Hunter pet (2024)

For information about the different types of pets, see list of pet families.
Hunter pet (1)

The hunter pet is a hunter's constant companion as they travel across Azeroth and other worlds. When fighting solo or in small groups, a hunter's pet may act as a tank, preventing the hunter from taking too much damage in combat. Pets are also a source of damage and debuffs, working together alongside the hunter's own attacks to bring a target down.


  • 1 Types of pets
    • 1.1 Pet families
    • 1.2 Pet specializations
  • 2 Obtaining pets
    • 2.1 Starter pets
    • 2.2 Taming
      • 2.2.1 Exile's Reach
      • 2.2.2 Taming challenges
  • 3 Pet management
    • 3.1 Feeding
    • 3.2 Renaming
    • 3.3 Stabling
    • 3.4 Abandoning
  • 4 Fighting alongside your pet
    • 4.1 Raiding alongside your pet
    • 4.2 Pet skills
  • 5 Choosing a pet
    • 5.1 Appearance
    • 5.2 Prestige
    • 5.3 Size
  • 6 Hunter pets that keep their name after taming
  • 7 Patch changes
  • 8 External links

Types of pets[]

Pet families[]

Main article: Pet family

Each hunter pet belongs to a specific family of beasts, based on its species. Some families are fairly specific, like the crocolisk family; others are looser groupings, like the scalehide family, which contains kodos, thunder lizards, mushan, and ankylodons.

Pet specializations[]

Main article: Pet specializations

Each pet has one of three specializations, determined by its pet family. This specialization grants the pet a passive ability and an active ability:

Prior to Battle for Azeroth, pet specialization could be changed after taming, and it had a more profound effect on a pet's role in combat. Cunning pets, for example, did less damage than Ferocity pets but offered a variety of PvP-oriented abilities. Now, each specialization deals the same amount of damage, and the two spec-specific abilities are the only difference.

Obtaining pets[]

Starter pets[]

As of patch 9.0.1, Hunter pet (8) [Call Pet] and other pet utilities aren't learned until level 5; as a result, level 1 hunters no longer start with a pet. Only Class Trial characters and allied races receive a starter pet upon creation.

Class Trials

Class Trial hunter characters start with a brown-and-gray classic worg. Its internal name is Generic Hunter Pet.

Allied races

Allied race characters, on the other hand, begin with a pet specific to their race. Although the pets shown for some races on the character creation screen were changed in patch 9.0.1 (for instance, void elves are now shown with a panthara), none of the allied races' starter pets were actually changed.

Player racePet familyAppearanceNPC ID
Hunter pet (9)Hunter pet (10)Hunter pet (11)Void elfHunter pet (12) Warp stalkerVoidstalker131072
Hunter pet (13)Hunter pet (14)Lightforged draeneiHunter pet (15) StagArgussian talbuk with golden fur131074
Hunter pet (16)Hunter pet (17)Dark Iron dwarfHunter pet (18) HoundFiery brown darkhound141729
Hunter pet (19)Hunter pet (20)Kul TiranHunter pet (21) Bird of preyWhite-spotted tawny falcon151994
Hunter pet (22)Hunter pet (23)MechagnomeHunter pet (24) MechanicalSlate and yellow mechanical wolf160414
Hunter pet (25)Hunter pet (26)Hunter pet (27)NightborneHunter pet (28) CatBlue manasaber131069
Hunter pet (29)Hunter pet (30)Highmountain taurenHunter pet (31) Bird of preyBrown eagle with white head131076
Hunter pet (32)Hunter pet (33)Mag'har orcHunter pet (34) WolfBlack wolf82308
Hunter pet (35)Hunter pet (36)Zandalari trollHunter pet (37) DirehornBlue-gray primordial direhorn151993
Hunter pet (38)Hunter pet (39)VulperaHunter pet (40) SerpentRed cobra160413
Removed starter pets

Hunter pet (51) The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraftin patch 9.0.1.

Prior to patch 9.0.1, all level 1 core race hunters also started with a race-specific pet, listed below for historical purposes.

Player racePet familyAppearanceNPC ID
Hunter pet (52)Hunter pet (53)Hunter pet (54)HumanHunter pet (55) WolfGray42717
Hunter pet (56)Hunter pet (57)DwarfHunter pet (58) BearDark brown42713
Hunter pet (59)Hunter pet (60)Night elfHunter pet (61) CatFrostsaber42718
Hunter pet (62)Hunter pet (63)GnomeHunter pet (64) MechanicalMechanical rabbit76199
Hunter pet (65)Hunter pet (66)DraeneiHunter pet (67) MothRed with green wings42712
Hunter pet (68)Hunter pet (69)WorgenHunter pet (70) Hound*Black mastiff42722
Hunter pet (71)Hunter pet (72)Hunter pet (73)PandarenHunter pet (74) TurtleGreen dragon turtle57239
Hunter pet (75)Hunter pet (76)Hunter pet (77)OrcHunter pet (78) BoarBlack42719
Hunter pet (79)Hunter pet (80)UndeadHunter pet (81) SpiderBlack with red markings51107
Hunter pet (82)Hunter pet (83)TaurenHunter pet (84) TallstriderPurple42720
Hunter pet (85)Hunter pet (86)TrollHunter pet (87) RaptorRed42721
Hunter pet (88)Hunter pet (89)Blood elfHunter pet (90) DragonhawkOrange and red42710
Hunter pet (91)Hunter pet (92)GoblinHunter pet (93) CrabOrange42715
*Called "Dog" at the time.


