Geometric Progression (GP) - Formulas, n^th Term, Sum (2024)

A geometric progression (GP) is a progression the ratio of any term and its previous term is equal to a fixed constant. It is a special type of progression. In order to get the next term in the geometric progression, we have to multiply the current term with a fixed number known as the common ratio, every time, and if we want to find the preceding term in the progression, we just have to divide the term with the same common ratio. Example: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ... is a GP having a common ratio of 2.

The geometric progressions can be finite or infinite. Its common ratio can be negative or positive. Here we shall learn more about the GP formulas, and the different types of geometric progressions.

1.What is a Geometric Progression?
2.Geometric Progression Formula
3.n^th Term of a Geometric Progression
4.Geometric Progression Sum Formula
5.FAQs on Geometric Progression

What is a Geometric Progression?

A geometric progression is a special type of progression where the successive terms bear a constant ratio known as a common ratio. It is also commonly referred to as GP. The GP is generally represented in form a, ar, ar2.... where 'a' is the first term and 'r' is the common ratio of the progression. The common ratio can have both negative as well as positive values. To find the terms of a geometric series, we only need the first term and the constant ratio.

Geometric Progression (GP) - Formulas, n^th Term, Sum (1)

The geometric progression is of two types. They are

  • finite geometric progression and
  • infinite geometric progression.

Let us see the information about each of these.

Finite geometric progression

Finite geometric progression contains a finite number of terms. It is the progression where the last term is defined. For example 1/2,1/4,1/8,1/16,...,1/32768 is a finite geometric series where the last term is 1/32768.

Infinite geometric progression

Infinite geometric progression contains an infinite number of terms. It is the progression where the last term is not defined. For example, 3, −6, +12, −24, +... is an infinite series where the last term is not defined.

Geometric Progression Formula

Here are the formulas related to geometric progressions. Consider a geometric progression a, ar, ar2, ar3, ...

  • nth term: an = arn - 1 (or) an = r an - 1
  • Sum of the first n terms: Sn = a(rn - 1) / (r - 1) when r ≠ 1 and Sn = na when r = 1.
  • Sum of infinite terms: S = a / (1 - r) when |r| < 1 and the sum is NOT defined when |r| ≥ 1.

Geometric Progression (GP) - Formulas, n^th Term, Sum (2)

Let us study each formula in detail in the upcoming sections.

n^th Term of a Geometric Progression

To find the nth term of a GP, we require the first term and the common ratio. If the common ratio is not known, the common ratio is calculated by finding the ratio of any term to its preceding term. The formula for the nth term of the geometric progression is:

an = arn-1


  • a is the first term
  • r is the common ratio
  • n is the number of the term which we want to find.

This formula directly follows by observing the geometric progression pattern a, ar, ar2, ar3, ...

Geometric Progression Sum Formula

The geometric progression sum formula is used to find the sum of all the terms in a geometric progression. As we read in the above section that geometric progression is of two types, finite and infinite geometric progressions, hence the sum of their terms is also calculated by different formulas.

  • If the number of terms in a geometric progression is finite, then the sum of the geometric series is calculated by the formula:
    Sn = a(1 − rn)/(1 − r) for r ≠ 1, and
    Sn = an for r = 1

  • If the number of terms in a geometric progression is infinite, then the sum of the geometric series is calculated by the formula:
    S = a/(1 - r), when |r| < 1
    The sum cannot be found when |r| ≥ 1

Proof of Sum of Finite Geometric Progression Formula

Consider a finite geometric progression of n terms, a, ar, ar2, ..., arn - 1. Then their sum is,

Sn = a + ar + ar2 + ar3 + ... + arn-1... (1)

Multiplying both sides by r,

rSn = ar + ar2 + ar3 + ... + arn... (2)

Subtracting equation (1) from equation (2),

rSn - Sn = arn - a

Sn (r - 1) = a (rn - 1)

Sn = a(rn - 1) / (r - 1)

Since (r - 1) is in its denominator, it is defined only when r ≠ 1. If r = 1, the progression looks like a, a, a, ... and the sum of the first n terms, in this case, Sn = a + a + a + ... (n times) = na.

Proof of Sum of Infinite Geometric Progression Formula

Consider an infinite geometric sequence a, ar, ar2, ... Its sum is denoted by S. Then

S = a + ar + ar2 + ar3+ ... ...(1)

Multiply both sides by r,

rS = ar + ar2 + ar3+ ... ... (2)

Subtracting equation (2) from equation (1),

S - rS = a

S (1 - r) = a

S = a / (1 - r)

This formula is valid only when |r| < 1. This is because when the common ratio is less than 1 (a proper fraction), the terms become smaller and smaller as we go forward and they are equivalent to 0. Hence the sum is defined in this case. But when |r| ≥ 1, then the terms become larger and larger infinitely and hence we cannot determine the sum in this case.

