OpenAI (2024)

Table of Contents
Core logic BAT as a mathematical quantitative calculation model AI is the first Calculate series to be shown to the public. It is mainly for the high realization of Blockchain Automated Transactions. After real-time monitoring of exchange data and the discovery of data differences, priority trading rights are used to perform safe calculations and make profits without risk. For example, if the price of Bitcoin on exchange A is 30,500 and it is detected that the price of Bitcoin on exchange B is 30,000, then BAT’s independent trading decision will be to sell high and buy low, selling one bitcoin from exchange A and buying one bitcoin from exchange B. , and then make a profit of 500 US dollars by closing the position in time with a risk of 0. Priority trading rights Commission-free trading model. Everyone knows that on every exchange, the handling fees for each purchase and sale are expensive. Since BAT signs an automated smart contract with the exchange and uses pledged USDT for settlement every 24 hours, it means that no transaction/transaction fees are charged for the purchase or sale of BAT on the exchange. Not only is trading free, there are no exit or inactivity fees. Coinless trading, a financial contract based on cryptocurrency. A contract based on time (the beginning is the time to buy or sell, and the end is the time to close the position). BAT has the right to buy or sell cryptocurrency at the current price without holding the cryptocurrency. Autonomous decision-making and transaction execution In the Ethereum distributed network, BAT formulates trading strategies and decisions by analyzing market data and using complex algorithm models and machine learning technologies. These strategies and decisions are encoded into trading instructions and stored on the blockchain. Once a transaction instruction is formed, BAT will automatically broadcast the transaction instruction to the entire Ethereum distributed network. At this time, at least 5 BATs are required to confirm the validity and executability of the transaction instruction through verification and consensus algorithms. Once consensus is reached, the transaction will be executed and recorded on the blockchain to ensure non-calculable modification and traceability of the transaction. Algorithmic trading Or programmed trading, or automatic trading, refers to the use of automated computer programs or the use of artificial intelligence to conduct automated investment and trading behaviors based on preset algorithms. Generally speaking, algorithmic trading refers to people developing programs to automatically operate buying and selling behavior by computers based on technical data and financial ratios of a specified market. BAT uses blockchain technology to make algorithmic transactions faster and more stable while also being secure. Quantitative trading Quantitative trading refers to using advanced mathematical models to replace human subjective judgments, using computer technology to select a variety of "high probability" events that can bring excess returns from huge historical data to formulate strategies. Dadi reduces the impact of investor sentiment fluctuations and avoids making irrational investment decisions in situations of extreme market enthusiasm or pessimism. Currently, BAT can quantify 40 cryptocurrencies on 30 exchanges at the same time. Quantification of BAT BAT uses blockchain technology and the characteristics of Ethereum to realize BAT stored on the blockchain in the distributed network of Ethereum ERC20. A BAT composed of multiple nodes is born in the distributed network. Any BAT composed of nodes in the world has the ability to make independent decisions and transactions. They formulate trading strategies by analyzing market data, using complex algorithm models and machine learning technology, and their functional performance strategy algorithms are consistent with the Calculate BAT host. Stability of BAT Market conditions can be monitored in real time and quick decisions can be made based on preset rules and algorithms. In contrast, human traders may be affected by emotions, fatigue and other factors and cannot make the same quick and accurate decisions. BAT is not disturbed by emotions when executing transactions and always executes according to pre-set rules and algorithms. This means it can avoid erroneous judgments and decisions caused by emotions such as fear and greed. Shared learning and training Since BAT is stored in the Ethereum distributed network, each BAT can share and learn the trading strategies and models of other BATs in real time. This allows Calculate BAT to obtain the latest trading information and market trends from other BATs to optimize its own trading decisions. In this process, Calculate’s mathematical quantitative calculation model capabilities will be improved. Distributed storage BAT can process and store data through multiple nodes. If a node fails or fails, other nodes can still continue to work to ensure the reliability and stability of the system. Multiple nodes in the distributed network can be used in parallel. Process tasks and improve the overall performance of the system. At the same time, since data is stored on various nodes using a distributed network, the load pressure on a single node can also be reduced. Fairness and security BAT uses blockchain technology to make every transaction highly secure and reliable. Each transaction instruction is stored in a distributed manner on the Ethereum network, preventing data modification and loss. At the same time, due to the decentralized nature of the blockchain, no single entity can control the entire network, ensuring a fair and just trading environment . Complex strategy execution BAT can execute complex quantitative trading strategies, including high-frequency trading and algorithmic trading, and can complete currency-free transactions of multiple currencies on different exchanges at the same time. High-frequency and high-speed trading BAT uses the Ethereum distributed network to simultaneously capture the price difference of the same currency in different exchanges in a very short period of time, creating a profitable trading strategy. For example, BAT can look for the difference between the buying and selling prices of users on different exchanges, or find the price difference of the same currency between different exchanges. Because this type of transaction is extremely fast, BAT uses distributed network nodes to quickly hand over the trading decision-making power to BAT that is close to the exchange server or close to the exchange user to execute the trading instructions, in order to shorten the time for the trading instructions to be sent through the network. High-frequency trading typically uses algorithmic trading to execute large volumes of high-speed trades in order to earn the spread between the buying and selling prices. This trading strategy is highly competitive and requires constant optimization of algorithms and technical equipment to stay ahead of the curve. FAQs
  • Core logic

