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(k you can go /era DtB hi^ end Dimension B-Series desktop wWi atthg-edge KDRAM Irdmologyhrhighptilormanceand pmuerM mald-laldng. featuring IntelPentiimlllproceaanalupto iGHz(NCW!),lt^Mitsmwdiigto OOCBendUgh-tliroiiglipuldX/KP grqiBkf,tiiisdesktopofienllrelalesl tedunlogyalaaeiibtamSagprkt WE'VE OOT YOU COVERED ABDCW'DIMtNSIONSaimeaancM mdi a S rnr limited Wiwroaty mdoding I Year On-SitB Service', one oitiiehoges/InliieindiBlry.Oryoa can upgrade to 3 Year On-Site Service' hrmuKre^lykiwiiikeofStef. DIMINSiOH' ] S TAOOr (upUtSOMHzr 128MB SmAM Memov (up ki 7B9M8t' lOOB’ Utru ATA Hurd Dim (up » ««Br irE770Moi<«ir(l6J!'uis.) I8MS xn bgu 128 ^ CraptMS Mai vanaM CD'KOM Dnw SoundEfasB B4V Sound toniBivliardon Spcdtn V.WWCMidnn Uotaft' Wndom* 98 Sacond ErHon Ucrontl Mills SuiR 2000 widi Monev 2IXXI BuK 3 Ya Limited Wa'iantywOi I 'iterNBD On-Sitt Sevke' lEKie’ UM ATA Hod Dim (up B AOCSr irfTTOMonitofdurius.) 32MB NMOIA TNTl MM 2X At? 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Perfectflat’” technology is now available the price/peHormance ViewSonic EF70 moni- tor. The flat screen and anti-reflection coaling on the 17" (16 O' viewable) monitor result in edge-to-edge, precise images and minimal glare. With a 0.25mm ultra-fine aperture grille pitch and a high refresh rate of 87 Hz at 1,024 X 768 resolution the user is assured ofbrighter, crisper and greatly enhanced images The EF70 is the ideal choice fc education, home offices, small business and corporate environments Our MultiMedia monitors provide the ultimate in sight and sourtd. The newMTOisa 17" (16.0" view- able) 0.24mm horizontal (0.27mm diagonal) dot pitch monitor with a maximum resolution of 1,280 X 1,024 ViewPanet Series - VP151 For those who need big screens that fit m small spaces, our Visual Computing'" ViewPanels provide the ultimate , experience The new VP151 displays a full 15'' mutti- I functional, flat panel to incorporate digital, analog and composite video inputs using OptiSync'* technology 3 single unit that also offers picture-in-picture capabilities'' , OPriSYN^ The Visual Technology and for more information on the company that's won over €00 industry awards, call one of the listed ViewSonic dealers or visit VIewSonkat WWW. VSmvSon K.cem Communications Company ti9 w«« Da we ml DC iMni wv (-,pdlDBWira menM-MamveMD CniPmantafy 9 From the Editor 10 letters 12E The Lest Syte ATI; Iht ona ond future king (qfgraphia) Hm» g. MatahU 12 Whet's Neir 14 Gates says anti-trust battle Farfroir over 102 Speech next user interface, says IBM 16 Tune It up Top JO PC and networidrg utfli'tfes 22 Utilities the heart and soul of Linux 28 Utilities for enhancing your Mac Cxnmiwat, /raeiwre, shanwart offerings 46 Fixes for five common PC problems IT troubleshooter offers tlme-testerl solutions 77 Absolutely freeware at its best S9 Two firms test PC support via the Net 92 Think utility, not just utilities 97 Revisiting thw art of tweaking Windows 98 Help for sad Mac users 99 Browser incempatibility 100 The right tool in the right hands Norton Utilibes 2000 Tech Ejiterprise 84 Waking up to denial of service attacks 84 DoS vulnerability hits home 84 LAN Line: Internet sharing in Windows 98 SE Hanih On 51 Athletic Atfilons hit 300 on benchmark 51 Helio: middle ground or leading edge? 51 Monsoon speakers' sound anything but flat 52 Store this! TCP Test Lab looks ot the latest storage opbons 54 Storage surveys 62 Burning CDs on Uie road Pteffnnw Mwre 73 Neugents bring us a step closer to A1 73 Palm explores wireless, service partners 78 Microsoft bulks up apps, colour for Pocket PC Online & Connected 81 MP8 is music to indie ears Artists promote and distribute online 81 Weaving your own Web site: Part 56 XHTHL (aks HTML S.0): Part I 61 lES for Mac ready for download farow f< e Training 104 Office Suite Training: Taming your toolbars 104 Linux for Newbies Part 10: Finding Wings on a Linux system 104 VB Tutorials Part 10: Review and consolidatior} 118 (TReilly compiles User Friendly antics Into book 116 MCSEs say Microsoft ending NT tests too early 117 Guide to IHac full of pracb'cal tips 118 Quick tips for better brochures Reader Sesvites 122 Marketplace 125 Classified 125 User Groups 127 Advertising Index THECOMPUIERexPER GfiEATEB TOflCtrtO EOnON ^ Everytime ^ you use Funcow e-mail, you could WIN a Free PC! Full Membership Free untimiled Interne! access $ 25.99 Annual Fee Comparison chart AOL Sprint Sympetco ldi«l I FuRcow.co.n S22.9$ S22.95 52295 524.99 I $2.1T** S27S.40 I iinm , 5275.40 $25.9»‘* SIGN UP TODAY Free e-mail address Powerful search engine E-shopping channel On-fine weather, horoscope Internet time display Web directory On-line news, stock, mutual fund quotes Multimedia e<ard 6uslr»ss/Pei^ finder Lottery result Associate Membership Free e-mail address Powerful search engine E-shopping channel On-lme weather, horoscope Internet time display Web directory Online news, slock, mutual fund quotes Multimedia e-card Free For Full Membership Download your Funcow Connect Software Lottery results from www.funcow.com/tfownload KcaII;Tonin(o-41&.22S>1»M ^ Uontrael-t-sn-Tfi funcow. Art and technology Newmatkel. On(.-tuKd BocXh Photographic Lid, was nol a corupuur diKiibutor, but a photographic products distributor. my lotcccu is digiial photography, and invited mr because one of the seminar sesstoos was devo^ to rme-art inldet papers and archival inks. Booth had set up a small ara at the back dispdaf. Amid the muslin backdrops and silvet ceBeclors and ocher photograpfak gear was a u&ctums 1 dldn'l recognize. But that svas just Ihe beginning of an afternoon of revelauolu. The topKs presented and the i^aons from sum of inkjet pnniers, loks and ppers amongst jriiwography enthusiasts is quite dtflemi from a discussion aroongit computer users. The pri- orilies and concerns are worlds apart. for example, when TCP conducts prmler reviews, we often judge a pnniirr Co be excel- lent because you can't tdl its output from the pruics youget back from the local photofinish- er. For a serious photographer, henvever. this is merely the startup point for aszsiing the qu^ty of iniqel prints. Tonal range, colour accuracy and image per- (4uxograpbcn cate abouu And ctsrretu icikiel technology does nol score well on those dimen Sfons— or at least not well enough to kire pho- tographers away Irom traditional prinlmaking. the audience owned an inkjcl printer. 1 was sur- prised that about 30 percent did not. nar presented products that will make inkiel needs. For example, lack nf image permanence has been a tna}or and longstanding concern with inkiei pruiix Whereas the photographer thinks of pnot lifispan m terms of multiple years, Ihe best that inkjet manufaclurers have miruged with their ink formulalioiu is bngevity measured in multiple months. Companies like Bruish mk developer Lyson Inc have already established a good track record Idr loogrviiy with one line of perma. neru inks, and the recently introduced tuK uf inks under the Fotonic brand that are opti mixed lor phutogrephic unages H1iiJe Ihe cUim is still being tested by independent labs, the Folonk inks promise fade resistance cum- pirable to tradiiionai photographic pnntk Lyson has abo loiroduced s Quad Black ink set (only for the Epson 3000 so far] which sub- liidges with three shades uf black. This product addresses anolhei limilarion of inkjets in pho- tographic pnntmaking: their inability to crate Mack and white pnnls without uitroducing unges of colour. ITk Quad Black ink set has becD tested utdependenily and has on estimat- ed Ude resistance of more Hun 100 years. Printer manufacturers ate not bUnd to permanence with papers and inks for Us new 170 series cd prinieii. These hare been rated from this rating it's not just Ihe inks that are Lffiporuni— ink and paper interact to deter- mine how king your image will last. TCP has tested a vanety of inkjet papers, and has reported differerKes between the various brands. But again, a serious photographer's demands are dilTerent than a computer users.' Mol only do photograjHiers want permanence. they warn vanety m slock woghls and surktee frnishes ^non and Hewlett -Packard ofter good ciHoing from outside the computer mdustry. Fur example, inkjet papers are available in grades and finislies that more cloiely match photo papers. Some minufarturen are nflering slacks that are more like ihe papers used by vims Ibr painting and sknchuig. This u an interesting crossover, because ulkjel photographic prints ihemsrisMs have become a recognized an form. Referred to genencally as giefrr piuiis (from Ihe Fresdi verb to spray), these ace phoiographK or other digiBl VI works that are printed on high-res- nluiuin commercial inkjet printers. As inkjet technology improves, and as coitmi accuracy and image permanence limi- latiucu are ovefcome, fine art pnnlmaking will be possible even on an inexpensive cUtliip printer. Wie nol there ycL but my, we art get- ting close. Iniercsluig limes ahead David Tanaka. Editor iw&wer?! cin.np.mNo. ■fWfWTtaNfr-Twrwss aST NWS. FIRST. VJemPTW IHTBRNET. THEN ItfTt^ET. MO 1MS WEfV? 'HS60TM E^XTRM fT. PmVO'^OUtlNON 'HmwaUAerNEXT? , P eyTRA NUTS? Friendly. Flexible. Fun. BlasterPC" by EMPAC is designed for you to choose award-winning, brand name components and develop a PC that's iust right for you. Home Intol* Caltron’ Processor 433MHz BlaSM* RIVATHTAePwfISUeSOFIAU Owliv>>»XaMWM Multimedia Intel* Pentium* III Processor SSOMHz Windows' C8(Z'>dEd.l CrtstiviR Sound Blanr Llvsl' . 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A scan of Ihe original WITH EPSON THE DIPfERENCE IS THAT THERE IS NQN£ Nothing should gs Ion in iranslation For flawtess sons ttme and One agam. rely on Epson* Petfedion"’ Scanners Wah 1700 s 7400 dp< and die abiiv id pmes 68 bibon cdIixa t's na 9!rp(sy:g ihat teliig die dWoence s eaoly as a should be ImpOSSlbk Ibr me drtife of t-MSCiO'^O'l « or adisc (iwiupniam or onw fOir ted cviautf Mer Epson Perteoan Scanners Fllwlssa>EmmS359. than the water heiier. But he is a nxeguy and bang jSIO abrm cluck, Tiiu gel ihill far SSO. Even so, ibcc new icchnnlogy does have same handv possibilities, like ool having ru reset every clock in the house eser y spring and hD. or rfbt those m ihc country] having yrour walei purop stop bcfiire ii sucb air, rwhen ynurtvcll is low) and at the same rime napping People don’t change their h.ibiu easily, and Iflakingadvaniagenranew lech nokigy means jddiirg another step in putting Ihe groceries away, it probably won't gel used If it means more money fur trivial henefU, don't count on Roger aarke VideQ editing, lake two tion ol TCP was largely accutalc. although I don't think it's telrrani to rule FireWire cards by (heir throughput. FtreWirr video cards, by default, mufl transfer 3.h Mbps for hill PV video and audio. The PV speeificiiion of ),6 Mbps is easily handled by any modern compuler syslcm, even those liul are several y^rs old. It's not drives are any more, the real bottleneck in DV editii^ is the speed of your system processor and how long you're willing to wan far your edited sequence to render. The iMac comes with a 10 GB dnve, as yrsu mentioned, which is mutr than enough far basic iMovie editing. Nobody SIS through a 30- minute birthday video anyway. By haviog somewhat limited drive qiace. the movie naker computer, which a whai editing should be. Even professionats review their tape and log the scenes they want to use befere importir^ them inso Ihe computer. To do any lung-farm editing in iMovie is almost hkc shouting muiself in the foot. Thar’s what Final Cut Pm is far, and of course, with a price tag that matches' Phil Rang Apple Produci Professiotial Waterlogged reporting In the AptiJ issue of TCP. a 'WliaiS New' item discusses Xvbecnaut Corps wearable comput- er powered bv fuel cells that run on water. This is impossible, Fuel cells produce water, they sk> water and efectricitv. Tho is inelTKieni. and bep Ibe queflion 'If yisu had enough eleclrici- ty to decade the waiei, why didn't you joit use it to pmver the computer clirecclyf" 1 don't doifat all the benefits claimed by using fuel cells. Hydrocachtm fuels do store a largramouni of energy m a small space, L'sing a fuel cefl to efficrenily convert this energy to dectricity will definilrly run a ponable/wear- able computer fat long periods of tune. Beny Spensieri Ir. produa ovcrai ake this oppcmuniiy to ih.tnk uisianding monthly paper. I ' reading it each month and Ginlinirerf on page 17 10 saw 3000 nccxaCiytEHRSPe) OREalBtTORONIDEIXrosi MwcMOacoryMBCcni ••V □ mere 1 2.5 oz., it's the hord drive equipped with both USB and FireWire' connections, and ovoilable In either 6 or 1 8 gigabytes of portable sloroge. lAClE ^^cde (or ideos. '/O J lerit.din pockttiirive <9in I pMiSng. t out >H FinWht le|fl cro irotitwiln ot Into Cb«oh*<'. I i a«iE*TB< ToaoiTo ramoM Now launching: ADSL high-speed Internet connection from AT&T Canada. How can something so fast be so affordable? It’s not rocket science. If your company's Internet conncctioo is loo ak>w to utOize IntniKt applicatiorui that mjuire increased throughput, it's tune to coodder AT*T Canada’s new hlgh-spettl solution - MWI. AIKL ^ves your company multi megabit tiuDughput that will meet the chat^ng mxds of your business. All without the high cost. Wth ADSL, you have the speed you nesl to handle la^ amounts of data or download a Web page &sl And you’re always online - backed by our 99-5* guarantee: With AT&T Canada managing and maintaining all necessary e(]ujpment,plus hlghly-skillecl technical support niund tbe clock, 7 days a week, you can snip worrying about downtime and take your company where it's never gone behire. Order before May 31, 2000 and we'll waive the set-up fee, uptoSlflOO: Get high-speed ADSL tram as low as $425/month including local access and router. As one of the leading business-focussed global providers, we’re committed to bringing you reliable leading ec^ solutions for all your local, long-distance and Inlcmct needs. For more information talk to your AT&T Canada Sales Representative or call us today at 1 - 888 - 492-8786 or visit www.attcaaada.ca/busuiess/ad.sl.html AftiT Canada. The network the worid works on. NEW & NOTAaiE Gates says anti-trust battle far from over By Stefan DubowsKI A' r iminths nt Ic^l wran^ing, ih<r liicd States l>cpartmen( of lunka k oiVniiMoioov'i finally handed i ruling in the MicrtHofl Corp. intio/nwnvm'CrsaoRcomi anii-lrusi trial: the »afiweregLani rune an unlairfuJ moncpirly “The court concludes that Microsolt main' tained its monupoty pmser by antt*cofnpentive mraru and allcrnpted to monopnluir the VMtb browser irarlcel.'' wrote Lldi. District Court lodge Thomas Funfidd lachson in his April 3 cnnclu* Sion of law, “Muiosoft also... unlasvfuUv liiedl Its VVeb broseser to its operating sySeni." for ns part, Microsoft says Ihe battle is far “Today's ruling svas noi unexpected, given We've Even Convinced the Experts, '< 0 } Uhb a 720 dpi resolijdon, 9 p|Kn monuhramt and 6 ppin colour. Mk andPCcompitible. Canon's new BIC-MOO Color Bubble let* Printer. See bi jQuiself why iht BICSOOO it The Expen's Choice' Empowering you to do atnaying things - lhal's Canon Kaow How Canon KNOWHOW Saves Money ihe courth earlier findings,'' said mil Gates, MicmioFi't chairman, in a siatcmenl. “Dui there are several steps in this case. While we did everything that we could lo setlle this case, and will continue to look for new rqtportuni' ties to resolve ii. we believe that we have a strong case on appeal." larksob's decision came only daysr after talks between Micrtuch and its crurt adversaries, including the State of .New Turk, broke down. The arbitrator in those discussions, judge Richard A. Ibsner, said the warring parties could not come coan agreement, nor could he make them do so. “After more than four months, it is apparent that the disagreements among the parties coit' ceming the likely course, outcome and conse- quenen of continued litigatum, as well as the implications and ramifkatiorts of alternative terms of sertkmeni. are too deei>-seated lo be bridged," ftenerwrolein an April I statement,'' In his own slaiemeni from April I, Gates seemed unhappy that ihearbitratinn had ended “There were divisions and extreme views on Ihe other aide that brought us Ui the point where mediation wasn't going to be success- fttC he wrole. “And that's uoforluoaie, because it would have been in ihe best interest of con* sumers, the government and Mkrosoft if we'd been able lu come up with something.' The question now is, what will the justice Depanmeni do lo Micrasofi? Reports suggest the company will be divided three ways: one pan softwate, one pan Inlemei and one {urt operating system.s Some, ituwevur, say Microsoft would be even more powerful os three companies ihao it was os one. In a recetil brief. Enrrester Research, an Indusiry anaiyset firm from Caittb ridge. Mass., said the justice Department should create a “Windows t^orporation" for Microsoft's oper- ating systems. The, will ensure that ihecomya* ny's most popular products— its consumer and business operating systems — do not sub- sidize its other. less popular producls. Forrester also recommends that the lustice Department creates legal standards for writing software. “Today's Microsolt shareholders would, at minimum, receive shares in both a monopoly applicaiions company," the brief read. “Meanwhile, users would get siable plalfbuiis, standaids, and competition, and the U.S. gov- ernment wouldn't gel into the software babysitting business." Microsoft can uke atmie coniwiUiion from these recent events. Fnt example, in Kei state- meni, Posner sard he wanted “to emphassre that the collapse of the mediation is not due to any lack of skill, flexibilliv, energy, determina- Deparinient of lusljcc and Microsoft Corpotalion.'' fkisncrdid nix mention, howev- er, the pnifessicinjllsni of Microsoft's iirher Cflun asiversaries, the I D stales siding with the lustice Depanmeni. The argumenis started late in lf9g after Microsoft's competitors complained the com- pany wasn't pkyiiig fair by including its operating .systems, instead of selling it on the open market where it would face competition from other browsers like Netscape. 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Read on for our choices for the top 10 PC and networking utilities andiuung * Extensive fonnatling conm • SuHssfiiiii learning curve is regives u •isser et oi its teatuies DM el MX Drive Image 2.0 Natitan purthescd I)rfvc Image because of some problems he ran into with Ghost, horn Symantec. Drive Image, like Ghost, is a disk partition copying ulilily thai runs in DOS or in Windows 95/9t DOS bool mode. It copies partitions ftom a hard disk to any nther hard disk (or available DOS/network partkioiil. Drive Image 2J> is from PoweiQuesl Corp. (ntgr/INviwcow. erquestcoirl. Praa • Coow mtat haid iMves 10 Kliai iwd 0IM« on me same pc • Cotass oenisora w Ihe sane Orne 01 10 Diner ham Aives ■ Has a mom powerful user mtenace Hian Ghost • Mora lolirafll ol errors an the Oesimaiion cUsk ftian Gtiast V CarinotaeirisuiledQnasvigerii)opvwitriaidusei«ai»>m • iiaairitertBceoixasioritfiytinseinioairieaywii^ Simpe nsM. Manuals are a DH conlismg. Svealpnce SDO F-Prot (DOS) 3.06e Both of ue first saw F-Proi while taking a Novell course in whicK it was used to defend against viruses. It was available for free ihen, as now, as sliareware. F-Frol is a rcibosl and fiequent- ly updated virus checker. It runs in DOS or in a DOS window F-Pml (DOS) 3,0e«:, shareware is From Fiisk Software Iniemetional(t>ttpiF''iww[!alaIeaoiv5Coni). • SimcW inlerlace aio the DOS veielon a tree lor pntple use • Cieens vkuses oh ttopoies or nan) drives • OoeanollitiinasngieniiaoyilisHTie iCCMOJTEB' GPEATERTOnoWTOI www.samsungcanada.coni Engineered by Just Right ^For You! The Right Monitors At the Right Price All the Right Features SAMTHON 55E, 75a «nd 95P Bre tfiB ideal monitorB far aH users. Sarntron's compact design gives you the freedom to Che most of evaileble space, without secrificing clsnty and performance— and without compromising safety, Samtron monitors ere outstanding for low radiation emissions end ergonomics. Compatible with both MAC and PC. Samiron monitors are a convenient and affordeUe solution, just right for you. o oo 6 o SAMSUNGDIGirlii) everyone's invitedm TUNING UP YOUR PC Register Domain Names for NOWJUS1: %W! [MnMtxig] It's Incredibiel Web Hosting /Email solutions starting at $14.99 NO SETUP FEES! Hi thsrs, We're Slue Genesis Web Hosting, and we've Just made our Web Hosting services even EASIEftI Cbech out our new Domain Registration service. We now offer an unbelievably lew price to register your very own internet name. After you've secured your name, consider hosting your Website with us. We crtallange you to find a more robust, user friendly, coat affectlva, nostlngXamail solution - plus: we offer state of the art E-eommerce Cspibllltlcel This Is Web Hosting Made Easy! Blue Genesis llte Next (jeiKTation in Wpb Uubliitg Call now: 416'239-6812 tilaseblaegaiasls.cam • 1,000-2664381 www.bluegenesis.ca GfCATB) TORGNTO EDITKW Each AZURA model is deigned k) deliver thebeslpossiile valve ftir your corkHitingd^ar. AZURAhasasolulion | tofil)uslaboulany ty^ol computing need, you an choose from any pte- configwed system or anyOar^onesySem withspedlicccmpo- ItM* Psiiuni* II pncssu Ints^ Cet>rwi'** pm ce ssc r BUILD TO ORDER SYSTEM WITH BRAND NAME COMPONENTS AZURA C433I’ Intel* Celeron'*PrQGeflSorat 433MHz E Mamboaid manuiacuxed by Intel* O SZMBSDRAMrPC-lOO) U «.4GeUDMAATA Kara Drive ' 44iBDECt>nCM Crefilive Amplified Speakers Mouse / Pad inpueed MimosPI* IMndDWS 9SSE wCD MSRP $849.00" AZURA 500A* Imp* Pentium* III Piocessor at SOOMHz AsuS PSa Mainboetd &4MBSDnAM(PC-t00) 13GB OOMA ATA Held Drive 4«rEIDECO.nOM Creative Sound Blaster PCI 518 Audio ATI Rage Pro / SMS AGP Azure Modem seK*' Cisaevs Ampetiso SpeskBis Mieroeoti'windcwB saSE nKD 17* Aura SVGA Monitor induded USRP $1,699.00" AZURA 600A‘ Intel* PeiSum* III Pioceaeor el 600MHz Aeus P3G MeinboBid iSBMB SDRAM (PC.lOO) 1 3GB UDMA ATA Hard Drive (mnpm) axRewrtaBle CO-ROM Cieedve Sound Btasier Live vaiuel CreattvaLabieMBAOP Azura Modem 96K- Ciealtve Ampllied Apt. 