seem to lose his finesse, there’s something about this book that left me less than fully enthralled. I have mentioned it before and will do so again, might it be time for Dr. Alex Cross to hang up the cuffs and let others handle things?

Alex Cross returns to reprise his role as protagonist, though there is little backstory or actual development to be had. Cross lives for the moment, watching his family continue to grow and the cases pile up. He’s still likeable, works hard, and loves his family. I guess I expected something new to rejuvenate him as a character all his own. I did not dislike him whatsoever, but there’s something lacking that left me almost indifferent throughout the novel.

With a core of close knit supporting characters, Patterson does well to keep the large story arc going. There are the requisite new faces who appear to keep the cases flowing well and leave the reader with others to explore. A little backstory appears here and there, but the reader gets much of their narrative development with the police work that is being done throughout the book.

I always find it hard to stay loyal to a series when things seem to taper off. Not that this collection has fallen into horrible disarray, but it lacks what it once had, hardcore crime work and cliffhangers that leaver the reader wondering. Patterson is able to keep his protagonist moving and guessing, though there is a lack of spark that I remember from earlier novels. Surely, Cross is aging and his family is getting more independent, but if that means it’s time to fade into the sunset, let’s take that route and move along. Other series that have lasted this long have their protagonist moving into retirement. I wonder if this is an option that Patterson’s considered. Not that he’s not busy enough overseeing others writing books with his name on it.

The writing itself is still fairly strong and the story he’d my attention throughout. I was eager to see how Cross would handle things and was happy to see the narrative’s momentum did not lag. Short chapters kept me pushing ahead, wondering what was to come next, though I was not as riveted as I would have liked. Those who have dedicated themselves to the series may also see the writing on the wall. I’ll keep reading, but I can only hope that Patterson ties things off with dignity for this long-serving detective, and we don’t have him perishing in an alley, blood pooling around him.

Kudos, Mr. Patterson, for keeping Alex Cross going. Perhaps it’s time for a mega crossover (with Women’s Murder Club and Michael Bennett) before calling it a career for the Metro detective.

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2,178 reviews1,091 followers

December 6, 2020

My #1 series by JP that always get 4-5 stars, but not this time.

Deadly Cross started out good, unfortunately it became a snoozefest. I would recommend you skip it but I can't since there's a major event happening in this one.

I don't enjoy this new voice as Alex Cross, but will keep an open mind ....

    audiobook fiction james-patterson

Mandy White (mandylovestoread)

2,353 reviews675 followers

November 8, 2020

Alex Cross is back for book 28! And it is very much reminiscent of the Alex Cross of old, with much more emphasis on the police work than there has been recently - and I loved it. You would absolutely want Alex and his team on your side if you were in trouble. All the gang is here for this one, and I love that Nanna Mama still rules the roost!

Alex and John Sampson are called the scene of a double murder, victims have been shot in the back of a car in the parking lot of a school. The couple are high profile and known to Alex. The male is his daughters school principal and the woman is Kay Willingham, the ex wife of the current vice president. This is going to be one hell of a case with the media all over it. Who would kill them and why? A suspect is soon in custody but Alex is not convinced and with good reasons. Along with his wife, Bree, the chief of police, they keep working the case, clues taking them somewhere they never expected it to.

Of course, as with all Alex Cross novels, there is so much more going on in the characters personal lives, The kids are growing up and the relationships of all the family members is developing.

This a rollercoaster ride, never letting go of the pace right til the end. I cannot recommend James Patterson books more.

thanks to Random House UK and Netgalley for my advanced copy of this book to read.

    james-patterson net-galley z-read-in-2020


4,492 reviews2,859 followers

September 30, 2021

The Vice President’s ex-wife, Kay Willingham and principal of a private school, Randall Christopher were both found shot dead in a Bentley in the early hours of the morning. Finding their killers was paramount for Detective Alex Cross and his best friend, Detective John Sampson. Along with FBI Special Agent Ned Mahoney, they searched for evidence, and investigated leads. Cross and Mahoney travelled to Alabama where Kay had lived as a youngster, where her life had taken a nasty turn.