Other pets can be obtained once a hunter gains the Hunter pet (107) [Tame Beast] ability at level 5. Tame Beast can only be used on beasts (and mechanical beasts) at or below the hunter's level. During the taming process, the hunter cannot perform any other actions without canceling.

The taming process takes 6 seconds; its cast time is not pushed back by damage taken, but it can be interrupted. If the hunter loses aggro to another player, the tame will fail.

Note that not all beasts can be tamed. Only specific species are tameable, and even among those species, some rare individuals and quest mobs may be immune to taming. Other species are tameable only by Beast Mastery hunters, who gain the Hunter pet (108) [Exotic Beasts] passive at level 65. Critters are never tameable, even beast-sized ones such as deer or giraffes.

See list of pet families for information on what species can be tamed.

Exile's Reach[]

Hunter characters who start on Exile's Reach get to tame a pet specific to their race, similar to a starter pet. The beast is first seen as an NPC on the Alliance or Horde ship, then it disappears until Hunter pet (109)Hunter pet (110)[1-10]Hunting the Stalker later in the storyline. In the next quest, Hunter pet (111)Hunter pet (112)[1-10]The Art of Taming, the hunter is allowed to tame it.

Player racePet familyAppearanceNPC ID
Hunter pet (113)Hunter pet (114)Hunter pet (115)HumanHunter pet (116) WolfSilver fur with blue leather bands*167345
Hunter pet (117)Hunter pet (118)DwarfHunter pet (119) BearBlack167375
Hunter pet (120)Hunter pet (121)Night elfHunter pet (122) CatPandarian tiger with reddish fur167347
Hunter pet (123)Hunter pet (124)GnomeHunter pet (125) MechanicalMechanical rabbit167337
Hunter pet (126)Hunter pet (127)DraeneiHunter pet (128) MothRed with green wings167342
Hunter pet (129)Hunter pet (130)WorgenHunter pet (131) HoundBlack mastiff167352
Hunter pet (132)Hunter pet (133)PandarenHunter pet (134) CatPandarian tiger with reddish fur167347
Hunter pet (135)Hunter pet (136)Hunter pet (137)OrcHunter pet (138) WolfReddish brown fur with green leather bands*167346
Hunter pet (139)Hunter pet (140)UndeadHunter pet (141) BatLight brown167351
Hunter pet (142)Hunter pet (143)TaurenHunter pet (144) TallstriderLight brown167349
Hunter pet (145)Hunter pet (146)TrollHunter pet (147) RaptorGreen167350
Hunter pet (148)Hunter pet (149)Blood elfHunter pet (150) DragonhawkOrange and red167343
Hunter pet (151)Hunter pet (152)GoblinHunter pet (153) ScorpidDark green167344
Hunter pet (154)Hunter pet (155)PandarenHunter pet (156) TurtleGreen and brown dragon turtle167348
*Unique appearance that cannot be found elsewhere.

Taming challenges[]

Taming challenges allow hunters to tame beasts, but with more of a challenge, often requiring special tactics not required for normal pets. The following beasts offer these challenges:

Molten Front and Mount Hyjal

A different type of challenge was introduced in Mists of Pandaria, where the following beasts would be hidden and hard to see tracks had to be followed in order to find the invisible beasts. Only Hunter pet (157) [Flare] would reveal the following:


A hidden quest and a dropped item help you tame two challenging beasts in Warlords of Draenor including:

Pet management[]


Main article: Feed Pet

Hunter pet (158) [Feed Pet] allows hunters to heal their pets for 50% of their health while out of combat. It's a convenient way to minimize downtime between fights since it heals instantly and for much more than Hunter pet (159) [Mend Pet].


By default, pets will begin with a basic name—generally the name of their pet family, such as "Bear" or "Cat". Hunters can replace this with a custom name by right-clicking on the pet's portrait and selecting "Rename" from the menu.

After a pet has been given a custom name, it can only be renamed again with Hunter pet (160)[Certificate of Ownership], an item created with Inscription. There's no limit on how many times a pet can be renamed, though a new certificate is needed each time.