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PrM • Vims w anr PC ww ulTicm sbrage jpax • Cart lasswwii prana sFiy/all OSns) al inniQ. • Camas on Iw nappies. • Peinaos the pitCB... al aUut $75 CamOian (ml tKPaPhg shepliiQ. OutOlMi Easy nslBl. Very gcad maruial am irUM suppori. Sires) prm USt49.95 IUSS39.95 Ipr i)0M«ed mslan] VC been an essenllai lo ere was always one file ibi on a floppy., ihank Goc .wWinZip. WinZip a flic c ir PKr.ip • ConrasMmosyeuDDataisia cwnpccssiofl uiuiiy iDai allows you to compress any Tile inlo eilher a sdf.exlraciing EXE or a ZIP flic. WinZip 7.0 SR-I shareware is rrom Nko Mok Computing Inc. (nttoyrwww wKsip |sss=~~ Thinking about your Future? • IHouiniis comoressiciii lormal (7P| iisu on ISM- 1 ccmpelitile PCs. 1 • Arohlra can be sal le uncompress win OiiecimH | ana sub ttracHrlas nisei -*j • Can create sdl-eitracting sctiivss. I • Opans(iieiiyfflu£nanytwora)miiraasaafiie<2l'. Z. GZ 12, T«, TGZ, LZn Aaj, ARC. T«,.CA0, Et ' UJ.UUZXXE.OHX.eM.HOXMM. ' • Grtansn help uMity i Cobs ] • Can'IIMikotany.oilwtignilOoesn'trvninOaS. : OutalpQi I Simple G Inssl. Very good Itxumaawn Street price- $45 Furltier thougnte ditfereniiaie. Moal of the commcrclgl uliUiy vendors now offei 30. lo W-day free triai verrioos of ihcir utility software on theit Web sites. AI the same time, aU of Ihe share. ware vendors listed have produced timely updates to their programs and offer support services for a fee. Inevitably we get asked if we could absolutely, positively have to have with for PC pump up work. For, Franzilack il'seesyt he'd have List nestled away on every one of his emergency boot disks. For. Hans/Nathan, the choice is Parlitron Magic with LUi (as its only 76XR) snuck onto the same diskette. J Natliar Surwyar (A.kA Kans), wsss as PIMACAiei- Mvk lactvMan. m on tie reached at ms jicmaceiowaitis enn Jack Surveyor, Ak A Franr), pumps up as a onsillam: Get certified. Get ahead with Certification Press from serves up a (»tTibln«km of free ottenitga. YSSlS »^n aanglBbkn^ 2ne the bH lorirss la ISSO'a Cyrarw ds □ 5 B a R N E 1:1 Coiwda Conipstor Books Con)w Books U of T Bookstore Pogebytes » Wmi <10 tomiof lech 1706 DaifaShelE 3StS Si. flair tve 1 Unlfl 2H Cotige Shnl tSOManlSl *lnrSaGin|alir9giilsS2ltin7SM SiaiianugKOIIMItUI Grand Raoi last IsiaMD, OH DJI Si •lIMnCniiimUrsrISOIlaMrtytauW «Mi.ieBpiiiaelK.ine beiile, OH MSI 311 Pkaelll M-Ult HKoiakmgiierbtbcom Fhioi:lll-97$-7W3 airit.pogalyleuoiii lectm, the firm Sottas been ovBdotdtod beixiriw the portal br ctart triusic tans the Wb;//www. worfclpop. com HECXMFUTERnv^ GtcavcnToncMroennoN « Case & Power Supply Network Products (S«, Monitors Main board Aceti <• tSOpon W-MVUhn Sound Card CD POM Backup Drive M Speakers Fax Modem ASR <.**mnl.V0le«lSA gf Scanner ‘'^adapfec MN*wwiniwi iK](gij)[sr.- 70S0S ^ 6uia4scaca)w Orextor KviVmrUiX Peirtfiiiii in Power Series :SS»: MI - awuS^wajHwftM r/^rci •MJ Ca*ronS00MH{ *1169^ PmHih III ftoAnloiial Strin 'teeKioaioaAW Wwm ■ ■ MX life) tMi coo ILtS R| :i£as?s?!£5sa;‘*- KJi i Ml XpfeOUt Z2Hi AS» Vldoo iriafii>.nanc< isOiZ/Hoxov ,^iffei|io ' SOiJIOtallfe ^^SOMOteld •SS3a5oMe2?I?PoiJ Cfl ■ Mj <10 ioodioo wmtMoaW Ceteron &00MHZ *1259^ Psfftlum III Super Serin -!i»elor»T()*CsSiit»w««) tHL_l IVi CeleonSOOMHZ *1639^ Pentium lit SSOMIu *1349 Penllim III 600eBMIu *1399 <♦ INnUNCT EJOpan- .‘y.DfBkCJ )S. PenHum III &S0Utu: *1439 PwiHuin III 600EBMhz *1489 INT£RN[T Acert <• ftf}, ‘^OIRECT f^opori PenHum Ml SSOMhz *1819 Pentium III MOEBMhz *1909 ^ Bsm ALL Systems are Backed by lor3 Yra Parts & Labor Depot Warranty We Service all IBM Compatible Systems (UPGRADE & REPAIR) Web Slte:www.Lcbouse.com LOGIC April Spttcicil PWe« CTtcav* 8tw— n Apr Hard Drive Fufr&U MMMKnMM }11t lUMUnSIUU Il74 SCSI HmH Driya - InkJet & Laser Printers EPSON ssrasi-jafiss STyMmoiMlipem Caaoa uc-ieosiuowi^ utilities the heart and soul of Linux From a certain point of view, Linux can be seen primarily as a set of utilities bonded together by a common kernel. These utilities form the "toolkit" model that has endeared Unix to programmers, system administrators, and advanced users for more than three decades. NEW COMPUTER SYSTEMS FIX YOUR Y2K » aAMa>aa.r^iKi liHet cclcren 4«6 SS89 Intel Pemnioi D 400 SS99 PV?^X ! fMolPauiumlllSSO JEW v>n>».>u)|«ia» Intel Pentium QI 6C0 S999 Special INTEL TECH WAVE COMPUTERS INC. SYSTEM UPGRADE & PARTS $799 UPGRADE SYSTEMS MAIN BOARD 3336 Yonge Street TORONTO. M4N 2M4 UPGRADE YOUR ASUSPEtmUMCnSSTS t4R AMD ADROM K’ iW M lllll ii * >UB SVGA AmmUSHAUJ * .iixcDaou TEL: (416) 486-9258 FAX: (416)486-9257 ITa ' b: SIMM RAM LTGBAOE CENTER CHECK ANDFIXVOIIR aSmuan-PiN} » ]2Ma BOO aAMTt-PIN) SSS PENTIUM II 4N esiss PENmiMlIIHD -SJIS PENTIUM in eSO CALL tana HAM Fff(72-pr>4 iss CD-ROM DRIVES A KITS RELUBLL, TOP {H, _LU_4J__U»llia.U.I HARD DRIVES qpS^^ , COMPUTER UPCRAIX. wrm A wHiLE-rou-WArr service X»D aPDlUVElKtCWtTHONEDiaX} Sit. tstsiss.. s WE ALSO ACCEPT Mill'll^’ ■nUDE^NS SSmlSS w. smRiuioDia w SPOTTECH SCANNER >H 5SJ1SSIS S» .‘“"pSsr 5r- piurnouiou nom ti- SAT; laeni-Spai MAmwiMIUUO) 54. MONITOR !!! i.-»«wrro SIM Lipgrade and Repau needs. Fietaneuig/liasing prions available I is- lAKSCMC sanrosi^ ' m L PRINTERS ATREAK KANSOUt-MOHrrOeuOMl SJ45 VirrtaUtP5tWlH*l SnP CANCNEK-Iooe SH CANDNErC-SKICBt SI— m Ari m xnsssioN PCI FAX /MODEM . H IPSONlMl»«S n» t ■ n 51- It UOdSK PCMCA PAXUOOEM SWISS SMTtacpAEHS tin Sound Cwds NFTWURK CARDS EMnaASwairra DS SI i— uaieUMrpa in as PCUCAVmCCONFERENdiaTS asi Til* tDolkRmlndMt When Ihe enliic OS is largely i collection of leak it's dilTicult to Hnd o Uarijng lun ahoul everything you do on e Linux system, from listing lite (H) M chwging vnur pass- ulihty can be piped mm the next in a chain N cmie a new, cwomized uiiliiy. For a simple knowhow many files are in your /hut directo- ry, To find out. you can simply pipe the output of B 10 the word ciiunl utility, wc, using llie ■lines" flag (-1); c*ntinueJ im page 24 THE COMOiriEB iweil GBEATEB ' At km tt S25S/mo. ;3':^Canon gli $3,595 lELSHl ViewSonic PF.775 Daily Specials & Real-time Custom Quotations @ trww.srnart-machlne.com ORDER ONLINE AND SAVE 3i»»ci«ii S419 NOW SHIPPING AMD K7 SYSTEMS WITH 4X AGP, 133MHZ BUS CALL DIRECT 1-800-22 4-1719 Shipping Canada - WIDE 1027 FINCH AVE WEST. UNIT# 2. TORONTO, ON M3J-2C7 Fax: 416*665>2233 BRAND OF PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY iiiilsuifi; iillil • laaiu HU But. IX *<3(> wux!au*-«6 cnn • 1 PRL. 3 SMt, 2 USB Pntt.Supgoit ISB FIAU <128UB1MMU SORW. 144kPtnnDnlcrU|>py • aOBIBM Mtit*larOXPURn-nHvBOrivt > Snv 7.200 RPM 2MB CtmtSMBtoc t IJi|.Twtr ATX Cm 290 M«g pM<rSixs|<y t ELSA eMZO* X 22ttB Grforu^AX ASP • 19*\AaiuS<xi:cPF-7M 25mrFI«CtilcrU(ii>il(ir > OWKtKl UaiaW HX400 30 Dotv O9AH 4 . PionMrlBXHOX E-OE DVE7.ROU ejXWWm • AIM Langms ACS.22 Guno Spaabn •104K Xu^orte Kg^oanl A UsBBdi Mutt • USRuKMu sot V.OO PasIMoOeir HtniMin t Ottccnl M. CemoAtw EncytlaudH 2000 P PINNACLE- MATROX RT-2000 HITACHI S.2GI SOI IHT. EPOX'iou AMP K7 ATHLON w=DV500 DVD-RAM $1,450 Yi.~950 . S3»5 UNINC UP YOUR PC LHIRUm Dm riean and soul of Liv Continutd fnm page 22 sages, il's som iraTor, should ! system idminU- ?te:hgU.20 oirrawnam^ls -i /at/ifoa/twiiBas'qf i « -r II I ScuffEtilnuni -jl Uirasnoia ] iUtea 9 nip='Me' $ IS '1 /atlsBoiiVmisaelV I w -i lem to find out how many potential '‘problem" messages are in the queue. Taking ibc concept one step hirthec, I creat* cd a shell script called 'mailalerl.sh’ that checks the number of messages in the queue against a threshold number and sends the sys- there might be something amiss. If the number crosses a certain threshold, it could be the result of a dropped link to the Internet or, svofse, a spam'relay attempt by an outside party. Ahhou^ the queued messages could also be the result of normal, heavy processing with a high incidence of undeliverable mes- mes (osaiiasla -s'Uail Queue Mart' c<£0M there n Ku"tiitneiTi missages n ne man gucue on Cnsck /<»/spogl«Tiqiieue nunds. A resullutg mailalrrl message looks >fmrri)al SunM»12niB29 2000 Date. Sun. 12 Mat ZWIOS te 29 -OSOO Fmnr mU <roat> To postmaster Suqect; Mas Ousua Men Tnenare SSrtsssBqesuineiiteiiaiHuaen arts 08:16 29 EST 2009 Qieck AarhpodAnqueua (As an aside, you shuuJd always alias post- duct ion system so that a sysadmin will regular- ly receive mail about anything out of the ordi- nary with the sjuiem's mod agents.) The pre- ties — Is. nc. dale, mail — into one logical sequence. The next step is to pul this Into a scheduler to be run at specified times during scheduling daemon. Once you've created and to run at various times of day or night by scheduling it with the cronlah utility. You mvoke croniab as erontali -t (or editing.A typ- 0 ‘/a • " fls.leeai/tai/maiiaieflsii fusr/locaiybin every four hours, on the hour, every day of the week, every day of the month, every month." For a full explan.iuurt uferontab entries, lyjw man S CrMtab. Kearly every Linux utility is accompanied by a man (manual) page for quick reference. any given utility, consult the man pages (nun Isor man wc for example). Your pre^rass with Linux will bear a direct comdalion lo ihe amouni of lime you spend reading man pages. This simple example — having the syitem moRilor the status of the sendnuil passing when appmpnate — gives you a glunpsc of the hancL pu have unlimited, t^cn -ended oppor- tunities lo cieate anything pu need. Unux is the ultimaie linkerer’s dream. Finding things in fHea .hfot everything has to be scripted, of course. Ytiu run many uuUcies hom the command line the pep fimiiy— giep. (gtep, and egtep— which are used to find pattern matches rn files. the HTML pages on pur Web site contain ref- erences to Linus Tbrvalds but you can't remember all the relevant pages. If the pages are ui a single directory, pu can type; S grq -9 >nus /boths/WIpoinpl/agenstiurca/' Mnii i otp -9 MtiB fittmmiiEiaqwiii/ixisiisavrce/' mmi \ > iTt89 -s'Tna Lfxjs Tcrrslds I9es' weCxnasier Crep IS frequently used hi search for pat- terns tn log flics. It peuvi Jes a quick way lo find that needle in the haystack For nample, one of your users may complain that a message he sent (implying, of course, that put server is at fault |. You can grep the system mail lugs under Ihc recipient's emaJ address lo sec if the out- r^ly"User unkiiuwn" is ui the logs as part of your user has mistyped the address Convincing the user that Ihtt might be Ihc case is a little easier when pu can provide the evi- Although the grep default is to di'i^ay the to have some context for that line, such as the line preceding and the line following the malching line. GNU grep. which Linux sys- tems offer, provides conlexlual grep by either using Ihe -C context flag, whkh pcovidn two lines before and after, or by specifying the number of context lines you want Here's an example nf looking throng the mail kig on a Uebian GNU/Unux system with one line of context before and after the matching line: S gisp - 1 gwitMin ABChog/rtaa Dg Mai12H.93f34iUiinsanilmaii|Sl3] tAAf»513 Ironidool. snvfiO. ciaa=0.pri--3003a.mcpOct, fflSgi(N<20D003121 643 tAAODetlSlMlIan wSOuni 89 Waprooiaiocgfixisl Ha l2ll’43'34llefiiansendrrD9;5l3J tAA0a6l3 IWEiMtbumeitomg com. (lalay<00:00iia, maHeiviiical. sl3ii:i|ueiM Mal21229'14tKiiarstnantaiil545| Sras aatabsse /nywians so out o' oait c*ntexliul grep is particularly useful when inspecting documents or source files Quite ufien it's desirable to grep right down ihfuu^ an enure directory Iter. The tradi- tional way to do this is by combining grep with another utility called find. Find is a powerful. query the number of references lo Linus Torvalds in the iusridoc directory of a Red Hat 5 J system: • ItnO /usridoc -lyge ' l sags greg lorvskts i wc -I 78 UNING UP YOUR PC 'nw 9ta1« ol your systam TWd Linux uiUitics you will lind invxluufcte m dfxnddu Thedf uUlity sumnixrimi frn disk spKO. By drCaixlr it lists sixes in blodts, which can vary from sysletn to system (see Example This display is the default on most Unix sys- tems. GNU df, hoWTscr. offcis the excelkat -h Sag, meaning ‘human-readable" that pro- duces a more graspable result (sec Example 2 in table). The du (disk usage) utility afters more granularity. It can traverse a directory tree or subtree to determine huvr much space b being used. It can lake the meusute nf an individud user or the extent of yuur corporate Vhrb site. The du default provides a diicclory by direcinry summary, with a grand coul sum- using the -n flag for improved readability. On my Drbun GNU/Limix puruble, for uiUance (an elderly IBM ThinkPad), the /usrMoe directory occupies about 20 MR of did space. Using another useful utility, tail, here are the With the summary Sag, -s, 1 can get a snap- shot of my personal disk usage: S Ai -Its yhonwgenen B57K mome/jenew 11‘seasy to see that with less than I MB, (his is a new setup It'll begin lo fill up in no lime. Another good slalc-of-ihe. system utility is free, Free gives you a snapshot of memorv us^, including virtual memory, or swap space (see Example 3 in table) Another essential system utility is (op. Top shows you the lop processes tunui:^ on your system. Il can be hi^tfy useful Ibr identilying memory hogs or a runaway process. When you type tup you sec a display similar to Example 4 (set (able). One of Use most ubiquitous Unn ulililies u ale tar Cles and ur backup tapes. On a fOe level, tar works m a manner somewhat similar to the Windows ZIP progrsms, except that, by default, tar does not compress files. The most widely used compression uliliiy is grip (GNU zip), which IS unmiaied to DOS ZIP. By debull tar recurses subdirectories, mak- ing il a good Utility to use when moving large and hies from ooe place to another. If you have a SCSI tape dnve attached lo your Linux syscem.youcantat your whi^e system to tape with the follovring command: Unhappy with your ISP lately? Has the service from your current Internet Provider gone downhill recently? Have you been getting unreliable connections, unresponsive or under-quali- fied tech support, or maybe you're having difficulty getting online? Then, it's time to move to Pathway. We haven't forgotten what service is all about. We not only pride ourselves on superlative service, we guarantee it. Ask any of our thousands of delighted customers who depend on us for fast, reliable and trouble free Internet service, each and every day. They'll tell you what the 'S' in ISP stands for. Sign up today, for the best Internet service in the city. Guaranteed . 35 70 130 Unlimited 350 2mb 5mb 7mb 9mb 12mb 1 2 3 4 5 $9.95 $1499 $19.95 $25.95 $25.95 *99.“ $149.00 $199.00 $279.“ $279.00 Additional hours 99< each. One-time set-up fee S30 Pathway is the first Internet service provider anywhere in the j world to be certified with the IS09002 quality system. What are you waiting for? Rnloriiig everything finm the some Upc Available in Hamilton and Burlington 905 570-8789 http://www.path<om.<om • e-mail: infoepathcom.com • 1 Yonge Street, Suite 2205, Toronto. Ontario M5E 1ES Continual on page 27 1.1 ^ P VOUR PC c u lUiuJIri bil mill tixludc(/dc»and/pnK ntanpj^will hHp piiu . for Intlancc). wilh Ihe rmrr ■ gunjp (n|jtcni»i! la ;; • Ur CvT m/aatit Ur or «mpiy If you ol'iaii 1 fik- wiih (hr »icc»iun 't. ar press. To uncnnspcns lUyuu type: • mamcnst mv«n:nrs« ui 7 sive b 2 ip 2 . which msfces insiller files, and nii'iin/ip. uidilin dial can cmleor open U05 ZlPfiki. your linui system. Mnsi wleran system adminisiralors prefer dump and restore over lar for whole system hatkups. Others use a more complex pre^am called cpitr. which and cpiu are usually loalalled by default on product from MIT that u avajable fur all Lmux distributions. Backup is one area where commerctaJ uidi lies have made some headway into Ihe binui wiirhl TWO of the popular hjckup programs are BRU I Backup and Rntne Ulililyl from Enhanced Sotiware Technologies (I'Hr/wawbiuBintland Knui Software’s Arkria backup software (nnp r/nwwarMtacgffil. somclimes included in Linux disinbulions nr are can he driwnicutded fjir personiil use. Both products offer rofausi error checking, tape backup across the network. fields oui of Icai files and sed. the Unix stream scnpu on text files such as KTML pages There ace several pir^rams available for synchnini/ing your system’s time with public lUTM standards. Of these, rdale u Ihe simplest Want to see a file in hexadecimal’ Use hex* dump Of the octal dump uidiiy od with the -n hex nag Need version conittil over a sci of fdes’ Visit res, revision control system, for a very tophisikated utility that ts free on Linux (and eiuis upwards of $500 for Windows tys two files? Meet d^Wanl to fdler your incom- ing email into various mailboxes and Biter out email &om certain parties? Tuit study ptoc- mail. Need to set up an email vacation notice while you’re holidaying in Fiji? Use vacation Everyone needs securiry. Replace telnet with dun’l like all ihe banner ads? Lynx. Ihe ebam- Uie comp.cs lnB.anwnca newsgroup. Anddon’l forget more and less, the essential Umixpagc viewers. Well, that’s more or less all (10 the best of my luKiwIcdge. Linux dues not havea utility named grokj. Happy greping J Bens wabutri tgndxjnietiaiTiii eotig ii a liK>ilP-&3sea IT niaustr. rrasoan and aanei whe opaaies a amal latin of Uniis sanurs Bade baud d ns Unin lor Newbies and Unui iitsale caamns are exalaw on lu wn pie (imp r/wwM nomamioarnry cm. Baakutbdl Iwh* of thu WMk MB— Whok gw biggest tern m beak ellwP Ma week? Which la the jerldesi teemf HcMMIar’a Basketbel Jerk of the VMc vnl tel you. end tel you why along with opkiona, pest jerks, interviews end fee- hires and quotea. Vou can even nomh nste a jsrk youraelf http.'/hvwwJerNoftheweek com/ MSkatMII/ She for SpaniBh>^aeaking techies NB—Univ«ieoeiT IS Ute fksl Latin /Vnaneen commiavty for people interset' ed n IT. The free to accees she wea devefopad to provide a meeting place fee IT profcaiionals and Interested compe- rues. 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Mere internet. printing tpun Siyigs UO Epson Stylgi 660 Epson Slytus 740 digital CononB-aSOf Conont»-430(1 HPSconialUaOU....... ht*Scpn|el<2D0<J - rrai Astra 2200U Epson PhotoPC 6S0 monitors 1 7* Ptireelors Monitor I r Prtreelon Monitor 2rHitoCtslTV/VGA.. extreme software £A sows Cor 6T entertainment zonot JV/fM GENfE KIT wtth remote control— mp3 Diomorrd Mo PMP500 S4 CreoHve lobs Nomad 64 Carets WoidPertect<&' Family Pack; •CoietP WoidPeitecH S 'CoretF Quoltro* Pro 6 •CoieK Print House"' Magic 6 •Carets Photo ttouse"* • Compton »» Intetocllve Encyclopeala l!9» •Mavis leacon Teaches Typing^ f visit us at www.pc-centres.com lae Br KMia Meat • d TUNING UP YOUR PC CaittiiiaeJ from pnjr 211 lool. Synanicc has rcun'ir been alow lo ofln updates that address changes in Apple system softwaie.tTtu has left the door open Icr small- er. more aggressisc and nimble competitoo like MicroA^t and Alsoft. TochTool Fiam MicniMy ntie:/Aww tiKrtrw com Pnet: $1 20 KtvnnerDal iicsnca) MicroMal ofters disk and data recovery tools similar to Norton Utiklies, but it goes the extra mile by including more amprehensive hard- ware diagnostics as pan of the package. For Deluxe versions ICyov purchase the Applecare extended wafranly package, the dduxe version is included at no extra charge. Olskwatdor htig7Aimw alson com Price: HOS Rommenaal leancsl PlusOptimleer FforcNsoll hop /ANM.attatt com PrCe: S46 (coniTietciel tcence) Similar in function to Nortons Speed Disk, PlusOpiimieer rewrites fragmented file data into contiguous blocks. Performing this type access limes, thereby increosing disk perform- ance and savutg wear-and-ieat on Ihe hard ThECOMPlTOtfWSl QUEiTERTCfiONTOECrrON w w M PUTTIHG THE EASY IN E-COMMERCE! Hmtim* Fackmis Mwllais •« Only SM.M/bm • 5-30 Emsil Acarnnn • 20-60fn*gs of wob tpa<» • Awoitl winning EC-BvIldorSo 4.5 A 4.5 fio vonion soHwon • too lo 3000 bwn catalog • 34/7 Customor Supperl ■ Free Website Creation Softwore ■ STS Domoin Kegistrotion * Microsoft Frontpage Extensions ' Website Management Tools * E'Commerce Solutions Available • vvww.youmame.com Register at ' /JW.EASTiiosTiNG.coM' Hostii CohiinilerPvER Tech Enterprise Waking up to denial of service attacks The DoS attacks of February are a feding memoiy, but they leave unanswered questions: Who launched them? Why? What implications will such attacks have on the evolution of the Web? Internet sharing in Windows 98 SE SE The dim compuicn ua be nuimng dilTemit 1 d vrrjtonv of Windows, If >ou at using s a Sympstico USE (High Speed Editkin}i don't boiher sinee il isn't compalible. A r^ulir Sympsiico Kcouni— snd any other dial-up sccouni— wUl work. I used a NcKom Canada I shodd poiRi out that ICS Is also pan of Windows 2000 Prolessioaal. but my deutip- lion IS based on Windows 98 SE. 'The ICS fevun is not pari of a dclauJi insullati of Vi 8 SL II installed on year computer, you unU net install il before you on begin. Go to Omlrol Panel. AcW/Reniovc Programs, on Windows Setup, then pick Internet T Select Internet Connection Sharing an prompted, supply the Windows 98 SE Cl>- il. The :S files Wizard will succeed in setting up your com puicT if vnut LAN and dial-up nclworkin connection air in good order. You ihould als have TCP/IP installed and bemnd to you Ethernet card. The Wizard only needs to ru on ihecnmpoiet that connects to your TSP. It often called a pieway (even if it's an HP c Compu)!. iwofilrsio k.Youwl ICS. The two files are very small, sc ready in a few seconds Remove t again you won't see the Wizard— nnd ui ‘ you've read a manual or a readme file, you won't know what to do nest. One of the files on the diskenc is the leadme file you need {ti would be helpful if the Wizard did a better }Ob of guiding ih' If you go to Network in the Control PaneL you will see that the Wizard did more than just Canirnired on page 40 DoS vulnerability hits home 1 a (hen somaone OKiOes 19 launch a WW denial ol sarvica (DoSl attack, they V V rarely do It araetty tor a vary siTTi- pie rasaon: a dract attack is loo easy for natwork manssers and taw enforeemeot *Ont ol Or* reaaens tna FBI istiawng proOtarns tracking dewn the DoS hackara « that system to eitatUr 'rbtroo." says Greg QlHorTi. chief axsDJlrvt officar of Network lea Carp. fnoo/AnmictMitKeaifmnSan Mateo. Cam. They bounead through three c» lour systems and usad the fourth to tall ttta mscMnaa to attack Yahos. il you are a good hacker, you woiid never start an attack fiom GUliom suspects that on average a home system that is regularly con- nected to the Internet is scanned by hackers at least once a week. 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As one of the leading business-focussed global providers, wc'tc committed to bringing you reUable leading^dge solutions for ail your local, long-distance and Internet needs. For more information talk to an AT&T Canada Sales Representative or call us today al 1 - 888 - 278-5374 or visit www.a(tcaiiada.ca/business/webhost.html -- ^ ATfaT Canada.. The network the world works on. INPUT DEVICES " “irSnelKtiOurdPrc US CD 1 DVD DRIVES NEC K1 SCSI WCt>Cnw CiuMniCESUCMIra- CwMAOEDVDIXCk CD WRITERS •SitWeHtSCUMHOWiiWlH S433 Kl •smKMtsDiminu hm 1499 via ■■• ounisoti.n i At««cft«AAA-ISIll3n('(l:4 Its? ’CP»WrW»ai«™ilCil •' INKJET PRINTERS as’" 'Dj Sineus ■cfc«pira5 S” 1 AacLmmgACSUSieKicili' SIS — iLwtUI^Qxr'IlvM SIS POViA*t;i!