Guide for Assassin's Creed Odyssey (2024)

The Lost Tales of Greece

Part 1: The Show Must Go On

Requires completion of Episode 4


The Show Must Go On

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Make your way to the Kingdom of Pelops and speak to Thespis at the top of the theater, and agree to help him stage his play. You will then have a choice of two quests,Everyman's Drink,orA Sophisticated Tipple.

If you choose Everyman's Tipple

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If you choose A Sophisticated Tipple

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Evening the Odds

Whichever option you chose before, this will be the next quest to take on. Go to the eastern side of Elis city and find the actor with Ikaros. After a small scene you can either choose to pick the soldier in the play, kill the solider and his guards to free the actor, or do the actors work to free him. If you choose to work off the debt, you'll need to go a short way east to the Stable of Augeias to find his good luck charm. It's dark inside the building, and there's several boars you have to deal with before going up to the second floor to find the charm in a small box next to the wooden doors on the south-west side. Return to the commander and hand over the charm to end the quest.

The Curse of Fame

Head south-east to the Dyspontion Ruins and locate the prisoner on the eastern side of the ruins. Deal with the guards if you have to, then free the prisoner and follow him out of the ruins. After talking to him, you'll either have to track down a witch and kill her, or destroy the poisoned supply of wine. The witch is nearby, marked by the waypoint marker, kill her, then return to the actor. If you would rather destroy the supplies, they are located in the north east corner of the Plains of Flax region surrounded by a couple of bandits.

The Hedonistic Method

Continue east towards the Spring of Piera and you'll find a woman among some tents on the northern side. Speak to her, then climb up to the top of the nearby waterfall a dive off the tree branch overhanging it. Climb out the water to the south and up the cliff to find the entrance to the cave behind some vines. Dive into the water inside and follow it through to a large room with a chest on some rocks. To the right of the chest on a lower rock is a small bag. Pick it up and return to Hedone who will be at the top of the waterfall. You'll be able to speak to the various men praying in the river, but you can only choose between two of them. If you want to pick the correct one, choose the one who said he has studied Aristophanes.


With all three actors (or the alternates if you chose them) found, return back to Thespis. After the cutscene you'll be taking part in the play. For the best result from the play, choose the following lines;

"Come back with your shield or on it."
"Let's drench the gods in blood."
Tomorrow is a day the world will remember."

Regardless of the options you have chosen throughout the quest, after the cutscene with Thespis after the play, you will unlock;

  • The Show Must Go On

    Complete The Show Must Go On.

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Part 2: Divine Intervention

Requires completion of Episode 4


Test of Judgement

Head to the eastern coast of the Kraneion Plains region of Korinthia and speak to the mysterious woman outside the Temple of Aphrodite.Go north towards Megara and investigate the area just south-east of the Militarized Temple of Megara. Interact with the two large tablets, the golden plate, the model ship, and the small tablet under the tree. After a short cutscene with Dorykledias, kill him and return to the mysterious woman. Depending on who you choose as the most dangerous God will change the next set of missions. Choosing Athena doesn't progress the quest in anyway, it's just a piece of small talk.

If you choose Apollo;

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If you choose Poseidon

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Test of Courage

Travel to the Foundry of Hephaistos and dive into the hole at its peak. Follow the path until you reach a room full of cultists, deal with them if you wish and cross to the other side. Take a right at the fork until you reach a door and interact with it. Once through, follow the path like you have been for the other tombs throughout the game so far. Go down the stairs, take either fork, and go down another couple of sets of stairs. Head into the wooden structure and pull the shelves out of the way, then drop behind them and round the corner to move another couple of shelves out the way. Continue into a room with another wooden structure and climb it, then go through the door to the right and open the chest to receive the helmet you're after. Return back to the mysterious woman one last time.

It doesn't matter which route you choose to go down, completing the quest will unlock;

  • Divine Intervention

    Complete Divine Intervention.

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Part 3: The Image of Faith

Requires completion of Episode 4


The Measure of a Man

Head to the southern side of the Kingdom of Pelops to find Polykletios at a fork in the road.Travel south to find the Quicksand Bay bandit camp, eliminate the bandits if you wish, then locate the tools in a bag on the south side of the camp, underneath a 'Y' shaped pillar. Return to Polykleitos, then grab a horse and follow him to Linou Farm and talk to him again when you arrive.