Geometric Progression vs Arithmetic Progression

Here are a few differences between geometric progression and arithmetic progression shown in the table below:

Geometric ProgressionArithmetic Progression
GP has the same common ratio throughout.AP does not have a common ratio.
GP does not have a common difference.AP has the same common difference throughout.
A new term is the product of the previous term and the common ratioA new term is the sum of the previous term and the common difference.
An infinite geometric progression is either divergent or convergent.An infinite arithmetic progression is always divergent.
The variation of the terms is non-linear. In fact, it is exponential.The variation of the terms is linear.

Important Notes on Geometric Progression:

  • In a geometric progression, each successive term is obtained by multiplying the common ratio to its preceding term.
  • The formula for the nth term of a geometric progression whose first term is a and common ratio is r is: an=arn-1.
  • The sum of n terms in GP whose first term is a and the common ratio is r can be calculated using the formula: Sn = [a(1-rn)] / (1-r).
  • The sum of infinite GP formula is given as: Sn = a/(1-r) where |r|<1.

Related Topics:

  • Geometric Series Formula
  • Sum of n Terms of AP
  • Geometric Progression Calculator

FAQs on Geometric Progression

What are Geometric Progressions?

Geometric progressions are patterns where each term is multiplied by a constant to get its next term. For example, 3, 9, 27, 81, ... is a geometric progression as every term is getting multiplied by a fixed number 3 to get its next term.

What are GP Formulas?

Here are the GP formulas for a geometric progression with the first term 'a' and the common ratio 'r':

  • nth term, an = arn-1.
  • Sum of the first 'n' terms, Sn = a(1-rn)/(1-r) when r ≠ 1. When r = 1, Sn = na.
  • Sum of infinite terms (when |r| <1), S = a/(1−r). When |r| ≥ 1, we can't find the sum.

How Do You Find the Sum of an Infinite Geometric Progression?

The infinite geometric series with common ratio r such that |r| < 1 can have a sum and it can be calculated by the formula S = a/(1−r), where a is the first term and r is the common ratio. So if we want to calculate the sum of an infinite GP series, we have to use the given formula and put the value of the first term and constant ratio in the formula, and evaluate.

Which Infinite Geometric Progression has a Sum?

A geometric progression with an infinite number of terms can have two types of common ratios, first where |r| < 1, and another where |r| > 1. So the infinite geometric series with common ratio |r| < 1 has a sum equal to S = a/(1 - r) and the infinite geometric series with |r| > 1 can not have a finite sum.

What is r in GP Formula?

In geometric progression, r is the common ratio of the two consecutive terms. The common ratio can have both negative as well as positive values. In order to get the next term in the GP, we have to multiply with a fixed term known as the common ratio, every time, and if we want to find the preceding term in the progression, we just have to divide the term by the same common ratio.

How to Find the Common Ratio in Geometric Progression?

The common ratio is calculated by finding the ratio of any term by its preceding term. For example, consider the G.P.: 2, 4, 8, ... The common ratio is r = 4/2 = 2.

What is the Difference Between Arithmetic Progression and Geometric Progression?

If each successive term of a progression is less than the preceding term by a fixed number, then the progression is an arithmetic progression (AP). If each successive term of a progression is a product of the preceding term and a fixed number, then the progression is a geometric progression. The ratio of two terms in an AP is not the same throughout but in GP, it is the same throughout. To understand more differences, click here.

What is the Difference Between Geometric Progression and Harmonic Progression?

A harmonic progression (HP) is a progression obtained by taking the reciprocal of the terms of an arithmetic progression. A geometric progression (GP) is a progression where every term bears a constant ratio to its preceding term. An example of HP is 1/2, 1/4, 8, 1/16,... and an example of a GP is 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ......

What is the Difference Between the Finite Geometric Progression and the Infinite Geometric Progression?

If there are finite terms in a geometric progression (GP), then it is a finite GP. If there are infinite terms in a GP, then it is an infinite GP. The concept of the first term and the common ratio is the same in both series.

How Do You Find the nth Term of an Infinite Geometric Progression?

The geometric progression formula is used to find the nth term in the infinite geometric progression. To find the nth term in the infinite GP, we require the first term and the common ratio. If the common ratio is not known, the common ratio can be calculated by finding the ratio of any term by its preceding term. The formula for the nth term of the GP is: an = arn-1


  • a is the first term
  • r is the common ratio
  • n is the number of the term which we want to find.
Geometric Progression (GP) - Formulas, n^th Term, Sum (2024)


Geometric Progression (GP) - Formulas, n^th Term, Sum? ›

The formula for the nth term of a geometric progression whose first term is a and common ratio is r is: an=arn-1. The sum of n terms in GP whose first term is a and the common ratio is r can be calculated using the formula: Sn = [a(1-rn)] / (1-r). The sum of infinite GP formula is given as: Sn = a/(1-r) where |r|<1.