^(>iSt° S!S.'l“ SiSi LASSR/LBD PRINTERS Si 'S’! SS BassKiS is IIDEO CARDS Iif3‘ I il SSHLl Szi SS??» iri UWuGMOUUIMnNSliM raw NS MONITORS Xnn<t(L*ai] iri260 SfiSISS ECH ENTERPRISE : COMPl/TSt R>P(n GREATER TOnSNTO I ECH ENTERPRISE Wat it political? The Siler ce from bw oirurcemenl omciels hat noi slopped people from tpecuUiing on molives for the ttuchs. There hot been sugges- tion thil the jltacks were j form of protest against the rapitSly growing cnnunerdalincion those most interested in eommcrcialuing the Internet for their own gain. It was only a few years ago (hat the Internet was being heralded as a tool for creating a would hbetite people by giving them instant pcsEy barriers as national borders and govern- ment controls. Now, some say. the Internet is nothing but a pbec to buy leh-handed bottle- cap openers, and the ooJy liberating thing about it it how quickly you can ffle an IPO for 'Alto the WTO, 1 had the feeling tha are a lot of culture jirnmns out iher don’t like the way the Net is evolving, w le first I appeared cyberspace, the argument svas svheiher diould be ads at all in cybenpace. rust about anywhere on the Net 3 mg with ads,' Nicani Kkm. autluir of No Lugo and a <i ic of the commercialiratton of the tnlerr says if the February UDuS aiuck was a kind about it. The atlack turned the tables un i sites by flooding them with the kinds malion requests the companies ask people to them ail the flash- 'll is sc )f bke ju every day and we are now noniDarding irtem with messages' Others, however, don't see the attacks as either elegant or as a form of protest. They say the attacks were poorly conceived and too plainly obvious. Among older hackers, the attacks smack of someone young and inecpc- rienccd, looking to make a name for them- selves. They don’t believe any larges social scing m. refol older hackers is the possibility of there beij^ a Urges social message behind (he atlacks. For older hackers, what mattered was the elegance of the cod e and how swiftly they could gel into a system. ’There was no social message behind what they were doutg, eacepl to show off their programming and hacking prowess. ‘These asf not high-tech hacks because the point is not to show off your technical ability, kra pobiicalpoint,’’ lOan sa^ onfotinds Ih r off how skilled they an ill the fuss is about. gets so overloaded with regular request: people are shut out until things die dots says. It may cause s lew to grumble in de bul life goes on nonciheleu. NS— Ttfo aita i» th« home of Hte Scrabcie be tare of the alphabet ac end adugi. Motmaiion about new CO-ROM oamea, the Scrabble tor ac U.S.. en imaiaceve enegram buldar and an onUna dietjonary lookup lo nito.v/wwiKacraoefa.coA)/ Speakers’ Comer on the Net NB— Speakari’ Comet ii siiuelsd on a eomar ol London’i Hyde Perk, a attanaa and axclt- ing place when) maalines am held and peopla can speak to an audienca fram a aoapbos In the opan tk liaely Among those who have ananded meallnas hare are influeniial (IgurM In world histoty such as Kad Uani. FredehckEngalBand V.l. Lann. ThIeWeballelwipaawvi*- lur siplore wtd understand Spaskere' Comar, looking at the oistoiy, dtoetMen, debate, htmec md madne as , that has aialained illoro«wlSOy«aia. ftnp;/A»tvw.apaaliaraoeimeruietf Tired of shopping around? Why don’t you ^ CheckMy Price com to find the guaranteed lowest price. 38 UAVSCOl THE COMMTiP nUTER GREATBt TOtOftO EDTION vmwearaiUccinipueacoin jiSB /BIS cww «2 diamond i>-Unk DMitoK Fjam Op[«iw iWSeagate^t tamaha I BRIDE Fmn Turn Your Comiiutor Into a We Irade-in astems. monilors. hard rirnai,. chi we iraae-in astems, monilors, hanijtflBJiMillWH aiWilt, LTUS. metnary • wrtiallY any hanhiwe against the purchase rt any produce i C Superior BeOTirs, Upgrades, and On-SIte Senrice!) COOL CASES mmmm NCREDIBLE PRICE! I ■ "c.ss.'K *48 ^saanw EMJnk 10/1 00Mb 'Hui Etliernet Connect 5^0 lor Less! Zo MATROX MARVEL G400-TV MMSH - FiA rO«ii4aO 30Fpe Krec vUao caplm Hid •dHln^ ' DUPES hudwn rnnwwiiilrw DVDiHaybKk srss£*’43o 98 Manwami giSSi' C*24J5) ^^HOaJ DIGITAL SOUND! * iR *268 » m *198 Si? SCSI, NETWORK, VIDEO, USB ms BIG DRIVE, GREAT PRICE! m 188 ^ fiMi ■ on 17GBATAffi6’ “^AX63 Prt M/B sl - IDWWI InW CiNrcft N • PH ■ EcwmOm 133iete Srt SungiliUSSSglMH. rat/r *13 CHEETAH 10.0O0rpm! Gel the beau Theae Scagala HDs feauire a Hazing fO.OOOrpm ipirwira & ?MB 18.2GB> *798:*l3ro^- D-LINK USB I^M RADIO! PaWIvniimviitcal / ^DAlynlaNh / 5^59-95 DemtairlHiA ^gr nws A MP3i' . 1^^ J CistnQiiolestlMen Kif,!.';!?™!; ““Jf™ MSI ' lui CAV c Uii:i I uinL & Instituiionai are & Home , Py rAA) C’Wail 5 Wep orders Welcome! Welcomel Leasing ; C ^Canada Computer & Electronics Inc. / mwi'.canoaacarTvuten.com iPJVWVMhVB ■ K-ICOSCMAM BMe'iakjB <BSir0.27l RBflE HouWri 74I5U<KT U/t 64MiRC10DSClRAM Ouonun a.4Ga tF RD tanonlc 1 44Rixw <C««7XCt»OM NECIvIctoARCae ORDOvaeMBAGP cnxaoiftaasam lOAMnfe KPitxxn 2lunDnPV2Mou>9 l2CWSDMk« eeuuN ACf)enAX63PioVIA 64MBPC-I00S0RAM FulBu g.AGS HD PonoMWel.MHcopv Acet40XCDROM MdiDWKAjyaic AUXpenfSeMBAGP CnoMPO-iavaue Acoro IS'MotKiDf 2tuirariPS/2Mcue laWSoeoker TOTR5 AuPl-KhVe MME PC-100 SCRAM UCMA)0.26BHD PcerAOXCDROM MaTcMwATXBSe CKvnondAW 16MB AGP C»aMPO-128\«M Accro15’Monllw KMVMSKMxxia 2 hjlton PS(2 Mouse crtxodioncoMCtMic* Cclcna4S3 «7W CdaoaMO 719 Cck(ee«M »83S SiEiS iS UPOMOt tPBCmJ IMECOMFUIWI GREATER ICnCNTO EcmON TUNING UP YOUR PC PlusMaker FremiAIsjtt tmp/'*wvjlsettari Pnc9 (comnieiaai Kence) With ttK release of Mac OS 8. 1, Apple bej^n to five usees ihe opiion of formatting their disks as either Mac OS Standard (KPS) or Mac OS Extended (HPSr]. The extended rormai making disk atlocalioo block sues smaller another device, refunaai and reinitialiac the hard drive, then move data back to lhcext«>d- ed format drive. HlusMaker lets you do this extended formal, select the drive and use the Gel InfocummanJ. Anti-virus utilities can help piesenl viruses before they infecl your hard drive. Configuration controls allow fed comfortable vnih. System software utilities These utilities augment the Mac OS by either improving exciuig nunagemeni fralutcs, or adding slralcgic lechnologies to address Apple's core markets. Conflict Ccteher Fioni’Ca^gSraene htlpvAwni.cassdn com fVics $120 ( m nimeii ia l Icflncfl Eatlensions patch Ihemsdres onto the system software's core to add functionality Many this extension mechanism in order (o offer specific fcaiurcs. Unfurtunalely, cxIcashmu can be both a blessing and a curse The more devises and software you losiall. the greater the chance that Mac OS's bundled Extension Manager allows you to enable or disable cxlmsions to avoid conflkla, but it is up to pu to figure out Conlllcl Caither extends the Exleiiiion Manager's capaHlilles by offering features like aulomalic exlmskin conOict detection, merg- ing of your dd system folder with a dean inslallaiion, and many other useful loob. In Mac OS X. enensiuns wiJ no longer palch themselves directly onto the OS, so it will be interesting to see whether eilensiuii managers will have a rule in the future or noL USa Overdrive Norton AnWirus Fnira: SjireniK Wtp/iiuiiwximanuc com Pnc« SitO(ciyi>nerciaiiiaMC<) Norton AniiVirus is considerably more sophisticated than OisinCeciant It can moni- tor every activity on your hard drive, consis- temly warning you of suspicious modifica- Fiom. Aiesiariln] uni Umaicini tillii //WWW ustxntnlnve com Pnu- $30 Samaifl is best described as a univeisal driver for attaching any USB peripheral to your Mac and configuring its operaiion. USB Overdrive works in concen with Apple's USB Support ^ matter? Gudxllla Internet presence does matter! ess WEB HOST r 5 MB of disk Space ' 2 l>OP3 e-mail accou ' 1 alias NG from $ 8 . 95 * 20 MB of disk space 10 POPS e-mail accounts 10 alias 'vSOMB of disk space ^ V 20 POPS e-mail accounts V S e-mail autoresponders V unlimited data transfer V setup fee SdO,- lOO MBof diskspMe V 30 POPS c-raail accounts V 30 alias r 5 e-mail autoresponders W ECSuUdsf 4.0 SOHO tor frM ES fv^Sipt EiMsrprisa ayttsens SoMions www.esswebserviceB.com lnfo@esraebservlces.com WWW.eSKYNET.COM mE0QMPJTB5I¥PB> GPEATtB TOfONTO i * TUNING UP YOUR PC » I i HOMEAOFFICE fifSk BU MB OiUJIUh UKI cn 64 MBK-Ion Memoiy 8.4 CD HDD S6KVo<cc Modem 4MB AGP VGA Cinl 104 KeyhoanliMottfc 1 .10 mtl Speakers 16 BIl Sound . as Mini lOner Cue windows <W wuh OVManiMl A<il5.MB PcMHunmSSOCPI U8MR Memory I.SGttntlD 40sCl>-IIOM 0r6v _ .C«1 IM b)4x>ird& Mouse i.44 Floppy 240 I^rakefs Somd BhMer i 3 Windows ‘JN widi OVKwiuiil ATX Hid Tower Case Acer ViA M odm I ^ Motillnr 0 J6 irTfretsdtirHin'ga “'J> — •» 2 i MEMffiRSffiOAL 64 K- 100 SSJSiwi. Toronto RIchmondHiH. . 7 . 7 . 7 .% VrsnocSITOM ^Mon CYooge/^SUnlon) *SA-Vonoc: Street ° (Vonge/Bloor) • ; Tel: .a1A.<07S.92<&8 r Markham (HWYO/WooOOine 42)MT200D T>tCQMSVrSSf>M«< GH6A7SRTDRCW01 /hatiSrvki yNitwirkbUtai yiMMTueUdai , Rmi&n V * We Ship Canada Wide Mon-Fri: 10am-8pm Sabntey: lDam-^ Sunday: 12pm-^m LotaSua Opl» ALTEC LANSING ACS45 4MB SUBWOOFER SYSTEM $79.83 1 Acbr w $79.83* 119.83* iWhKfudftf 320P36Bil Parallel 620U36BitUSB $ *»a(/SMwl hi AaM QOpenm PCI 56K Modem Voice/Fax Modem $34,63 /lIh^ r 1 $299.83 GREAT SYSTEMS imCdCTPiiUHBi NVIDIA RIVA TNT II 32 MB AGP ^ VIDEO CARD $119.83 ^ HARD DRr 7200 RPM _ 20.4 6B LM $249.83 \ Lexm^vrk ^ Cwit Osi^ $99.83 8x4x32 CD RE-WRiTE $349.83 RETAILBOX COMPONENTS X®) » .ComeHi > I ^52^215“ « s*a ... j Condi Uavl RV^U^Wg.lVII^IKa 1«ll njuowxmn j Meuicodi in I |,’J£ ^xtnd CuJi PuOn ‘ Afonddu^^l mf CP-Rm^'' ““ Pvm El nl Midtn* ^ “ y*'*.'.* ‘-‘”Jg;.. SS v»'S. 'c:zj '.i PtMoa (*iB)2S2-4aei Fiji (41gl2M-14TS Brampton Waterloo Oakville 10089 Hurontarto St. 100 Frobisher Dr. TrrtlswRdUrttE. i|<i -CS)-!—- '^>J\ FAOIH |905)U0^2 Phom (S1t)72iOT7S Ph IM (908)287-0082 Fai (90SIS40.3710 Pu IS19I725-9404 Fs (908)287-1302 TUNING UP YOUR PC ^: 2 ?/ 77 yOamemw\'^'ii http : // WWW . conipiinieniories . com Etobiceke locition: t nailtSla )i)t« 3le«r St. wist Elikictki. ai f\i— I ! " _jiai LSI 1 latiOIlHiinl i ■ j Computer Repairs, Upgrades and Trade in’s. Trade your memory or CPU or AI] components can be installed while you wait! Uoffradc to: Pentium® III or AMO K7 Memorv.'Hard Drives and other ' Sample Systems rnde you Fislpaje or edo memory for faster sdiam s-oram dimm pci33 133 MHZ (aD MEMORY UPlities tor enhancing your Mac Continued from page 42 trial verMo^u^aillue from Panic's Wdi sue. MacTieker EiomiMafiittiSrienB MtpyAnm aaMntys com PDcr.MS If you like to track your stock pottrolio at home or at work, this trading board and rlcc- Ironir stock ticker may be what you are look- ing for. MacTieker is a portal thal allows you to track markets all over the saorkl by retriev- ing quotes from a Tew of the major stock sites yousecarenotielaj^inrcal lime, quotes are usually delayed by at least 1 S minutes. Ma ester Front- BOOme MeOa ritip:rfrmwiu«riiiiemai)ki comritacsiar Pncaiim Familiar with anapplkalwn called Napster m the Windows world! Macster is the equivalent utility that seaiches the Web for your ravuuillc MP3 fries. The blest release aUows you to save downloaded MP3 files with the QuitkTime creator and type codes, so you can open them up directly in QuickTime Player, Bonom ime We've barely managed to scratch the surface There are literally dozens of other commer- be hunted down on the Web. I've just cov- ered some of the more popular ones and oihcis that I use on a regular basis. It's vrorth noting thal anli-virus software UlUilles (such as Filesaver, Ilisklighi etc.) will add considerable complexity to your system, and may compromise siabilily of your system. You'U have to weigh these sta- bility issues against the benefit of the feature offered to decide if Ihey're really worth Pad MfOum la Mih Elta Sfstems SupKUl vi Caigwy ivia He can M leechec at elits.:)suin90hoitiexom $ No-Step High Tention Electric Current Orderly Technology Liata Computer 3611 MAVIS RD. UNIT 16-17, MISSISSAUGA L5C 1T7 TEL: (905)604-9488 FAX: (905)804-9507 EMAILssalesGliata.com lINC UP YOUl ut'U r- ; IntErneT Access ie(a with 3 month membership MONTH As low as $11.95 per month! Fixes for five common PC problems IT troubleshooter offers time-tested solutions 3 Months Unlimited Internet Access with yearly memhershlp Sei-un. Email. 20MB weh-snace. BBk access, technical snopnrt IViralso afi:,: -Virtual Domain Hosting - Business Web Design - Computer Sales and leasing ■ Computer Training Courses Your Full Internet Solution By *1 Bucdtanan I— I lem lock up or produce an error tnca- X X rage’ Do you And yiRirself waiimg for your system to krad ^^pbcations or open tVeb sites? You are not alone. These are the most common prohiems — amcH^ a few others — I have dealt with over the past five or sa years. With all of Ihe technological advances in the Iasi decade, you would eipect the personal computer U) be more tefined and a whde bi mote stable. Not so. In this satneperioi c^c- complex. and PC pcocessoc speeds have slatt- ed to push the 1 CHz IgigahetUI envelope. Think aboul it this way; Im^me you'll walking along al a leisurely pace down a foiesl path and you itip over a tree root. You skin ytxir palms or btunp your knee when you faU, but you gel right back up and carry on down Ihe path You are a 3} MtUl 4U6 i>X system running DflS 6.22 and Windows 3.1. Now im^ne you are sprmling down the same path wearing a 90 kg badipack, lining Dve raw eggi ami trying to keep an eye cm the path 2 S m ahead. Soddoily. you trip over another dee tool. This time you can't get up so quickly, the eggs are done for, and you nughl even have broken a bone or two. You are a 700 MHr l?enlium III running Windows 98 SE. People are demanding faster and Caster PCs, but operating syslen developers an tailing hjiihet and further behind. Consequently. companies are reteasing new sod revised psud- ucii before they are ready, and the consumer is left It) son out the bugs. Here are some ups lo help make your PC mute productive and your time computing less uf a headache. The Connection www.con nection .com 4l6-4IO-429a SGrvfrig the'Toronto' arGa -r ar moPG sIncG 1989! ^ To keep youi uperaling system suble, I always suggest people keep abreast of product updates. This is a very simple exercise. Microsoft maintains a Mfeh site svhete all of the lalesi patches for ns currently supported piod- ucts can be found. Potnl your Web browser to niipybundiMnup Oaie.niicitcolLctim (dicking on the Windows ^sdale icon m your Start mcou will also take you to this site ). On the left of Ihe update page, you will find a link lo Product Updates. Click on the and a small lava applet wiU nin. checking your system for the latest revisions of partKiiiar files. The site then build] a list of available updates specific to youi system. Pay dose atlenlion lo the Critical Updates low the instructions. The patches in Ihe Crnical and Recommended sections will help stabiliK and secuie your platform. There is also a link on this page that leads to Ihe OITice 20(10 update page. If Word os Excel are acting up an your PC iry the patches availaihe si h^yriiiricniipilslBfsicrosoll cam. If you ate having Itouble with graphics files or frame rates, download the Microsoft upgrade lo DirectX 7a. Data corruption Excel won't open a spicadsheei? Word corn- plum shout Invalid end of file’ Your data is scrambled' Must of these pioMems ace caused by Genetal Protection Faults (errors) or sya- lein freeaes because the files were not closed propeily by ihc appiicailon. This can result in the toss of hours cd svork. A product tailed Oftke Recovery may be able to help Point your Vfob browser to Hip^/mvwtMamNeiymm and sclccl the type of file you need to t cc ove r - OSice Recovery offers ftee trial versions of this software (which ufftr limited recovery capibiliiyl. Currently, they can perfonn recovery on Excel Spreadsheets, Wrrd documents and PovrerPoinl preseata- tions. Recovery capabilium for Access databas- es, Outlook files and Exchange files are under devefopmeou Office Recovery softivaic has Prattgl ucwn ^ WtKDAscmrvl.O hngh-iiSGt S93r lO-iser SI90 Eial!taovay2.1 sngk-usn StiU 1IH9 S290 PowerPoni RectMry S Mgle-im S99 tOHaSf S190 (OnHi snlirc or hy chont 203-273-4380 ) Viruses and Trojan infection Ey far Ihe mcHt prevalcni and intrusive prob- lem that has e^ved ftom the use of the Imeroel is the spread of virus code and ttoian applications. Ke-mailer viruses like HappyPV. remote-control Tkojan viruses like Back Orifice, or syslem killer viruses bke Chernobyl can all infilmie your system and do anytbmg from sending themselves to ereryooe on your email address list to overwriting your syslem TfECOUFl/ITflFW’St CPEATBtTOnONTDEDIIIQN M756HIMRT2 CPU iitt hfB} il6t7igviUato aitat l< nefal 370 fer B*; AT Fob kn BHHBQjraiai aMMiiNoiAEbdp,vBl92lkl2(n.lCMiwMwAOFIn.2.0SpK. aipaSeailhs<utatil,BBSPC9'~ Aids IIS- Ono Soad 30 ad And'! A3D art 4tKH2 Bqk (BC ^ BHed la* adio 9k*r KHOOMBTi 7k Eden LAN a bia4 W>* lEEEIICJ ^ nua ad ODVliBI ANSI i3 ii3 T7AID lAjaal ab^ iS FK Modal a bwd, apiin 0.70 Fnf tUniaded tr ZldBMiiadabaalfanleooafWiAdnadGrf^nBhMrlKrf- le < ACK) ad Up? 7MU, Uke DMA 66. Ujr oaoiae •* FCn t TCn ^ haoida An poaa oaeie i^fe* Kioa taoBa M ATT f«ae WkaLA>l.1WoaaDdB,VdiaAkB.aKivWae9tiB Matf am . ad Kqkad Fan CMVF. Sifpn KM Cstar BKBB tr BV ideBtceia od paifkeil dnica FiaidaTiadlfia>^iadtA<n}'VimadPC-GfiM(CSU)trVBli)n 2i FQ TV eiVlCD Fad lU bn (0F<>a») kK *}ll« dtaOlAA d^ Oildda CCanfa HL-B (GMOE). 10 Cadote IM OOI) ft bniK HllB (FWH) MO bOovBi fteea. Maai.adlil> l■adMaAWaUJBTMIdPp>)Kd^M|a FCOSSpa. HSF SdKrkx /v.M aodea chip Faa Mha CACn] ^ 1^9 fWU, (ta OHA id, Wr n FCFT^FCn^ Piovlde An pne caaaoc afpoa mn> fadiae <f AITi pna A^iniM a h-j 7 nwl' aw , od bjl I r„_ FinideTnad>llcn--|Q^«aVkaadFCCaMI{CBM)«l TUNING UP YOUR PC settiop and your daU-up Imsrnei cosnrclion. Tha following a^icallona each perfonn a dif* lercnl fonction on your syaiem and help ID enhance the desktop experience. WnOptfoiizw Dekue 1.0 This Windows software packa^, devdoped i>y a Ckrman company, will hne tune your oper- ating system fUn by cleaning the system diiec- Uelense tor winoows ex. tnis padage scans all file ttaffic to oi from local hardware and the Internet. It la fully ronSgurabk and can be setup to check for. download ami install virus table updates aulomaiicaliy. /VII McAfee products can be server at htti)//wviw.« am . Sui^- S60 for a two-yeai licence. McAfee is also avaibble foi NT, Novell, OS/2. UNIX and Mac operating systems. Fully Func- lional free versions arc available on a try-befon-you-buy basis Symantec Symantec piovides a compleK vttui protec- tion pack;^ for Windows-based platforms with Norton AntiVirus 2000. This package provides all of the featutes of Total Virus Defence for a single-user price of S39.9S. Symaniec also makes setmr-based Norton products for protecting office networks. Lake Network Associates, it also ptovides try- before-you buy versions of its uiiliies. which can be downloaded from the company’s secure server at invr//wvm.Qn«ilec cum. Boxed versions of both the Symaniec and Network Associates’ products are available at pu ter system suppliers or your favounte com- Slow system or Net connection There is a plethora of producu availdile that will tweak Witsdows, your system hardware lories of redundant flies, recovering drive space, and optimising Windows perfonnance. soflvrare^nwnload sections of CNel IIUBk/ArmcnaUan) and ZDNei (IHlp //*>«.»« .aiffl}, or ordered by phone i-iaa-MI-gUfl-a. PeworTWasrii IWsTweak is a Windows application that actually fine tunes your hardware by alieruig the iniemal chipset and prucessur reguiets. This product puls a small applet in the Wuidows taskbar that nsonitois performance and system seoings It also helps cool your processor. PowcrlVveak is also available for Unuxand BeOS. about this utility's devrlupmenl history, processor support and licensing. ’The author charges USS2$ for HovrerTWeak. ivhich can be ordwed vta secure server or by phone (425- 392-2294). A free Inal vetsinn is also available from the site. Cminualmpa^76 mm BIOS and rendering your system unusable. The bot thing you can do is proiea yourself. Nalwork AsoociBles My favourite virus protection software is Network Associates’ McAfee Total Virus iH- I>rniFU. O'nUJWT WnLjfln.^Syr«UtR?tir«tiaMiru(tAOIUntHjngElcan«iaCa,Ud M«iufaclijrv sunesM *cuil 0nc? n HjbiccT l« z ind wcdcitiom UF wbjm 10 cfwigp aiitiuM P^r nouc AH Bdvi Drind and pfodun nanwinnriv|jsloTnliradniurfciiKlEademarhof l “ AU SAMSUNG PROOUCIS ARE AVAttABU A1^ C4f Multimedia HouMn Cempoter Hna (emputen UttcCumpuier MrHeuelum 2M0 Onward (earn Carp. i72> Matthim U House JSOincmeionRil. Computer! jmpsietHMAvp.W. 2MCall(teS(. «4I] TllOWDodbocAve. UrUlM U70 Dude Rsad ToroflU TorCMle Kartorauth Marlham rhomPill Miotssaiita ait-e«7-16« aif'Kr-»}3> ais-wt-iou 90S-41$4P09 Mi-7py-?pw NMiP-SITP Zoez Computer 2iaLvndenlU. rertM.UnitlO WUleslieSi RKHmond Hdl RKAmondf poMsvoeu WMtH-nss sip-TSd-Twe www.samsungcanada.com Presenting Award Winning ‘‘BXMaster** “Need we say more ?” i4SCI! wcwnirwnfttd MSI Tel: (510) 623-8818 Fax:(510)623-8585 WWW.msicompUter.com Link to the Futur e Cta|>![^P;\FER Hands On Helio: middle ground or leading edge? CotUKlehnit ih< prior nl cliis unii. ihr i^uali'y of hoidwacoand suAware. and the early indi cations of VTcthapxid aiiitudr lowaricus- the lead. AJihough loiingof ihc Hdio was noi froai VMi Ma'maioii nils 'Anm vCEcnoia eonU Pnca USStTsflBveilaiyettinigndiiKtsatacinl)] helio spacincations Site n StB 1x1 7cni|aSi3 Ite’l ml WiighI IbScfSSor.) Sciaen S.S>i5Sai<{21Sx2l8o| 16Di160pxets 16grsylmats cnj rsMHtPh'iiiiaPflsircoiuiPssooaftisci Bamties PAMcd* Somae m Ksiia </T-osn 03.CIC jn SoitaraielctPC Hem DetMu i ’.CompanoiiLeiKl it Pror ComcKt Ate. gmO applicalanf nneitu naid’ ware agan flnelinmerl aretem, m once CsnsNolhoHalhird’Oiilypngram] Has fPsi-genst- ahiii sotwaie praoenis nm amaatae at wail level m Canada Oik area in vehich Vftch hu laken the in|theHeho in five solid and three Irualucmi piriv were good (reflciling ihc company's years of esperience making cordless phones), and the stylus is metal anih a tuhbrr grip. Portability The Helki is currently the smallest handheld cotninsier using standard AAA batieries. The only sniallef devices ate ihe PC Card-siae Rex and ihe Palm V'x — but the lurmcr uses a slightly less standard lithium cell, and Ihe lal- let IS powered by a cusioin lithium ioti VTech^u chosen a soft pdded case om a hard piaxlic nip-lid. which adds some bulk. Conttnuid on page 64 Rating- a 5 out qI b 0 Songinix's flat-panel speakers an- based Focus — which uses a |sair of thin, rectangu- lar saicILlcdnversthat work with a separaic b.2S-inch powered subwoofer In create a dean, accurate iTprcseniaiiun of recorded Richmond, B.C.-based company oAers two versions of the Rat speaker system. Ihe MM- TCO and ihe more powerful MM-IOOO. For Haaaw IHECOMFUTERmPEA QREIiTBt St 1-877-DAYTEK-l \DA\T^ )aytek^ dumber! in Canada Rn more storage space, what are your options? Three choices are to buy a bigger hard drive, invest in removable storage or burn your own CDs. TCP Lab reviews the latest products in each category. Hard drives ihcir »y5iMn's mnilwrboard lo iht UDMA^66 car add a 7.2UO rpm drive. A wned of cauliiin, though: 7.100 rpm ^n, c.