Down From On High

Talk to Heriphile next to the goat pen nearby, then head up the hill to the south to investigate the area. Interact with a small rocky outcrop on the north side, a basket on the large rocks nearby, the blood near the peak of the hill, and the goat body on the peak. Continue a short way south to find the small wolf den, deal with the wolves there, then pick up the totem from next to the skull and return to Heriphile.

Bad Weed

Speak to Menalkas lying on the floor next to the tallest silo on the farm about his crops. Interact with the pots in the nearby wooden cart, the crops next to the tall silo, the broken pot on the floor, the small toy, and talk to the civilian nearby. Talk to Menalkas again, choose whichever option you wish and burn the tall silo, then talk to Menalkas again.

The Wild Hunt

Talk to Akatos outside a hut on the west side of the farm, then travel north-east of the farm to the nearby lake. You will find Myrto standing on the north side of the lake, speak to her, then you'll need to kill one of the nearby deer to get some deer neck meat. You'll need to kill one to send Myrto on her way, then a further six before you can return to Akatos. There's plenty of deer around the lake so it won't take to long to get the six you need, then return to Akatos.

Chicken or Egg

Speak to Princess Hexione again, and she'll introduce you to Chalkippe who's brother you'll need to find. Head east from the farm and use Ikaros to locate Kallistratos, but before you reach him you'll have to fight off some over sized chickens. Talk to Kallistratos, then return to Chalkippe.

A Matter of Faith

Explore the village looking for a man in a grey outfit with light thin stripes on it, he should be next to the large rock just outside the building you came from. This is Hevmonos, speak to him about the Priestess, then travel south to the border between Elis and Arkadia. At the top of the mountain, use Ikaros to locate Princess Hexione, then enter the cave for a cutscene. Travel further into the cave, deal with the large bear, then pick up the flower and return to Princess Hexione. Return to the farm once you have the antidote and speak to Akatos to end the quest, unlocking;

  • The Image of Faith

    Complete The Image of Faith.

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Part 4: The Daughters of Lalaia

Requires completion of Episode 4


A Gathering Storm

Travel to the small village of Lalaia on the east side of the Valley of the Nymph and speak to Magistrate Periktione on the north-eastern side of the village.Head east out of the town to find the Lamina Bandit Camp, use Ikaros to locate the prisoner in the camp, then deal with the guards and free the prisoner. Follow her out of the camp and talk to her, then return to Magistrate Periktione.

Sharp Lessons

Talk to Thyia at the mouth of the spring with the three waterfalls running into it. Defeat her in combat, it's not a hard fight, then speak to her again afterwards.

Back in the village, speak to the blacksmiths daughter, Methiadusa, next to the message board to start The Ore of Aphroditequest. Before heading where she's asked you to go, start the next quest here as that will take you close to the destination for this quest

Learning the Land

Speak to the hunters on the south-east side of the village, then follow them on horse back until they dismount. Kill five animals in the nearby area to complete this short quest.

The Ore of Aphrodite

Continue east to the Hot Gates of Thermopylai in Malis and make your way into the Persian Remnants cave. Once inside, locate the five piece of ore needed (right wall as you enter, behind the pillar across the water with posts in it, behind another pillar a short way ahead, behind the large pillar in the last room, and on top of the other rocky outcrop in the same room). Once you have all five, return to Methiadusa and pick which ever option you wish to end the quest.

Daughters of Artemis and Daughters of Aphrodite

Head north to the Forest Camp and talk to the Daughters of Artemis. Regardless of the choices you make, they will join you. Afterwards you'll be attacked by the camps inhabitants as it's now back to a hostile area, and once dealt with, return to Lalaia.

The Best Defense

Talk to Periktione and Thyia again and you'll need to make a decision on whose plan to follow.

If you choose to focus on the scouts

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If you choose to focus on the supplies

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Choosing to focus on the scouts provides the best outcome for the questline if that's of interest.

Blood for Aphrodite

Speak to Periktione again, then go east of the village to fight off the guards. Speak to Thyia once they're all dead, then follow her back into the village for a cutscene. If you choose to focus on the scouts, when you go to speak to Thyia you'll get the option of the better ending. Once the small scene ends, you'll unlock;

  • The Daughters of Lalaia

    Complete The Daughters of Lalaia.

