New Skills (2024)


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Active/Passive skill Info
  • 3 ACTIVE (7)
    • 3.1 Auto Mode (Default skill)
    • 3.2 Animal Friend
    • 3.3 Look Around
    • 3.4 Self-Healing
    • 3.5 Sneaking (Default skill)
    • 3.6 Sprint
    • 3.7 Roll
  • 4 PASSIVE (203)
    • 4.1 Extra Pocket (-/1)
    • 4.2 Hacker (-/1)
    • 4.3 Trader (-/1)
    • 4.4 Builder (-/1)
    • 4.5 Quick Step (-/1)
    • 4.6 Burglar (-/3)
    • 4.7 Fisherman (-/1)
    • 4.8 Walker (-/5)
    • 4.9 Quick Hands (-/5)
    • 4.10 Medic (-/5)
    • 4.11 Neat Freak (-/5)
    • 4.12 Biker (-/5)
    • 4.13 Glutton (-/5)
    • 4.14 Strong Legs (-/5)
    • 4.15 Lungs of Steel (-/5)
    • 4.16 Quiet Gunner (-/5)
    • 4.17 Robber (-/5)
    • 4.18 Dog Lover (-/1)
    • 4.19 Impregnable (-/4)
    • 4.20 Good Memory (-/5)
    • 4.21 Nerves of Steel (-/3)
    • 4.22 Quick Learner (-/3)
    • 4.23 Fisherman’s Luck (-/3)
    • 4.24 Lucky (-/5)
    • 4.25 Lumberjack (-/10)
    • 4.26 Logger (-/10)
    • 4.27 Iron Miner (-/10)
    • 4.28 Copper Miner (-/10)
    • 4.29 Careful (-/10)
    • 4.30 Dog Breeder (-/10)
    • 4.31 Hot-Blooded (-/10)
    • 4.32 Bruiser (-/10)
    • 4.33 Homebody (-/5)
    • 4.34 Skinner (-/10)
    • 4.35 Camel (-/10)
    • 4.36 Strict Diet (-/10)
    • 4.37 Fishing Skill (-/5)
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Video guides
  • 7 Gallery


Skills are unlocked by leveling up the players character.

For each level up, the player receives 1 skill point.

  • Using that skill point gives the player the option to choose 1 skill out of 3 choices (the skills are randomly picked).
  • Note: The level stated on the skill is the level the player will be on after choosing that skill (it does not states the skill level that the player is currently on).
    • When the skill level states “max”, it means that the player will be on the final level for that skill after choosing it.
      • maxed out skills will not re-appear on the random choices list (only skills that are not maxed out will be available to choose from).

There are 44 skills in the game as of Beta v.1.15.

  • Auto Mode and Sneaking skills are unlocked for the player from player level 1 (default starting level).

For 10 coins the player has the option to refresh the 3 choices (there is no limit to how many times the choices can be refreshed).



Radical changes will impact every survivor - the character upgrading system has been completely overhauled:

- Exploration experience has been removed: now, with every level reached you will be able to select a skill. Choose skills you find most necessary and develop your character in your own sweet way.

- You can also whisk dust from your 99th level - level cap has been increased to 200.


Motorcycle Driver skill, ATV Driver skill, Cold Survival, Focused and Camouflage Master skills have also been ruthlessly removed. They were replaced with new skills, for example, Quick Step, which will allow you to move faster in sneaking mode, or Strict Diet, pushing hunger away.


- Your active and most rare skills achieved with sweat and blood remain with you, but not all the skills have been transferred to the new system. In accordance with your level, you will receive points to upgrade your skills within the new system, meaning that if you are level 99, but you didn't have many skills, you are still to be given 98 skill points as well.

- Survivors who used to possess a significant number of skills and consequently lost some part of them - don't be upset, as they have been compensated with a gift in your inbox.

Active/Passive skill Info[]

Active skill:

  • Active upon toggling
  • All active skills except Auto Mode and Sneaking have a cooldown timer

Passive skill:

  • Permanently active
  • Certain skills allow actions, via;
    • Extra Pocket
      • Enables players a second quick-access button
    • Hacker
    • Burglar
      • Enables players to open locked Doors,loot Chests and Lockers
    • Fisherman

ACTIVE (7)[]

Button on Left

Auto Mode (Default skill)[]

New Skills (1)
  • ”Allows you to gather resources and kill enemies automatically”
  • Active skill

Animal Friend[]

New Skills (2)
  • ”Animals will not be afraid of you for a while”
  • active skill

Look Around[]

New Skills (3)
  • ”You can take a look around and get a view of the surrounding area”
  • Active skill
  • Zooms out from player thus increasing field of vision.