^tcciatly if the compoivenn are packed tightly inside the case. typically has rtvo IDR snckels. users can enn- figure up to four hard drives )>er system. But renicTiit<r that a (ll>‘RU.M geneiallv uses the lUE chain a> well. Some aysteins can I'llMA/W (Ultra Wrect Memory Access): Thii Is the newest generation inlerface for hard drives, offering twice the transfer speed — up to 66 Mbps — of older drives. I!UMA/6A drives can tx used with nider drive, ihc mulherhoard diould be equipped with rite UDMA/66 interface, which can be iilenlilied by ihc bright blue suckei. and the thinner 8U-lead IDE. cable, nils specOica- litui is also known as lUira ATA-66. Those without UUMAf66. compatible molher- hoard.or link ibra UDMl^ uitgcadecard SCSI (Small Computer Systems interface): The fjsiesl SCSI drives best IDE drives — even iheise with l'I)MA/66 — m speed com- Trie testing Ttus month we asked forS.aoUrpin hard drives using the UDMA/66 specincailon.alor close to 20 GB. Karii drive was fnrmalied as a single large PAT32 partition, anda typical installation of VVindovrs Sg was put onto each drive. ZifT Davis' WinBerKh99 1.0 benchmarking suite was used lolesi their perfurmance, (To publish these results we are obliged lo slate that WinUench is a trademark of ZD Inc. in iheUi. and other countries. These tests were per- fonned without independcDI vcriScatiun from Ziff-Divii, and Ziff-Davis makes no tepresen- Data transfer speeds were measured in Kbps Ikikibytes |>er second), with higher numbers representing belter performance. The rest of the lest system consisted of an Asus P.SUOOO motherboard with a 600 MIfa Pentium 111, 1,13 MHz system bus. an A MB ATI Rage Pni video card, and 128 MB of FCIOQ RAM. NOTti both IBM and Western Digital weic invited to participate in this nmndup. but drives were nni available tn time for testing. $l2iA«r2cao nccoMFvtypi GdAIIB TQfiaiifT(3 EDilW Small Powerful Connected (just like you) NOTEBOOK REPAIRS & UPGRADES for these Notebooks and more . . . We provide excellent Repair fir Upgrade Services While You Wait: • Open Monday to Friday (9 am.- 6 pm.) Saturday (10 am.- 4 pm.) • Professional diagnosis Parts & Upgrades [Far OetMoM C Hoteboahal LCD. CPU, RAM, Hard Driv^ FDD, CD ROM, Modem, AC Adaptor. Batieriei and other notebook accessories While you wait, (QSS notebMk 32MB memory upgrade for as Ifttle as Special firfcnwf • CO AOM Drive • ZIP Drive PCMCIA or Parallel Repair & Upgrade Services rrCCOMVTEBrWTB GflEAIEtSTOnONTOECmaN IDS 01 Removable media drive surve '!)« 'TVHTium cannir o' teen CK caiViw B at) <C UB :OCWPUTB>B»fiEB SfieATEB TOIWO EDmON « HANDS ON * • UOUA/ee conipaliM caiacily larnci this mi>mh, bul li was jlsu Sv.i|iiiic's highisl-uiMcity ^400 r^mi Jrivt al ih? lime of wriiing ms 7J00 rj’m Unves afc MJeniig. Ihmigh, biKJuw il has a Iciwtt slreel price lhan a lull 20 GB drive, and i.llers rea- sonably gCHul pcrfnrmancr, tiHi, Removable storage Krrnuvalile Miiragc oiTcts a lot of licnefilt Because ii's a hnli-oii sidulion, il generally Ihree main types of ealcriul interfaces for removable slnrage |WcinheiaU are parallel, SCSI and USB, Ihoiigh KireWire devices are Parallel devices are a mixed hag. lliough Ihc parallel pori appears on preity much every K‘- vrorks with oiher parallel devices installed. Users with older ^cinsnw And that a par- really look fnr versions' of the drives thiU use SCSI devices are a much nicer opiiun for some users. The inicriaa' is veer fast, wiili off SCSI -based removahle media. Addilinnally, sea deVKc* can be Jiained. allcswing several devices tn use the ume controller. The emv rroller, liuwever, is the issue fbr many users Those whose sysiems don'l have a SCSI card shouJd be prepared to pay for a gond-qualilv card. A happy medium for anyone with a relative- ly new ceitnpuier system Is a USB- The inter- face is fairly fast, devices ate hot-plugifilileand lion to make them play well with other devices system, with the addition ol a ld.6 GB Quantum hard drive. A 100 MB directory con- sistmj nf 071 Hies ol varying types and sites was created. The files were first copied as a whole direc- th7rem*ovablfni^ia drivel. In Ihc second part of out tests, the files were copied loose (by highligh ting all files and drag- ging them over as a hatch). This is an rmpor- beciuse nf Ihe wiy Windows handles such tasks. When copied as a direcinry, the files leave the hard disk in the order they were writ- ten 10 Ihe original source. When files are copied loose. Windnsvs tries lo alphabeiixe them on ihe fiy, and can end up Iripping over On our real syalrm, all of the removable svill bcable In handle ihc task betler, hut could large numbers of smaller files at one time. ■mation SuperOisk USB oitsmnl bsunsled soni ores S49 fsntnaled media once $20 aach. $50 me-oack • Uses JS8 mlertace • RemMM media cnaOly 120 MB tsatne ditnoi sensasinopytkaunes) • Dites leU and Mile 10 siaidird loppiss • Dosdned lot ub win Wmoews 9 B end Mac DS Aao mints suloiiaicaly wim Wnonivs 2000 • fima In cam too MS tVacUfy 5 im. 47 ik The SuperUisk's compallbiliiy with standard as the floppy, h has longer write limes— ihe Supcrllisk took twice as long as the next -slow- est device. T he upside, however, is lhai il is an excellent option for machines that don't come Iomega Zip 290 U3B LaCie's 20 GB FireWire solution LaCie Hard Drive Sumattsd muil orica $999 • fimveanwfaes • MoUed piaslic nsa dndar to LaOa'i CO- nw drhv nee main Lab Tesl repoT). ss eagMinayliesnan)' • 7400 rpm • 5t2KSDli'ler • Otnansieiia 2.5<sl0 lExiaecm • WelgfitBOOB • CompoiM wWi bom iVViiMin and Mac 0 ^ • One-)*# watarty. Multimedia professionals and enUiusiasIs who need a- last, ntgn-capacity solution tor vdeo capture wCi find LaOe's new FteWke hard drive la a pedect compiemenl le their system Pkjgging Into any bee RretVire port, it sols as a standard tiard dove, with me excakeni Ihroughpui that multimedia work demands BaoauBe it is an axtarruH unli. it car aasdy Ba movad from computar 10 computar. which could Da uaafui whan a lot ot Informatloh naads to ba movad from ona IMac DV to anothar, tor exampia. Though Hs highae pnee maans It will Ihe- ly ramam a nteha Nam, inosa who work In a speeiaKy flald kka vidto adtlihg wW find n an eKcadent addition to thair systsms. — 5eari Catrutfiars Web hosting! for the J real world™ ‘ SiteAciion™ offers real Website solutions in real lemts yoj can understand, tiviih real suppon for real people like you— guaranieedl SQ9^ Ik; * ♦/month SUbSSSHS Advanced ^09.SS/nia. cntuS^Uftiin Corporate 949.95/mo. Great Reseller Plans Toii-frM; i-aiu ' 416-259-9079 QBSATEFTOfiCKTOBanON MkrjIXO 55 TCShop.com (The Computer Shop) -COMPLETE NETWORK SOLUTIONS .. -SERVER SOFTWARE ^ -CABLE, HUBS, NICS -PROXY SERVERS -FREE ESTIMATES a -NOVELL NETWARE -WINDOWSNT .y\ -WINDOWS 2000 - LINUX/UNIX/XENIX - DOS/WINDOWS95/98 DISCOUNT FOR CORPORATE JOBS ^0 Shop Online at www.tcshop.com or Call us at 1-877-827-2662 SuHRlM reUtI prtn; U29 EslnatM iTwta grtce: $1 e? «ac>i • Us3( Ultra SCSI imsflBcii lor tasi tatislBs • cwrpguewiinvwiOowsSirssrssrNr.oosanii Moc OS. AuDnaOcaiy aynpaDne vrtm MnCont 2000. • SsmMble itisiM capacity: 2 G8. • OrM IS PKiwanss coiapsiioii) wiiP 1 GB Jai ciitnOgn • TimelDCtipy 100 MBPiracIcry: 1 iMi.. iSsa. who has 10 bock up large files on a regular basis. Originally available in a I GBvccsioit, Conltnuerfonpagf 5S St uavaac nccoafVTBRfWBn eKUBiTanowtOEDroN The Ideal Small Workgroup Network Laser Printer AT $799, NO OTHER PRINTER COMES CLOSE. FAST Up to 12 pages per minute print speed. NETWOtKEP Integrated Ethernet 10/100 Base T network adapter. POSTSCRIPT PCL6 and BR-Scripl (PostScript Level 2) emulations standard. HICH RESOLUTION. Prolessional 1200 x 600 dpi graphics resolution,* MEMORY 4UB standard memory, expandable to 36 MB. MULTI-PLATFORM. Works with Windows, Apple and DOS. PAPER 2S0-$heet Universal Cassette (Optional 2SO-sheet upgrade available). AUTOMATIC E-MAIL PRINTINC. Prints e-mail al prescheduled times. EXCHANGE l-year Exchange Express. • too Xsoo 0*1 UUHC ImAOCs 01 Ms B a _ At your side. OTOCnGC T€CHNOLOGV TO INSPIR€ VOU BROTHER INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (CANADA) LTD. \ rue Hotel-de-Ville, Oollard des Ormeaux, Quebec H9B 3H6 www.brother.com Datech NETWORKING & TtCHNOLOGlES INC. Me7K»nn«ay ROM. Unit I.Scarbsraiigh Omans MlV4r3 Tal (416J 292-aB96 7*i (4151 2S2'M0S VAOsiie vnm deledinl com Web Domain Hosting & E-commerce Web Page Design & Maintenance Irrternet Access Setup LAN / WAN Design & Installation Network Design & Consulting Hardware / Software Trouble Shooting Industrial Controlling System Design Application Development On-Site Service contracts Complete Accounting Solutions Business Computer Systems coMPAa '*“11 'Uia i.'. Novell Vvniwueti from pogeS6 la/ imw offcn a 2 CB version for huiulling even big|cr filo. The bljigetl drawback lo the Recordable CDs One uf ihe biggcii limiuuuns of removable age media. la other words, if you need to access the removable disk or cartridge at home and at work, you need lo have the same drive on both syslenis. And if you send out data on those disks or cartridges lo a service bureau or have compatible drives. Although Zip is fairly popular, It's not universal. As miasl PCs do nowhaveabuUt mCO-ROMdrive.CD'baied palibillty problem. CD'R fCD'iecurdable] drives vvem iniro- duced a few years ago. and have became a sue, cess despile a few initial obstacles, expeosive media, and slow, unreliable performance. plunged 10 about S2 per blank, and improve menls in CD writing soltware luve made it With the intruduc-lion of UJ RW iCD py diskeiic. CD-RW media was also inlliaJ) ug, manufacturers are srariing to etimliuie the CD-R drives in their lines, m favor of pro- ducing more CD-RW drives. Those losing ai a 0>-SW drive should keep a few rhiogs in mind, the first of which is ATAPI/IDE interface, which resides on Ihe same chaio as the standard hard drive. Mme expensive bul more powerful are SCSI models, which have faaler throughput and come In locksng for external CD-RW solutions have the oplion of drives with parallel, USB or and parallel models may conflict willTolhei parallel devices. L'SB models are becuniii^ more commoa but thioughpul may be prob- dcvxes already on the bus. when considerini CD-RW technology is soft- ware. If you're icpiacing an older drive and want to use the same CD wriii ng soflvnte. you with a CD writing program. BNC A. BNC Compuware 1S10 Drew Rd. 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Somciunis the screen shows while lellers on a dark grey background and bUcfc lelleis on a neously on a middle grey background in some siluaiions. Jn this case, adjusting the contrast to sec both tbe white and bUck letlen is difTicull. imriie am 32i lead speeds • lySVgPClOOSORAU • USD aSKtos mooem • «ijreaivoi1ti'2SupB-OiJADz)iRii:aid a Mansdll inienel Keyboard • <Vin«ws« • SaltwaietKjiidbincVinsiJlusSirartSui^ Convons Encycnpeaia JOOO. Diakan (^mers PoMi Pack 1 HonCsge. BrodsitiurKi P<imSiiig ' Uutiiniedia Organlrei. Sonc Soundry s Acid, end Neae CO isbeting ssttwe bmart Machine’s Viper F 800 system is a mine esrperuive affair, but it’s also topped up with more guodjes The haid drive is larger, at M GB and the system comes with a CD-RW ( rewrit.iblel drive in addition In a DVD drive and a good suftware bundle. The mouse and keyboard arc high ijuaJily, e^iecully the upti cal Iniellimouse, which can be used on virtual ly any surface Thissysiem turned in the &sursi Syimarit98 benchmariung score weVe seen Finch Av» KEIT Computers MON-FRI; 9:30-20:00 ^T; 10:30-17:00 Addnes' 2022 Slieppan] Ave EamMSbepfan E-mail idAcai' trd rampanrgaa aiM cm ABnas Df ] } .Shnm-iairl Asm i J L \ releron sv«ilemjR509 PIU500svst*m$799 Pin.«.SIVivnFn>jfi929 Super sv3tem$ 1329 lnelPQ]-533 133mliz CPU 128MBPC-I33 SDRAM PioasofUc 8X DVD ASdb SP9C SOUND BLASTER Eve vahie USR S6K VOICE FAXMODEM INTEL POceM CPU S0Y07IWM/L FdJI «,4G8 HDD A 1 .44FDD 48X CD-RCM A 1 SOW SPK UK FAXMODEM A Mlerogdiiioe loe WDM* KB4LMOU8BA Pad AMDK6-D450CPU SOYOdEMA-r ATXMB 64MB FC-lOO SD RAM ATI ao CHAR SMAOP FUJ a.4CB HDD A I.44FDD SOXCD-RWdAISOWSPK l6Brr SOUND CARD 36K FAXMODEM AMlcmpbODc ATX M£D TOWER CASE I0» WDin KBAMOIIRR APad InM PtD son lOOmhe CPL' FUnS.dOB HDD A 1 44PDD SOX CD-ROM A 1 BOW SPK 16BrT SOUNDCARD S6K FAXMODEM A MieraiBione ATX NUD TOWBl CASE lOd WINM KB AMOUSB APafi Intel PtD SSB lOOaBiz CPU ASUS P2-99 MB 128MB PC-100 SDRAM ATT 3D SM AOP SOXavROMAIBOWSPK I6BIT SOUND CARD S6K FAXMODEM A MkrmriKine ATX MID TOWER CASE ♦PRINTERS* HPKSKjeTdiocisioc tisaa LEXMARK ziirzdirzsi l»i22!r30l(SS0retBUi) ePSONaaOfddO l2«l7p(USX3dnllliel EPSON TSahtOMO MXOlSOat B80THPA HL 10»1J50 JKWW •SPEAKERS* •HARD DRIVE* IOGBS4aStn/7Xcl|!^l ' ilwi'lM I30B MOOrpcn/mOipm . . . 1361172 lKiB'2ClOB/27aa3K0Oipnil7O'l«taM QUAieniM SICB/I.AGBLBSaOWpa ...123^37 10OB/I5GB LB SddOipm 157/167 ITCRSOCB LB SeOOiiiaL .173/lM !0ClB/15OBLM7200ipra. . ..I7M03 |].«lB/lldOB/20GBka...31Pl!8WM4 A.joBiB 4138 saoomm i iBi/ied IdJCBSKOQiymrrBOOTiini 133/189 1308 SKOOniiniTddOipiii 169/199 I TCB/TI QS/36GBS40CIIPB 1 99i37aoa 1308 iatartarmo^ . .\i2m I3GBV10B TTODipia.. .I9W239 •VIDEO CARD* ATi3DCHAR4MAOP(PCI 37<ao AD 3CnRT 91 BM AOPIPCI .. .. _S4I73 ATT Ali-iN-W PRO iM A«W . ATI ALL-IN-W 1 21 16M Afflypci }0S ATI RACE FURY PRO >2M 4X 190 An RAGE FURY MAXX 6 kM 4X 363 ATI RACE AMCavUM 32M 139 VoaOmsS SDFR2<»art000 AQP. 113/188 VocidoQ3SDFX390(k3aaQAaP 16ar!9< Creaova 1NT3 ntO 3244 209 CrealneRJVATNT232U ULTRA.. .XD MATROX Cano 16M Mjle/Aial.... 133/172 Mina 0400 nmeuAmi 32 D«7''‘. m •MAIN BOARD* .ABIT BBS /BM?3. .I79U93 ABrrBF«n/A6ni/B6 133/129/179 SOYO D6IBA/D61BA2 _3e6iSe7 S0YO6VBA4IU 128 ABITBPB/BMe/ZMe 193/IW29 HOUSTON K741 .103 BOVOSEMAaVI 117 •MONITOR* ir SAMSUNG 75#s!!"!""!! JT* ir KDS VS-71 B.27 249 IT KDS AVTTdJS -SM ITOPnQUEST(J7l 027 27? IT" VIKW50NIC ET71 0.27... Jfd CAMBUDOE loaOQan ..iia'ipe •SCANNER* MUSTEK WDUl phlW USB dWH ACER UCPItJ dXipru. mudorils/GS •NETWOKRINC.* irSOMY^S.’ .’,.3M HUB Sponal Ipgru JS/7S "S ♦FAX-MODEM* COMSTAB MK VM/TNTilkn . . JO utRseKvsaWTPctrtSA Miat •CD.WRITER* •CDROM&DVD* •SOUND CARD* 21" VIEWSCN1C0610023 1029 HP 12(01 4t4a24 IDE .. . .P99 HP«I<MI*4*32 IDE -MJ PANASOPOC IXAX.t2 IDF . . B99 aSX/SOXLTI-eCM 50 PANA50N1C8XDV0... .173 PIONEER10XI>V»(SU3T)- . -.199 2TSONY GtH4300PS2l 023. . ..1577 AS PICK are aHaadyew eaah duceuBUd. CHINA Hong Kong Sad Francisco Ncn York Uzbeldstnn Toronto 64MW?d6d Tie IXMPt/TER PAPER CREATE 'OnCWroSITCN wm.cmaaaconxjMs con as Vegas Vacation rKacIcaae days 2 nignts nited Includes FREE HOSTING!* '^home internet access 9 . 60 * 6 - 622 - 661 4 *sonie conditions apply. $9.95/month. 12 months in advance + GST. $9.60/month. 12 months in advance * GST. E. & O. E. Communications Inc. OMma maoilHiiilmt •bnaib/SlniuCaiibi / PcodiKlItaaakatA HaMork Pannir KmORXMG SOLUTIONS Compaq ProLiant Servers S APiSP professional series IBM Netfinity & Pc’s Servers from: $1990 Workstations from 1 099 MS-NTsBTver $999 Network Setup and support $55 /hr Network cards, HUBs, Routers, Cables & cabling.:: low prices NOTEBOOKS Compaq /IBM/ Toshiba/ Fujitsu/ Angel fiM C433%U.CDJ(K.ir hpa$1,999 :«taet4 m-mi a .com iii km $1999 ^onpi^ Ml ,14 |IVD,S6K, 14.1 TR$379I c«MaB.4JGexoii ,atiM $1 ,S99 Fl$tSU C433,64MJfCO«Kim $2,480 r(Mhail2B10.C4U.e.54,DVD.56K.12V$2640 KMttSVCWimeTEbHntlcaD n $560.00 3T- Business / Multimedia Desktops Intel Pill -550/650/750 $1760/1960/2290 12eM8. 20GB. ABXCD. 32UB ATI VidK.tT' M(intor.56K V90.souni).sptr.kU.WMS8 Synwsnaniy Compaq Presario : $2499 K7i60(U12SnMI]GBrCD_mV.0\Ci/S6M IBMAptIva: $2699 K7/650/128mb/20GB/DVD/56k/ Qp-iiltt itfYlcw;;; I imm PitcH m Bifijact b MliUi^ mb aitricil ncft» 2000'$ Technology (3T) Inc i-aoo-s 20 -ooee Tel: (416)502-2055 WWW. 2000 lteh.eoni sOesgTOOdbctixoni BSOconsuiranrndtlOflA HYW 40 ia 404 Hella: mtddle gnMjnd or leading edge? Caiitmuedfrom page 6i mudil nalureoflhc input {dependent an what iiu a[ the screen a used fbi entry) leaves it roughly as good or had as Paling CraSilv Sound recording is not adguslablc for qualiiy. The ^aliiy is '''”P lowest quality voice vetting on Windows CE VTech's claim itial about 55 minuin of sound can be stored nn the unit’s t Mb RAW. No voice recognition software is Syatam funedons Uau reusabiliiy and integration is mininuL Gu. Copy, and Ihstelunciions are suppurted between applkatiom fnr un but not gnphics. There is no provision fnr linking kems and nu glubal rmd. In Is the Phone Bnolc. The Memo appIteulioD can only be sorted alphabetically or by creation date. The Helio has two external cunnecrors, both of which are essentially serial ports. A small cun ncetot has six signal lines, lour of which are (tfup tu SolCbps. The edter fast serul inpul/out- pul port supports data rates of tsp to 3.5 Mbps. The Hdio docs not havean infrared port. Corsnectieity software The unit’s connectivity is currently a weak Microsnfi Outlook. Scheduler^, Locus O^ruaer, Act!, ColdMine and Palm Desktop. niain phone lile from Palm Desktop, the ton- prublenis.hul when 1 tned loiync the Hello a crashed completely requiring a edd bunt, and rcsiormgot my old dala. ApplioBtkins The Hcho IS weaker Ihan Windows CE Palm or management (PIM) software, but includes more application softsvare. definable category and rree-forni Irxi notes, cally for each memo. The calculator has four modes: Simple, Metric-io-Impetial conversions. Money Exchange and Mortgage Payraems. The Expense appikaiion would probably be unacceptable for most business people, as expense types ale not laser definable, and there port grey shades and Cut and Paste is limned to moving a single dip ftom pouii to point. Memory for the Helio comes on a lemovable card. To add to the 8 MB RAM, this card hai to be completely replaced. VTech is also planning an intriguing key- boaid/rondem (for an eslunaieil US$100) for llie Hedio. A pholo of the prototype with the Helm indkaies that the combination is about the sire uf the Kewleil-Packardlornada 680, a hqihly portahlcclamdicli Windows CE device Attach^ to the atld-oii, the Hdiu is held side, ways with the system software rotating the screen PV degrees for viewing. Concluslsna For Canadians, the biggest drawiigck of the VTech Helio is that it ean only be purchased through VTech’s U S. Web sire. Enrpt for the problem unportii^ my Palm uci with overall adequate perfocTnance and great loi^ terra polcnlial. With a Lttic more wnrk it could be a serious challenger for the Palm. J Morsaoon sound anythino but flat CmtUutdftom page 5J Included in Iheboxaie tvws satellite speakers, a subwoofer and ail the necessary cables to con neci to your cumpuler. Also Included H a brief speakers include wire sunds. which, sadly, cannui be adjusted. Scl up is no more complex than that of any other PC speaker system However, positioning is cniical lor optimal FealurM The features that distinguish the MM-700 from competing desktop systems are the flat panel technology and the control wheel The wheel— which has a mule button and volume conlrol— is located on the cable that cuniiecis the subss'oofira to the PC This control wheel is the only way to $el the vejume, which could be audio devices that required a djffereni cable, A The flat ptnci technology employed here is speakers require less space, they are algi more One disappomilr^ omission is the lack ofa second audio inysul (to hookup a Diseman or game console, for example), which is common ■n spnkcr systems ui this price range. The MM-70U speakers were tested by playing a [ijrrtifTiFrl 1-877^ELWOFT mix of audio CDx and computer enlerlaiji. ment titles. ’The audio CDs included albums from Duna Krall and Fmna An>le, as wd as Koyaiiishilsi by Philip Class. For music per- matched many other home stereo systems end, und in general all soi^ ranges were rep- levels there was too much bass for the sub- subwoofer, or turning down Ihe system vol- ume slightly. However >1 would be nice if the subwoofer has] slightly more power. Ifyou ace going 10 listen primarily u> music, and sound erposvered MM-IOUO series IUS5I95) would be a belter bet. In general, however, ihe MM- 700 system will exceed the sound qualily For entcriauimeni purposes, the results were equally posittve. While playing games such as (2u3ke3 and Unreal, a very cunvincing 3D sound field was created. The speaker sys- suunds U1 thd games, creating a more immcr, live 3D expericfice. Snuiid elTects were crystal clear, and audio riever seemed muddy, even with plenly of bass. Again, hosvever. with the system volume set too high, the si^woufer was Overall, Ihese speakers are highlv recommend- sound output for playing games or music CDs. This set is a little pricier than convcniiona! difference. Anyone who has money in fare IS. The MM-700 series. heWev- IMPER CrCATFRTCFIOHrOECriCN To Order. Complete Solution Whol a Personal Server can do for you > Share printers, files, and resources with your whole omcc, Be Free in 2000 Oet everyone in your office online for (utt (090. Give us a coll todoy.**** pentium>/// www.ipc.ca/newmega 24 Hours : 1 - 888 < 446-4472 Mon-Fri 9. 1 i Sal 9-4 EST PBBONAL OOIMBB IPC NewMega Server Order Your... 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C«lcr«»-466 5499 CderoR-SOO 5529 soYovTuaiom 64OBH0CriAaniD MTEl 3D VIDEO ISBmDfOCND ISRICMMOUSE ATX MID TCWER CASE MU&U 51515 P-lll UO 5I3S9 ASIB pjc-xms UfD IW MB SDRAM PC-IS3 AT137CItTai0033MB 5 BLASTER LIVE Value S6KV90 FAX MODEM ADI ROD TOWER CASE 1 VlDtOCABD AnsocHAR iM m ATTmSTntM su AnXPERr2000SMS!25 ATiRECi-ni)tY3:usia> AnAIl-OfWIM SMI MSMMusm n« uvAnnMaASMm SPEEDSTAR 1«M Sn VIPERmitu SI09 smiypcARTi Cnm EIISONIQI2IE2S SJI13VE VALUE PI DVD 1 0 SXDVDKn SITS PAHASDNICSX S1I9 C1>-»W MITSUMI AXAXIA S249 YAMAHA SX4X» SMS KPSIOOSMXM UTS HABD DRIVE OIA.VT1M ID(I3S(B900S U3S?ly MAINBOABD ASUSP3C-3000 Slip S0Y0«VBA-I33 SIM — *_ 499 « i Can I get a Pentium III™ 750 MHz Notebook Today? ^ \ Yes you can. It's called the Angel 8200P PowerNote / * .\ % and it's the fastest notebook in ^e Universe, v/ith a screaming Pentium IIP” 750 MHz processor. If you need sheer power for your applications, this is the notebook for you. And if you don't need that much power right now, isn't it nice to know that you can upgrode from a Celeron 466 to a Pentium IIP" 750 onyfime in the future! Angel is new offering this introductory 8200P PowerNote SmartChoice'*' package: Pentium IIP" 750 MHz, 128 MB SDRAM, 12 GB Hard Drive, DVD ROM and ail other standard specs listed below for only: 13.3" TFT 14.I"TFT $ 4 , 199 * or$155**/mo. $ 4 , 299 * or S158**/mo. 905-501 ‘8375 Or Toll Free (877) 83AN6EL Fax: (90S) 501-8376 e-mail: halo@Qn 9 elcomputer.com 8100 SimrtNote 12 . 