Up to five pets can be kept active at once, depending on the hunter's level. In order to tame any more pets, existing ones must either be stabled or abandoned.

To stable a pet simply talk to a stable master, select the "Hunter pet (161)I'd like to stable my pet here" option, and drag the pet's icon from an active slot on the left to a stable slot on the right. Up to 50 pets can be stabled at once, allowing hunters to "store" pets for later use or for collection purposes.


To get rid of a pet, right-click its portrait and select "Abandon Pet." Keep in mind that this is permanent, so be careful not to abandon the wrong pet.

Fighting alongside your pet[]

Hunter pet (162) This section contains information that is out-of-date.

Hunter pet (163) This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up.

Generally, a Hunter will send the pet in from a distance and allow it to get aggro on a mob before opening fire. Try to keep the mob on the pet so you can use the full power of your ranged weapon to take it down.

A nice trick is to use your pet to pull mobs that are out of range towards you. Use Attack to send your pet in and as soon as it attracts the attention of the mob, use Hunter pet (164) Follow to call the pet back. The pet will start running towards you and the mob will follow. Once the mob is within range, use Attack again. The pet will turn around and attack the mob, and you can use your ranged weapon on it. This pull works over quite a long distance and even around corners, as long as you can get a mob targeted. It also ensures that any additional mobs will have aggro on the pet, rather than you. It does not work as well with mobs who have a ranged attack. Also, be careful that the pet does not pull any extra mobs on the way to the mob and back again.

It is possible to have the pet fight one mob while the Hunter attacks another. Note: the Hunter will not gain loot or experience from a mob that the pet kills solo. This is a deliberate decision by Blizzard, not a bug. If you intend on pulling multiple mobs and having your pet kill one or more of them while you focus on others, it would be best to try to get at least one shot or hit on each of the mobs and then allow your pet to do its work on them.

Raiding alongside your pet[]

With all pets being equal in terms of damage-dealing, it falls upon the special abilities of the pets, the encounter, and what other classes are present which determines which pet a hunter would use. Often it would be wise to talk amongst the other hunters in the raid to determine which pet each one could use since their buffs/debuffs will not stack with each others or other player's abilities. It is common for a raid consisting of several hunters to no longer have duplicate pets.

Although each pet family comes with a default talent specialization, you can change your pet's spec at any time so long as you are not in combat. Cunning, Ferocity, and Tenacity. Ferocity pets are good for continuous damage, tenacity pets make good tanks for soloing, and cunning pets have unique abilities which can be very useful in certain situations, such as PvP, as well as being almost as viable as Ferocity in PvE.

Pet skills[]

Main article: Pet abilities

Pet skills come in two types: passive enhancement skills, and active skills.

Passive skills change the pet's stats and do not require resources.

Most active skills require Focus, a constantly-recharging point pool that works much like a Rogue's Energy bar. Some active skills are free. Every pet has 100 Focus, and Focus regenerates at a base rate of 5 points per second.

Active skills can be activated in several ways:

  • Automatically, through setting them on autocast by right-clicking the skill icon in either the spellbook or pet action bar.
  • By clicking the skill icon in either the spellbook or the pet action bar.
  • By macros like /cast.

An active skill does not have to be in the pet action bar to be used, even on autocast. It is perfectly okay to leave Growl in the spellbook and have it on autocast.If using a /cast macro, the skill can be addressed as if it were a Hunter skill, so if the pet has the skill "Taunt", /cast Taunt will taunt the current target.

From patch 1.7 onward, Blizzard started introducing special active pet skills. Each skill can only be used by a specific type of pet and the benefit is quite useful, usually in PvE. This increases the diversity among Hunter's pets and often promotes Hunters possessing several pets at the same time. It is expected that, with time, Blizzard will continue to add special skills to other beasts' types as well.

With patch 3.0.2, the following aspects of hunter pet training became obsolete: pet trainers, learning skills from wild beasts, and loyalty.

Newly tamed beasts will automatically have their level increased to the hunter's level.

Choosing a pet[]

There are several factors beyond combat ability to consider when choosing a pet:


Many hunters choose their pets based on visual aesthetic: cool-looking, menacing, cute, etc. Collecting pets with unusual appearances is a common hobby among hunter players. Some hunters even like to match their hunter pet with their companion pet and mount. For example, Takk the Leaper and Hunter pet (165)[Leaping Hatchling] make a good matching pair.

Petopia is an excellent visual guide of pet appearances.


Certain pets are considered especially interesting or cool among players. Some choices of prestigious pets include:

  • Pets with unique skins, like Mazzranache.
  • Hard-to-obtain pets, like a level 19 Horde character with a ravager or a level 19 Alliance character with a dragonhawk.
  • Anything that can no longer be tamed. This one's quite difficult to achieve; you have to either luck out or have an eye for creatures that likely weren't intended to be tamed or may be removed in the future. Grimtotem Spirit Guide and Spirit of Ha-Khalan are examples of this.


