Military quickstart - Dwarf Fortress Wiki (2024)


v50.13· v0.47.05

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Note that some content may still need to be updated.

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Military quickstart - Dwarf Fortress Wiki (1)Military quickstart - Dwarf Fortress Wiki (2)
This page is part of the Quickstart guide. It is intended for beginners and may not be a full reference.
This page has a more in-depth version here.

This article will describe how to set up your very first squad for training and use in combat. We will assume that you know nothing about the military interface. In case you are starting this early in your fortress' development, we will assume that you're going to start with a squad of only five dwarves and that you may have just come here from the Quickstart guide.

Though these instructions are far from adequate for teaching you all aspects of Dwarf Fortress mode's complex military, hopefully they will get you started faster than you would otherwise. Note that the military configuration interface may be somewhat complex, so pay close attention to some of the details mentioned.


  • 1 Structure of the Military
  • 2 Finding Recruits
  • 3 Assigning a Militia Commander
  • 4 Creating a Squad
  • 5 Melee Training
    • 5.1 Barracks
    • 5.2 Schedule
  • 6 Marksdwarf Training
    • 6.1 Targets
    • 6.2 Equipment
    • 6.3 Configuration
  • 7 See also

Structure of the Military[edit]

When you start building a militia to protect your fortress, it's good to understand the military structure and terminology:

  • A squad is the basic unit of the dwarven military with up to ten (10) soldiers in it, including its leader.
  • The first dwarf assigned to a squad is the Militia Captain. (The terms Squad Leader and Squad Captain are sometimes used interchangeably with Militia Captain in this wiki, because of name changes from previous game versions.)
  • Before you create your first squad, you must assign a Militia Commander, who leads the first squad you create, and leads the Militia Captains of any other squads in the military. So this dwarf is the Militia Commander, who also performs the duties of a Militia Captain, and a Soldier.

Finding Recruits[edit]

Look over all your dwarves. You are looking for any dwarves with combat skills, or at the very least, without useful civilian skills. These dwarves will be your first squad. Starting with a bunch of otherwise useless dwarves with no combat skill isn't totally unreasonable, but it's best to get at least one with some combat skill so that they can teach the others. Note that peasants often arrive with military skills of competent or better. You will also need to assign a militia commander, who benefits from having a good tactician or leadership skill.

Using job titles can help you spot expendable dwarves. For example, if a dwarf is a "Fish Cleaner" then their most expert skill will be fish cleaning and they probably won't be very good at anything but that. Since super-efficient fish cleaning isn't likely to be that useful, even if you do have a fisherdwarf, your legendary fish cleaner would be an excellent candidate for the draft. If they manage to survive and gain some combat skill, they'll be able to clean fish and kick butt at the same time. If they die, at least it won't impact civilian operations.

Make sure to exercise judgment when selecting dwarves, however. If your fortress only has one fish cleaner, but also has a large amount of fisherdwarves, drafting a fish cleaner may waste a lot of fish. Conversely, if the fortress has no animal or hunting industries, an otherwise precious butcher may be expendable.

It is probably wise not to choose female dwarves for your primary fighting squad, and especially not married female dwarves, since they will carry babies around most of the time (they bear one child every year). But ultimately it's up to you. You can't see the sex or marital status of dwarves from within the military screen, so you need to look for these things in advance.

Your recruits must not have the Mining, Wood Cutting or Hunting labors enabled. These labors create an invisible "uniform" that interferes with the military uniform.Bug:1451 Disable all of these labors on your recruits, if they're currently enabled.

Assigning a Militia Commander[edit]

Open the Nobles screen (n) and click the [+] to choose a dwarf to assign as the Militia Commander. Ideally, the Militia Commander will have leadership, tactician, and some combat skills.

Creating a Squad[edit]

Open up the squad sidebar by clicking at the bottom right of the screen or by pressing q. Click Create new squad to create a squad. Then you're asked to Create which squad?, and you will choose the second option to create the Militia Commander's Squad.

Choose whatever uniform is most appropriate for the type of equipment you have or plan to have. A "uniform" is essentially just a predefined specification for a set of equipment, and you can change all of this later, but for the sake of simplicity, start with one of the default uniforms.

Enjoy a hearty laugh at the (no doubt) delightful name your dwarves come up with for their squad. All tremble before the might of the fearsome Geared Warthogs! You can, of course, change the name of the squad if you wish by clicking the button.