In the meantime, Cross’ wife, Chief of Police Bree Stone, was hunting for a serial killer who was abducting young women and their bodies would be found a few days later. Bree and Alex spent time weaving their family life with their jobs, spending as much time with Nana Mama, Jannie and Ali as was possible. But often their days were eighteen hours long, meaning family time was thin on the ground. But among the corruption, secrets and lies, Cross, Sampson and Mahoney were getting closer to the killers...

Deadly Cross is the 28th in the Alex Cross series by James Patterson and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Fast paced with favourite characters gracing the pages, there was some sadness in this one. But Cross and Sampson, along with Bree are great characters and I’m looking forward to #29 later on this year. I love the feisty Nana Mama as well – long may she remain in this series! Highly recommended.

    2020-release 5000-2021 crime


925 reviews218 followers

December 20, 2020

I was bored and then I was confused.

Two entirely different investigations going on at the same time. Oh wait. I think there were actually three.
Two were resolved and maybe the third was also resolved and I missed it. (If anyone can help me out here I’d appreciate it).
There are a lot of moving parts and a lot of people to keep track of until frankly I just gave up trying to keep them straight.

I always enjoy catching up with the Cross family since I feel I have known them since 1993.

This wasn’t anything like the very early books, but then kudos must go to any author who can keep a character going for this length of time.

Mick Dubois

439 reviews46 followers

November 12, 2020

Alex Cross is one of my favourite sleuths and he has a career as extensive as that of Poirot. This is already the 28th book in this series and I’ve read only a couple of those but could follow everything in this story without any problem.

Alex Cross is a psychotherapist who consults for Metro PD and his wife is chief of detectives. In the past, he has been both an FBI analyst and a homicide detective.
The book starts with two 16-year-olds robbing a couple that has been shot. The man is a local principal, famous for his involvement in the community. The woman is the ex-wife of the vice-president who still loves and respects her and becomes involved in the investigation. It’s a long time unclear if it is the past of either victim is the reason for the murder. There are also 2 other cases going on that need time from Cross. There are several girls from the same area raped and murdered over a long period. On top of that, rich and influential men are being shot at and a few take a shot up their rear end. When this happens to a friend of the commissioner, it’s all hands on deck.

That’s a lot of things to investigate. I’ve got to say that in this story there’s more slowly evolving, hard grafting policework than elaborate psychological theories.
Patterson is famous for his short sharp chapters that turn out to be a real honeytrap for me. When taking a book to bed, it’s far too tempting to read just that one extra chapter and before long it’s hours later. So, yes another all-nighter here. For long-term readers, it should carry a warning that we have to say goodbye to a beloved character in the series. It’s a very clever story that combines 3 different cases, emotional heartache and a satisfying solution.
Cross and many characters are African-Americans. As a European, I always wonder about that strange US term ‘African-American’. I’ve never heard the word ‘African-English’ (other than to describe a language that is, never a person) or ‘African-Belgian’. Those people are merely Belgian or English without any emphasis on their skin colour. We just don’t have this obsession with race. I’ve never heard the term ‘Caucasian-American’ neither if you want to be that politically correct. It gives me bad vibes that make me think about apartheid.
I received a free ARC from NetGalley and Century and this is my honest and unbiased review of it.

    american-crime crime favourites
January 12, 2021

This is the best Alex Cross book I've read in a while. Dr. Cross has to juggle a lot as he investigates a double homicide, a serial rapist / murderer, and a nut shooting rich people in the ass. I like how Patterson mixes in all the cases. It feels more like a real police detective's job. I also like how Cross doesn't do it all himself and relies on Bree, Sampson, and Ned Mahoney for help.



3,367 reviews530 followers

December 28, 2020

The ex-wife of the Vice President (Kay Willingham) is socialite, philanthropist, with an abiding care for the indigent, going back to her Alabaman roots. She and the married head of a charter school, whom she is grooming for a mayoral run are murdered in a her fancy limousine, in a compromising position. Alex and his FBI partner are called in, and his wife, Washington Metro PD's chief of detectives, Bree Stone is also asked to help. The wife of married head falls under suspicion, whom Alex saves. There is also a serial killer on the loose, creating a second investigation. Tragedy strikes Alex's closest friend, Detective John Sampson, requiring the entire Cross family to help. Alex is able to follow a twisted thread leading back to Alabama and family secrets, which the VP would prefer to leave buried. The serial killer story and kidnapping of school girls gets a jump start with the use of technology creating a new leads on past crimes.