1 ' SV 6 A LCD nOiWO lf«ICelen« 4 MUH 2 llpgnidi^ to Pentiun II MMeSDUM'KIOO 2.2 G(llonlDrng|i^ignidolile| inaHOMSlUMSFIoiipy lup^nloUe b DVD lOM drinl 4 lilSS 3 Vrj!lilSriitHCIiv K(iwiMUPSY.VOMnltni Windm’VBwillilicHuCCD lot«t MScnmni wttli Via Vaka™ DktaKH s/w TV Oil Port t« Presaatolloas 8200 PowerNote liT/14.rm«i41024i748 lnl»iCtlerir4U)iUl2 DnnxidileloPetttlwIII 750 64HISDUM-P(1IN 6.0 G8 Nvd Drive [uiigniMiel 24C CD II0M& 1.44 UB Flow (DVD:15l20drivaW«ndj a Mi in (age Pro 11 VidH PCCadUKBKVnMocb Wndew'VBvetliLMiKirCD lotas MHohIm JaartSMle wltti Via Vakt'*' Dictotm s/w TV Out Port for PrHeatolMS 8600 SuperNote i2.r/i4.rTFr»ii024i;6a lideHUMefenlMii llllSDWIi UpgrodoUe toPentHin III 650> MMBSDUU K1D0 6.0 68 IMDiin (uggridaUg) 24)[CD(aMtl.44MS Flopn (DVD&lSITOdnvfiogtioooll aHBinilgge^tJVicleo ?CCanlS6l3P5Y.90M«dern Windotfi '?8witli Lutise4(D Corel WeteerfortSafte 2000 TV Del Port lorProseatotloat IREIifintewire Port 12.1" HPA 13.3" TFT 13.3" $1,699* at SOI/bo $2,499 or SW/bo** $2,999 Of S10 »/i 8800 MefloNote IS.I'nT](Gll024i766 iMlUoliiePeiitHnlllSOOUHi DpgroikibleioPoiilisn 111651k 64HBSDUM-PCI00 6.0 GBHonl Drive lupgiadolile) 241 CD (OM 6 1.44 (low |DVD,lSI2Dl2pi|«o«l) BMliniogeNaViieo PC Coni 56 KBPS V.90 Modem Wndom’VBiiiliLjmelCD Core! WordPerfert Suite 2000 TV Oft Port for Preseolalloi Video-ii Port fur C^lure 1 02-Ki)r Pel sited Keykoord wirii MMrii ktypad IEB1}P4FktwiioPort 12.1" TFT 14.r TFT $1,999 or S72/«o $2,699 or SV7/BO 14.1" TFT $3,199 or 5115 /m 15.1" TH $3,599 or SI29/M Free Upgrade to 128 MB SD RAM on 8600 SuperNote Limited time offer, see we site for delaik. Jnxrrt nolebooks Jot smart people. In Skhmcfid HiH eaB: K Toll (905) 770-4336 In Ihbkokt colt High Tech lab { 4161236-1266 h coH; K M (5T9)829'I0O2 In toroato Eoir (o9r DSC L^topr (905) 458*I994 In feronto Contra! roH: lOOOi Sechnalogiai (414) 502-2055 In Dewnrou'n Terortte ceV: Nelobeeic irnwofso (414) 366-6683 Angel Computers ore assembled In Canada by Canadian Advanced Industries Ltd. Brick and Mortar Showroom: 405 Britannia Rd. East, Unit 23 Mississauga, ON L4Z 3E6 Virtual Showroom: vrvrw.angolcemputer.com .fmnrt notebooks for smart people. CoinpiitefPvPKR Platform News Macintosh • Linux • Windows ♦ Palm ♦ Emerging Neugents bring us a step closer to AI By noss MacDonald Vkmninrm..|L«anv,mrm.."Th«cwd, Vw'immcilulelv remind Sunlcy Xuhr-o- [•tiles <if HAl's mrilalicn prnlklion ol an AE- qucni worritfsahoui the cnmjvutcT conirollmj; ihnrmisBonin Aw; ^ SpiurDdiwy. Imnirilly ennuKS. Compulex Awwulex iCA) ioLroduccd failure predictkir loftwarc (inlv a couple of icurs before 3001- This sofi- artifkial inielligeBce (All science fiction buffs cm still enK see in the lanries Called Neu^u, such p[r>ducls predict the behaviour of a given si'SIcm based on analysis of tbal sysTcm's pest beitaviour. "A Seugcnl is dictive managemeni.*' says Brandon Muslcr, CA's busiiKss manager lor performance and bieugenli. "it doesnT lusi leasi In esTnis, bnl tells sou ihai a problem may be deselopingso fixing the nuisome ol tisat problem You avoid ii mstead." When discussing Meugno ssiih .inyunc ai A, II isimixHsihle lo avoid 'he phrase "neti- I neisnitk lechnnliifi * Tie algntithntit could recognize which make you late, how like to organize your day and the you have planned for a current then either alert you to problems or suggest a schedule so that you get best results based on your habits. Palm explores wireless, service partners Trends Microsoft bulks up apps, colour for Pocket PC 'HEaoMnnBFiPM«! greatfi roncwrij i U of T Bookstore Computer Shop One of the city’s largest selections of new and best- selling computer books. From Barbie to Mortal Kombal: Gender and Computer Games (dittdtiirluninetnellindflefvyJmlciiH S26.0S mECATHEMUl STHEBAUU The Cathedral and the Bazaar; Musings on Linux and (^sen Source by an Accidental Revolutionary by Eric $. Raymond S29.9S Untveniiy ofToronco Bookstore 2H Collide Si. (<16) 978-7907 I 1-800-667-0892 Mon-Fn $:4S-6 Sat EO-S Sun 12-$ www.uofibookaCoie.com Swgtnb not only in «ui home PO bui in personal digital assistants (PDAs) as w^, *We graph lu, tor euntple . lo diagnose lb de|<endc<icie‘ beneeen devices, whji Ihini .ale obkcls because they monitor ns of what usually gels sucked in Ihi the bad object and shut the engine ‘Bui nobody cares about that." Predicting turlher. it tvoiUd be possible to past daily schedules of a very busy person, in urder In analyve the current day's schedule Edi pmbleDis or conQicts. Applied m such a way, a Neugent could recognize vdneh events (ypicai- sori at thing Tl Wh».h IS a sign I simply la day and (he events vou have pianned 6ir acur. suggest j schedule so that you gel the best STORE HOURS: Mor.ToFri. ilo.m-Sp.i Sun 12a.m-5p.i ittD://wvw.rrKis<»fTicxited' rppunj Ave. E. #6 298-6108 sj 5 |w| RichmonaHi f 1 i Tel.” XeL^ ^ViV7 easst. «< OS) 886-97 KIS< 886-72 18 SS It* Mcs ^ L.iuk ca n-iiui mm linGblltri Dm turd disk l,44MbF4d,AliniidsiBcise iMVibSdriniKlod Ad XpefiMOfl igp 32 b tideo cird '<&> r**' l»,drg.ilti.i,SlleBria|«i 4fll)l3d!llll»Mf«rS|Klktr5tMMS . J.,,.ll2lh>AnipspealitR -J — aildoir 98 keylWMd, PSC BIMISC Ml SSOMItl jlMfl Isbi. ».9(l fu Bodein MQlbTOlIl Id/IMblfuletkcrecIcaid VtlMd BDdoB^Sii'M cd k Btoetr K-TMIMkiSIISI R-76S0MhiS1»5 On-Site Service Repair • Setup - Install PC- LAN - WAN MS Windows95, 98. NT im'.^aa Novell Netware^Unix Network installation l’77W)lte$15W K‘T750W«$j78 and Implementation mitimvai.. ' si^^v t'lijiiiitf-e 128Mh,l2({r''/^^^-lMI..6.4( SxDvd. l4' Tft |24itU.I5 lU S6k F/IVl, Win '98 56k F/M. Wia Cat«way9306 l OuattnTJOtt Internet & Intranet Company email system After hours & weekend: Competlve & Resopable . r<E03lieuTB<F«eEfl GnLA^TOnOKTOLOniON « e PLATFORM NEWS » graptuc... At the rate hacdsvaie technology is eaantple otregubr place. s mure and more independent at i)ui(e simply needs snmclhii^ an’t simply jusl sit and stare at a screen all day. rhe scale and scope of loduy's ff infrasiruc eaxnii^ and self mudifyiugageiiis And that's. 1. IS HAL Hut if I hts pmgnoslica- ig. "IXusy. [>aisy. 'm ulTand pull Iheplug J that Ivpe of inlelligenie. expanded by Meugenu, can be applied right rum lo the ben efil of busmeaand ultimately to cuosumers "You might have a large e-commerte sue." MuslcT speculates. ‘where you svani to track pai lems of customer utili/aiion— how they move through your site, where they enter frorru vyherc they exit from, that sort of thing. Nei^ts might help you set it up betui by delcciing ihiixh like, if a particular page lakes too long to disvmload and a large number of fseople are dropping out at that pumt. But before you aciu ally start losir^ people at that page, it will predsa and tell you lo npcci, say. an percent km rale for the delivery of multimedia conlenl. ‘With the inception iif the 3G wireless sei 14.4Kbps. 3G wireless is expected lo oITer a minimum of JMKbps throughput speeds. So you are talking ^ui very fast speeds, which lomizcd mfotnution and content delivetec their devKcs. Cuiienily. AOL Canada i ontent could be delivered lo a variety of rss hindhdd devices. In ihe LIJ.. AOL and Yahoo have a with E' devices. There are also plans to let AOL mem- bees use Ibeir Palm devices to access AULY Insunt Messenger and Buddy List services. Yahoo, meanwhile, has announced that its Yahoo Insunt Messenger and Yahoo MaB wiD be bundled with various models of the Palm. Palm Canada's Muskowiir es handheld deMcei. today where n Ihe future fi ^ 39 :«i MMUnW S SUMl lO CfOl^ MfttJ XlM i*Or Clpdl C3i XTeCVC' =4-" ELS'' ‘WfCJiG Hun a. Just When Others Think They Are Catching Up To SOYO, SOYO Had Already Gone One Step Further I Adjustable CPU Core Voltag e I Based on CPU's default core voltage, users are able to ultimately select at default normal voltage or powering up to range of 2.5%+, 5%+, 7%+, or 10%+ Independent L2 Cache Power Supply I The power supply of 12 cache built in processor is independently provided by the 3n-board switrfiing regulator module to ensure overall system stability and p^ormarKe. Independent AGP Power Supply I The independent on-board switching regulator dyrtamically detects and provides ^ip stability and reliability to power the 3.3V 2xACP or 1 .SV 4xACP adapter. Independent System Memory Ptwer Supply I The independent on-board switching regulator supplies very steady 3.3V power to the RAM that ensures memory st^lity and performarKe SOYOSY.K7A1A II SOYOSY-6VCA Intel a2D cNpKt. ATAfi6, K133 Si^Vorti ail P-ll, P-IH, and Copp^nwie cmt pcaoimrTtapcsoo RAMBUS OKAM SOVO Jumperless desip, SOTO Pcmcrmp Feature Superb Osecdodi Capaldity AGP, 5Pa AMR. MDRAU ATX SOYO SY-BA+4 SOVD Jumperless design, SOVO PuM+lp Feabire Superb Ouenlock CaptbUdf ACP.SPa.RISA,'" VIA 6MX Chipsel, ATAS6, AsACP SM I, FSBsviinnrviissjMHz Supports at P.11, P4R, and Coppermine CPUs FSB Ircm MMHa ID ISSMKa in 32 steps SOTO lumpeilessdesipi, SOTO Bow Up Fei Superb Ovtsokidr Cmd Bonus Pack i N 'r.hf.wi:ii m National Distributed by: UNKUP TECHNOLOGY Td: (90S)41 5-3399 ext. 1 Resellers Only iiiainiiciraNKUPUMl^^ TUNING UP YOUR PC > gMIGHIMM • irki^SI9i» NKIMilllk lnUatM IHSIMIIfe • SninliMi IIHtaihi inttUN 'livKtMIta • wdMiiak taiWwikB • iHWNIIIb • HflMsI* • RktalB SUB • aaaiMhi •MbMiB »n •lUlkR WIGIIb itdBBri hVIlB • WUW ikuiii oun '1993 •MiBWtfe AdBiiri • Wliliii BiUOl 1S99 » GUHIHim MUM MACHINE 2 (iiiiiaiHB 'irsi^ikJk WhBiSyk laWiiltaB watufiaib 'swwi (IkkaCa Hi liaEkUH • SMiipH '1619 'WMBIh InUMlB* 'BMli ‘UiUnilpB 'faBklH •IHbIUM 'IHlIillH J0HU 'UMH '2049 SUi 'MBaMI HIIMU ftdM^ HIVHU •WlhMa '1149 MiHiait ''Miiffis HW HU UHiTUi 'iruNiik im-HU • MMU liaetMH ‘MIUH »HH^ MHkI ’ **■*“*• 1589 '» smsso Si lUIftC'Ulll SHU UAMia UHwHi iM9Mnk :e!Sl 1UIH 'SHirll^m 1199 SPECIAL OF THE MONTH • Gigabyb MoUiertiiinl • AMO K6-2/4S0 Mtb • 64MBSDRAM1DaMli2 • ATX Mld-Tnw Can • BGbWuIemOla.Hanl Dir • aMbAGPVihiCtRl12aBi • IS'SVGA Digital ManHoi • S6KV90 Fai/Modain • 104 key Win 96 Kaytutd • PS/2 Mmu • Amplilietl Spaakan 899 Canon-BJ 1000 ONLY for $60 HOURS: Monday • Friday 10:00 affl-7;00 pm, Saturday 10:00 am-6:00 pm, Sunday 11:00 am‘4:00 pm U {iqIucs » alrady ash (IsciuiSd. tdl 396 ix Vte lemk nr U logos n il« pifNit d llw Wjrnkll'eaiHrBil'taBU&xii np I/m* mageUs.ccm, bu catefuLltyuuraimoa loi h AOSL or a cal<t< .-mnlWak mil actuall lO-daylm CMOS configuration WmBooal and IntemetTWaaK Ktmrmbrr UitTVcakL'I Conirot Pandapplrtf The Magelbj Corporarion hu devcU^d a pair of applKations aimed at twcAjng Windoivs 9* and Uiai'Up Networking hidden leiungs. Jl (Up ing. If any if CMt» ai ink to tiipviwini MTcm- a>ocom«j«t/CWCIS/ 327/9 UystifiQs. CUOS hun by Ned Randall ) If you luspecl your tlMCIS is not Ml eoneetly, and you fed cunGdeni enough to Ityiihan^ng settings in an means make the changes. But hdbre you do. wine them down. 1 hat way you can leverse the setting if il liocs- n’l Have the desired efieel. Nul sure about altering the CMOS . .mrself Don't lake the chance. Cah a qualihed technician or engineei to Dal'Up NemixtMg Enuacemnl opdons. A) Buchanan, a Ib yeannkmaMn Tactmoiogr D retstan. is a Sannr imma E myiiee tor YalKity Cmtuw SMUone (nap /AwnvvMolyrr CDitp. a pravUer et dtegniecl cniire.imiandan'SiistT sup- ponservicas AraguiBigtieston tnamonpilii OditpptiOailiTKnPaifti McaiiKreacnH by gmal at aPucKananSvakiciniT.cani p TvecoMFUTBRMPER GREAiBtrcnatrioeoniON w TUNIN6 UP YOUR PC Absolutely freeware at its best All models are equipped with a S GB Hard Drive (up to 43 GB), up to 2S6MB RAM, 24x CD>ROM (optional DVD), Floppy Drive (LS-120 optional), Smart Ll-lon Battery, and Windows ‘98. The EUROCOM family of notebooks offers you the freedom and convenience to upgrade anytime. Superior expandability, custom bullt'to-order configurations, and state-of-the-art performance for entry-level, mid-range and high-end users alike. Why not test drive a EUROCOM today? sse-esu 3E Toronto St Toronto ^wiw .eurQco m.ca ) iHECouvreRmpen GPEATERToncHrQBXTou , HOHOUI Hgi ^ Mty ^tor H ABC HP9310i CD-Rewriler yy399|| St469|| g-fSgflll $1769 P&OUMlcSUl T^MQ IDE CD-Rewntef l»»i. -OriH pnlv nPCD-Rewrlteifi^Ba 82001 IDE ryjA. ATX Form Kaelot )MHz I I 600 Mlt^ Processor I 7U0MII/ Laser Printer [WpSIMIE • Asus P2-99 ATX Molhertuani w/lnie! «0ZX Llupsct, • Intel* Peniiiun* III CPU, . • CPU Heat Smk & Ball Beanng Cooing Fas, ViJUj •64MBPClMSDRim, IbSPins, lOOMHz, ' 10GBUltraDMAHardDnvcw'5l2KC»ciie. -5 • Panasonic 1 MM Floppy Dnve, ^ • ATI Xpert S8 AGP 2X Rage Pro 8M Video Card. /TVt' • A-Opeo V.90 Isl Dala/Fax^UNCc Modem, ' *<8X IDE CD-ROM Drive, • Crenivc* Sound 010510™ PCI 128 Sound Cwd, • 4S0W Si^oofer Speakers System, • Deluxe ATX Tower Case W/250W ATX Power SuRtly. • Keytconic IW Keys PSy2 Keyboard. ' A-Opeo PStl .Mouse w/Whcel A Mouse Pad, • Microsoft* Windovrj 98 Full Version CD wiManual & Lie as™ cro. CyberPower 1 33 System BnakMPeit^ liti* 133 MHi pikusm Syatcnnnciufiea; •Asua P3VA1X Motherboard w/VUChlpseL • Intel*’ PeotliuD* IH CPU, FSB, 1S3 MHa. • CPU Heatsink ft BaU Bearing Coaling Fan. * lUMBPCISSSDRam. KSFINS. l»HHs. * 80GB Ultra DMA H Hard Drive, TSOOrpm, ■ ATI Xpert 128 ISM I TNiy US 4 UM AGP VUm Card' Celeron" 4«MHr i23J-700MHt ' AUDpea V 90 InL DatalFu/Vcacc Modem. - 48X IDE CD-ROM Dnve, - Diamond MX-300 PCI Sound Cud, ' 450W Subwoofer Speaker Synem, ' IMun ATX Itnrer Caae ft 260W Power Supply. ' Mieroscift Internet Keyboard, ■ AOpen PS« Mmue wmM ft Ueuaa Pad, * Muieeoft Windowa 90 RiD Veraioc CD wMamial i lOOMHe. Monilor Extra: {With Syitem Pumhaee Ooly) 5eK Fax/Modem On Board. Integnled 64 Bit 3D AGPw/SM Share h 2 USB Univenal Senal But Porti. 4ax IDE CD-ROM. 120WAm|diricdSF On Board 3D PCI Sound Pro, Digital Au 104 Key PSr? Keyboard. Fien MS Comp PS/2 Mouse ft Mouse Pi Miaosoft* Windows 98 b Not Included 1600x1200 160OX12t30l 'AMD Athlon K-7 System' SCSI System with Intel Pentium* III Processor Wv^tem Int-lodci: ’ Asus P2BS Moibeiboaid w/lntel 440BX ChipKi. * 2 Fast Serial Poru. I Enhanced Parallel Poa * Support USB, On Board AGP CooDoctios, ' CPU Heat Sink ft Ball Beanng Cooling Fan, ' IZSMBPCIOOSDRam, 168Puis. lOOMHz. * Quantum 9 1GB Ultra 2 Wiib SCSI Hard Drive, * Panasonic 1 .44MB Floppy Drive. * AHXpen 128 1 6MB AGP Video Card, * Built-in Ultra 2 ft Ultn-Paal/Wide SCSI Controller. * 40X SCSI CD-ROM Drive, * □iamond MX-300 PCI Sound Card, * ATX Tower Cose w/2S0W Power Supply. " Microsoft* Iniemei Keyboeid. * A-Open PS/2 Mouse w/Wbael ft Moiue Pad, ’ AMDK-7Proee>Mrwttb 320K Internal tacbe^TTiQ^ ' CPU Heal Sink w/Oual Rail Bearing Cooling Fin. , ' ' l2SMBPCID0SDRain. l68Piiu, lOOMHz. WK.Ie.g. ’ l5GBUlttaDMAHtrdDiivew/512KCacbe, laiw jUO ’ Panasonic I.44M Floppy Drive, (ikoet 'AXtXpenl2g|6UaAGPViik»Cird, IWbtjLw ’ A-Open V.90 IM. Dala/Fax/Vlicc Mod^ »<i,s ’ 48X IDE CD-ROM Dnve, wiiMr $144 ’DiamoodMX-JdOPa SoundCanl. i jlL,,. .. ’ 450W Subwoofer Speaker Sy«an. 7Uiau$ljO ■DekixeAIXTowrCaseftlSOWPownSmiy, ^ — ’ Mtcnuofl Intcmel Keyboard, ‘ A-Open PS/ZMotixw/Wbeel ft Mouse Pad. ’ Microiofl Window! 98 Full Versioa CD ***’ tiM w/Mamial ft LicoiM $1799 II S 1859 II S 1979 II S 2 ‘m ;FE7000.2S USOalSM' ■ 660 (With SSO US Rebate).. 17*6711 0,27 l2Wal024 i7‘en3aj5i:Miio24.. rrKTnftSS I60PI1I2W . 1T-PF7TS02SI6DI>|<I2«0. 19* ETMO.Zf lSDtal20» .... 19* PF790a:2S 1600x1200.. l9*Pmi0.2S 1600x1200.. 21'PSIO 026 1600x1200 2I-P8IS 0.25 1600x1200 .. ADksteFuiy. I6MACP. AD Rm Flay. 32M AGP w/TV An Rage Flay Pro 32MAGP...- ATI Rage Flay Manx 64M AC9.. All-I^tmler 1 28. 16M AC9 .. AII-lB-tAbader 121. S2M AGP..... irara^ lwA4aec(18A> 8.4GB UllraOMAKBivSIZK Cttbe ISGR anna DM8HVI.S12K Cache 20C8 llln>aDM*iRlw.S12K Cache 20Gt Ultra E< HD n’2M Cache 7200 1 CmillUlsrPAFER Online & Connected MP3 is music to indie ears Independent artists, many having never signed a record deal, are actively using the Net to distribute and promote their music 1E5 for Mac ready for download Microsoft's new browser features Tasman page-drawing ^gine, Internet scrapbook Weaving your own Web site: Part 56 XHTML (aka HTML 5.0): Part I <muni IW.tCl nHoudincw k.iiiKii cHinin,! iIk direrl le oflitijUn'Ml. «.01, whi jimUcci acid tha purposes for which they can rs will hme lo One o ortmg sloppy HTMl is l.andexpjnd* Jard for XML, HTML and XHTML Tbe-X’ in XHTML prnnu lo ana sMiidacd called XML (eximsiblc markup lan- guage) XMLisawiylo embody and dcKribe used most In the conslruclion of nunyVftb- based daiabasn. The XHTML specirKalimi essentially merges aspects of X.ML inio HTMl . To gel a real undersuniJing of whal's going on. you need to know some fundamcn- the rclaiionships betwea So, (or example, you coi ing Ihai looks good o MoraficoTviae THECQMRnWfWEB SSBOER TOROMTO i waViOOO B1 INTERNST ACCESS Shell access included whit all dial-up accounts [ ' Comm-Ute Plan; 1 ( * Comm-Plus Plan; 1 IS NOW KS MONTN n Mown* MONT# / MMH BPPMSS 2 C-MU( 4PDPE0 10 M$ wn mtAU spAa to Mt wn sniuet spacl S 9.99 /MTH MIV «iiwn«r 3 rots / MW MTV swirnnr $ 9.}7/MTNMnrcW(r $ 13.70 / MTH MW rUMt [ Bronze Plan; ^Communicator Plan: f» mmsPOimoNTH ' uMUHim Minis ~ * s f-mit Aoopessu 2 E>M4I( 4DDCE3SE3 » Mt wn 2T0R40F SHC 20 Mt wn StOtAOt SPAtS $ 19.99 /MTHnnmoiaur 3 29. 99 / MW Mn awnwr $ 18.33 /MTHNMTUAa $ 19.99 / MTH AAiamiHr ] CALL NOW ANO KECeiVe \50% OFF OUH KOUiAH MONTHLY NATFS ^nON2F OR COMMUNICATOR ACCOUNTS mfAPPUtsTOMSwaui-miiuucmsmoimwmiimt i OFFICi CONNECT! ] ^tiiunttinaNtTeQimcmmmmttomauni J Connect 128'\ tAKtSOMCONNCCnOM lUK ISM CONNCCTION nc-MAiiAeewmrs sos-miiAetouins 50M9 WC9 STOMt 50MI WCi STOWICt tm.99KliM0Mm' $m.99 pat MONTH- ( WEB Honm ) y ( VIRTUAL HOniNO) ) lEcrnf satmt avaiupuaino AoonmiAi aiAHt H pstsoMAutn mAH Apoitases mut&i m t tMNli Ni L t m eanoMorp mt aoohss mTTP://www.niiKOMwm.tom $ 25.00/ MTH* npAYJ YSAR AND SAVE $50 mtuiPB:sim»asmu§fiMif.so m nfntffwammsfas. IWWWI)tfaf<OTigfHH^nWHWro«MTIW»TMfWt*MtrW \SfFAST \SfHEUA8LE AFFORDABLE SECURE ^ OnLine iimKMtT mvicts ORWH* rm m tm) Echo Onlin* Intanwt tnc. 2325 Hurontorio Stroot. Units 1BAAB Mississauga, Ontario LSA 4C7 905-89e-2000, Saios Line 1-BOO-661-2319 WE GUARANTEE IT 14 OAT MO HASSLE MOMEY BACIC SUARAMTEE! MOT OMIV 4RS YOUR PIRH 7 PAYS FREE OF CHAROE, IF YOU ARE MOT OOUFIETEIY SATISFIEO WHHIM 14 OAYS WE WILL REFUMO YOUR MOMEY. lie Suppovt . I// Modem Speeds lncliidin}> ISI) \ K 56 /'lex st .\2 Online THE INTERNET BEGINS HERE..^ < ONLINE & CONNECTED </<WU> idings Food Jnd fWe, ftW reUm uincconlenu in its column. numcIrSCMi and tanIxiQK, and Aiu nljirslolhccnnienis m us column, namely SLOG and S2.50, When seen through a Web browser, it will louk something AlUHTMLel. as an XHTML page. XML requues |1 documents have what is called a 'rot) and that all o( Ihe lags that follow m t%s|. he tags on im XHTML >, <tHe> and ui also con le relalionships beiseeen Ihe items on Ihe j arc easy ^ us to disluiguish. but this is he case fai a progiam trying to read the page.While HTML o good at ibing In IS shuu ■ proper XML rules, svhich n dial the ugs must be properly nested Ue. <b><i>lAll IS csriKVl neslM«hx/h> and chxialNis IS nglcfbxd>|. They also must (d- low Ihe correct order, so that Ihe and <iie3lt> lags are contained within Ihe <IWil> lags. In addition, under XHTML, lhe<till*> lag describe the relationships between Ihe items. Without an enplKil descnplHHi oC the tela iionships between the elements in the table, a lompuier program could mistakenly think that $1 CCisielilcd directly to $2.50, and not to SouD This IS where XML comes into play Wheiras HTML was created to tell a Web browser where ihinp should be placed oa a Web page, XML was devised to describe the data contained un a page and Ihe retalionships between vaiious data elements. One ol the rosdamenlal dtlTeienccs between XML and inML IS that XML allows Web authors to define their own tags — Ihis is where the "extensible'' pari of the language comes into [day. So for esampde you could create tags called <Wd> and <pnc», and enclose the items after the r^iemng <n >tag. ■t lag to appear e, XML ts svrttten in Insvcr- XML IS case sensitive, lupages e'i<eiMg>Fixid<hiea9nesereadng-a’iicc</liea(iing> iniiwtixtco<i>SQeiK/l«i(l><siics>$i OCk/nee de adequately describes satiicledv'KS meanuig that lags like « <&>, <Dn. could be iintrpieled as diffciem tags. As a cesuh, XHTML code must shu be wruien in loweicase letters to be properlv undersTood tsy Ihe biowsci. All XH TML lags have to be -dosed." This means that there musl always be eilhera dos. mg lag lac <tf|l>),or if the tag is a standalone. XHTML also requires that if you are usu^a lag that has an alvUsule value, it must be enclosed in quotes li.e. <img irc^'InMgX* togMcW MUti.-Sir />)- If this is not done, the ed naria (dr, d forms with ugs anymore. So, if you used lo write code that allowed a contracted form, such as <a, cgngSEir or <BpU» stie»d>, it must eont|iacl>‘canpaciS and <0Dban seXMLu houldix le to idl er XHTML scripting a ‘so inJisdes such . : and jana)! played, on the whole HTML pier way of displaying the same data. The new XHTML l.Ospecilicaiionisasiray of taking the descriptive data fcaluies of XML and corabin- iRg them sviih HTML's cue of dau disiday. No mere lazy Web code The XHTML 1.0 specification requires Web authors write code m a very r^id st^ in order for an XHTML-compKanI brnseser to fully efcinenis required m wnling XHTML code; • Certain XHTML elements must always appear on a page. i style elemenis eniiiy cliaractcri 10 be cspUcilly set riemeils as bemg ^ecial abOCaTA content, which should be uilerpreted rather than dis. played. You svould do this for some sample JavaScnpi code in the following fastuotu recognired by the XML Coniimied on page 98 BRAMPTON kCOIVIPUTESa WE BUY AND SEU NEW & USED ^qoMPUTE RsjQ io PAima ~ SPRING BI^WOUrhoNTINUESI MOTHER BOARDS Pentium I M/BAT (formal to P200 non-MMX) Pentium I M/B ATX (upgradeable to P233MMX) PIlUfATofATX) Pll/in BX ATX P233MIIIX MB&CPU ATX IX)MB0.4130 CHHCN SOU MB&CPU COMBO .4175 IKTa PH 400 MBACPU COMBO$299 O PRINTERS .$69 HPIIUserPiinter $169 Panasonic {SOO laser Printer ....$199 SYSTEMS Pentium 120 16MB RAM, 1GB HD Network Card, Keyboard & Mouse $169 Compaq Pentium 200MMX 32M6RAM,3iGBHD Network Card, USB Port Keyboard & Mouse $349 NETWORK CARDS 1 M PERIPHERALS Sound Card for 386/486 USR 56k ISA Hardware ^ rn MEMORY 64MB dimm sasm n Tl«CC*»1JIW(!liRfl QBbAJEBTCfWflOEIXION U ATTENTION; ONtINE g CONNECTED CONSULTANTS, VABs and DEALERs Your Ultimate in Computer sourcing... EPROM Established since 1985 Specializing in Computer Systems Solutions 750 Cochrane Drive .M>,kh™,ON L3R8EI www.eprom.com "[Major labels] don't want a group that will only sell 100,000 CDs because that is a failure. But for most musi- cians, one can make a living dak off of selling 100,000 CDs." j'f~ -Robert Garbowski, Luck/ 7 drummer ihc DiSilaJ .