    BAT as a mathematical quantitative calculation model AI is the first Calculate series to be shown to the public. It is mainly for the high realization of Blockchain Automated Transactions. After real-time monitoring of exchange data and the discovery of data differences, priority trading rights are used to perform safe calculations and make profits without risk. For example, if the price of Bitcoin on exchange A is 30,500 and it is detected that the price of Bitcoin on exchange B is 30,000, then BAT’s independent trading decision will be to sell high and buy low, selling one bitcoin from exchange A and buying one bitcoin from exchange B. , and then make a profit of 500 US dollars by closing the position in time with a risk of 0.

  • Priority trading rights

    Commission-free trading model. Everyone knows that on every exchange, the handling fees for each purchase and sale are expensive. Since BAT signs an automated smart contract with the exchange and uses pledged USDT for settlement every 24 hours, it means that no transaction/transaction fees are charged for the purchase or sale of BAT on the exchange. Not only is trading free, there are no exit or inactivity fees. Coinless trading, a financial contract based on cryptocurrency. A contract based on time (the beginning is the time to buy or sell, and the end is the time to close the position). BAT has the right to buy or sell cryptocurrency at the current price without holding the cryptocurrency.

  • Autonomous decision-making and transaction execution

    In the Ethereum distributed network, BAT formulates trading strategies and decisions by analyzing market data and using complex algorithm models and machine learning technologies. These strategies and decisions are encoded into trading instructions and stored on the blockchain. Once a transaction instruction is formed, BAT will automatically broadcast the transaction instruction to the entire Ethereum distributed network. At this time, at least 5 BATs are required to confirm the validity and executability of the transaction instruction through verification and consensus algorithms. Once consensus is reached, the transaction will be executed and recorded on the blockchain to ensure non-calculable modification and traceability of the transaction.

  • Algorithmic trading

    Or programmed trading, or automatic trading, refers to the use of automated computer programs or the use of artificial intelligence to conduct automated investment and trading behaviors based on preset algorithms. Generally speaking, algorithmic trading refers to people developing programs to automatically operate buying and selling behavior by computers based on technical data and financial ratios of a specified market. BAT uses blockchain technology to make algorithmic transactions faster and more stable while also being secure.

  • Quantitative trading

    Quantitative trading refers to using advanced mathematical models to replace human subjective judgments, using computer technology to select a variety of "high probability" events that can bring excess returns from huge historical data to formulate strategies. Dadi reduces the impact of investor sentiment fluctuations and avoids making irrational investment decisions in situations of extreme market enthusiasm or pessimism. Currently, BAT can quantify 40 cryptocurrencies on 30 exchanges at the same time.

  • Quantification of BAT

    BAT uses blockchain technology and the characteristics of Ethereum to realize BAT stored on the blockchain in the distributed network of Ethereum ERC20. A BAT composed of multiple nodes is born in the distributed network. Any BAT composed of nodes in the world has the ability to make independent decisions and transactions. They formulate trading strategies by analyzing market data, using complex algorithm models and machine learning technology, and their functional performance strategy algorithms are consistent with the Calculate BAT host.

  • Stability of BAT

    Market conditions can be monitored in real time and quick decisions can be made based on preset rules and algorithms. In contrast, human traders may be affected by emotions, fatigue and other factors and cannot make the same quick and accurate decisions. BAT is not disturbed by emotions when executing transactions and always executes according to pre-set rules and algorithms. This means it can avoid erroneous judgments and decisions caused by emotions such as fear and greed.

  • Shared learning and training

    Since BAT is stored in the Ethereum distributed network, each BAT can share and learn the trading strategies and models of other BATs in real time. This allows Calculate BAT to obtain the latest trading information and market trends from other BATs to optimize its own trading decisions. In this process, Calculate’s mathematical quantitative calculation model capabilities will be improved.

  • Distributed storage

    BAT can process and store data through multiple nodes. If a node fails or fails, other nodes can still continue to work to ensure the reliability and stability of the system. Multiple nodes in the distributed network can be used in parallel. Process tasks and improve the overall performance of the system. At the same time, since data is stored on various nodes using a distributed network, the load pressure on a single node can also be reduced.