Click on the to add dwarves to the squad. If this is your first squad, the first dwarf shown will be your militia commander. If this isn't your first squad, you will need to Assign leader: select the dwarf with the best fighting skills (or the best leadership ability). This is the leader of this new squad, and will appear in the n screen as the Militia Captain.

Once you select a dwarf for the first position, you can then select more dwarves to join the squad: dwarves you pick are automatically assigned to the next empty position. Notice that below each dwarf's name, a bit of relevant information is shown regarding their military abilities. For this quickstart, pick at least four more dwarves to fill positions two through five.

Melee Training[edit]

Make sure at the very least you have a weapon for everyone in your squad. Ideally, you should have at least a shield and helmet for everyone too. They will automatically go grab appropriate equipment as long as it is free for use.

Axes cannot be shared between a woodcutter and an axedwarf, not even if it's the same dwarf. Likewise, a marksdwarf and a hunter can't share a crossbow, and a miner can't share a pick with a military dwarf assigned to use a pick as a weapon. Unassign the civilian labor to free up the weapon for military use. (The dwarf holding it will dutifully drop it where they stand at the time.)


Pick a location for your training grounds. It should be placed in a defended area, and ideally, it should be near the entrance. Training areas can be easily moved though so feel free to just dig out an area somewhere for now and you can move it to a better location later.

Create a zone of type Barracks where you want your dwarves to train. Select the banner with the yellow plus icon to assign the squad to the barracks. For now, only select the axe icon next to the squad name.


Open the squad sidebar again. Select your squad from the list. Notice that below their name it says No special orders . This indicates if the squad has a schedule assigned to them, and if so, which schedule they will follow.

The default schedule for "Off duty" basically says "do nothing". Tell them to use the "Active/Training" schedule, by clicking on it. Avoid clicking on the Edit and Copy buttons for now.

If you've done everything right, you should see some messages like "Urist McGoblinFodder has become a Recruit" and the named dwarves should report to the barracks you have set up. This may not happen right away, but it should definitely happen when the month changes.

Keep an eye on them using the units screen. Their tasks will initially be something like "Waiting for (something) demonstration" or "Organize (something) demonstration" but they should eventually start the session. The graphics won't look any different, but the units screen will change to show "Watching (something) demonstration" etc.

After a while, your dwarves may start "Sparring". This trains several combat skills, much more quickly than demonstrations. You'll also get combat reports of the sparring (indicated by a notification icon with crossed spears).

Marksdwarf Training[edit]

This section was migrated from DF2014:Military quickstart and may be inaccurate for the current version of DF (v50.13). See this page for more information.

Each marksdwarf requires a crossbow, bolts, and a quiver.


To train marksdwarves, you must create a zone with z and designate it as an archery range, then assign squads to the zone. Marksdwarves will stand at one end of the zone and fire at the opposite end; this firing direction is indicated by a crossbow icon in the zone's settings. For all dwarves to train simultaneously, there must be one 1-tile-wide firing path per dwarf.You may place archery targets at the opposite end of the zone tiles using byt. Similar to wells, these buildings are created from raw materials when placed, rather than being crafted at a workshop and stored in item form (like doors). However, archery targets are not required to have a functional archery range.


Crossbows can be made of wood or bone at a bowyer's workshop by a dwarf with the crossbow-making labor enabled, or at a metalsmith's forge by a dwarf with weaponsmithing enabled. While the material used for a crossbow doesn't matter for shooting purposes, it does matter when dwarves use crossbows to bash enemies in melee combat. So, making crossbows of iron, while being heavier, can give archers a little more of an advantage in melee combat should they be unfortunate enough to get into that situation.

Bolts are also made from bone or wood at a craftsdwarf's workshop, so make sure you've built one of those and then have your manager queue up some bolts. Wooden ammunition will do just fine for training purposes, but if you happen to have butchered any animals at this point you can also make bone bolts. (Metal bolts can also be made at a forge, but you wouldn't want to waste those on target practice.)

Quivers are made of leather by a dwarf with leatherworking at a leather works. Quivers are required; marksdwarves will not fire a crossbow without one. If you just started your fort, and forgot to bring some with you, you may not be able to get enough leather to make quivers until the first trade caravan arrives unless you slaughter some animals.


Once you have all of the needed equipment for an archer, the easiest way to set up an archer in the military is to create an archers-only squad and give them the archer's uniform. Then, assign one or more dwarves to the squad and set up their training schedule as described for melee training above. Make sure to set their squad to train at archery targets and the barracks (weapon or armor rack)--if you only use an archery range, your dwarves will not train.