8stitches 9lives

2,856 reviews1,660 followers

November 24, 2020

Deadly Cross in the twenty-eighth instalment in the psychologist Dr Alex Cross series, which revolves around the murder of a glamorous Washington DC-based socialite. Kay Willingham led a life as glamorous as it was public-she was a gorgeous Georgetown socialite, philanthropist, and the ex-wife of the vice president. So why was she parked in a Bentley convertible idling behind a DC private school, in the middle of the night, with the man who was the head of that school? Who shot them both, point-blank, and why? The shocking double homicide is blazed across the internet, TV, newspapers -- and across Alex Cross's mind. Kay had been his patient once. And maybe more. While John Sampson of DC Metro Police investigates the last movements of Christopher Randall, the educator killed along with Kay Willingham, detective Alex Cross and FBI special agent Ned Mahoney find unanswered questions from Willingham's past, before she arrived in DC and became known in DC society as someone who could make things happen. They travel to Alabama to investigate Kay's early years. There they find a world of trouble, corruption, and secrets, all of them closed to outsiders like Cross and Mahoney.

Kay had many enemies, but all of them seemed to need her alive. The harder the investigators push, the more resistance they find when they leave behind the polite law offices and doctors' quarters of the state capital. Alex Cross will need to use all his skills as a doctor, a detective, and a family man to prevent that resistance from turning lethal...again. This is a compulsive, addictive and pacey addition to the series and surprisingly it shows no signs of losing stream despite the long run. The narrative is twisty and written in such a way that you become immersed almost instantaneously in the plot and the clever use of short, snappy chapters builds the tension slowly but surely as the story progresses. You are barely given a moment to breathe throughout the action-packed, high-octane tale and so long as you aren't expecting a narrative reflective of reality then you're in for another cracking and thoroughly entertaining read from Patterson. I was blindsided time and again by liberal use of misdirection and my countless guesses never amounted to anything close to the truth when it was eventually revealed. A nailbiting, riveting page-turner that provides some much-needed escapism. Highly recommended.


410 reviews34 followers

September 30, 2020

This is the 28th book in the Alex Cross series.... 28th! Only a really good series can last this long. The Alex Cross series of books has lasted so long and stood the test of time, due to its originality and excellent writing. You might imagine a police procedural/thriller would be feeling a little stale to read nowadays but this trope is 100% fresh anytime a new AC novel comes out. James Patterson writes with the confidence of longevity and masterful storytelling.

Deadly Cross is a fabulous entry into this series - it's gritty, detail oriented and heavy of the police procedural side of things, more so than the immediately previous entries. This is the work I love from JP. It felt like his earlier work, which in my opinion is the best of his work.

When Alex's former patient turns up dead, he sets out to investigate the mysterious circ*mstances surrounding her death. She is an ex-patient of his, and as the blurb speculates - maybe more? She was once a high flyer on the political scene, thanks to her marriage to the vice president and as a socialite and philanthropist, she lived her life in the spotlight. How has she ended up murdered? Alex must find out.

I enjoyed this a lot. It was a great read, kept me hooked, and in fact I read it very quickly. (I don't read that fast, but this one took me about 2 days). If you are already a fan of JP then definitely check this out. If you aren't aware of his work, or haven't got round to reading any of his books yet, then I can 100% recommend this to you. The series is fab when read it as a whole, but each can be read as a standalone, so pick this one up for a thrilling chase and a bit of that old detective/psychologist we know and love.

Thank you NetGalley for my copy of this one.


888 reviews76 followers

December 6, 2020

Deadly Cross – Another Patterson Classic

When Patterson is on familiar ground with familiar characters, even though murder is involved, it is like reading a thriller comfort blanket. You may know what you will get, Alex Cross the victorious investigator in the end. But that never detracts from the writing or the story, Cross being the best in the business is a happy coincidence.

When the glamourous ex-wife of the Vice-President, and a school principal are found murdered in the back of her car, on school grounds, so starts a tale of corruption, lies and any attempt at murder possible. While there is a side-story of an ongoing investigation that Cross, and his partner also need to complete.