A pet's size is directly related to its level. Many beasts will dramatically shrink the moment they are tamed, then regain size as they level. However, certain species are still larger than others; for example, rhinos are large enough to be a sight obstruction in certain areas, which can be to the player's advantage (PvP) or disadvantage (dungeons and raids). Flying pets can have a similar effect with their constantly-moving wings. This can work both for you and against you, but you will probably find it at least a little annoying. Both of these issues can be at least somewhat fixed with Hunter pet (166)[Glyph of Lesser Proportion].

Short pets, like crabs and scorpids, can fit into places taller pets cannot go. This is not a highly significant feature, but it may occasionally come up.

Hunter pets that keep their name after taming[]

In patch 8.1.5, some mobs keep their name after being tamed, the following is a list of them (work in progress):

Sewer BeastCrocoliskCanals (Stormwind City)
Toxigore the AlphaLizardNazjatar

Patch changes[]

  • Hunter pet (167) Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Hunter Pet families now all belong to one of three specializations – Cunning, Ferocity, or Tenacity – and each specialization offers unique abilities, instead of stats.
  • Hunter pet (168) Hotfix (2016-08-08): Hunter pets now retain their selected specialization when dismissed and summoned.
  • Hunter pet (169) Hotfix (2016-07-21): Pets in the Oxen and Scalehide families now all have a basic attack.
  • Hunter pet (170) Hotfix (2014-10-17): Hunter Pets now inherit 60% of the Hunter's Attack Power (up from 33%).
  • Hunter pet (171) Hotfix (2014-10-16): Stag pets should now correctly apply the Grace (pet ability) buff when summoned.
  • Hunter pet (172) Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14):
    • Hunter pets now have a 1-second global cooldown.
    • All full crowd-control abilities have been removed from Hunter pets and replaced those with new abilities, including spreading some that were previously restricted to exotic pets.
    For an in-depth description of this patch change, see Patch 6.0.2#Hunter pet abilities
  • Hunter pet (173) Patch 5.0.4 (2012-08-28): Pets can now switch between being Cunning, Ferocity, and Tenacity type pets.
  • Hunter pet (174) Patch 4.1.0 (2011-04-26):
    • Pets will now level with hunters in the same way warlock pets currently do. Also, summoned pets now start with 100 focus, up from 0.
    • The Happiness/Pet Loyalty System has been removed. Hunters will no longer have to manage Happiness for their pets, and the previous damage bonus for pets being happy will now be baseline for all tamed pets.
    • Now tamed pets match the hunter's level
  • Hunter pet (175) Patch 4.0.1 (2010-10-12): Numerous changes. Many pet abilities have been replaced or altered. Hunters now start with pets at level 1. Whenever a hunter is more than 3 levels above a pet, the pet levels to within 3 levels of the hunter.
  • Hunter pet (176) Patch 3.3.0 (2009-12-08): Hunter pets now have 100% of their master's resilience; increased from 40%.
  • Hunter pet (177) Hotfix (2009-04-16): Hunter pets should now have their talents refunded when a Hunter switches talent specs, even if they are dismissed at the time.
  • Hunter pet (178) Patch 3.1.0 (2009-04-14): All Cunning, Ferocity, and Tenacity pets now have identical bonuses - +5% Health,+5% Armor,+5% Damage.
  • Hunter pet (179) Patch 3.0.8 (2009-01-20): All Hunter pet abilities with a cooldown of 30 seconds or more are no longer on the global cooldown.
  • Hunter pet (180) Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): Major revisions to the pet system, including the following:
  • Hunter pet (182) Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-13):
    • Hunter pets can now be untrained of all their skills from any beast trainer in the major cities.
    • Hunter pets can now learn a maximum of four active abilities.
    • Hunter pets now gain experience based on the level difference between them and their target rather than the difference between the Hunters and their target.
    • Hunters are now able to name their pets while mounted.
  • Hunter pet (183) Patch 1.5.0 (2005-06-07): Unstabling dead pets no longer puts players into a degenerate state where their pet only partially exists. Unstabled dead pets can now be properly revived, and players can no longer train more pets than their stable can hold.
  • Hunter pet (184) Patch 1.4.0 (2005-04-19): When a non-Hunter resurrects a pet, the pet will no longer receive resurrection sickness.
  • Hunter pet (185) Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07):
    • Fixed a bug where Hunter pets were sometimes unattackable by opposing faction players.
    • Fixed a bug where creatures were keeping their innate resistances after being tamed. This was unintentional and the fix will affect all existing pets.
    • Hunter pets immediately gain training points when they level up.

External links[]

Hunter pet (186) WowheadPet comparison table

Hunter pet (188) Huntsman's LodgeTaming challenges

Hunter pet (2024)
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