(cilrhiurd in Ulc I'MK withunly a iiuimr.iklurc .im Cl) nnd |MPVc.im| w: loiidv Inlesbih.in IK niomNbiiiKc make then mvded.' fhf onl)- up ir.n; hi'i udvjiiijjio tbi uriitu u>m« HAM c auk-b ul dKir i:u>— j dul iH> nuiiv company ivuuld ufTer. capcci.illy to t II 100.1100 driHnylaads of rhe ^roup'y free (T)905-944-9000 (F)905-944-1200 Toll-Free: 1-800-263-7766 to get online now visit WWW.SWGb.HBt In Toronto: (416) 916-2010 Toll Free: 1-877-358-3web (3932) Q: How long is 3web free tor? A: There is no time limit, no hidden fees. It's free forever! Q: Can I create multiple accounts? A: Yes! You can create as many internet S email accounts on one computer as you want. Q: How fast is 3web? A: The speed depends on your own modem. Q: What do I need to run 3web? A: Minimum system requirements include a P.C.. modem, 16M6 RAM, Windows 95 & a monitor capable of displaying 256 colors. caigary edmonton toronto CYB Ej| /OR F* Building our world around you Personal internet Access 58K diai-up access Free SMB personal webstte No setup tee No hourly charges No pilmetime restrictions Low subscrtber-to-llDS-ralio ' •ilaH@itileriets.ee Gorporatft Internet Access * Custom domain name {wiM».]roureonipany.com) * 6 POP accounts * Unlimited email aliases * No traHIc charges NE & CONNECTED soi^. MP3.<nn sUo links Imcnen lo Lu^y 7's awn site (rnig/AiwwIeellnsiluckypurik con). bend, find out about tour dalet, new n Bui whii bands like Lucky 7 Rnd moil u ful about online muiic distribuDon is the re tiotuhipi they bcpm to build with their ti People looking for muiic no ihe Iniernel u to be pickier and more loyal lu the music gi res and artists they like. One would have to as tracking down a song or alhutn online i be time consuming, especially If the ortisl I a lower proRIc than, say, the Backstreet Be But once they find something they li and even help proi Underground goe (underground muiic| well, so if you knew you might not ihose two defiaencics and grow the market tor variety of artists, many of whom are signed to ndependem labels. The sue a nul only a placi ' uf like-minded mus lencrs can come together. The Los Angcles-bsued band ■he InicnKi with liciping it fini by lead singer Kathy Fisher a arranger, keyboard player Ron AboiU two years ago, Fisher's si te farmer chief music officer and co-founder of Mew York-based Cductive.csm I which was recently acquired by distribution company os a way of promoting underground, elecironic, and dance music lo a by Tori \mos, whose fans ore extremely loyal. TlMy liked Breakable so much they sianed nCCOOlPUTERAiPEFI BftEATEP TORONTO EDIhON ONLINE & CONNECTED loiindind:, asking wtxrc they could gel Fiibei's CD. The problem wu Fisher was ciol sigocd with AUanlic, nor did il have a com- mercially availaUe CD. The faro ihen began Fisher, which prompted the band's move 'So ibe poncos we were in, ii would have been crazy not lo have our own Web site and that pushed us lo do a CD because we were getting requests fbi one,* Kalhy Fisher says. would post il,” Sibesry said.*l get a lol more out oC a personally. People see me struggling and come Torwaid with iheir eiperlise so dil- MP3.ca arrives Even more Canadian musicians and indepoid- eol hands wiU likely lake lo usuig the Internet and MP3 lechnology lo promote diemselves with ihe recenl launch of MPSca. While not aSihalcd with MP3.com, UP3.ca intends to follow the same formub of distributing and promoting artists as its Amencan coomerpan. MP3.ca will link up with individual artists and bands, and Iheir Web sites, and allow them to also be able to use MPS.ca to book bands. •We warn to act as a Canadian soum for Toronto-based MP3.ca. *The Canadian music sente is pretty strong and sigDifk.mtly difler- enl From ibe US. music scene. especiaDy in the independem area. And there are some big bands io Canada lhal are not malty in ihe Labels will not go gently Though musicians now have more coouol over marketing aod selling Iheir music inde- pendently, even many of the artists who use MP3 and the Inlemel olensively will admit that these lechndogies will novel niplace the People looking for music on the Internet tend to be pickier and more loyal to the music genres and artists they like, ophy 10 the Intemn lhal IJondadoes in letters of com plaint. If Honda receives a wrillcn mis- 'So ifweaicgellingeniail, possibly each one represents about 500 people," Wasserinan says, “And I thought maybe we have an audience Unlike Ihe Web sites for muln-iudboii CD seUisg arlisti, Fisher’s Wch site (mvi/niKweitg MsDundritl] keeps Ians up-io-daieon whal the band is doing The site foalures phoins ikken on the road, and perfbeming and backstage at a recent LA- awards ceremony. Wasserman also takes the time to respond ici euch email ihe band receives. “One of the ihutgswe really tried to create is Ihe House of Blurs and had lo cancel because Kathy was sick, the next day I had to answer 300 emails teUing peoph what her health svas bke. When someoiu picks up a CD in a store, ■here is not a sniwtiall's chasicc in bell they arc going to talk le anyone who svorks with Ihe AootlieT artist who is using ihe Web to du mure ihan dislnbvlc music is Toronto-based departure from a nujoi label, WamerfReprise. in 1996, Siberry started Sheeba Reconb and launched a Web site for her label. Sbeeba.ca iimpvmm.srnctiacs) not only distributes SUierry's music, buiacuasa resouste for fons wanting to find out about new releases and lour dales- The site is luxienily being 'The Canadian music scene is pretty strong and signifi- cantly different from the U.S. music scene, especially in the independent area." —Jeff Boryshnik, MPJ.ca redesigned, but she hopes fans will contimie lo give her feedback sboul ns direction. In the a kind of watering hikei a forun in wtuch gestions and ideas from visiion. 'I pul op a 'Jane Asks' area and people would wnle in with whai they knew and I IHEIXWSVTBtPiUiQI OflEATEJttCnONTOECniON ONLINE & CONNECTED ■When praplt ask >lace r«ord Iat>cU, -s Kiihy Ri m technology itsdf. The main re. 'Whal IS putting (lyces up and down Sunset lot example, can prohaUy find most lomg shows where they have to buy jazx legend's recordings onl idiets and do their own adveiiismg. It is fiat the fan, hut cenaln' t effntive way to gel your music GUI to company or ailisl lor America {RIAA}, which represents many the mayor labels, has gone as far as *edur the illegality of Web sites containing pira MP3 collections residing on campus serv In August, i Universily of Oi^on stud to posted MP3 fil e in MP3. Ureal work was the first peiwn f for the record ed under the No Bectror e. who tipped off the autbonli Association of 7 1 Carnegie Mellon Univers ; Theft (NET) f www.GetDomain.com Blazingly Fast Domain Registration Register, Reserve, and Activate your Domain Name (yourcompany.com) Todayl! www.GetHosting.com Complete, Friendly, and Easy to Use, Hosting Solutions from one of Canada’s Largest Hosting Companies! y 30 Day Money Back Guarantee ^ Same Day Setup ^ Online Hosting Toolkit Management I ^ Phone and Emaii Technical Support ^ AutoResponders, Email Aliases, Email Redirections, Web Demographics, I CGI Tools, Microsoft Frontpage, and much much morel CADVision lnfo@getdomain.com iNTERNET 1-88S-343-INET(4638) wrww.cad3dsfon.com ’Does not include Agency fees. It's so EASY! Over 30,000 Companies have registered their Internet Domain Name by using I GetDomain.com. Easy to use, 7 step process, allowing anyone to reserve their Domain Name over the Intemetl Best of ail its Fast and Freel Try it Today! poning Ukgal MP3 flics un the cimpu, net- work. Their Internet privileges were revoked copyright issues and to write an essay about whut they learned. While the maiur record labels, through the RIAA. are making sure MP3 pirates art pros- ecuted, they are nut ignoring the Internet and its potential for digital music distribution. Recently, many signed onto (he Secure Digital Music IniUalive (SDMI) In an effori Several mayor labels have also sigiKd unlo Lislen.com (htD7AiNm.llSen com], which pro- Lliten.com's principab include BMC. EMI, Universal Music Group and Warner Music Group. In October, Sony Music also invested in the company. ’|■hBte is some suggeslion that Listen.com will be used as a plaUbim for ■he majoi labels lo distribute their music online, while still allowing them lo relain a the music landscape has already begun lo change because of MP3 and Ihe Inlecnet. will buy a lot of," says Tal Klein, a member of the New York-based duo Traacenden fhttilyfwwwBancatlihrctim). "On the Internet specific kind of music (hat (hey like, from country music to hardcore techno. And on the Internet you will probably find someone who combines buih.’ LI Weaving your own Web sHe Cbntioued from page 83 the lavaScript code instead of displaying iL By now you have an idea as to how a typical XHTML Web page differs from an HTML ver- sion of the same page. In the not arlide, we wiU look at XHTML in more depth, and loidi at specific sample pages wntten using XHTML □ Next dine: Wuarig XHTVi WoV pages Kcnn Scnengin-Roiiens welcoities any ramriMs, sug- gesboiK or HTML tros lou tray Have 'Ibu cat emai KaWi at loOenskOnate htne com Loos la iss upcaniigiiookenCSS.CaaCSS.KiSBh D-ib- 063<56'4i u u punisnal By Prentlee Halt Prevails stetas m me series can be mind el. hitp r/HWiv wflb-weevles net eady for download n page SI ICOMPUTBil TUNING UP YOUR PC Two firms test PC support via the Net and Megan dohnstan I InlfTwl (Mpv/wwtpiralTnic.oiniJwin soon Xh(^n .1 thrte-mimih inal DiTcrmg PC sup- port serricestosubKTibcninui ggrennenl il hu entered with PCsupporl.coni ( r«p ;^«iw pesunort com ) . Heidi L)mn. operations manager for PiraLrnx in Vincniivrr sit's the cnmpuirr sup- port services will help dlRerenilele Parel.ynx front other ISPs, perricuierly among those problem with their PC, they will get help from a PC .Suppon Centre portal cua- lomiaed hy Burnaby, B.C.-based PCsupymri.com. and markciing lor PCiup^rt.com says any Web browser can access a variety of ooline services lhai will help troubleshoot and utilities, backup services and software ^grades for^^ applications when they "At every level, they have to give us permission, and at any time, all they have to do is touch the mouse and control [of the PC] reverts back to the subscriber." — Cftjf Rowlands, PCsupport.com By ulfering these services on the hie). PC users will avoid the frttatration of calling a service centre and walling In a phone queue ance techniques with people punching in numbers in order to route calls.' says PCsupport.cora's Supprsn Centre will even staff person cither throu^ chat ot email. staff 10 directly go into a person's system and fir problems that may have occuried. such a.s broken links, disk ernsrs and damaged files and pTs^ams. All of this is dune through the brossscr and with the permtniuo of the user, who af^iroyes changes before they are made by “We want the customer present when we do the work and they can watch us doevciything OB the screen as we do it,' Rowlands says. “At every levri, they have to give us permla^n. and at any lime, all they have to do is touch All of PCsuppori.com'a technicians are trained by the company and have (bur to Tne years of technical csperieocc, including cenili- caiion. Curnenily, PCsuppon.com does tioT Cominued on ppye S; Internet Business? E-Commerce solutions for everyone yourname.ca or yourname.com Fully loaded web store s 45/mo. • 50 MB disk space, - 2 GB traffic/month - 10 mailboxes - Frontpage™ 98 server extensions - web based control panel • web site statistics, etc. - FREE Miva Merchant™ shopping cart software (retail value S 495 US) featuring: - unKmrted products - secure server integration - automatic tax & shipping calculations - email notificalions ot ordm - online credit card authorization option - ready to use templates - browsar based interface for store management and easy development - FREE Miva Mia™ development software package (retail value $ 99 US) 30 day money back guarantee! Looking for Just a entry level web site? Available for Just $50 • one time fee. Domain Plus ■ yournamo.com, business card web site and emaill Canada's #t Web Site Nostmg Com/aany 100% Canadian operated www.netnation.ca 1-888‘277-0000 Inlematienal *1($04) SSt-t94S Smell: selesOnetnatlon.ee ^INetNation CminlEJOsis Inc. 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He says he it also consider' ing the possibility of bundling PCsupporl.coni into service packages that PC vendors would offer to ciuiomen. ParaLyns's Lynn says her company will olTer the service for free to stall, but they will chaige I fee eventually. !>he would noi s«y what (hose charges would be, or whether they would be pari of a basic ISP subscription. PCsupport.com plans to offer round-the- clock technical support when more naff comes online In the nest while. Currently. FT. Aftn hours, people can email in their 2+ hours. ^ Velocity OSP trials Another company. Velocity Computer Solutions Ltd. Ilitto rAvwwietootylTcam) has started beta Inals of Its own online trou- bleshooting and repair servKe. Unlike Paralyiu, ihe nearly two- year -old Calgary and Toronto and plans lo cross into Ihe norlhweslern U S. by the end of range of "solutions." from helping clients plan hardware, software and connectivity purchases, lo repiirini and servicing their sysienii. The company already offers repair and servicing through ns call ceiilre and team of more ihan 45 roobik engineers. For the new service. Velocity is urgeling its range in sue from sm^c computer operations in common, according to Vclocily, is Ihe desue In reseaiching Ihe new Online Service Products (OSP| soluuun. the company said it found that even though the price of hardware of ownership (TCO) has risen. This s credited to (he climbing cons of servicing, and the cost of having emplo^^es silting idk. According to ^%ioclty chief enculive officer. Shawn Chute. "Over 90 peiteni of customer software ptubkms iruicad of a biidwam fail- ure." And many of the software problems can be Sud remotely. The company felt that if they could diag- nose and fie problems that could be addressed via a broadband connection prior lo dispatch- ing an engineer, It would noi only save money, but their dienu' systems would be up and run- ning more quKkly with Ihe eliminalion of sad remotely control a customer's computer or network over a high-speed Internet connec- tion," said Chute. Like Ihe PC.Suppori.com service, this is done only with the cliesl's permission. on the Wlocily Supporisl icon on their PC desktop. "Within seconds, a Velooly supporl spe- discuss the problem, and Ihe best way to pm- By using videoconfeKneiog technology instead of chat or email, Veiecily lechnkisns sions During a demonstration of the OSP service lo TCPand a group of investors in early February, a Vidncily lepre^talive said nectivity requuement to use the service, which is platfarm independent "We will eventually be able to solve most of our customers' problems without dispatching an engineer from our office." —Sham Chute. Velocity ‘Velocity's support team can work on a customer's computer or network rust as easi- chair. ‘We will eventually be aUe 10 solve most of our customers' problems without dispatching an engineer from our office,” says Cliule. Vdocity does noi have pricing for the OSP service yet. It says it eventually plans to extend ns OSF offieringi to iodude maintenance, upgrading and training services □ 1.95 p*r month Unlimited Access #4lf Digitai Lines 9 Free Email 9 Free Technical Support • Free Software and Start-up Package e No Busy Signals • Web Hosting Call Today For better Internet SerWee ( 416 ) 225-3030 Visit Our Website WWW.BETTER.NeT eUAIL info@better.net . FairNet PREMIUM WEB-HOSTING SOLUTIONS ACROSS CANADA Boost your business und make your presence on the World Wide Web known with our great and affordable serviees. youj'company.com ho.sted for as low as $19.95 / mo n th & eCommorce & Web Development Get a ])i'ofessional web site for your busine.ss for as low as .S499.0() UNLIMITED INTERNET ACCESS for only S14.y5 / month No C.'ontract. No SetUp Fee. No Hidden Fees We Prov ide Access throiufhoof m ost of Canada 1 -877-GO FAIRNET Or in the GTA call 416.410.1 171 i n foCi fa i rn et .com DAZED AND CONFUSED ABOUT BUILDING A GREAT WEBSITE? WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT WEB SITE HOSTING Menm T>« CCMPVTBt PAPCR GflEAtBI TCnONTO I MavKOO 91 lUNIHG UP YOUFi Think utility, not just utilities utilities used to be restricted to small, single purpose helper programs, but no more. Fully functional trialware versions of expensive commerdal software now compete for the same customers with better-than-ever shareware, The Web has provided a common distribution channel, and we users are demanding more and more from our PCs. By JseqiMS Surveysr Do Yoy Have The Digital Touch?* newMedla Discover all the products, servkas and infbrmaiw you isaed to hif^rata the newest digUM technotogy Into your busiitess. Sm hardware, sohwatat systems and solubaas to you start up, catch up or update - and gam the cotapetthe e<^. • Thousands of culllng-edge products • Hundreds of eahl&ttois • leam from die leading experts anil educators like PIcai. Gray Inlenctla^ Shift Online, Rapp Cotims Worldwide, CanWest Glahat. Adobe Systems, * free Keynote Vltionary Series by top presenters from the lop companies in the world; Dr. Mfcftael C.J, Cewpland, Chairinan. Piesideni A CIO, Corel CorporadMi Stephen Bartkiw, CEO, AOL Canada. Inc; Mike Abtamsky, President Rogers New MediA Pfei. dSMlMla affiodaes rtcene mSC admctsm la IrotuCanada kcynoM Bob Ybung. Chainnan A CEO, Red Hal Inc. Units TocvaUs. Creator of Linux Ransom Love, Piesldenl A CEO. Caldera Systems, Inc. Plan now to attend newMediaaooo and ^ in touch wHh the digital woiH. Conference May 15 - 18, 2000 Trade Show May 16 - 18, 2000 Metropolitan Toronto ConvBntfon Centre Toronto, Canada Co-Located with: UNUX^ Canada' To Register or for more Information www.newfnedi3.ca 1 (800) 331-5706 M M • NfU Aadb Vtded Mrlthnedla Sreadcast FreductlM • Wglul tat • E^emmenre • Edecadan A Traini • hnagnig A Design • NewTek Unkersicy • PeaefipR Press Author Senes • QwckTioe Seminar Senes • I n rescandiing the topK of lop 10 PC utili- ties, the issue of whether or not to include shareware along with commercial PC uliJi- ly software arose, if you ode "why nw?" you have probably already observed a noliNe lrciid---sharewaie and regular software are rapidly merging. Many popular programs (lor exam^r. four of the top Rve Web aulboring programs I iwewed Ibr an upcominB issue of skms with the atrility to save Qles. and no lim- its on siae of workmen or other runcTionaiity Increasingly, these programs can be (bund ai popular download Web sires, like TUCOWS (nOpy/mM lucoM com) or Downlosdxom inopy/ WM.QBMOU com]. It is remarkable that com- puters— those logical whizzes— are primarily being used not to enhance calculation or logic but communication and the arts. Sound like dureware? Indeed. And for its pan. diarcfware oSerings are becoming mote iike Inal versions of commerdal software, but ftom a diftereni starting point. Instead nf unlimited trial (Mriods, most shareware pn>- cnabled. insiead of oflHng the limited hinc- tionality of "light" versions of pn^rams. Shareware also igiofU all the pro featuecs like loot lips, wizards, rich help files, tips of the day, online tuioiials and decironic document auon. At many download sites ^ will see old- fuhioned shateware miied In with software from such big names as Adobe, Allaire. Macromedia, McAfce. NelObiecis. and Sybase. Of course ibc great equalizer is the InlemeL Both regular software and shareware vendors realize that because trial software can easfly be sites or ftnind on papular, free besl-of CD- ROMs. customers arc becoming less con- cerned aboul brand nameand more about the eSeciivcness of the prugrtms And since all vendon are moving to all-electronic docu- mcnlaiion and Web-biscd product support, there is little to distinguish brand name pro- grams ftom shareware other than the quality of the code. With this in mind we weni id three major software download sires and Usied ibeir mosi popular downloads as of early March 200ft. From this lisi. augmented by input from TV CbmpsrrerfUperslafT.wechowour top 10 PC • ci>a>uTSiP»p9i opeaTEmaonoHnon INING UP TOUR PC utilitiM. Ai you will sm, nuny of Ihe pn^ranu on the lisl itretch the defmilion of a utility. ( Every propatn is a utility from the operating ryalcni’a ptniU of view^ and every ulilliy pro- gram u a caodtdaie to become a port of the ating system from MiciosoA's point of «.) How evolution ofthePCas 0 PC >flwan, but with this same broad definilion of a utility. By inspecting the most popular downloads from the fieewareitrialwafe/sbare' ware sites, one gels a feel lor the range of 'util- ity* solTware available today. SOHO (small > ments, some non-lradiiional caiegoiics have been included. We are really tryu^ to identity software, and especially (rulware, that adds a clligence WinZip set tf When etamining the most pc^uUt downloads — IC^, NetZip, WinZip. CuteFTP, ColziUa, iSpeed, WebFcrret. Netscape, Inieroel ^lorer, Ge^ghl— it is clear that M:b uUli- The second most popular group include multimedia titles. WinAmp, Sonique, ACOSee, Wcbchols assd Paint^op Pro— audio players, and image cataloguing ulihites are all about those logical whizzes— are pimanly bang In cuDipiling this list.wc^so chose some OS add-ons— WinZip and PCAnywbere — which aic mote iradlUoiul utilities. But In keeping ticn — offeting Cut and efTWieni comptession Top 10 utility dotivnloads http /Avww.lobiscain load (you can aha ordet the Inal CO-ROM], but Notes, the iiaiulatil for coUaboralion, U available for a free UO-day trial period New Release 5 adds Web developmeni features like lava, lavasenpu XML, HTML 4.0, OLE. and advanced CORfiA/llOP support. Notes/Donuno provides a VMi develop- search and synchtnitization, plus workflow and rouling that can handle the divenc demands of e-business in a srdid messaging framework. And Lotus is not lestmg on iis lau- Notes/Domino messaging and synchruniza- iion, SameTime secure chtL plus QuKkPtace, TramRoom, and Lcarnmg%nce coUaborsuon m a toiovdedge man^menl portal. CnelovarlMb Winamp Play UP3. MP2. CO. MQO.W HSIIIW2IPIM lil.psgeMlSx OtaleverWei VMbFerret itiespe Do Web seiitlws at nj Play MP3. CD.t •MTip Net doaatioails nnragH very tsel Mieitapft Intpffid Eaplerv Wan hcwsai CuttFTP NettransfaMeiBssllv Naltcapt Csmmuitleaur Weobrtwser Malaga wnoovnHDacis 9 Chat CMP Web Mutate Web dCMninaOe. McAfee VirusScan FmSeMakeS tklop. ms aepnnar. flw. Ten yststons of sotiare. ACDSae Swiiiauit Senansaver WMAUps. Image Mbum/talaiogue pregram. Mcdlsaynicn. MnAnqi MS RegCiPan «.1a Play MPl. liF2. CD. MOO. WAV niss. HeQs manage legisiry CuHFTP OowiwiaciaiesHleiv Su soeian yananons. PaimShopPre iSpcad lor Windaws BiiiJPEC.GIF. and odter mage IMS ^leM Web nnstpfs. Mcrgstfl utilities 10 WindiMS 9B Intel P 111-500 ($788 S4MIPC-inS0IU.M Intel P 111-550 Intel P RI-600B $988 $988 ASUS n-n IMMHi SX MJl. ItaHU. TH liSMtl'M J. IMS ATI Xgatra ACT Vlan Up n MM Dyaiale >D Vldx SUPER GUY PCIII Sun ilnIx/Lunix Server ^ $3088 |MjjrnF;’»wcre.njMta ICBRSeaaMIPC-mSDtUM bM P n-dSM OU, ttOK Ceeht S(K v.ee VvkkTt^vMa I.4GS CDMA HDD, IS* FDD MX CIMtOM. IHW STHi WMKcrkwa, MvMTM Special for pans: MM Man SUNMMj'^W.'biaBlMaa Crvaflvc S2a CIMtOM p^aiiik Xiliegreted ASP VMm Paewefc 3.5" FDD 30 SeunD Pre InveyeTeJ S^md FelTmrATXCue«/3«*» 96* V » (WMwhm T^?T^a‘'/r.r » **• “O** “»• * *• rt* Acffuersuiitf-,.. siis (AlUr SUbiu) PM. 7tlub CWm Printr ... IMP ATTAm.WwSirpnKMW SIPP ATTAllbW’Hacr3JMACP_...S3IP VMMoiaaM 14MB ACT SLPP^^^V^^^^ ASUS VMAe C-Pmiv pmv 3JM AGP V ewy 15* lieGS.2S MaMtar S2tP omputeraNetwonicanaoaiLtiL “ 759 Queen Sl C. Ibroalo, AC Queen E. At Broedview — i— i , A:l4l^4il-7IHBtl-t77-4l-}Ptommttl.ftx:(4ltmi-m4 jotoil; V799 Enuul; proagnt^dfrecLcsB, Web Site: wwnJPcBD.com inelueU) O|)en:Mon.