The side-story is a race against time to solve a serial killer who has the habit of kidnaping females and then murdering them at a later date. This investigation almost collides with Cross’ socialite murder case.

During the investigations, tragedy strikes Cross’ friend and colleague, when his wife dies due to heart disease brought about by lymes disease. Alex Cross manages to step up for his friends and colleague, whilst keeping the investigation on track.

While other investigators may be thrown off course by the various events that happen around Washington DC, it does not bother Cross, who will successfully lead the investigations to a conclusion. Then he can head off and be a family man once again with his children and wife.



1,452 reviews161 followers

April 10, 2023

Alex Cross and his partner Sampson get involved with the murder of a school principal and the ex-wife of the current Vice-president. The book is never about politics only about the private life of said politician, which I find is a welcome chance these days. Cross and his old FBI partner pour into this murder and any reason for the kill.
Cross’s wife Bree and Sampson are into hunting a serial rapist who practices go back years, and he proofs to be an elusive criminal.
There is a lot of personal stuff happening as well. But with the token short chapters this book is a pretty quick read. The storylines are pretty straightforward and there is little in great surprises.

The Patterson Cross novels are becoming more of a comfort food and fairly predictable but still enjoyable. This one is an easy read and does not waste your time too much.

    2023 police-stories

Aniruddha M

189 reviews19 followers

December 30, 2020

A double homicide, a serial rapist-killer, a nutcase-all need to be found. Dr
Alex Cross is the man to solve it all along with his wife - Bree Stone and partners John Sampson and Ned Mahoney & then heartbreaking tragedy strikes very close to home! Can he overcome all odds and solve the mysteries? My review is here Do Read, Like, Comment or Share 🚩
#alexcross #jamespatterson #bookreviews


3,934 reviews

June 8, 2021

Only James Patterson could weave so many simultaneous mysteries into one thriller. Although it may be challenging for readers to keep up with the many subplots, it must be very realistic that the Washington PD and the FBI would be working multiple cases at once. Upping the ante (top cop administration always seeks swift arrests for high profile crimes) for consultant/psychiatrist Alex and his Chief of Detectives wife Bree are the deaths of a popular charter school principal and the ex-wife of the Vice-President of the United States. A string of serial murders of young girls is still unsolved, and more girls go missing. A popular recurring character dies unexpectedly. Patterson weaves in my favorite parts - appearances by the Cross Family, including son Ali, daughter Jannie, and the ageless Nana Mama. It wouldn't be a Patterson novel without endless complications, including a domestic terrorist shooting wealthy people in their derrieres, inheritance scams, crooked lawyers, paid assassins, love triangles, racial prejudice, death row drama, and a mental health asylum that holds clues to all the mayhem. I totally enjoyed how it all came together- vintage Patterson. Long live Alex and Nana Mama!

Natalie M

1,205 reviews59 followers

January 11, 2021

Good but not great.

It is quite remarkable to read a Patterson that is not co-authored and Alex Cross remains my favourite of all his detectives. The book follows the typical Patterson crime/mystery formula. The pace and short chapters create a fast-moving drama. The plot is fairly standard with few curveballs and this definitely was an area I was hoping for more suspense and intrigue. The other let down was the limited development of characters (the only bit of new info was related to Bree).
The John Sampson aspect I found lacked heart and soul.

Having read all 28 books (over the decades), this instalment could easily be skipped. It almost felt like I was reading a book that leads to rounding up to thirty for the conclusion of the Alex Cross character (who knows). Still a family man, with morals and values that remain true and strong, no matter what.

A bit above average and if you miss it you won't be behind in the series.

    crime mystery

Ron Wroblewski

613 reviews154 followers

November 6, 2022

Another Alex Cross triller, hunting down a serial killer pursuing young girls. Yes, a surprise ending, I love the Cross family parts also. He has 3 kids and a 90+ year old grandma and he is married to a detective who pursues killers along with him.



742 reviews27 followers

November 27, 2020

This Alex Cross book was reminiscent of his earlier ones in the series. It moved along at a good pace.