New Skills (4)
  • ”You can heal yourself without using food or medicine”
  • Active skill
  • Heals the player by 10 Health for 11 seconds (110Hp).

Button on Right

Sneaking (Default skill)[]

New Skills (5)
  • ”You can move without attracting attention”
  • active skill


New Skills (6)
  • ”You run much faster than usual for several seconds”
  • Active skill
  • Increases speed by 10 for a few seconds


New Skills (7)
  • Enemies cannot damage you while you are rolling”
  • active skill

PASSIVE (203)[]

Extra Pocket (-/1)[]

New Skills (8)
  • ”You get an extra quick access slot”

Hacker (-/1)[]

New Skills (9)
  • ”You can hack complex computer terminals”

Trader (-/1)[]

New Skills (10)
  • ”The dealer is willing to offer you better trades”

Builder (-/1)[]

New Skills (11)
  • ”You get more resources for breaking down firm walls on your base

Quick Step (-/1)[]

New Skills (12)
  • ”You move faster in sneaking mode”

Burglar (-/3)[]

New Skills (13)
  • ”You can pick locks”
    • You can pick simple locks - level 1
    • You can pick advanced locks - level 2
    • You can pick master locks - level 3

Fisherman (-/1)[]

New Skills (14)
  • ”You’re a skillful fisherman and you know how to make a fishing rod
  • Unlocks the ability to craft fishing rod upon reaching required level.
  • Unlocks fishing events on the global map.

Walker (-/5)[]

New Skills (15)
  • ”Walking across the map takes less time”
    • Your movement speed on foot on the Global map is increased by 3%
    • Increased by 3% per level (Max 15%)

Quick Hands (-/5)[]

New Skills (16)
  • ”You pick locks more quickly”
    • You pick locks 7% faster
    • Increased by 7% per level (Max 35%)

Medic (-/5)[]

New Skills (17)
  • Bandages restore more health”
    • Bandages restore 2% more health
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 10%)

Neat Freak (-/5)[]

New Skills (18)
  • Toxic Spitter spit is less likely to stick to you”
    • Toxic Spitter spit is 4% less likely to stick to you
    • Increased by 4% per level (Max 20%)

Biker (-/5)[]

New Skills (19)
  • ”You use less fuel when driving a motorcycle
    • You spend 4% less fuel when driving a motorcycle
    • Increased by 4% per level (Max 20%)

Glutton (-/5)[]

New Skills (20)
  • Food restores more health
    • Food restores 2% more health
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 10%)

Strong Legs (-/5)[]

New Skills (21)
  • ”You withstand surfaces that slow you down better”
    • You withstand surfaces that slow you down 5% better
    • Increased by 5% per level (Max 25%)

Lungs of Steel (-/5)[]

New Skills (22)
  • ”You withstand toxic gases better”
    • You withstand toxic gases 5% better
    • Increased by 5% per level (Max 25%)

Quiet Gunner (-/5)[]

New Skills (23)
  • ”You make less noise when killing enemies during attacks against other survivors' bases”
    • You make 2% less noise when killing enemies during attacks against other survivors' bases
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 10%)

Robber (-/5)[]

New Skills (24)
  • Raiders are more likely to show you a base with lots of loot”
    • Raiders are 2% more likely to show you a base with lots of loot
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 10%)

Dog Lover (-/1)[]

New Skills (25)
  • ”Your chance to find a puppy is increased”
    • 5% higher chance to find a puppy

Impregnable (-/4)[]

New Skills (26)
  • ”The damage you get from explosions is reduced”
    • The damage you get from explosions is reduced by 5%
    • Increased by 5% per level (Max 20%)

Good Memory (-/5)[]

New Skills (27)
  • ”Your temporary buffs last longer”
    • Your temporary buffs last 6% longer
    • Increased by 6% per level (Max 30%)

Nerves of Steel (-/3)[]

New Skills (28)
  • ”You get away with being stunned faster”
    • You get away with being stunned 10% faster
    • Increased by 10% per level (Max 30%)

Quick Learner (-/3)[]

New Skills (29)
  • ”You get more experience”
    • You get 5% more experience
    • Increased by 5% per level (Max 15%)

Fisherman’s Luck (-/3)[]

New Skills (30)

Lucky (-/5)[]

New Skills (31)
  • ”You have a chance to get rare loot when searching chests in locations
    • You have a 2% chance to get rare loot when searching chests in locations
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 10%)

Lumberjack (-/10)[]

New Skills (32)
  • ”Your chance to get an extra log when chopping down a pine tree is increased”
    • You have a 2% chance to get an extra log when chopping down a pine tree
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 20%)