-Fn.;10i(»-20;00,Set.:l0:00- 19:00 ' ' MPT 2370 MIDLAND Ave. Unit A10, Scarborough, ON, M1S 5C6 TEL: 416-292-0533 hours: 10am-7pm Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm Sat DIRECTIONS PROM Hwy 401 Kennedy Rd. NORTH - Sheppard Ave. EAST - Midland Ave. SOUTH to 42370 (1" traffic light), Turn RIGHT at lights into Ihe hidden plaza #2370 GVe 6 / 8 PORT 10BRSE-T HUB W. BNC & AUl, $39 / $4B ADAPTEC 2S40IIW SCSI-3 CONTROLLEB, $243 MAC lOCASE-T NETWORK CARD FOB LC SERIES MACS,$14 3COM ETHERIINK XL PCI NETWORK CARD, 10MBS, $IE leSIT SnREO ISA PNP SOUND CAND, AMPLIFIED, $18 HPUSENJET4PNINnN,WITNT0NEN,RFe, $433 NPUSERJET4SI PRINTER. WITH TONER, NFC, $0S9 72PIN04M8 SIMM RAM MODULE. EDO. $110 PRO 480 TRNE 32W RMS SUBWOOFER STSTEM, LTD. $55 3COM PCMCIA NOTEBOOK NETWORK CARD, 10BSE T. $S7 DELUXE IDE HDD MDBILE RACK WITH 2 FANS, FLAP, $22 IS” BRAND NAME "USED** SRGA COLOR MONITOR. $99 LEXMARK LA$ER OPTRA E + , BPPM, GOODPI, RFB, $290 MOTOROLA UHF S MILE 2W HANDHELOS, RFB, $299 f PR. www.mptcomputers.com for latest component and system pricim Prices are cash discounted and subjecc to change. 9 years in business, member of the prices, ne offer no risk no hassle lOOK REFUNDS on our products, rfb.refurbished, He mm TX COMPUTEP FWPER GflEATERTIXIONIOEDnCM k TUNING UP Y0U8 PC think comprcuion utibtin would got iho short jlK-k Not lo. Bdckupj, Web downloads, and general hk nuinagcntcnt can oJwavs benefit rrum compressed Cdes. Uut as WmZip reaches version S, it is seetng increasir^lY tmigh compeTition WinRAR, fw etample. matches nearly all WmZip's features while delivering files that are five to 20 percent more compressed, handlliq more compres- sion Formats (including ZIP), and running on more plaifurms tincluding Linux, most popu- lar versions uf Unix and US/2]. Another com- peting free program, l-reeZip, is very cumpact laltachmg itself to Windows Eiplurer) and Until now, Intuii Quicken and Microsoft Monev have been the cream of the free inal business software. But no longer. SPSS UecisionTime is a powerful planning and forecasting tool that is available for a 4S-day free Inal. This well-developed forecasling soR- vrare simplifies every step bul doesn't forgo sc^istjeated slaliscical arid economic analysis methods. DecssionTime is only one of a seria of new business Iriahvoic, such as Meaimal’s MPL optimizing loo! (mip.r/wvrwmtaimil uss.cnm), Palisade's gcuup of Risk Analysis software pro- grams ('ina/rvrm.pelitaile.coni), and Ifecisioneering's Crystal Ball IflV //vniu on smesnng com) fur scnsitiviiy/whai if analysis Ace ihol business oiurse or super-durge your business arulysas with DecisionTIme and the ulher exemplary business liialw.irr avaJablc on the Net. PCAnywhere iwpv/wivwsymanisccom UpNnkROOO nap/AmwIziiliiilcaim These packages are engaged in a holy war fur the remolr-access and file-transfer/synchru- nizatioo market. Laptink has the lead on file transfers hy including more options, plus free serial and parallel cables. PCArtywhcre, which is available in a 30-day Iriahvare version, has tile Lad in remoic access over modems or ihe Bui they both need lo watch their backs as their primarily Windows oiienlarion leaves room for freeware -like lava -based VNC, which provides some tcmule access services that run The bottom line is lhat remotely accessing ynur PC for help/producl support or simple Take it for a 13-day free (rial and see If you Pentium lll-SSO S12B4 Pentium msS0€S12e4 Pentium lll-SSSEB 1274 PII-C^^^^^^^S699 PII-C-S0afS33=$739/$889 "5? 2S!.. (■HRm SwOTfSaanawBaSm" .TI1«|>U1I IW EHiHHSxxoe stTacuNSMess soavccon AUDK7-€00 t1284 AUD K7-eS0 $1334 AMD K7-700 S14S4 iru0Nt70aWuw~ AUD K-6-2^00=$Be9 AU0K-€-2-S33^99 Bseked by: :&>yo SSSM5»X6-3-4S0 (TU * MBMPRY CaBJorNdUil GlielwbKTKE MB AMDK7-eaiV6SW7D0(e)vaigabytalC7IXE-$44B«4a£/SSS ATI FURV PR0 32M AX t1Sa Now Showing Everywhere... IJiiiHilil Mid-Tower Case eSA Agorsved (21)1 Vtision) • Fsh Moult! InsudeO • SHe Pawl Design « OnMBtys -ISQBEBBI- lOM oar BH Site Mdey far nan roapaferptrlAttnb. Jk avn 2M Hans for lao ■ m JC Computech Inc. — A Quilify Computer IWsmcItssleDiSlrtitlvr — 18 Riviera Drive. Markhain, Onlaric L3R 5M1 T<l:t905)940-8411 Fai: (905) M0-07B4 iCCOMPirrEPmvEB GREATER TOnOiVTOFCnON w < TUNING YOUR PC » nn DUfttcf Its Spnte cITecIs and Lens technol- ogy (yap, there is a big learning curst here), which allow bitmap eRecis lu be applied lo text and vector graphics m unique, captivating ways. Oh, and you can choose from Windows, Ri^l now, only the Auisies, with Wrighi Design (hllp./hnwwng^Lcilni.aii/dssign/l, ate giving Deneba's Canvas a graphic-object diaJtenge. http ./^rmiigchack sin WiidAle's GoBaclt is for road wsrriuts and power users who are constantly malting changes to then syuems— by adding and removing software, presen latians, notes, elc. — but who encoimler that dreaded mcnnenl when suddenly Ihmgi go wror^, badly wrong. Can‘i rntpy/waivrswiconi bbe PCAnywheie and Liplink, ihcsc pro- grams are ei^aged ui a Vnodc-down drag -out Gghl. In this case ii b for the compuloued- mapping market. The UlesI battle point is over ActiveX controls: MapX in the case ofMapinfo and MapObjecU in the case of ESRI. For a lol of organizalurns, mapping the kicalion of cuslnmets and coostituenls can help an organaalion decide where il wanis/nceds to go nexL More importantly, dynamic Web maps in the Mion of MapQuesi {mpy/miwntaociMl cwil are possi- ble with map servers or downloaded ActntX conlrols. In sum, having maps, and all the insighls ihey offer, is easier than ever before. PaintShop Pro deleted flies). It is run like undelete software, which IS ai the whim of whether ihe PC filcsysleni overwrote a file. GoBack lugs all disk changes. Il has some limits, though: depending on Ihe sue of log files. GoBack will only go back four to five days: il only supports alt, the benefits of rlTicicnl version togs have come to Ihe PC with GoBack. http /Amw mapeilo am PaintShop Pro is a step or two behmd [op-of- the-line paint programs tike Adobe Phnloshop and Corel Photo-Pauil m masking and layer- ing options, but It nearly nuicbes the big boys editing functions. What sets Psint^iop Pro ■part are its extra ulililies, such as a built-in album dispisy, vector based text and graphics, plus inlerfices to scanners and digital cameras along with the veryad^t Ammalion Pro loiil In the hot digilal.imaging markerpiace, PaintShop Pro is a very uimpeibng bundle of features for home. Web and SOHO use. SmarlDraw inns l/wwrrsnwUiaw.oini). which Bppronmales the flowcharting virtues of »mputer DEALERS -New -Used -Closeouts -Oveislocks Sundoy Auction Wab-Stto Hosting Friday CMilaranc* I Aulhonlii GOMPUTiR PEST »wvecoffl|nfe».com /nfameren (we ^ Id-PZJ- lO/fl Presented fay APR- 14-16 computes! » !8iiti>oiuROffa*ga iBooks I LivteSite s 1 amssMi- « 1 stwm «v 415 Hood Rd. Unit 17, Markham, Ontario L3R 3W2 nt 905-9^-9922 FAX: 905-948-9923 www.g2000sys.com lUenniiim Special SIKfer Series I Gold Series Platinum Series Diamond Series lING UP VOUR PC Maple 6 iKtD /ywww (napieMn com Why dowjiici.uI .1 cilcuUior when veu can |et a math whia as an assissani Ichccb for the free trial CD-ROM nn the Mapiesoft Wch site) In addition 10 caliuliiiona, this whiz does Foil inlegtatinn, power sm'es, and mnie, while Riiiak Malhwirt and Maiheinalica may have included whiteboarding features, 3D graphics capahilrtles. inp-noich malnz and simulation operations (in the caseof Malhworksl.but ihe underlying Maple Math Engine is hard 10 beat physKs daas. Norton S/stemWorks McAfee Office titto /hrww nrcafet com ly software. These suites, which have a street price of less than SdO, hundk logeihet for a System Wricks includes \nrlon Utilities (a suite in iisclf), Norton Anti-Virus. Remove-IT, Mobile Essentials, and Nonun Crash Guard. McAfee Office includes Uninstaller. Nuts and Gbamour oomee to tfra Web NB— Qiameuiteen.som le an online community piovKiing beauty infomaUbn lor tne giara- oroua, Ihose who went to add a touch of glamour to their Ivee, eng for beauty profoeelonala. Visitors cen lino a great naw tstylst, spa or new aalan by searening for a beauty professional In their aiaa They can also ahop for intametionel baeuty producls and cosmeboe, find beau- ty and skin care Upa and classffiads lOa for the baeuty Industry. ncpr/nrwwglamdwtacn.een' SasretWts the Web in priyale NB— Concerned about your privacy on the Web? If you're unrtappy vdtri iria way aoma Web search anginas sdl mtormaton fhay cdtaCI about you when ^ aaarch cntlna, or if you're fad up with targeted banner ada and cookiae. there is an altametiva ki TooCIIck. Ttys search angrna Ooesnt track, tatgea. or acrutinOa rta usasa— no cookiea. no banner ada. no parsonai nrtxV/wsnv topefek. com TUNING UP YOi Revisiting the art of tweaking Windows By David Tanaka AJ were puny, myi lo nplimizc WindovK were pursued by many cumpuier users with a religioiu fervoui. To make Uiebesi use oriim- iied resources was s worthy quest, with lanni- OptimUing Windows: for Games, Graphics and MuHimedia Optimizing Windows sumor DMUFafCiSW Piidarw' O'FMy t kssociatss Til.aD0'99B-993B. nttoVrwwwOBllyoilit ISSN 1 SeSS'S77-3 Sslkstt' S7B ngas TtXK) Rating inlomuiDn cwiwtl neaOablit)' initndM lor iitlainsaiais to asvtncso usii Dtsrsl Rltng: "" With today’s (relati«ely) ineicpetuive, fast osmpuiers, it hardly seems wc«th the effort. So whit if the operating system is a liltle flaMiy, or sloppy Insia^tion programs load a bunch oi useless tiles onto your hard drive? Modem sys- ing up you: system suU pays divtdends. His book, Opiimuin; Wirulpivs' Firr Carnes Crapliici find Muinmrdia. is an attempt lo rekindle that old tune religion of exorcising The suggestions in this hods will benefil onywc who has a good baaii. understanding of Windows It is otganuted into topics of increasing complexily, so you can sl<^ at wherever pennt you think things are getting a iitlk loo tcchie for you. TiK first five chapters lips on how to change various seniogs to improve yswr system's performance. Pot exampk, limply unsebcfiisg the ‘ani- mate windows, menus and hits' option in (he display properties dialogue nnticeahly improves the snappiness of the display. Flyout menus on the Start hat start to actually By out, computer vendors is 10 ship computers wiih [for anyom wilh adnveof lOGB or^eater), one each for the operating sysiem. swap files, applications, temp hies and data Swap files cause of disk fragmentation. Using a separate partition for data means that backing up and archiving is sim|riiried somewhat. Faiquhar soys that even dwiding your hard drive into Farquhar devotes a chapter to speeding up the booiup, mainly by adjusiiiig settings in the msdus.sys Ale While not direcliy relaird to increasing pcriortnonce, pokey booiupi can be annoying, and anything to speed that process up will make you feel belter abcmi ConJinufJ oi: page 101 UNLIMiTEO HOURS ALSOAVAIUBLE 33.6/S6K Free Set-up Free Software Free Web Space "NO" Busy Signals SPECiAL 6 MONTHS for ONLY $100 •Buaiiittt kecMHita -tSONAceasa - FrontPagi ExttaaioAS -DemMNwna Heating - Ce-Leeiben Sanriet $20 / mth • FuHConiulingSarvicea Voice: (41S) 222-6018 Fax: (416) 222-6156 Office Hours I infoigtamcotec.com M-F:10-6 www.tamcotec.com ; COMPUTER GfCATBlTOBCWrOi UNING UP YOUfi PC Help for sad Mac users M vcnioni for boib Maciniosh ind 1HCC0l<ejTEB»PSl OBeATEBTOnOKTOBrnON < TUNING UP YOUR PC » Browser incompatibility ViewSonic' reni iMawti'ai TETn 94 laMW MS [ViewSonic E771 [Samsung 700NF I Asus V6800 Deluxe IBM 20Gb HD J^NF^,^‘599j |Soyo 6\yA133 ^^ '115j THE COUeUIH" wren GfCATEB TCflQNTD UNING UP YOUR PC The right tool in the right hands Norton Utilities 2000 is the Swiss Army knife of the patch, fix, and clean software category. And like any sharp instrument, if you don't know what you are doing with it, you'd be well advised to proceed carefully. By Rod Lamirand M hive ihe righl icxil for Ihe job. When jvu have ihc right tool, evnyihlng is ber of limes I haw pulled out a Norton prod- uct and used it successfully to help solve a par- Norhm UUIftlea 20(» VerBiMi 4.5 for Windows S5/BS FroK: Srmantec Canada nttP’/Amw sviianiac.convrei;on>caiir SuggeaeO raiaH mca SM 95 Norton Utilities 2000 hascumbineda num- ' SpecdDlsk: Defragments your hard drive a short rundown of the types of things you can options than Windows' owr defragmenter do wiih this product. ■ CrashGuard: Tries to save jssu from crash- NEW LEGENDi BASIC ONLINE POP SYSTEM $475 INTEL Pll C433 PC100MB 32M PCMIO SDHAM SMB SHARED AGP WDEO ■ ^ ^ 6.4G HDD 144UFDD ^ 44XCDPOU 56KV.90 MODEM 3D SOUNDilSOW SPK . ATX SSOWMID TOWER CASE WIN9a KEYBOARD I INTEL Pll 0466 . $859 INTEL PENTIIMHII SOO ASUS P2-9SMOPSWISOYO , 10CW33MB 64M PC100 SDRAM . An8M0AGPWDEOCARD 102G HDD 1.44MFDO 44XCDROM S6K V.90 MODEM T6BITS0UN0i12OWSPK ATX 250WMID TOWER CASE W\N98 KEYBOARD PS/2 MOUSE $i359 INTEL PENTIUM4IISS0 ASUS P3B-P/SOYO BX MIB 128MPC100 SDRAM VOOD3 2000 AGP 13G QUANTUM HDD 1 44MFIXI TOSHIB SXDVD sax USR/AOPEN V.BO MODEM SB UVE VALUE SOUND CARD SUBWOOFER SPEAKER ATX2SOWMID TOWER CASE W7AI90 KB « PS? MOUSE SMART AMD $499 AMDK6-2 450 ASUS/FIC SOCKT7MB 32M PC100 SDRAM 8MAGP VIDEO 6.4G HDD/1. 44M FDD 4W(COROM S6K V.90 MODEM 16BIT SOUND CARD 120WSPK ATX2S0WMID TOWER CASE WIN9B KB 6 PS/2 MO USE Utvmn THECOMRjrEnfy^ QfBTBIIOnDIflObOmON UNING UP YOUR PC ing prognuns. CnuhGuuil often doan'i peridim eny beltei dun Windova twhkb mulu in haring in close down )'our misbe- having program), but somelimcs using the Revive Program burton wil let you quickly save your work before enothee fteere up. ' Zip Rescue: Aulotnales ewe system backup. ■ System Doctor: Runs in the background and notiSes you iT it secs a way to unprovc performance. ' Duk Doctor The uUcsl and most useful product in ihu package allows those unafraid of a DOS boi to get right down to it. • WinDocior: Aulomaies analyois, cleaning, and backing up of the regulry. Some people go into the registry nunually without a safe- ■ Wipe Info: Some peos^ refn to this type of mildy as a shredder, which makes it impos- sible to lecDiulrucI a deUied file. ■ Norton UnErase: Foi recovering i deleted file [which you can do M long as you haven't siitedded it, or waited too long). The package includes many other functions Bstd featum, loo: ihe CD-ROM is huulable, the recycling bin can be further protected, you can update the program from l)te Web once you register, and system infontution can be dispiayed in various ways, most of which are customuable. The long and Ihe shorl of lU is that Morion Utilities likely itas Ihe utility you need for most standard PC problems. fleviaitirg the art of tweaking Windows As ynu progress through later chapters, sdulions become mute erotic — and mure complicated to implement. However, the Explorer out of Windows 8x1 Op/imiaini IVindcws tells ynu how. One of the most intriguing chillers for me is devoted to runnuig Windows horn a RAM disk. Farquhar nous: "I put 2bS MB of RAM ui into running emuely fiom the RAM disk, and Ihe compuier blew away any and all expecta- liooi I would have of a 700 MHx Kteamet.' A RAM disk IS a logical drive that is created in RAM, and because (here are no mechanical componenis to slow access, data on a RAM dUt is available much more quickly than Iram a hard drive. This won't improve acthrilies lhat depend primarily on processor power, but data on Ihe hard drive, RAM disks can perform in Ihe pre-Windows days, but as programs became larger and RAM prices rcmaiiKd high, the solution became impraclicaL Now, as RAM pnees once again begin lo fall, ihss may be ihe biggest bang you'll achieve ficm 400 bucks. U some small probiem — maybe even |ual a tiny annoyance — lhat 1 try to Ex. I start tinkering with Ihe 'safe" changes (mariied in green by Norton). If things don't get better, I get cauuonary yellow. Finally, I am gening rid of DLLs, ActiveX files, folders, all soru of things, completely ignonng the program's reminder that I should be backing up every delelion. Eventually. I give up and turn off the machine, only to leturn Ihe next day lo End lhat my computer won'i work. Then (he pom starts— the denial, (he remonslraiions. and slow process of rebuildii^ my entire system I admit that Ihis unY (be Iiuil of the product h expiainof what was going to happen. StilL I menuofi it lo stress (he fact that a powerful pro- gram for managing core fonctiona of the oper- ating system, among other things, is capable of disabling your lyaiem and destroying your work, when placed in Ihe wrong hands. Rocotnmondation If yuu ate not planning lo upgrade to Wutdmn 2000 anytime soon, and do nut have an eariier wmon of Morton UlUities, this new release is a good choice for an ail-round.yack-uf-all-t fades utility program. (Despite the common 'TOW in the name of both p^ucls, ihis version is Windows «/9g only.) With Morton Utili you can foe or a( least better understand m of Ihe problems that regularly come up in wonderful worid of Windows. Ll MaY?(X» 101 wwwcmnoOTOutKOxni hC COM>thEn IViPBI <»EAia tCAOMtO EDITICN II IH'^AMEv - ^-Business Solutions'^'-- •- .i V Database Integration : - Dynamic Web Sites ^ Consulting -• ColdFusion, ASP, php,^ m CORPORATE WEB OEVELOPMENT <905> 507.8151 1.888.748.9636 n Caprls 1 info@capris.com www.capris.com < NEW 6 NOTABLE. Speech next user interface, says IBIt^ By OavK) Tanaks I liiphicJ UICT ullCTfjce (GUI) will give :(.nvti»aliaiwl oa, ucardiDg to IBM’i v our tDvulhs |lo comiBunicilfl.* uid Ouk O ibomc, gflKral maniger of [BM's Vota Syurms group ai a briarmg in Toronto in Whal IBM calls the convccsatioiul ci putlog paradigm is a nuilll-inoda! lolcrf This maos we would be able to talk to oudi-ser live screen or use a ke>board, n pad (and peitaps eventually even gesture) most appropriate or converuenl. Likewise the computer could respond m a context- looking 01 a computer screen, we might type tion — or point to them on a touch screen — icicly say u the onboard cc neni!' and have the co ilallyco technologies that will ptay a ro and a Rceoily iniroduced VokcXML fkation. These may diow up in muliilingual text-lo-speech systems like speech-enabled cs that people would be able to Voice technology research is one of IBM's longest ongomg projects, and Osborne said much of IBM's Mork to this poms has been devoted to "getting the plane to By— gelling Assistant that brings the coi compuimg inlertace to Pal Nahamou said, although he stressed that it Is a technology demonstration at this stage, not a commercial product. The Personal Speech Assislani provides speech recogni- Dnid Nahamou, director of human lan- guage tedtnology u IBM's Watson Research , Center inWestchesler (jaunty, N,y„said "we took the '70s to prove to ourselves that a new way of speech processing was possible. The '90s was the pr^uct phase." ll was primarily during the last decade that IBM and other companies iraruformed the lechnology into retail products that ers. But, said Osborne, creating relaJ voice- dictation products is nut the prmcipal focus of voKc Icchoology mearch and devdop- — making il a building block for a dig- Fosmt, blgs«r volcei lor apeach nob Meanwhile, the other two ma/or speech technology developers have decided lo join nology. L&H al DictajHione. Dragon is the b< I- public. (Continuous speech m longer i to put a er the In Osborne demonsi lion— interacting w Response (IVR) sys imple applica- boxes might be ar ,ing requirement of pre- vious generalioDs of speech processors! Dragon holds 3S patents related to speech and language ptocessmg. UcH has a com- peting product, called Voice Xpress The company says both products will continue technologies from each will eventually be combined into a single product line. also been working m the areas of language last Fall's Comdex event in Las Vegas, LliH showed TCP voice- enabled Web browsing, and a mulTilinguaJ utility (hat translated email inio a variety of different languages. □ Exclusive VANCOUVER 1^ ■■ CALGARY TbI: (604) 273-8281 Tel: (403) 250-8281 Fox; (604)273-4172 Fox; (403)250-8329 Cr Distributor 1 A TORONTO Tel: (905) 513-5777 Fox: (905)513-5770 GIGABYTE Peripheral Express MONTIttAL Tel: (514) 956-1234 Fox: (514)956-1099 GA-7iXE AMD-75 0’‘ * Supports AMD A •6VX7-4Jt VIA Appo|b^ro^Fomily ■ Supports Sodcot 370 ood othor compoWo • Ajo/iw75’/B3V)O0/1ir/12<VT33/U0'/ 1S0*»AMi • Supports CPU muPiiPi'or 3.0/3.S/. JS 0 • 3MMMsup76aMBSOilAM • Prpwdos AGP AX slo* ^.