499 reviews50 followers

December 16, 2020

I’ve been reading James Patterson books for over twenty years. During that time, like most of his fans, my favorite character has always been Alex Cross. He was Patterson’s first detective series that helped lay the foundation for his kingdom of several bestselling series and stand-alone novels. For me, Alex has remained a fierce, intellectual knight of moral character and the proper use of action. I remember reading the Alex’s first adventure, “Along came a Spider” and almost cried when Alex, then a widower, faced the loss of his new love in an ending twist I would never forget.
In the twenty-seven years following, there have been some good (and excellent) adventures and some less-than-stellar outings along the way, but I generally looked forward to the end of each year when another Alex Cross adventure was published.

Now, the 28th book in the series – “Deadly Cross” – is in my hands and the reading completed.

The book opens with a double murder. The two victims are Kay Willingham, ex-wife of the vice president and socialite philanthropist, and Randall Christopher, founder and principal of Harrison Charter High school. They were found shot to death in the backseat of a Bentley convertible behind Christopher’s school. To make matters, Kay was a former patient of Alex’s years ago.

Alex Cross teams up with his DC police partner, John Sampson, and FBI special agent Ned Mahoney to investigate their murders. However, the closer they look at Kay’s past, they find a lot of unanswered questions regarding her on and off again mental health struggles. Her history in DC society was that of someone who got things done, that is until her breakdown and divorce from the vice president right before his biggest election. As Alex sifts through the clues that led to murder, he finds himself in a world of legal corruption and abuse that knows no end.

Now, as any avid fan would expect, one major murder investigation is not enough for our hero, Alex Cross. Patterson runs multiple plots, jumping all over the place from Alex’s professional life one moment to his family situations the next. This time, Alex finds himself knee-deep in not one, not two, but three different investigations, dealing with a death of a close family friend, and supporting his wife’s surprising career changing opportunity. There’s a lot happening in this book. Patterson through in everything including the kitchen sink. Most of it was good and I liked the way he connected things. Still, it felt almost too busy at times for me, rushing from one storyline to another like that didn’t leave much time to really get into and absorb what was happening in any of those particular plots. They just raced by at breakneck speed.

Overall, this was a typical Patterson thriller recipe. The tempo was fastmoving with lots of drama. The plotlines pretty much followed his standard developments and delivery, including a few curveballs thrown in to make the outcome more interesting. There wasn’t much family development other than Bree’s storyline, which I enjoyed quite a bit. She deserves some well- earned time in the spotlight. The focus was more on Alex’s best friend, John Sampson, and his family, which deserved some stage time too. However, this time out the mystery elements lacked some suspense. Although Patterson did a nice job of finding ways to link the various storylines together at certain points, they didn’t provide a strong sense of suspense and the primary plot outcome felt a little disappointing.

Over three decades and 28 books, the character of Alex Cross has hunted many serial killers. He has faced many life-threatening moments. He has done his best to keep his family safe and support them. He has grown and changed in many ways, but his ethical and moral compass remains true and strong, a prime example and model for doing good, no matter what the situation is. He has stood the test of time and still shines bright most of the time. This time was not great nor bad. Somewhere in the middle, a bit above average.

Julie Lacey

1,798 reviews111 followers

November 25, 2020

Another brilliant book in the Alex Cross series.
This is James Patterson at his best.
The main story follows the shooting of the Vice President’s ex-wife and the local school headteacher. They are shot whilst in their car but also subject to theft of their personal belongings.
There’s another story running alongside this of teenage girls being abducted, raped and murdered, so Alex, Bree, Sampson and Ned definitely have their hands full.
As with all Alex Cross books, there’s plenty of focus on the crimes but equal time is given to Cross and his family, including his best friend John Sampson.
This could be read as a stand-alone book but you’d get more out of it if you’ve been following the series.
Reading this series feels like I’m catching up with old friends now.
This is a huge five star read for me as I loved everything about this book.
Thanks to Random House UK and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

Adah Udechukwu

668 reviews86 followers

December 2, 2020

James Patterson is definitely not slowing down. Deadly Cross is another 5 star novel in the series.

Scott A. Miller

559 reviews19 followers

January 27, 2021

Another great Cross mystery. This one had my until the end. Patterson wove the cases into a very solid whole to give us one of the better Cross books in recent memory.


