Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (2024)

Last updated on Mar 19, 2024 at 15:00by Petko1 comment

Welcome to our guide to the Everbloom dungeon in Season 3 of theDragonflight World of Warcraft expansion. This guide will covereverything you need to know about the dungeon, including how to get to it,its layout, the trash and boss mechanics within, and its loot.


Short Introduction

This guide will focus on an extensive overview of the dungeon, providing vital informationto increase your chance of completing the key. We will cover all 4 boss fightssupported by the most notable trash enemies in the dungeon and their important abilities.If you would like to learn about the rest of the dungeons in Mythic+,please see our overviews linked below.


Getting into The Everbloom

Everbloom is a max-level dungeon in Gorgrond, Draenor.The dungeon is available in both Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (1)Mythic and Mythic+ mode.


Everbloom Layout




Notable Trash Before Witherbark

  • Interrupt Everbloom Naturalist's Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (5) Dancing Thornsand stop the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (6) Choking Vines channel at all costs.
  • Watch out for Rockspine Stinger's Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (7) Venom BurstEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (8)Poison effect. If you do have a Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (9)Poison removal, hereis the perfect opportunity to use it.
  • Any spare kicks should go towards Everbloom Tender'sEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (10) Enraged Growth buff. Alternatively, you can always useEnrage dispel it.
  • Dreadpetal will exclusive do tank damage with theirauto-attacks and Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (11) Dreadpetal Pollen debuff effect.Watch out if you are pulling several packs together; this can put thelife of your tank in danger.
  • When fighting Gnarlroot, make sure to focus and kill allGnarled Roots in time before the mob casts Living Leaves, which will silence you. Alternatively, you can use any movement-speed immunityto get away from the root effect.


Witherbark Boss Guide

Witherbark has a minor intra-phase starting with Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (12) Brittle Bark cast,once the boss reaches a 100 Energy. During the intra-phase, the boss willtake a 100% more damage, until its energy is depleted by the Aqueous Globulesspheres (each of them takes 25 once it gets in contact with the boss). Your jobhere is to maximize the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (13) Brittle Bark phase by killing the incoming Aqueous Globulesor use the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (14) Unchecked Growth and transform them into Unchecked Growth. Moreinformation, down below:


All Roles

  • Place any Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (16) Unchecked Growth near the boss to prevent the Aqueous Globulesgoing into the Witherbark, so you can have longer Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (17) Brittle Bark.
  • Avoid getting hit by the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (18) Agitated Water ground animation.



  • Position the boss near the room's edges to increase the travel timeof each Aqueous Globules, which will give your group more time tokill them.
  • Taunt any Unchecked Growth spawns to prevent them from meleeingyour group.



  • Beware of Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (19) Aqueous Burst, which will trigger upon killingAqueous Globules.


Ancient Protectors


Notable Trash Before Ancient Protectors

  • Pay attention to Melded Berserker's Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (20) Bounding Whirlleap, since it will always target Ranged players and do instantaniousdamage. In addition, they will instantaneously self-buff themselves withEnrage, so if you do have Enrage dispel, here is theperfect time to use it.
  • Use defensive cooldowns during Twisted Abomination's Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (21) Noxious Eruptioncast. The mob will also cast Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (22) Poisonous Claws to the highest threattarget (your tank).
  • Interrupt Everbloom Mender's Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (23) Healing Waters. This is a priority-targetinterrupt.


Ancient Protectors Boss Guide

Ancient Protectors is one of the triad bosses in Season 3, forcing youto deal with 3 guardians simultaneously - Life Warden Gola, Earthshaper Teluand Dulhu. The key point here is to swiftly nuke off the casters whilemaking sure to interrupt the 2 most important casts in the encounter- Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (24) Toxic Bloom / Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (25) Revitalize (depending on which of the castersis active) while dodging the incoming Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (26) Noxious Discharge ground poolscoming from Dulhu's Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (27) Noxious Charge. At last, use all of yourspare kicks on either Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (28) Nature's Wrath / Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (29) Water Bolt, dependingon which boss is active. More info, down below:


All Roles

  • During the whole encounter, when one of the caster bosses is active, theopposite one will enter Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (31) Terrestrial Fury phase, dealing AoE damageto everyone. Hence your goal is to kill one as quickly as possible.
  • Save your interrupts for important casts such as Earthshaper Telu/sEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (32) Toxic Bloom (AoE stun the whole party) and Life Warden Gola'sEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (33) Revitalize (heals one of the bosses).
  • Any spare kicks should go for either Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (34) Nature's Wrath or Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (35) Water Boltcasts.
  • Dodge the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (36) Noxious Discharge after each of the Delhu's Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (37) Noxious Chargecasts. Remember that those ground pools will stay on the ground, so you don'twant to let them be in melee (they spawn based on your location)






Archmage Sol


Notable Trash Before Archmage Sol

  • Hapless Assistant will exclusively do tank damage withauto-attacks and Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (38) Fungal Fist tank-buster ability.
  • Interrupt Addled Arcanomancer's Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (39) Arcane Blastand avoid getting hit by the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (40) Spatial Disruption.
  • Important mob: Interrupt Putrid Pyromancer'sEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (41) Pyroblast cast at all costs and use personal-defensivecooldowns during Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (42) Cinderbolt Salvo.
  • Interrupt Infested Icecaller's Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (43) Frostboltand avoid getting hit by the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (44) Cold Fusion.