\ • < « AC97eu<lia&AAMslot ^ • Supports A USB ports grtf? • Supports UHfOATA 33/M IDE douice • Supports ACPI & STR (Suspmd-To-KAM) • H/WmonitoiingSPC79a>nn«Oort • OtolivoCTSSeO PCI sound (opMrtol) • 3Corti 930 LAN (oplionol) CnnintvBvp Careers & Training Taming your toolbars I n ihc early days of buiiuns around from one viaible loolbir lo compulers In the another. Do this liy holding the Alt hey as untbersume Ivycom- while you drag thcbunon off the louliMt and iinaliuns lo perform dl^ it into the editing area where it will do- «ing appear. e avadabl left of its nair >etiu.irithas naiheckmai idbpbyit. your needs. So. this mi Vt always poaitioned to suit One hi ' well locdi at a unique irollettion of lips.: and tools for modifying toolbars and menus Choose that you won't find in most manuals. Bui he Categni warned, when everyone in the office secs wl se Close Using the left in dcTwiih menus and toolbars f lips are applicable to the pro make up Mkrosofts Office 91 ) corresponding programs if you'll be sure to discover plenty more that Descripiion to get an nplanalion. I'his doesn't affect your ability to place the command on a lonihai, it just affects what ton graphic. When you choose a command (hat doesn't have an icon, such as TooliAuloCotrect- fiTTiaiiguiHei, you can create nne vouiseIf.To right-click It. and choose Edit Ruiion Image. In the Button Editor dialogue bun you can chouse colours with the mouse and use them lo cieate an image for your button U'hen When an icon on the toolbar displays both tell andanim^.youcansei it to display the Continued on page Idd Finding things on a Linux system By Gone Wilburn larballs. Where dU the RPM pul that ese- th'hece'^ that PNG graphic I crea^ with the GIMP get stored? HndjDg things is somewhat easier on Linux than on some operating sysicms because Unuihasa logical file structure. You can usu- ally find binary files, fer instance, by simply looking in Ic^al places, such as /bin. /sbm, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, and /usr/local/bln. eLscwliere, such as fopl/wp/bin or some other dl rectory such as /ust/XI lR6/hui Apache Web server, your HTML docs can be under either Apache itself f/home/hlipd/html example. Even though the kigic of the file system helps, when you are lonkmg fur something among the thousands of files that typically (hat there arc .tkU for finding things. Quick findnra Quite ofien you need a quick way to know where a binary file resides. Different Unix sys. terns hove sli^tly differing philosophies about where cenain things ore stored, and the sli^l variations sometimes need to be taken into account. If. fw example, you download a mem •l/ust/lral/liln/Hrl as the first line. If the there's a good chance your Peri is not in /usrtlocal/bin. To find out where it is, use the iwtilcb perl /usr/bln/pafi This displays the full path of a program. the har^aih at ihe lop of the program lo k'/dS/lIWVpefl in the iciipt, or add a symbolic link from /usr/local/bin/perl lo /usr/bin/perL LiKtut. which is simibr to u hnfl, provides a command-line fmni end to a database of all plays a considerable amount of output, so yvu may need to pipe the results through leu or for a program. For instance, the default vi edi- tor in Red Hat Liniix is Vim. You know that Continued on pngs liO 33 OaEATBatORONTOEaTKlN w Review and consolidation By JpcqiMS Surveyor Ti J.Th a kxdi bi al Bask Tuiii ik back will undedme th interface white doing anoihcr daiabai poneni exercise. The reason we ate -icpealing" what programming in Ihe new millennium s really liliu. Yao. as programmer will he expected to quickly interconnect databases. Visual Basic working package. In fact, this is so imponam. VB rapidly becoming the macro langirag Bui first, la us review the VBgriphieii inRgure ficieni in VB you will spend more lime in the Source Code cdiluc arid the mary designers lespecially the database designer) than in the visual forms editor So often, for example, you Sheet to make space lo really motor In the Source Code Edilo On rei ning to visual <d le tkopeny Sheet or Tbolbox I not automatically pop up when the form splayed. Figure I is a reminder of the tool- « of VB projects involve displavini data eiuiei as reports or cross-tabulations so users can gel a fed for their data. The doiabase gnd and Bex grid ct>m|ionents included with VB3 1 free s of ctiveRcpofu and/or DynamiCube compo- enls from nigi //«wi tUtadynames con. These ctymponents are very flexible and easy to pro- CoMtnued onpagelOK CAREERS S TRAINING Dins only ihoM files you choose, K you mi end they reinuin ihere regardless gesei op of when yoo tesi accessed them. Toolbar dialogue boa, type a name for the lodbir and click OK. The toolbar will aosf behave like any Vfetd loc^r and you buttons from R and disyday or hide It using the sense processes you would for eaisling toolbars. The commands attached to many ^ the toolbv kons can aho be selected hum the key- boon) usug shortcut keys. You can display the keysUrdie eiguiva- lents in a button’s TboJTip if you choose Tools, Customize, SYBEX FREE PENTIUM II *33 SYSTEM NtlVWORK PI lift A4- STUDY GUIDE Special Package S4500 •»g<llngMeccl..ll» DEVE^reR 2000 Coapkle lystcais witli BMllar. Fleatc check itae for ecber ipccial SALE. A HBc k caapuler tiviuig ead kvWit Mtdi Qtslified staK rnctkal sad kitrictei led cbsics HROC Ftaudil issliutct tvsBiKc l» guUBed E 1 Retrials. M ptaccscit a easy iutalBeM EtctlM & ifleriae* AUb D-BACoufM CYBEiiaiY COMPtlliR 5 BOOK CENTRE T2S Cealral Pirkwiy Weil, UaK 20, Mlsihoauga, ON L5B 3X9 Pb: (90S 279-9^79-9438 Fh; (WlVi^lOl Eual; rrkentthMbecUea *s* piae; eeii in«ii,iimli»ff>»»rcW Lowest APnees in anada! Bn B Laasa aoUaa Order Yam TMn TOSHIBA COMfm ACCR FU^ UK rfmdrta nice Ust vmjiTmmTpi CAREERS R TRAINING computer training I » Aithr niastmtoT, Image Ready, GaLm Page Mill, Pagemoker, Phoioskep, • Mteramedia Dlreaar, Drtamu/eaver, FlTtmeks. Plash, SHoehuviie > Oaarli Immedia, XPress • EV[4 Dm'lo^mCTf A HTML • /BHrarncr Multimedia • Di^lal Publishing A Imaging • Full fl Part-Time Courses • FrrrSfDiinflrj Improve your 3d vision in 24 weeks with ... Maya (our instructor wrote the book on if) Moke vour dreams vsEile rhis June. CXr 24 Meek course b surpibrigly ca effective. It is ciso student loon eSglble orsd GST exempt. 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Instrudor-led training ' program to give you the edge you need To Mastor IT Loam IT frorn tho Mastars Csnadan TrairBng Centera; Thomhl IHigimay 7 X Leslie] SSOOUsleStiEel. Sute200 Thornhill, Omano L3T7Ue Downtown (Bay X Sloot] 1075 Bay Shael. SubeUS. Tcninto, Ontario MSS 2m CWCAM) SAWT LOUIS DALLAS ORLANDO (800) 916*0666 www.m 1 crohard.coir Sold Partnor • exainsOnllno.com MICROHARD' 7?je Gafsway To Vtour SaUtons CAREERS & TRAINING p and contolldfltion uedfnmpaff 104 gram. DrnamiCube will be used in the nitorlal to show how easy it is to supercharge a compo- nent with some simple CUI elements. In this what fields ore dhpUyed in Ihe DynamiCube. Figure 2 shows the motmig DataCube appli- calioa DalaCube is dqilaying marketing iali from the CATS database (which is an Access l^e, but coidd as easily be IBM DB2 or Otade Bi database tables). The Unit Price field u about to be removed liom the DynamICube. The field name wall be IransCerred from the In Cube ctMnbu ben to the Out isf Cube combo bosL As Ihe Unii Price field is transferred between combo boxes it u also removed from the DynamiCube. Users appreciate Ibis capability because it allows them to sunpb^p or drill dossm into the data ui the ecset manner that they want. The programmmg trick is to load up the combo box with the field names that are being used in the DynamiCube, then to know how to do the transfers. Pthals Si£ Form.anwteO Dsn I AS ntsgei RXI’OTII Dalit .Database TaSeOetyf^TSTilMds Cum - 1 CcmOolAdilnm Dala1.Ddtf«eTdaelMsrUTST.RaUs(i| Name End Sub First there is Ihe (above) Etam.aclivaaifi code to load Conool (In Cube combo brn) with the field names from ibc CATS database. If you plan to do any amount of VBA and V6 pro- gramming you will have to get used to the naming conventions ofVB collection classes. It is all ex^ained in the VB Help topics on col- piist, the OKA event on the combo box indi- cates a field name has bcim clicked or sdecled. This Infers the transfer. Notice (he order of events. First, we add the field to Ihe Out of Cube combo bmt (CanbaE): then we delete it from the DyoaCube (DCtlbal I and cefresh/repainl the DynaCtds^ finally we remove Ihe item from In Cidic combo box (ConXnl), The reverse code, PiMean Cainxi2.acli(, follows the same partem. Fix a bitle coding, one certainly gets very robust display of data. As final convenience .some simple resize code provides an alternate lo the VSIOCX and □us tutorial. When, as in this case, moat trf the dialogue box la uken up with the DyiuCube (think also of database grids, laige lext/memo boxes or picture boxes) then it a simple to code ihe Fom.RSSUH) routine: Pir«le Sub Form.ReszaO DUniMKiiagef DCiMI.Mim 0, 400, Scaiewwn.ScaeHiigm . aw All we have lo do is move the DynaCubc to the same start position while resizing it to the new form dlm«isions, ScatoWdH and ScaWaighL Note if Ihoae dimensions would cause an ermr then Che renze Dn tms just leaves the old set- CAREERS S TRAINING Kon image, rigbt-dick the Icolbar, ch< Cunomue, nght-dkk the button you war change, and chnoae Paale Dutton Image. Even if )Vu can’t copy an icon hum ■ | Otdjrou know? Cto«!^thSy do'^l^Ith"m|"ilffi^"V ocsea t6xl6pLxdareaon the tmage (you can k 1 the dunennons from the of the retn). Chooee Edit, Copy, then discard the age. ^ch to the appircalion ui whtch you ml to paste the image, right cbck the loolbai, oose Cuslumiae, nght-chck the button you tnt (0 diange, then choose Paate Btuum Image. you’ve upgraded to Mi >u moy be yearning foi lerface. Office fOOfl’s s new personaliaed quenlly used options Hormatiing toolbars tons frusuating. To return toa setup similar to Oflxe 97. choose Tools, Customize, and select the Options lab. Oesdect the Standard And Fomtatling Toolbars Share One Row checkboa and/or the Menus $haw Recently Used Conunands Eirst checkboa, and click Close In Word 97 and 2000 the Frame option no lon^ appears on the Inseit menu as it did in can add it to your menus by choosing Tools, Customize, then select the Commands tab. From the Categories list choose All Commands, then sclcci InseriFrame from the type 0233 on the numeric kc Allkeyasycai type all four nun ids list and drof It i n Use desired lo (tons m m U,S . UK and AusVNa as WSI as ITw (oranyoihe pendent uni Toronto itSc/ioo/ Instructor led & 100% Hands-On Training FREE Lab Time and Tutoring MCSE 9 weeks • • $810.00 CCNA 5 weeks • • $550.00 A+ / Network-*- 4 weeks • • $360.00 Unix/Linux 8 weeks • • $720.00 Oracle DBA 1 0 weeks • - $890.00 SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL. The IT Training You Need... At A Price You Can Afford ei4cl sire of a da^bryfconvertiog iwips lo pix- pagclOK eb or inches) at run time. VB6 Stack SooL published by Coriolis, dis- ac alio, we leave a strip along cusses combo boxes on page 2S2-272, and ps in size for the combo bones resizing plus twips on page 60g-<i09. Beginning mlrols). louses a derice*mde* Wnoil Boned covers these topics on piiges 206* ' measurement, a twip, (or cal- 227 and63B.&37. J id position. TWo pt^serlits of Screcii object. 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IPC Direct is s dynamic marketer of Canadian-made personal computers. We're growing rapidly, and recently became Canada's market leader in Desktop Computers. To continue that growth, we’re -'---Isinthefollowlngireas: Mi ISIAIiDock Drive Stuiduii, Ou^ i.MdbM>^lpcxa fuiMSi 2fl4S7$ To apply for these challenging opportunities, send or fai yoar resnme to us with the appropriate job code Idencified in the cover letter. OiJfilio!esriaie4firiitiMtnitv"6lhectimcieiN»^tiieii^tiatt^aclBflttie. large number of help filea in /uvrivharc/vim/doc. Locale uses the localedb database, which must Ire updated pcriudically to keep up with changes and additions to your system. Most Linux syvtems have a cmn i^ set lo update the IVhcmi IS a command similar lu facoir, bul S HAertli vim vim: ruv/aherehilm )u<r/in«Vinsnl/vlm.l Wlitms only displays a program's binary t whabs mfoniul mhvntst ( 1 ) • add an USOOS fllesytinm In a Iovt' Wtl tormattnd flwpy dWi Because wbirrri is also a database, it too needs ■0 be rebuilt occasionally Tn rebuild the h Iuik Ah yes. It’s mfbrmat! These handy finding aids tie quick and easy. becomes a simple task. Diu somrimes yuu're after a needle in the hayslaik. For those occa- Unix/Linux system. Find — a Unix/Unux power tool Find does lust whal the name suggests — il finds ihings. lib a brute-force seeker, recuismg down thiough every directory in its path litok- ndiereit, bul il is thiituugh and dependable If fimi doesn't find ii. it most likely duesn't exist. linux uses ONU Friuf. a swiss armv knife utility with opnons galore finrf has a somc- The most common uwof/tnd is lu find asm gle QJc or a set of files related by name. Tile ful siartingai the mol direcloryi/): /usAinhnri fpFAxattsrctiidip-J 1 2/iXi/da3hg!rgeri ll should be noted that the syntax in the|>re. ceding eKtmple is ciinsidrfed very modern arrf slightly mote verbose, syntax ol jliid (using ihc name. Whal is the name of ihc command that can foimai a DOS disk? Apnpot to the rescue. matching strings. You can find the program you're looking foi by typing: kwai.lcrmal (M - set «id jel menu sires mttxmatiii - add at MSDOS Msysleni u 3 Khv MAMMM ««2« eOttW t3S9 piexrpit 9*3i eouw tss* ptt/ups evnw ns* «44«» SVKASt PC-tOO S SS tlBMW XOSitM PC-tOO StTO FUMTSU S709 SXF9 nund includes the -prim qualifier imeamng liie search expression can include wild there's a file on the system that ends in 'peil" t hnil / -naiiN ‘"pari' -oiliit nisim/liiKCpefi nai/Mirpefl niS/tevaiiODSil riat/dse/mod.peti-' ’9(ts/ntaieol.aij5iii«_pen Aiafdacisamoa-l S.lSblO'esprpes/mscAvaaperl Ur/ltypneisilejien /uFiWperts/sni jiervl3K-lnii>/auiiyiixKl.Ren Aisr/lieaisrc'liiMtw.tixi-S iSibiiivltvauibWinni- hisr/bcalWc/tiiMwiv.iien.s iS'be^R'aiiln'iiEMvnv- )ii9hKsi/srcili(0ig.3l S/dMocsWptil Likewise you can surmund the entire search term with wildcards (e.g. "gn" ). to fish out Advanced uaea of find Find has an armada of optional qualifiers, loctuduig file types, date qualifiers and boolean logic ("and", "or" and "not"). 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Mecliia B , ea[m (4I6I24S-5930 (Wgltal A Analog • Xero* OocuteeliJSS - Canon CLC tgOO Colour Laser - Poster PrInWr up to 60' CAREERS a TRAINING MCSEs feel Microsoft ending Windows NT exams prematurely 3u1 MichMl Line, reclor o/ commufi^ce- bone ke Tofonrob Canada Colege o( Buatneas and Computers (CCBC), pleased Mth Microscitt'a dectaicn to demcrte engineers who chooee rrot to upgrade. Kyle Phiips. only e hwrdtii of schotSa are cur- rently guaSfied lo teach the Windows 2000 sKN eel. In what hecaleda 'great marKsling" scheme, Urcrosott has its errgnsers hooked on this trainirtg mvestmenl *1 agree at setting a standard.' Philps sail. 'But., from Iherr |MlcioaoN's| persoecUvs, "Changing and restricting the MCSE Windows 2000 program is counterproductive, because you are alienating a dedicated community of professionals." —Keitti Weiikamp. Coriolis Group LLC *lib Hta ttf itg a teacher 'If you don't gel more treirwig. you can't teech wrymore." he icnwalions on the... Windows e«am, and stretch out the tknetabla lor upgrading MCSEs to Windows 2000 by at least one For its part, Microsoft says its current exam 'MCSEs who have planned lor end made the innaition to Windows 2000 ^wi havessig- Senko wrote -MCSEs vMl need lo invest time and etfoil in Windows 2000 as wall, but we ere 116 ukvaxio THECCMUtEFI GfEkTSI rOnONTD EOnXlN CAREERS & TRAINING Guide to iMac full of practical tips, which iBook text mostly rehashes /E\per I WM i^FUNCOW.COM] Free Unlimited Internet Access! Funcow.com and The Computer Paper are presenting the “Free Funcow” contest, where you can win one year unlimited Internet Access. 200 lucky entrants will win a funcow.com full membership. Visit: www.funcow.com/contest and enter today. Contest rules and regulations will be posted hi (tie Funcowxom.^. For further i n fo rma C on please visit www.tuncow.cpm/contesL . K COMPUTER aHEXIZHTCeONTOeXICN WraOD 117 CAREERS & TRAINING Better brochures The Computer Paper Year 2000 Editorial Calendar €.pwril>ut»fl» Jun« SlsliSl'tertgne ^*'**'“' INildlpflMdn SdCurUy Torta and TedwiquBa Iutt.ltay2 Vfad.l4fra Frlttayie July U4MlaPtrtg|mK and MonMn Toola for bwlMia praMMiUorii TuM-HvK «fid.llay]l FrI.dunK August MufsnnilaNvilMN KUmK Knortadpt Uandpinidrl Tiiaa.jBiZ7 Wad. MS FtlJulld September TnclB and anaeiaa Iftr a camr MuttniA carta (ludia Mdae) VW-Cortar-ce., Wad.A>«Z FtlAugW October HoM^r aw lyaam pou Flatpindl i&pUyi Smal BuunMs euantMa TmAugS .Wad-AaeSe ^ Fit Sap IS November TCPt 6a«ol Braid lobitadB ■MuWuncliHinacMnn tMwrt mit of M udcm TuM.tW» Had. 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Mwaoe 123 Subscribe to CMnputfP^ER for a chance to win Jasc Software ^ ^ Jasc Qick View Plus 5 Quick View Plus 5 is the fastest and eas est wa/ to find, access view, copy, and prin virtually any document even if you don't hav the onginating appliu tion.Wiih just a click, you gain access to over 200 Windows, DOS, Macintosh, and Internet file types. It's the con summate tool for open mg e-mail attachments. U HTNEn EKIOSEO (OlEtlUE H WMEI OIDtl MUU ID THE COHmEI HP»j U ffiil U NzihCuI CUIO U EIF.MIt EiMil mViinptiiiiiSicFn The Comfiuiet Paper pimi ittsj sii ttlD 9i Alliiiic Kmik Siili 2DS Sll 1311 Tiiiiii Omiii* MSK3JI -iiM,., (8III1I 4g5 3it^ Hi Tech EXCHANGE for onl v^ 15 . 00 /h tli. CinpiiljirPvER Booking Deadline Art Deadllna Distribution June issiM The Compulsr Pape' May 2 May 3 May 19 June issue Tororto Campules! May 16 May 18 June 3 ^ g< C*tegoryKnKK«r»i O £mployn>ent CJModems J Seseiiite Otsnes □ 383 □Events UOfficeEqop. USefVces 3 SookS^Magaznes U Games □ PC Com^sute'S □ Soltviore □ CO-ROM □HarOtva'e □ PC Notetxxiks STV&Ste'eos J Cel Phones J iraemet U PmterE 3 Use' Qro^:lS □ Conauinng U Macintosh U Bepeifs □Warned ») U Toronto Computes! □ TTie Computer Paper J a Wording ot Classified AJ I Cost py month | \% *9 *15 1*18*18 *30 angle Semi Display (1.5*>1.ir') Medium Semi Display (l.rxI.S") Double Semi Display (I.S’ia.O") ^ $75 $75 $100 ^ $100 $100 $150 $140 $140 $175 m Ag<alteCi>W.Acnai||I(l(S3t)Mli|im laMrluit Four easy weys to submit your ads: E-mail your ads to clas6ified9tcp.ca • Mail disk or hard copy to High Tech ExcJnange, 2CX)-99 Atlantic Avenue, Toronto ON MeK3J8 ♦ Fax (fl16) 586-4110 or call Donna Eng (416) 588-6818 . Card* NameonCanJ, ExpIfyDate >«M*i*VTEPWPER a HI TECH EXCHANGE CLASSIFIEDS • araaumumim [>C CCMPUrf R imA GfekTER TOWO Eorncm 125 HI TECH EXCHANGE CLASSIFIEDS CD TO CD BACK IN’ & DUPUCAPON $ 5.00 ON-SITE COMPUTER SERVICE 525 hr (416)760-7027 HtlMa A PCS Silcv Jmict UftnKi i tcyir. Il<ni<rluit l/V i Mtislililw. NiiMuial SiffK Plnxal ubrhi illHilOi-iniwa Hi Tech EXCHANGE Wch Ooskiii I htngAs/iAC/ihflss I ^ Hotttig-NoittupfM I For subscription to 126 >MYXOO TICCOMFTnBIMPBl CflEATTnTaaaNTO EDITION ■WCOMPJTIBI QflEAIERTOnOMTObOrriCM UW2000 127 Back to the Irant «< The pack? In mid-Fcbrujry. ATI announced il» finl rrjlly liirge <orpurafc acqut* silion. wiih the purchase of fain Alio, Cilif -based ARTX, Inc. for about L;SJ400 million. ARTX. a leading developer of 3ia/g^phics and muliimedia iccbnulugy. was purchased in an elTorl Its brnisi ATI's abiTily to compere in the fulnre PC and consumer cleclron- ics markets. And. in late Pehruary, .ATI annnunced a new, inlegralcd chipset, the SI-370TU aimed at the budget PC market, nlTering very high pncr/peifomsanee foe general purpose PCs. ATI showed II was urKe again ready to go head to head with NVIDIA and 3DFX, when it announced its Charisma Engine and Pixel Tapestry ArchilccUure in earls Mardt. ATT claims the new chips svill deliver a tenfold rrsetBue lo }U graphics power. No doubt, N'ViniA announcements ol new generations of 3I> chips m the months tii come I NVIDIA has been chosen lo supplv coming Micmsofl X-Ek)xl. 3Vhat all Ihe pbvers in the PC graphics market should keep in mind, hosvever, is that ihev are no longer playing in a PC-only world- Ovet iwo-rhirds of games software for video voniules. such as Sonv PtaySiaiion and S'inlcndu 04. This fall. PlaySlaiiiin 2 vrill land in the North Asncricau matkri, with an undoubtedly large ifn|iaci on Ihe Pi happens, ATI’s ownership of so many diflcrent pans cf the graphic market, and iu renlurrs inin digital telcviscun and rmibile computing, mav cushion it from the post- Plavbtalion 2 lallout better than its hotshot 3U rivals. J The once and future king (of graphics) Canada's ATI covers the PC graphics market from end to end, while playing catchup to NVIDIA in the 3D gamer ghetto ‘ATI Inside' The company nuintains a comprt hensive System builder Program that has recently been eohanced with a 'real -tone response" capabtli. ty. 10 try to get graphics compotsents shipped to PC manufactnrers imme- diately after an email lequesi is received. ATI was wiled the number one vendor al the PC iadtistry's System Btulder Summit last fall, on the basis of bow effecrivriv it has mei PC makers' needs. Outside of Nortit Amerien, ATI's products have been accepted by companiei such as Panasonir. which chose the mobile Itage I T Pro graph • Ks ch^ for Its WILL, ultra-compact PC Sony aiiDOiinced ui February that It had seiccled the Rage I2S Pro AGP 4X chip fur its VAID Slimlop LCD computet ATT has even moved outside the traditional personal compuier graphics market with a contract to sell ATI Rage 120 CL chips to Sun ' rosystems, Enterprise Wonders over the last few sears. ATI has concentrated enormous effoiis un delivering good i^ualny MPFC video plavbaitL from its graphics chips. This has given ii a great advantage with makers of PCs that coiTve with a DVD drive. In December, ATI anitoonced its Rage 5DTV and Rage HDTV prod ucis, which It claimed were the "mosi highlv integrated scl-lop hot videofgraphics coniioUen ever developed." The ATI digital video controllen ate likely to appear over affordable digital video devices resolution, belter qualify digital video becomes a grosviog pan of the broadcast and cable TV Industry. ATT technology may become a stan- dard for the sei top box and in -mon- itor electronics that will bring digital TV tn millicins ol North Aiitericoni ATI has also worked hard for IF years to establish siror^ relation- ships with both Its PC pnee/performance range from entry-level, budget PC* to high per- F oonJed in IMF, ATI formance, bigtickel power user PCi TedinologiesIiK.hasgrownlo The low-end ATI graphics cards become the largest maker of decent performance fee com- PC and Mac graphics Iiardwate in tnAn ca.4ts. such as running oftice Ihe world Yet, for the last two years, sotisvare and educational muttime- in the high-end, real-time 3D-gam- <•“ CD-ROMs, and cost less than ing segment, the Thornhill, Ont. *50 in some cases (and much less in based firm has been sur- hulk, or as chipsets ic passed bv two recently P mother- boardsl, making them popular in PO that ore cot intended for high performance games or FU software. ATI has also devrl- oped extremely effci.- tive ^phics products for (he notebook PC market ithe Rage mohiliry linel and for the Apple Macintosh plaifonn. The mobile graphics chip li 7 percent of the global rt using Ihe latest 3DFX and NVIDIA ca'ds or chips lo install in chips well ahead of WA using AH hath desktop and notebook RAGE 128- based graphics cards. Yet Macs, including the ATT Rage ATT in general has continued to forge 128 Pro for the Power Mac ' ■ ' ' ' ' tj4 line .Most rccentiv. All announced strong support for the Unus matkei. prum- ATI's mobile graphics chip line has gone from zero market share two years ago to 37 percent of the global mobile graphics market at the end of 1999. Coovarglog on th* future neeys and prndiKl man.tgers over tlte last year, ihe depth and range of ATI's product sicategv for s 'convoged'' world of digital media has been Laid out pretty clearly For example- ATI virtually created the mass maiket for digital vtdeo on the PC ivith its All- In-MLiRder line of multi-function cards. The All-in- Wonder cardscom- bme TV tuner, video capture, pic- ture-in-picture display, MPE(a2f DVD digital video {Aavback, as well 15 5Lt graphics accderalion. There have been lou of other PC TV runcr or entry level desktop video or MPEG playback cards, hut the ATI appri),tch— of ottering .1 huge, weiJ integrated set of vuieii features on onccatd — has enabled it to sell around t F million All-In i2BMav?cce TiccaanriBSFWW e^iBt-iaiOMTOEDmos. ELSdTRONICS 9HCI 1992 1-88$-8 18-HITS www.hihcomputer.com 10 Shar*(winlen Network Your Home Simltonc^s Intornei occest.^ gnd SIkks sannen. fax mocfurw musk tncreose efficiency. 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