330 reviews74 followers

December 31, 2021

After reading the first 23 Alex Cross books, I took a break from the series for about five years before reading Deadly Cross. I missed a few books in the meantime (either four or six, depending on how the books are counted within the series). But even though I’m sure I missed some pertinent events along the way, I was quickly able to get back up to speed with Alex’s professional career and his family life.

In this one, FBI Special Agent in Charge Ned Mahoney calls Alex in to help investigate the double murder of the socialite ex-wife of the Vice President and a respected charter school principal. Meanwhile, Alex’s wife, DC Metro police detective Bree Stone, is working on a case involving the abduction and killing of teenage girls from the Southeast DC community. Alex and Mahoney are facing pressure from the Vice President to solve his ex-wife’s murder, but at the same time, Alex is doing his best to assist Bree in tracking down the serial kidnapper/murderer.

Deadly Cross is written with Patterson’s trademarked (maybe literally) fast-paced style, with lots of action and short chapters that keep the reader turning the pages. I thought that the double-murder case was much more interesting than the serial-killer case, but the inclusion of the two simultaneous investigations definitely ratcheted up the suspense. A 3.5-star rating would probably reflect my view of the book most accurately, but I rounded up in part because the Alex Cross series books are always reliable entertainment. At some point, I will probably go back and read those that I’ve missed, as well as the subsequent books in the series.

    fiction james-patterson thriller

Sandra Hoover

1,313 reviews218 followers

May 29, 2024

Another action-packed book in the Alex Cross series! Every book is high octane, chase 'em down, shoot 'em out action from cover to cover. Every book I hold my breath wondering who the author will kill off...this one broke my heart. I can't help but question why??? But as readers', we have to trust and accept the author's vision for his characters and books. Moving on to the next book as I rapidly approach the current release in the series.

    crime-fiction domestic-thriller mystery-thriller


569 reviews1 follower

April 19, 2021

Alex Cross is one of my favorite fictional characters.



123 reviews6 followers

October 30, 2020

The twenty eighth novel in James Patterson’s Alex Cross series and another incredibly well-written page-turner. As an avid Patterson reader, I was very excited to receive the latest Alex Cross thriller and read it in one day.

In Washington D.C., working as a metro PD consultant, Alex Cross helps his wife, Chief of Detectives Bree Stone and detective John Sampson investigate a string of rapes and killings of teenage girls, one of them known to Alex' children. Having killed roughly every two years, the killer is now escalating, his attacks becoming more frequent.

When two high profile victims are found shot and robbed in front of a school, Alex is also called in as an FBI consultant. One of the victims, Kay Willingham, ex-wife of the Vice President, Alex has a previous connection to, which lands him in hot water. Secret service, FBI and metro police are all vying for the case, which has garnered national attention, putting Bree under pressure as metro PD's new police commissioner wants a quick break in the case. The typical DC chaos ensues, with political intrigue, scheming, and meddling, journalists and bloggers out for blood, as well as lobbyists and power brokers.

The multi-state Willingham investigation takes Alex and FBI’s Ned Mahoney to Alabama, where Kay is from. Just as Alex and Mahoney get closer to solving the murder of Kay, and Bree and John Sampson are making headway on the rape murder cases, someone starts shooting celebrities, politicians and rich people in the bum in DC. In the midst of it all, tragedy strikes close to Alex and his family.

The main case is mostly slow and thorough detective work, interspersed with some high action, mainly in the second half of the book.
Complex connections become apparent, keeping the reader guessing until the very end. A thoroughly enjoyable read, highly recommended.

At the beginning of the book, Alex, along with his kids Jannie and Ali climbs a cliff in the Blue ridge mountains with an instructor, which sounds awesome. Being a fan of the Netflix series Ozark as well, I can relate to the Cross family’s binge.

Thank you to NetGalley, Random house UK Cornerstone and James Patterson for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Donna Lewis

1,375 reviews18 followers

December 7, 2020

Surprisingly engaging book.Generally, I had stooped reading the Alex Cross series, but this one had just the right amount of personal tragedy and a rush to locate a Washington DC serial killer and find kidnapped girls. Kudos.

