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Posted 27 June 2011 - 10:21 PM

The only class that can do something about this garbage bug, and live through it, is another royal guard, or a rune knight, because of their sheer max HP.

Any other class who has to deal with this bug is screwed, and its broken. They use exceed break and then click someone to auto attack and it doesnt even show a number of damage. It just looks like a GM casted the death command on you. So Heimdallr if you're reading this go ahead and have the team fix it to do something else, since this mechanic is altogether broken, it needs to be rewritten into doing something totally different. I heard there is a fix coming later, but thats too far away.

Edited by Staymadandbad, 27 June 2011 - 10:22 PM.

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Posted 27 June 2011 - 10:38 PM


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Posted 27 June 2011 - 10:41 PM


Reductions dont work good enough vs. this bug abuse. It's not about my character or other royal guards dying to it, its about any other class besides us swordmans who have over 50,000 hp

Edited by Staymadandbad, 27 June 2011 - 10:42 PM.

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Posted 27 June 2011 - 10:44 PM

In pvp its pretty stupid that you can weapon swap it still. That's bug number 1.
Bug number two IT IGNORES THE 50% SIEGE REDUCTION. It's the only skill in the entire game that does this. It soundly outdamages gfist damage if you weapon swap in WoE(because gfist suffers the -50% skill damage like every other skill in the game). I die to exceed break more than any other single skill in WoE and pvp.

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Posted 27 June 2011 - 10:54 PM

oh look another thread trying to get RG on par with other 3-1 classes

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mfw people will always try to find a way to nerf us even after this skill patch coming up.

I don't use exceed break myself but I say leave it as it is. So many green ales now makes it harder to drop well geared peeps. EB remedies that. Wonder the dmg of EB on a +12 KvM spear would be, gonna have to try that out.

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Posted 27 June 2011 - 10:58 PM

Bug 1 is fixed on kro, I dunno about bug 2. jRO just completely disabled the skill.

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Posted 27 June 2011 - 11:02 PM

Doesn't Dragon Breath also ignore WoE reductions?

But yes, I agree, stupidly broken skill that needs to be fixed so people will stop asking me why I don't have it. *Waits for the demands for skill resets when it's fixed*

Speaking of stupidly broken skills that need to be fixed, though, fix Storm Blast so it can't be used in Manhole and actually has a cooldown time. kthxbai.

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Posted 27 June 2011 - 11:12 PM

even if stormblast is used in manhole it doesnt do damage

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 12:08 AM

exceed break ignores woe reduction because its considered a normal attack. (hence why snake hat works with it [double attack]).

unfortunately they either have to change it to be used as a skill (like mr was), or.. disable it completely.

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 12:10 AM

Doesn't Dragon Breath also ignore WoE reductions?

But yes, I agree, stupidly broken skill that needs to be fixed so people will stop asking me why I don't have it. *Waits for the demands for skill resets when it's fixed*

Speaking of stupidly broken skills that need to be fixed, though, fix Storm Blast so it can't be used in Manhole and actually has a cooldown time. kthxbai.

DB doesn't ignore WoE reductions, but does ignore many other reductions (%race/size/element). RK HP mod is supposedly lowered in the future, which means lower DB damage unless new gear can boost final HP back up.

Exceed break isn't reduced by WoE reduction because it's not considered a skill attack. What's somewhat ironic is that RKs are supposedly getting an exceed break type buff with the skill balances patch (changes to Rhydo rune).

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 12:20 AM

DB doesn't ignore WoE reductions, but does ignore many other reductions (%race/size/element). RK HP mod is supposedly lowered in the future, which means lower DB damage unless new gear can boost final HP back up.

Exceed break isn't reduced by WoE reduction because it's not considered a skill attack. What's somewhat ironic is that RKs are supposedly getting an exceed break type buff with the skill balances patch (changes to Rhydo rune).

Comparing this to that is just plain bad. To do 40k dmg with rhydo stone you need at least 1 meg, +11 kvm spear, bloodied shackle ball combo and baphomet doll hat all equipped. It's absolutey easy to block too. This is not a bugged skill dont even try to compare horribado stone to that.

Also, with 50k hp, dragonbreath only does 13k damage. Ow wow that almost tickled.. seriously just stop. The reason dragonbreath ignores racial things, is because youre not being attacked by a demi-human when casting dragonbreath. kRO devs made it come from the dragon itself. If you dont know what that means, basically this.

My rune knight didnt breath fire on you, my dragon did. He's not demi human.

Edited by Staymadandbad, 28 June 2011 - 12:22 AM.

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 12:24 AM

Doesn't Dragon Breath also ignore WoE reductions?

But yes, I agree, stupidly broken skill that needs to be fixed so people will stop asking me why I don't have it. *Waits for the demands for skill resets when it's fixed*

Speaking of stupidly broken skills that need to be fixed, though, fix Storm Blast so it can't be used in Manhole and actually has a cooldown time. kthxbai.

Oh you mean the only attack that hits your royal guard? No.

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 12:51 AM

Comparing this to that is just plain bad. To do 40k dmg with rhydo stone you need at least 1 meg, +11 kvm spear, bloodied shackle ball combo and baphomet doll hat all equipped. It's absolutey easy to block too. This is not a bugged skill dont even try to compare horribado stone to that.