If you have done everything right here, eventually you will see them shooting and see broken bolts at the base of your archery targets.

Please note however that even a squad of only marksdwarves still needs a barracks to train at as well as an archery range, so they can train their other non-ranged skills. If they do not have a barracks assigned, they will spend quite a lot of time in the state "cannot follow order" and may not even use the archery range.

See also[edit]

Now that you have learned this much, you will probably want to read:

  • Military interface
  • Squads
  • Military (overview)
  • Scheduling (not covered on this page)


Military and defense


Military quickstartInterface walkthroughDefense guide

Managing soldiers

SoldiersScheduling and alertsSquadsEquipmentMarksdwarf training

Design tips

Military designSecurity designTrap design



Military quickstart - Dwarf Fortress Wiki (2024)


When should I start military Dwarf Fortress? ›

Before you begin making a Dwarf Fortress military...

But you can't start one right away — you'll have to wait until your fortress is pretty well established and you have some infrastructure built up. First, you'll need some spare dwarves who aren't actively participating in the labor force.

Why is Dwarf Fortress so difficult? ›

Dwarf fortress is difficult for two reasons 1: Unintuitive interface. It takes some time just to learn how to do basic things and find the information you need. 2: Complexity. Once you know every possible command you can give you need to figure out what to do.

What is the first squad in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Finding Recruits

Look over all your dwarves. You are looking for any dwarves with combat skills, or at the very least, without useful civilian skills. These dwarves will be your first squad.

What is a good starting area in Dwarf Fortress? ›

In the beginning, look for a temperate area with plenty of trees and vegetation, a river of some kind (the smaller the better, dwarves aren't good swimmers), and no aquifer. You'll want the area to have a "Flux Stone Layer," "Shallow Clay," "Deep" or "Very Deep Soil," "Shallow Metals," AND "Deep Metals."

How hard is it to learn Dwarf Fortress? ›

He has learned to love just about every genre of game that exists. Dwarf Fortress might just be the hardest and most complicated game out there. It's got less of a learning curve and more of a learning cliff. You're in charge of everything and there's a never-ending stream of things that need your attention.

Who is the strongest in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Angels, and their variants, are the absolute strongest creatures in the game, acting as the "final bosses" of the game if playing in "Adventure Mode".

Does world size matter in Dwarf Fortress? ›

The world size doesn't affect FPS all that much as far as I know (embark size does) but it does affect the time it takes when saving. For those that don't know... Water flowing down multiple levels also makes a huge impact.

Are walls indestructible in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Walls are fine. Doors and such can be broken by building destroyer enemies unless they're artefact doors, which are indestructible, so if you get lucky enough to have a dwarf make one, keep it for special uses where you want an indestructible door, because you can't make them normally.

What is the ideal farm size in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Since a single seed can produce up to six harvestable plants (or more — see fertilizing below) and each plant yields one (easy) meal at a Kitchen, a fortress with the max population of 200 dwarves could (hypothetically) survive on a 6x6 farm plot for food.

Is it possible to beat Dwarf Fortress? ›

Since there is no way to win, it only ends when the entire colony is defeated by the various possible threats, or the player decides to abandon or retire the fortress.

Is shallow clay good in a dwarf fortress? ›

Clay and Sand are used with a Kiln to make Pottery and Glass. It doesn't matter if they're shallow or deep. Sand means you can produce glass.

How old are dwarves in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Dwarves are short, stocky humanoid creatures with famously long and prominent beards. Unlike humans, they reach adulthood at age 12, and can live for up to 150-170 years.

What are the fly swarms in Dwarf Fortress? ›

They are usually an indication that you need more food storage items like stone pots or barrels. Leaving food lying out - even in your stockpile - will tend to cause small swarms of flies around your food and (possibly) make it rot quicker.

What should I be doing in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Basically build/create your fortress and become the Mountain Home for all the Dwarfs for your culture. And you can do it any way you want to, above or below ground, deep or shallow and everything in bnetween. Using water to generate power or magma to make deadly traps and smith weapons and armor to beggar the gods.

What happens when you retire a fort in Dwarf Fortress? ›

Retire is the "pause" option. It allows you to come back to the fort as it was. Abandon does that, abandons the fort, which allows you to go and reclaim it with a new embark, if you choose.

What is the max world age in Dwarf Fortress? ›

The 250 year limit is the default limit. You can change this at the world generation screen (pick year 500 instead) or by going into advanced worldgen. The longer your history, the bigger your world, the bigger your embark, the more heavier and likely crash-prone your game. Just FYI.

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