At one point in the book there is a brief note about visiting a plantation outside Montgomery, Alabama, and finding it unnerving thinking about all the black bodies that it took to run it. I attended a wedding on a plantation in South Carolina. I felt the same unease, seeing what it must have taken to run such a massive operation. It filled me with both wonder and horror.

Elaine Tomasso

3,200 reviews62 followers

September 23, 2020

I would like to thank Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for an advance copy of Deadly Cross, the twenty eighth novel to feature psychologist Dr Alex Cross.

Alex Cross is called in as a consultant to the FBI when DC socialite Kay Willingham, former wife of the vice president and educator with political ambitions Randolph Christopher are found shot dead in her car. He is already consulting with Metro PD on the unsolved murders of a string of teenage girls and is feeling the stress of too much work, especially when he has to go to Alabama to further investigate Kay Willingham’s murder.

I thoroughly enjoyed Deadly Cross which is the usual mixture of twisted crime and family life. The novel ends up with three distinct investigations with the Willingham investigation taking centre stage, not least because Cross has history with her. This is classic misdirection as the reader is never sure which elements are interlinked and which are entirely separate. The solutions came as a complete surprise to me so I was glued to the pages throughout trying to work it all out, and failed as usual. This is a well thought out novel with plenty of twists and turns, including extra crimes uncovered during the investigation. Some of these discoveries are a touch perfunctory in their explanations but they keep the momentum and thrills to a maximum.

The twists don’t stop with the investigation as there are several developments within the extended family. One had me crying and another had me thinking, what a clever move that opens up so many possibilities for future novels. The family dynamic can, at times, be cloying and syrupy but works well in these particular circ*mstances.

Deadly Cross is a good read that I have no hesitation in recommending.


1,504 reviews778 followers

December 30, 2020

Psychotherapist and FBI/D.C. Metro Homicide consultant Alex Cross never left - this is the 28th book in the series; but somehow, it feels like he's back - to basics, that is. It's pretty much a straightforward police procedural interspersed with interactions among, and impact on, Alex's wife, kids and indefatigable Nana Mama. And from my perspective, that's a good thing; I like everyone in Alex's inner circle, but I prefer that the main be on detective work.

As this one begins, Alex's police commissioner wife, Bree Stone, calls to ask for his help on a brand-new murder case: the bodies of a man and woman found in a convertible near a charter school. Complicating matters is that both victims were high-profile community personalities - one very much still married to another woman and the other the ex-wife of a high-ranking government leader. In the midst of all this, there's a serial rapist and murderer on the loose; Bree's boss is not happy with the progress of the investigation, making her rethink her own priorities.

At one time, the car victim (Kay) was Alex's patient, and she has a storied history of mental issues. Alex's Metro partner, John Sampson, is dealing with serious personal issues, so Alex and FBI Special Agent Ned Mahoney set out to learn more about Kay's Alabama background. Back home, Sampson begins to follow a few leads on the serial murder investigation that just may signal light at the end of that tunnel.

Everything comes together in the end, bringing a couple of surprises - one of which, no doubt, will take future plots in a new direction that could be the jolt that this series, while still enjoyable and by far my favorite of all the Patterson offerings, needs to get back to firing on all cylinders. Fingers "Cross"ed!


637 reviews9 followers

November 8, 2020

Is it just me or does it feel like FOREVER since the last Alex Cross installment? Can you believe it's now book #28!

Well James Patterson most defhbrought him back with a bang!!

Once again we see Alex and John Sampson brought together to investigate a truly shocking double murder, but is all as it seems? As all of JP's novels there is always so much more going on than just one storyline.

I found myself 100% fully emerged by the end of the first chapter. Not only do we follow the investigations that are going on but as every Cross novel you find yourself within the bosom of the Cross Family. I think this is the first Cross book I have read though that doesn't overly focus on the children, they aren't in the forefront this time round which was a shame.

This time around brings some real sadness for John Sampson (no spoilers) so he may not play such a pivotal role within the crime investigation as per usual but his own story plays alongside.

You'll need to strap yourself in for this rollercoaster ride as you won't be able to let go until the very end.


Huge thanks to Netgalley and Random House UK for the ARC.