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Part 5: A Poet's Legacy

Requires completion of Episode 4


Praxilla's Admirer

Travel to the southern coast line of the Mount Helikon region and speak to Alkibiades and Orchimedes in a tented area. Travel a short way north up the nearby mountain and take care of the three wolves, then pick up the five roses next to them, 4 in the dirt area, one behind a nearby rock. Return to Orchimedes for a cutscene and to start the next quest.

Lyre Lye

This quest starts immediately following the previous one. Talk to the man next to the tent and camp fire on the south side of the house wearing a red cloak, Krantor, about where Orchimedes has gone. Follow the road west, then north from the camp to speak to Ismene who'll be standing to the side of the road leading north. Continue north to the Temple of Athena Itonia, and locate Orchimedes on its northern side being held prisoner by a couple of guards. Take the guards out and free Orchimedes, then follow him out of the temple and speak to him once he stops. When he asks for some advice, there's no wrong answer, but the top one gives a better ending to the quest. Return back to Praxilla.

Repairing the Lyre

Speak to Praxilla again, then follow here through the Port of Kreusis and speak to her again when you arrive. First things first, you'll need to grab some wolf intestines, there's a wolf den a short way south west you can clear out to get hold of them easily. Continue south to the coastline to find some small spiky shells to pick up, two in the water to the left as you approach, and one in the sand at the tip. Finally, go to the east side of the port to find three pieces of silver birch lying on the floor among the trees. There's one piece inside a triangle of three trees, with the other two bits either side of it (north and south). Once you've gathered the various items, return back to Praxilla on the west side of the port and hand them over.

Praxilla's Legacy

Return to the camp and speak to Praxilla again, follow her to the stage, and talk to her again. If you want the best ending choose;

""The most beautiful thing I leave is the light of the sun."
"Second are the shining stars and the face of the moon."
"Then ripe cucumbers, apples, and pears too."

After the cutscene, kill the bandits that attack, then talk to Praxilla one last time to end the quest. If you choose the better option earlier you'll get the good ending here. Whichever option you chose, the quest will end after speaking to Praxilla at the stage, unlocking;

  • A Poet's Legacy

    Complete A Poet's Legacy.

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Part 6: A Brother's Seduction

Requires completion of Episode 4


Prodigal Son's Return

Travel to the Altar of the Cyclops on the north east side of the Isthmus of Poseidon region, deal with the guards inside, then carry the man lying next to the tower out of the camp to the south to the Port of Kechries. The house you're looking for is the red regal looking one in the dock area, drop Lykinos off inside once you arrive.

Bloody Libation

Travel west to the Ruined Temple of Zeus and eliminate the bandits there. There's only six of them so it shouldn't take too long, which will end this short quest. There is a document at the center of the ruins that provides a bit more information as to what happened to the father if that's of interest too.

Dressing up for Charon

Travel south from the ruins to a small village just north of Mycenae, on the east side of the Grove Kromyon region. Locate the merchant with Ikaros and speak to him about the armor and you'll be given a few choices.

If you choose to buy one of the armors or both, you'll have to pick up the fathers armor from the roof of the building next to you.
If you choose to fight the merchant, you will be able to loot the standard armor from his body.
If you choose to come back later, you can steal the fathers armor from the roof of the building next to you.

Whichever option you choose ends the quest, but getting the fathers armor will provide the best results.

Honoring the Dead

Make your way to a cemetery on the south-west side of the Port of Kechries and speak to Timotheos there. Choose which of the two armors you want to give to him, then Lykinos will interrupt. Choose either option if you found the letter at the ruins, it doesn't make a difference. Travel east to the Sea Captain Dock and use Ikaros to locate the two offerings you'll need to pick up. There's a lot of guards to deal with, so deal with them as you wish, pick up the two offerings and return to the two brothers. None of the options have any real relevance at this stage, but it's best to say you have both offerings for the best outcome.

Career Orientation

Travel back into the Port of Kechries and to the family house to speak to Lykinos, then head north-west into the hills and kill a couple of deer, before returning to Lykinos who'll now be at the top of a mountain to the south side of the Port. Choose which ever options you want to end this quest.