Logger (-/10)[]

New Skills (33)
  • ”You have a chance to get an extra log when chopping down an oak tree
    • You have a 2% chance to get an extra log when chopping down an oak tree
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 20%)

Iron Miner (-/10)[]

New Skills (34)
  • ”You have a chance to get extra ore when mining for iron
    • You have a 2% chance to get extra ore when mining for iron
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 20%)

Copper Miner (-/10)[]

New Skills (35)
  • ”You have a chance to get extra ore when mining for copper
    • You have a 2% chance to get extra ore when mining for copper
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 20%)

Careful (-/10)[]

New Skills (36)
  • ”You make less noise when breaking walls and furniture at other survivors' bases”
    • You make 1% less noise when breaking walls and furniture at other survivors' bases
    • Increased by 1% per level (Max 10%)

Dog Breeder (-/10)[]

New Skills (37)
  • ”Your chance to get a high-ranking puppy when breeding is increased”
    • Your chance to get a high-ranking puppy when breeding is increased by 1%
    • Increased by 1% per level (Max 10%)

Hot-Blooded (-/10)[]

New Skills (38)
  • ”You withstand the cold better and freeze more slowly”
    • You can endure the cold more easily and freeze 2% more slowly
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 20%)

Bruiser (-/10)[]

New Skills (39)
  • ”Your health is increased”
    • Your health is increased by 2
    • Increased by 2 per level (Max 20)

Homebody (-/5)[]

New Skills (40)
  • ”You gradually regain health with relaxing at your base
    • You heal over the course of 10 min. when relaxing at your base
    • Reduced by 2 min per level (Lowest 2 min)

Skinner (-/10)[]

New Skills (41)
  • ”You have a chance to get an extra rawhide from an animal when hunting”
    • You have a 2% chance to get an extra rawhide from an animal when hunting
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 20%)

Camel (-/10)[]

New Skills (42)
  • ”You feel thirst more slowly”
    • You get thirsty 2% more slowly
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 20%)

Strict Diet (-/10)[]

New Skills (43)
  • ”You feel hunger more slowly”
    • You get hungry 2% more slowly
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 20%)

Fishing Skill (-/5)[]

New Skills (44)
  • “Improves your fishing skills making handling a fishing rod easier”
    • You handle a fishing rod better by 2%
    • Increased by 2% per level (Max 10%)


  • Skills Added in Beta v.1.15:
    • Fisherman, Fisherman’s luck and Fishing skill
  • New skills system introduced in Beta v.1.11.5
  • There are 42 skills to unlock:
    • 5 Active skills and 37 Passive skills.
      • 12 very rare skills, 16 rare skills and 14 common skills.
  • 208 skill points are needed to unlock and maximize all skills
    • max player level = 209
  • Since Beta v.1.12.2 you can refresh the 3 skills to choose from for 10 Coins

Video guides[]


New Skills (45)

Active skills

New Skills (46)

Passive Skills

New Skills (47)

Animal friend skill

New Skills (48)

Look around skill

New Skills (49)

Self-healing skill

New Skills (50)

Sprint skill

New Skills (52)

Extra pocket skill

New Skills (53)

Hacker skill

New Skills (54)

Trader skill

New Skills (55)

Builder skill

New Skills (56)

Quick step skill

New Skills (57)

Burglar skill

New Skills (58)

Fisherman skill

New Skills (59)

Walker skill

New Skills (60)

Quick hands skill

New Skills (61)

Medic skill

New Skills (62)

Neat freak skill

New Skills (63)

Biker skill

New Skills (64)

Glutton skill

New Skills (65)

Strong legs skill

New Skills (66)

Lungs of steel skill

New Skills (67)

Quiet gunner skill

New Skills (68)

Robber skill

New Skills (69)

Dog lover skill

New Skills (70)

Impregnable skill

New Skills (71)

Good memory skill

New Skills (72)

Nerves of steel skill

New Skills (73)

Quick learner skill

New Skills (74)

Fisherman’s luck skill

New Skills (75)

Lucky skill

New Skills (76)

Lumberjack skill

New Skills (77)

Logger skill

New Skills (78)

Iron miner skill

New Skills (79)

Copper miner skill

New Skills (80)

Careful skill

New Skills (81)

Dog breeder skill

New Skills (82)

Hot-blooded skill

New Skills (83)

Bruiser skill

New Skills (84)

Homebody skill

New Skills (85)

Skinner skill

New Skills (86)

Camel skill

New Skills (87)

Strict diet skill

New Skills (88)

Fishing skill

New Skills (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.