Also, with 50k hp, dragonbreath only does 13k damage. Ow wow that almost tickled.. seriously just stop. The reason dragonbreath ignores racial things, is because youre not being attacked by a demi-human when casting dragonbreath. kRO devs made it come from the dragon itself. If you dont know what that means, basically this.

My rune knight didnt breath fire on you, my dragon did. He's not demi human.

I wasn't really comparing rhydo to exceed break. It was more or less a side comment on the irony of the nerfing of one skill from one class (due to complaints about it being overpowered?) and then later adding essentially the same skill to another class.

But, since you brought it up, here are some thoughts on Rhydo. With a +12 KvM (or other lv4) weapon, the skill mod would be about same as max level GoH, but without missing HP bonus. If the new skill is not considered a skill attack, then it would do double a full-HP GoH in WoE. I think it would be a good guess that it'd also be chainable with storm blast.

As for DB and the changes to RK HP mod, it can be debated how good/bad the change is or what common damages are expected, but like it or not the change was made on kRO.

Edit: Btw, in case it isn't clear, with the skill balances patch, rhydo was changed to be a buff that allowed next attack to do huge damage (what exceed break does now).

Edited by jax5, 28 June 2011 - 12:55 AM.

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 01:06 AM

DB is reduced by woe reduction in case there was any question to it still.

Lots of skills ignore demihuman reduction. If you wanna go that route lets nerf

Hell plant
Cart Cannon
Suicidal destruction
Fire trap
claymore/landmine/blast mine
The weight part of clashing spiral
The hp difference part of gate of hell
Dragon breath

list goes on but you get the idea.

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 01:06 AM


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Posted 28 June 2011 - 01:18 AM

Oh Sera, you bring the best to threads.

I say we nerf everyone and everything. At 117, I'm still dying to basically everything so you can all shut up now. ]:<

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Posted 28 June 2011 - 05:04 AM

with RGs getting the nerf stick soon, i've moved on to playing another class. I do love my 150/50 hybrid RG though <3 shes my baby girl. I've known about the exceed bug and the fix coming. I've already planned for not getting that an a bunch of other worthless skills soon like RD.

Edited by Cubical, 28 June 2011 - 05:05 AM.

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    Posted 28 June 2011 - 05:27 AM

    I thought the weapon swap bug had already been fixed, no matter a fix is planned so why complain about something thats already acknowledged is being fixed? Its like complaining about being thirsty when you have a drink in your hand.

    On a side note who cares about balance in the pvp rooms? at first read i thought he was using a display damage hack for woe lol. not being able to keep up with numbers isnt a bug btw, its like complaining you didnt see the damage for a GX hitting you with autocast gfist at 193aspd.

    So does exceed break ignore racial/elemental reductions as well or something? I understand the woe thing (i.e. its not a bug) but didnt realise it ignored other reductions.

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    Posted 28 June 2011 - 05:57 AM

    The swap bug is not fixed , they announced it was though so figured we should bring it up again. It's like saying HERE'S YOUR DRINK and handing you an empty glass.

    It doesn't ignore racial reduction. The main issue is the fact you can double attack with it. It ignores the -50% woe reduction and the fact you can weapon swap on it to achieve a

    100% + 15%*(job level) + 150%*(skill level) + (weapon weight)*(weapon level)*(base level)%/100

    thats 100% + 750% + 750% + 600* (3 or 4 depending on mjolnir or doomslayer)*150/100

    1600+(2700 or 3600) = 4300% or 5200% damage. Then swap to their lovely +9 kvm spear and death poke. It also crits for 1.4x 6020% or 7280% damage quite easily or double attacks for 2.0x 8600% to 10400% .

    Then ignores siege reduction on top of that.

    Gfist does about 30000% damage with 3k sp(requires heavy sp items or a bryn or something), so 15000% in siege. Average gear its 20000%, 10000% in siege. Is forced neutral unlike exceed break. Takes all your sp, requires 5 spheres and fury mode. So you can achieve almost gfist like damage that ignores GR/DR(actually is boosted by DR!) for like no SP and all you gotta do is cast the buff at a distance, run up and poke. Yup nothing wrong there.

    Edited by Viri, 28 June 2011 - 06:01 AM.

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    Posted 28 June 2011 - 06:23 AM

    Well actually this bug pretty much sucks, RG's can almost 1 shot any class and easly use a elemental converter, the damage i think is okay that ignores WoE reduction and stack with double atack, the skill need to be rescasted and is hard to use when you are in middle of battle in WoE. The horrible thing is the bug, the damage can go from 30k -> 50k that makes no sense.

    Also Cart Cannon ignore demi-human reduction?! What the.......!?

    Edited by FiskBlack, 28 June 2011 - 06:25 AM.

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    Posted 28 June 2011 - 06:36 AM

    I've hated this skill since the first time I saw it. It's stupid, plain and simple, and the weapon switch bug just makes it worse. Doesn't stop me from using the skill, though. I like busting out my invisible 30k+ damage just to raise awareness on how broken this skill is. I'm not going to cry when it's nerfed, I'm going to celebrate so I can reset and use my skill points on much cooler skills.

    Edited by Daize, 28 June 2011 - 06:37 AM.

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    Posted 28 June 2011 - 06:45 AM

    Yes, the exceed break bug is bad. Yes, everyone knows that it's bad. Yes, it is getting fixed, either with 13.3 or with the skill balance patch coming shortly thereafter. Calm down, stop flaming eachother.

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