Wounds of Days Gone By

Travel to the west side of the Isle of Salamis and speak to Timotheos on the rocky outcrop, who'll eventually end up taking you on in a fist fight. Once the fight is easily won, you'll have to make three time based decisions. The first two don't matter really, but the third one decides whether you continue talking to him (Breathe) or you leave him alone (Control yourself).

Moving On

Travel to the brothers house again, and once inside, interact with the body on the right, the table on the left, then talk with Lykinos in the corner. Travel south from the Port to reach Mycenae, use Ikaros to locate Timotheos once you arrive, then in either order kill the bandits in the camp and free Timotheos. Freeing Timotheos makes it a little easier as he will take out some of the bandits for you. Once they're all dead, a cutscene will play introducing you to Hypatos. Depending on the options you chose in the story depends on how this scene plays out. If you followed this guide fully, the options you will have are;

Let's get this over with.
I'll pay their debts (10,000 drachmae)
We can talk this out.

The top or bottom option will lead to a fight with Hypatos as the bottom option leads to him wanting a public killing of the Monger. As you took him down quietly he will not be happy and set his guards on you. After the fight you'll get a small scene with the two brothers. Make which ever choice you wish to end the quest, unlocking;

  • A Brother's Seduction

    Complete A Brother's Seduction

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Part 7: A Friend Worth Dying For

Requires completion of Episode 4


Odyssey Into the Past

Travel to the Pirate Hideout on the north side of the bay on the west coast of the island. The pirates are all drunk and dancing around so they won't notice you freeing the prisoner on her knees. After the cutscene, fight off the pirates and talk to Barnabas.

Wine for the Swine

Travel first to Atoll Point on the south-west side of the isle of Paros, and use Ikaros to locate the witch on the small island. She will be surrounded by a lot of lions and boars, but they won't attack you. Talk with the witch and choose whichever option you wish. If you choose the top option, you will be able to grab the wine from a small camp a short way west, then return to Circe. After returning to Circe and drinking the wine, you will end up in the nearby Alkaios Tomb where three boars will attack you. Once defeated leave via the southern door and up the stairs, then return to Circe and kill her. She's an easy kill, but after doing so the animals will now be hostile to you.

Beware the Siren Call

Travel east to the north-east side of the isle of Kos, and make your way into the Tomb of Polybotes. Follow the main pathway through, and kill the siren in the room at the end. A cutscene will play afterwards with Eurylochos, who you can send to be a Lieutenant on your ship, then leave the tomb to end the quest.

To Be Nobody

Finally, travel south again to reach Anaphi and travel to its eastern tip to find the Drakontospilo cave and head inside. Follow it all the way through for a cutscene with Polyphemos. For the good ending to this small questline, choose not to kill him (if you do so the quest will end immediately) and agree to help him out. Follow him out of the cave, and kill any animals you come across on the way towards where you'll need to kill some bandits. You'll only need to kill the six that are marked, not any that may also be wandering around. Continue to follow Polyphemos and talk to him when you arrive at the beach. Because of the last quest you did, you'll be able to get the best ending to this quest if you elected not to kill Polyphemos at all.

Return back to Barnabas on the Adrestia and talk to him. If you want to end the quest now, choose the following answers;

It wasn't a real cyclops.
This is someone else's bracelet.
There's no such thing as sirens.
Your wife is gone. Accept it.

Barnabas will throw all the items overboard, and you can end the quest now, but for the best ending, choose the other answers to continue the questline.

Daddy's Home

Travel to the southern side of the Parnes Mountains region in Attika where you will find a fairly large farm. On it's north-east corner will be a path leading up to a house with blood across it. Follow the blood trail in the hole in the ground, dive down and go left at the fork, following the path for a cutscene. Follow Leda out of the cave towards the and kill the two suitors. Following another cutscene, the questline will end, and unless you did the short method as mentioned above, you will unlock;

  • A Friend Worth Dying For

    Complete A Friend Worth Dying For

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However, there is one secret quest attached to this story line.

Demeter's Fire

If you blow up the four silos located on Leda's farm, a cutscene will play out, and if you choose "It was the Gods", Leda will join Barnabas on your ship as part of your crew. It ultimately serves no purpose, but she will join your crew as a Legendary lieutenant.

Part 8: The Heir of Memories

Requires completion of the Atlantis story line. This one is a little different to the rest as it will show up as a quest for the Fate of Atlantis DLC in game, but as it comes under the Lost Tales of Greece achievements, it's going here.