LianaReads blog

2,467 reviews216 followers

November 22, 2020

Deadly Cross is back, and he’s more deadly serious than ever.

One of my favourite crime thrillers is Alex Cross, and it's so good to be back in the world he lives with old friends and colleagues. They are all older, wiser and more active and action driven than before.

The suspense is higher now, because there are personal feelings and close friends involved. The crimes hit too close to home, and the author created yet another wonderful characteristic to this complex individual that I already love and feel like he's the perfect hero. His personal family drama is not missing, moreover it adds another layer to this thrilling story. It's not easy to give the best of you at home and at the office, but he's doing it all over and over again.

Another unmissable must read novel.

Deadly Cross (Alex Cross, #28) (2024)


What is Book 28 in the Alex Cross series? ›

Deadly Cross in the twenty-eighth instalment in the psychologist Dr Alex Cross series, which revolves around the murder of a glamorous Washington DC-based socialite.

Does Alex Cross ever marry? ›

His first wife, Maria, was tragically killed in a drive-by shooting. Cross has three children, Damon and Janelle from his first marriage and Ali (Alex Jr) from another long-term relationship. He is now married to Brianna (Bree) Stone, the rising star detective at the MPD.

How does Alex Cross end? ›

Now having solved the murder of his wife, Alex finds the will to move on with his life, finding peace for the first time. In the newest books, he begins a relationship with Bree Stone, whom he eventually marries.

What happened to Alex Cross and Christine? ›

She has changed and begins to distant herself from Alex, fearing the work he does and believes that her life is ruined because of him. She eventually leaves for Seattle and also leaves Alex "Ali" with Alex. She returns in Big Bad Wolf to claim custody over Ali.

What is book 30 in the Alex Cross series? ›

Triple Cross is the thirtieth book in the popular Alex Cross series by prolific American author, James Patterson.

Is there going to be an Alex Cross TV series? ›

Riz Ahmed to Star in, Write Amazon Comedy Series

Cross landed a series order at Prime Video in October 2022 after more than two years in development. The show comes from Paramount Television Studios and Skydance Television, which also produce Prime Video's Reacher — one of the streamer's biggest series — and Jack Ryan.

Who does Alex end up with? ›

In the finale, he finally marries Jo. In the 15th season, he and Jo are about to move to Boston for Jo's fellowship but then, she finally stays in Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. Meanwhile, Dr.

Does Alex Cross get his son Alex back? ›

Malcolm Gregoire Little Alex, Ali, is the son of Christine whom Alex had a fling with in Pop Goes the Weasel. Christine abandoned Ali due to the trauma of her kidnapping and then went thru a custody fight in Mary, Mary, got custody and eventually gave Ali back to Alex to have a better home with his siblings.

Is there an Alex Cross movie? ›

Alex Cross is a 2012 American action thriller film directed by Rob Cohen, and starring Tyler Perry as the title character, and Matthew Fox as the villain Picasso.

What happened to Ava in the Alex Cross series? ›

Sampson later discovers that Ava is dead, having been burned in a flop house. At the foster home, Alex asks if anyone knows where Ava has been.

What happened to Billie in the Alex Cross series? ›

In Alex Cross, Run Sampson informs Alex that Ava has been killed and later assists Bree and Alex in avenging Ava's death. In Deadly Cross, his faithful wife Billie Sampson, succumbed to Lyme Disease, dying a small while after she was admitted to the hospital.

How many Alex Cross books have been made into movies? ›

The Alex Cross film series is an American film series of three thriller films, based on the fictional character Alex Cross, who originally appeared in a series of novels of the same name by James Patterson. In the film series, Morgan Freeman and Tyler Perry have portrayed Alex Cross.

What happened to Alex Cross's first wife? ›

His first wife, Maria, a social worker, was killed in a drive-by shooting that was never solved. He was left with their two children; Damon and Janelle.

What happens to Monica in Alex Cross? ›

In the Movie: Monica (Rachel Nichols) is a young police officer who is romantically entangled with Alex Cross' partner Tommy Kane. She joins them in a successful effort to stop Picasso from attacking a German target and is later tortured and killed.

Who is the villain in Alex Cross? ›

Kyle Craig, also known as the Mastermind, is the main antagonist of the Alex Cross novel series.

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