What is the formula for the sum of n terms in geometric progression? ›

The sum of GP (of n terms) is: Sn = a(rn - 1) / (r - 1) [OR] Sn = a(1 - rn) / (1 - r), if r ≠ 1. The sum of GP (of n terms) is: Sn = na, when r = 1. The sum of GP (of infinite terms) is: S = a/(1-r), when |r| < 1. The sum of GP (of infinite terms) is: S = does not exist, when |r| ≥ 1.

What is the formula for the nth term of the geometric progression? ›

Tn = arn-1 (where a = first term and r = common ratio = Tn/Tn-1) is the nth term of a GP series. Ans. The sum of terms in an infinite GP is known as the sum to infinite GP ,S= a/(1 – r). , where an is the first term and r is the common ratio, is the formula for finding the sum of infinite geometric progression. Ans.

How do you find the sum of terms in a GP? ›

S = a1 – r, where a is the first term and r is the common ratio, is the formula for finding the sum of infinite geometric progression. Ans : An arithmetic sequence has the explicit formula an=a1+d(n-1), where a1 is the initial value and d is a common difference.

What is the general term of geometric progression formula? ›

The general form of terms of a GP is a, ar, ar2, ar3, and so on. Here, a is the first term and r is the common ratio. The nth term from the end of the GP with the last term l and common ratio r = l/ [r(n – 1)]. The sum of infinite, i.e. the sum of a GP with infinite terms is S= a/(1 – r) such that 0 < r < 1.

What is the formula for sum of n terms in a geometric sequence? ›

The sum of the terms of a geometric sequence. The sum of the first n terms of a geometric sequence, given by the formula: Sn=a1(1−rn)1−r, r≠1. An infinite geometric series where |r|<1 whose sum is given by the formula: S∞=a11−r.

How do you find the sum to n terms of a progression? ›

The sum of 'n' terms in an AP can be calculated using a straightforward formula: Sn = n/2 [2a + (n-1)d]. Here, 'a' represents the first term, 'd' is the common difference, and 'n' denotes the number of terms.

What is an example of a GP formula? ›

A geometric progression is a sequence in which any element after the first is obtained by multiplying the preceding element by a constant called the common ratio which is denoted by r. For example, the sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32… is a geometric sequence with a common ratio of r = 2.

How to use the geometric sequence formula? ›

What is the rule for the geometric sequence? Each term of a geometric sequence is formed by multiplying the previous term by a constant number r, starting from the first term a1. Therefore, the rule for the terms of a geometric sequence is an=a1(r)^(n-1).

What is the general formula for the geometric sum of terms? ›

In math, the geometric sum formula refers to the formula that is used to calculate the sum of all the terms in the geometric sequence. The two geometric sum formulas are: The geometric sum formula for finite terms: If r = 1, Sn = an and if r≠1,Sn=a(1−rn)/1−r. The geometric sum formula for infinite terms: Sn=a1−r.

How many terms are in GP formula? ›

Now use the condition if the first and nth term of a GP are a and b respectively then, b=a⋅rn−1 b = a ⋅ r n − 1 , to calculate the total number of terms. ∴ There are 7 terms in the GP.

What is the formula for the sum of arithmetic and geometric progressions to n or infinite terms? ›

The sum of arithmetic progression with first term a a and the common difference d d is given by following formulas: Sn=n2(2a+(n−1)d) S n = n 2 ( 2 a + ( n − 1 ) d ) Sn=n2(a+an) S n = n 2 ( a + a n )

What is the formula for the nth term in GP? ›

The formula for the nth term of a geometric progression whose first term is a and common ratio is r is: an=arn-1. The sum of n terms in GP whose first term is a and the common ratio is r can be calculated using the formula: Sn = [a(1-rn)] / (1-r).

How to find the nth term in a geometric sequence? ›

The general term, or nth term, of any geometric sequence is given by the formula x sub n equals a times r to the n - 1 power, where a is the first term of the sequence and r is the common ratio. We use this formula because it is not always feasible to write out the sequence until we reach our desired number.

What is the formula for the sum of infinite terms of GP? ›

Sum to Infinite Terms of GP Formula: The formula for the sum of infinite Geometric Progression (GP) terms is S∞ = a / (1 - r) when the common ratio (|r|) is less than 1; otherwise, it diverges (S∞ = ±∞).

How do you find the sum of the geometric series using n? ›

The formula to find the sum of the first n terms of a geometric sequence is a times 1 minus r to the nth power over 1 minus r where n is the number of terms we want to find the sum for, a our beginning term of our sequence, and r our common ratio.

What is the sum of n terms of arithmetic geometric series? ›

S = a. (1 – rn) / (1 – r). This is the formula for the sum of the nth term of an arithmetico geometric series.

What is the sum of the geometric progression called? ›

Examples of a geometric sequence are powers rk of a fixed non-zero number r, such as 2k and 3k. The general form of a geometric sequence is. where r ≠ 0 is the common ratio and a ≠ 0 is a scale factor, equal to the sequence's start value. The sum of a geometric progression's terms is called a geometric series.

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