The Heir of Memories

Travel to the small island to the north of Samos and speak to the glowing woman behind the statue of Poseidon. After the cutscene, follow the path forward for another short one.


Finding Theras

After arriving on Seriphos, use Ikaros to locate a camp on the northern side and approach it for a cutscene. Make your decision on how to deal with the guards, then speak to Theras.


Agamemnon's Symbol

Travel to the Palace of Agamemnon region and go into Agamemnon's Tomb when you arrive to talk to Aletheia. Go straight ahead at the fork and into a room with a hole in the middle, cross the room to the other side then break the pots and slide under the wall, turning around to find the first symbol.


Eteokles's Symbol

Travel to the south-west side of the Sacred Plains of Demeter region and locate the Tomb of Eteokles, again speaking to Aletheia. Go down the stairs until you reach a room with a helmet on an altar. Ignore the pots and follow the path to the right, and keep following it until you reach a room with a larger altar, which has the second symbol on top of it.


Orion's Symbol

Finally, travel to the northern side of Oropos Heights and enter the Tomb of Orion, and speak to Aletheia again. It doesn't matter which option you pick, then go down the path to the right. Go right at the first fork, then carry on straight ahead and climb up some stairs off to the left (you'll know it's the right way as there will be a lot of pillars lying in the pathway). Smash the pots to the left of the chest, and go through the left door in the next room as well to enter a room with water on the floor. Use the wooden sides to jump onto the rope above, then turn around to locate and interact with the symbol.

During the cutscene, you'll have to choose one of the aggressive options each time, then after it's played out, walk forward again for another scene. Choose the following in order (the order will be different if you did the last three quests in a different order, but the answers are the same);


After which, the quest will end and you'll unlock;

  • The Heir of Memories

    Complete The Heir of Memories

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Part 9: One Really, Really Bad Day

Requires completion of Episode 4


Righting A Wrong

Travel to the northern coast of the White Crystal region, and speak to Megakles at the northern tip of Alponos. There are two pirate ships a short way out to sea, but unless you brought the Adrestia with you, you'll need to travel east to Opous and call it from the dock there. You may get lucky in that the ships get destroyed by other A.I ships before you reach them, but if not they're very easy to take down compared to the other ship battles you've faced during the game. Return to Megakles afterwards.

The Blind Blacksmith

Speak to the blacksmith outside the first house south of where Megakles is standing, then carry the three nearby blocks to the wooden step outside the house. Next the blacksmith will want some iron, you should have plenty by this stage of the game so hand it over to him. Finally you'll need to head west from Alponos to the Pyrrha Salt Pirates camp, use Ikaros to locate the man holding the tools, then kill him to get the tools and return to the blacksmith to hand them over.

A Horse, of Course

Head to the south-west side of Alponos to find Nikaia, then head east to the Salty Bandits camp. Locate the horse with Ikaros, take out the guards if you wish, then ride the horse out of the camp to Nikaia, who'll now be standing near the Pyrrha Salt Pirates camp.

Ajax on Fire

Head directly south from the Pyrrha Salt Pirates camp and talk to Ajax the Lesser at the top of a large hill. Follow him on horseback, but if he spots a fight a long the way, he will get involved until everyone is dead, so hopefully you get lucky and there aren't too many en-route, and as you arrive at Alponos, talk to him for a cutscene. Choose either option (you'll have to fight him if you refuse his request anyway), then return to Megakles.

A Town In Need, Indeed

Whilst speaking to Megakles, you have the option to tell him the outcome of the three previous quests you completed. If you lie to him at least twice, you'll get a bonus objective at the start of the next quest.

Here Be Pirates

If you lied to Megakles at least twice, you'll have to go to the Salt Flats on the east side of Alponos and take out the bandits attacking there first. Otherwise you can head straight to the center to start attacking the bandits here. Once they're all dealt with, talk to Megakles again. There's no point in fighting him at all as the rewards are pitiful, so choose one of the other two options to get a much better reward.