Archmage Sol Boss Guide

Archmage Sol is going to be the hardest boss in Everbloom, aseach of the 3 phases: Fire, Frost, and Arcane magic are extremely dangerous,especially when paired together. The sequence of each phase is controlled byEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (45) Unstable Affinity and Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (46) Growing Infestation where you can at leasthave a guarantee which phase will be in the next sequence (always the previous one)but you have no idea which one is about to come. Fire Phase is the hardestamong all phases, and every time the boss casts Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (47) Cinderbolt Storm you mustuse your personal defensives. During Frost Phase you must avoid theEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (48) Glacial Fusion and during Arcane Phase step away from theincoming Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (49) Spatial Compression arcane spiral and position the way thatyou avoid any additional ground effects as the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (50) Spatial Compressionwill pull you towards it. More information down below:


All Roles

  • Use personal-defensives during the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (52) Cinderbolt Storm in the Fire Phaseand move away from any Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (53) Blazing Cinders located on the ground.
  • Avoid the incoming Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (54) Glacial Fusion spheres as uponcontact they will stun you for 4 sec.
  • Step as far away as possible from the incoming Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (55) Spatial Compressionsphere as at the end of the cast, it will pull you towards it. The "pull-in"Arcane effect can be especially punishing if there is Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (56) Glacial Fusion orEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (57) Blazing Cinders are present.



  • Relocate the boss if there are tons of Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (58) Blazing Cinders around.



  • Use your healing cooldowns during the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (59) Cinderbolt Storm in theFire Phase.


Yalnu Boss Guide

Yalnu boss fight is one of the easier fights in this dungeon if done correctly.The boss consists of a main phase and inter-phase, which happens every time he castsEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (60) Verdant Eruption spawning Flourishing Ancient. During that phase, it isimportant to kill Flourishing Ancient as quickly as you can due to itsEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (61) Vibrant Flourish pulsating AoE group-wide damage. Although Brushfirewill be present the entire fight, the Flourishing Ancient will cancel itseffect, hence why your focus should always be the add. At last, dodge theincoming Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (62) Colossal Blow frontal (it goes on the tank) and walk over anyFeral Lasher seeds during Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (63) Genesis channel cast to prevent themfrom spawning (if they spawn, they will cast Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (64) Lasher Venom meaning you have toallocate interrupts, stack and kill them. More information, down below:


All Roles

  • Focus the Flourishing Ancient add coming from Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (66) Verdant Eruptioncast at all costs. The quicker you defeat it, the quicker Brushfiredebuff will be present.
  • Sidestep the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (67) Colossal Blow if its aimed at your direction.
  • During Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (68) Genesis channel, walk over any Feral Lasher's seedsto prevent them from spawning.



  • Aim the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (69) Colossal Blow away from your group.
  • If any Feral Lashers at the end of the Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (70) Genesischannel, group them up under the boss so can allow your groupto effectively cleave.



  • Use your major healing cooldowns during the Flourishing Ancientadd, as they will pulsate a group-wide AoE damage - Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (71) Vibrant Flourish.


The Everbloom Loot Table



CrossbowEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (72) Leafhide PenetratorMastery/Vers
Leather HandsEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (73) Gauntlets of Burning FocusCrit/Vers
TrinketEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (74) Witherbark's BranchAgi


Ancient Protectors

Off-HandEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (75) Interloper's Mossy SkullHaste/Mastery
Cloth WaistEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (76) Cord of Arcane MysteryCrit/Haste
Plate WaistEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (77) Rivet-Sealed WaistplateCrit/Mastery
Cloth LegsEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (78) Lightbinder LeggingsCrit/Mastery
Mail LegsEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (79) Rockhide LeggingsHaste/Mastery
TrinketEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (80) Leaf of the Ancient ProtectorsMastery


Archmage Sol

StaffEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (81) Sol's MagestaffHaste/Vers
Leather HeadEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (82) Blackwater HelmVers/Haste
Mail HeadEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (83) Morningscale CowlHaste/Mastery
Plate HeadEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (84) Verdant Plate CrownCrit/Mastery
Cloth WristEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (85) Bracers of Swirling LightMastery/Vers
Plate WristEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (86) Incarnadine BracersCrit/Haste
TrinketEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (87) Spores of AlacrityStr



1H MaceEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (88) Hoof of YalnuMastery/Vers
ShieldEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (89) Desiccated Husk ShieldHaste/Crit
Cloth ShoulderEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (90) Felflame SpauldersCrit/Mastery
Leather ShoulderEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (91) Leafmender MantleMastery/Vers
Mail ShoulderEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (92) Streamslither SpauldersCrit/Haste
Leather ChestEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (93) Crystalbinder ChestguardHaste/Mastery
Plate BootsEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (94) Goldsteel SabatonsHaste/Vers
TrinketEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (95) Coagulated Genesaur BloodInt
TrinketEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (96) Xeri'tac's Unhatched Egg SacStamina


The Everbloom Achievements

There are 6 total achievements to obtain in The Everbloom:

Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (97) The EverbloomDefeat Yalnu in The Everbloom.
Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (98) Heroic: The EverbloomDefeat Yalnu in The Everbloom onEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (99)Heroic difficulty (if you do it on the higher difficultyyou still will get the achievement).
Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (100) Mythic: The EverbloomDefeat Yalnu in The Everbloom onEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (101)Mythic difficulty.
Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (102) Keystone Hero: The EverbloomComplete The Everbloom at Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (103)Mythic Level 20or higher, within the time limit.
Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (104) Water ManagementDefeat Witherbark without allowing him to replenish anyof his Aqueous Energy in The Everbloom onEverbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (105)Heroic difficulty or higher.
Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (106) Weed WhackerDefeat Yalnu without any Kirin Tor Battle-Magesdying in The Everbloom on Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (107)Heroic difficultyor higher.



  • 19 Mar. 2024: No further changes required for 10.2.6 Patch.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: No further changes required for 10.2.5 Patch.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Guide added.

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Everbloom Dungeon Guide: Location, Boss Strategies, Trash, and Loot (2024)
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