There Can Only Be One

Head east towards the Salty Bandits camp and talkto the other Eagle Bearer at the top of the cliff overlooking the camp. You can choose to deal with him either way (the second option get him to join your crew, but the first option has possible my favorite scene in the entire game). Whichever option you pick, the quest will end, unlocking;

  • One Really, Really Bad Day

    Complete One Really, Really Bad Day

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Part 10: Every Story Has An Ending

Requires completion of the main story line, aThe Gates of Atlantisside quest

On Board the Adrestia

Letter from Home

Speak to Herodotos aboard the Adrestia, then sail or fast travel to the south-east coast of Samos and to the dock in Pythagoreion (if you fast travel you'll need to call the Adrestia to you). Follow Herodotos to his house, and once inside, interact with a tablet to the left as you enter, the vase to the right of the room, and the small toy at the back. Afterwards a short cutscene will play out introducing Theodoros and Mestor.


Follow Herodotos up the nearby hill and talk to him upon arriving at the grave. After the cutscene, fight off the Followers of Ares, then go a short way east to the Sacred Statue of Hera and speak to Theodoros.

Followers of Truth

Head to the western side of the island to find the Akousmatikoi Cave and go inside. Once you take out the first guard with his back to you, go round the corner and take out the remaining three at the altar. After a short scene, interact with the armor to the left of the altar, the parchment on the altar, the bracelet behind the fire pit, then the table and money bag next to the ramp leading south. Talk to Herodotos again, you can choose which of the brothers is causing the issues, it makes no difference to how the quest works, just a story change. Choose Mestor for the better ending.

Family Values

Travel back to Herodotos's house and speak to Theodoros, and after the cutscene you'll have to fight off five guards. After doing so, travel to the east side of the island to the Pirate Coast, take out the guards, then free Theodoros and head up the cliff to speak to Herodotos. Travel to the north-eastern coast of the island for a very short fight with Mestor, then have a short talk with him.

Defense of Samos

Fortunately, the Adrestia will be placed at the dock nearby for convenience in this quest. Head into the ocean to the north and take out the four Persian ships patrolling nearby. Once dealt with, speak to Herodotos on the Adrestia.

Moving Forward

Speak to Herodotos again, then travel to the eastern docks of the Port of Piraeus in Attika (again, if you fast travel you'll need to call the Adrestia to you. After a short, slightly sad, cutscene, the quest will end, unlocking;

  • Every Story Has an Ending

    Complete Every Story Has an Ending

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Part 11: Old Flames Burn Brighter

Requires completion of Episode 4


Where We Left Off

On the south-eastern side of the Forest of Soron region, you'll find Anais outside a small building on a grain farm. After a small cutscene (where you can learn 1 - 10 in Greek), you'll need to search for Anais in the nearby fields, she's to the left side of the table of honey if you're looking away from the house. After another short scene, grab a horse and follow Anais to a small altar overlooking the sea on the west coast. Swim in a straight line from the fishing net out to sea a dive down to find the seashell on a small rocky outcrop, then return back to Anais and talk to her.


Return back to Anais's house and speak to her again. Travel north to the Den of Lykaon at the northern edge of the Mount Psophis region, use Ikaros to locate Arion inside the cave, and head in. Don't fight any of the wolves as you enter, and a cutscene will play once inside. Either conversation option it works, it has no overall bearing on the quest, then return back to Anais and talk to her.

Unplanned Parenthood

Once again, talk to Anais, then talk to Arion, leading to a choice between two methods of training, though if you choose the first option, you won't be able to romance Anais afterwards.

If you choose "I'm going to train you to fight."

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

If you choose "I'm going to train you to farm."

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

A Night in Tegea

Talk to Anais, then interact with the pot of honey next to the large cart on the west side of the house, the sunken barrels on the east side of the house, and a second pot inside the house. Travel east into Tegea to meet with Anais and follow her through the market. If you want the best ending (providing you taught Arion to farm), choose the following;

Strong Wine.
Lamb with rice and olives.
Pears with honey glaze.

Upon returning to the farm, a cutscene will play, and depending on the choices you made will depend on how Anais treats you. Regardless of your choices, the quest will end here, unlocking;

  • Old Flames Burn Brighter

    Complete Old Flames Burn Brighter

    Guide for Assassin's Creed Odyssey (41)

    1 guideGuide for Assassin's Creed Odyssey (42)Guide for Assassin's Creed Odyssey (43)Guide for Assassin's Creed Odyssey (44)

14. Mythical Creatures (DLC)12. Episode 9 + Epilogue

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Guide for Assassin's Creed Odyssey (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.