  • Fairness and security

    BAT uses blockchain technology to make every transaction highly secure and reliable. Each transaction instruction is stored in a distributed manner on the Ethereum network, preventing data modification and loss. At the same time, due to the decentralized nature of the blockchain, no single entity can control the entire network, ensuring a fair and just trading environment .

  • Complex strategy execution

    BAT can execute complex quantitative trading strategies, including high-frequency trading and algorithmic trading, and can complete currency-free transactions of multiple currencies on different exchanges at the same time.

  • High-frequency and high-speed trading

    BAT uses the Ethereum distributed network to simultaneously capture the price difference of the same currency in different exchanges in a very short period of time, creating a profitable trading strategy. For example, BAT can look for the difference between the buying and selling prices of users on different exchanges, or find the price difference of the same currency between different exchanges. Because this type of transaction is extremely fast, BAT uses distributed network nodes to quickly hand over the trading decision-making power to BAT that is close to the exchange server or close to the exchange user to execute the trading instructions, in order to shorten the time for the trading instructions to be sent through the network. High-frequency trading typically uses algorithmic trading to execute large volumes of high-speed trades in order to earn the spread between the buying and selling prices. This trading strategy is highly competitive and requires constant optimization of algorithms and technical equipment to stay ahead of the curve.

OpenAI (2024)


How to get longer responses from OpenAI? ›

The only way to get longer responses is to work on your prompt to try to coax out longer responses, or use multiple requests (“write an outline on this topic”, then send requests to write X paragraphs for each outline item).

How to get longer answers from ChatGPT 4? ›

Be specific in your prompts to guide ChatGPT's response in the desired direction. If you want a much longer response, use the same prompt and nudge ChatGPT each time it pauses until it completes the entire response.

How do I get longer responses in ChatGPT? ›

You can directly ask ChatGPT to write longer by using prompts such as:
  • Expand on the previous answer.
  • Rewrite with more detail.
  • Extend the length of the response significantly.
  • Rewrite the above to increase the word count.
  • Provide a longer explanation.
Jan 18, 2024

How to get faster response from OpenAI api? ›

[D] How to speed up OpenAI API response time ?
  1. Reduce the number of max tokens or max new tokens in the API request payload. ...
  2. Do some prompt engineering to keep the size of the generated summary small and concise.
Feb 10, 2024

Does Microsoft get 49% of OpenAI? ›

Microsoft is entitled to up to 49 percent of the for-profit arm of OpenAI's profits, according to reports. But that's not the same as 49% ownership. That investment does not result in Microsoft owning part of OpenAI, which is now clearer following an update to the OpenAI website and clarification from the company.

How to limit the length of a ChatGPT response? ›

According to OpenAI themselves, the main way to limit the characters of the completion, is by using the “Max tokens” setting. This is shared between the prompts and completion, so a bit of trial and error is required.

Why is ChatGPT not giving full answer? ›

Because ChatGPT has a character limit for both input and output, the chatbot often cuts off before providing the full text or code you've asked for. ChatGPT may also stop writing if there's a problem with its server or a network issue.

How to get detailed answers from ChatGPT? ›

Have a clear idea of the question and the expected result as an answer. Make the question specific and use conversational language. Provide any necessary context and avoid ambiguous or open-ended questions. Talk to ChatGPT as if in conversation and engage in conversation as if talking to another person.

How to get ChatGPT to expand text? ›

Log in to the ChatGPT interface and paste your text into the input area. Clearly tell ChatGPT what you want it to do. For example, you could write: “Develop this text with more details and examples” or “Expand this text into a full blog article.” Let ChatGPT do its thing!

Why is ChatGPT giving short answers? ›

The bot uses a large language model powered by artificial intelligence to generate human-like textual responses to specific questions. Usually, the chatbot generates short answer responses due to ChatGPT's word limit.

How to speed up GPT-4 response time? ›

One trick is to just use streaming. Unlike the AI, a human can't read text in a single brain cycle. So if you stream the words, even gpt-4 tends to stream faster than users can read.

How to speed up OpenAI inference? ›

Batch Processing

Batch processing involves running multiple inference requests in parallel. By batching requests, you can take advantage of hardware parallelism and reduce the overall inference time. This technique is especially effective when deploying OpenAI models in web services or cloud environments.

Is GPT-4 Turbo available? ›

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of GPT-4 Turbo with Vision on the Azure OpenAI Service, which processes both text and image inputs and replaces several preview models.

Does OpenAI have a usage limit? ›

Rate limits are defined at the organization level and at the project level, not user level. Rate limits vary by the model being used. Limits are also placed on the total amount an organization can spend on the API each month. These are also known as "usage limits".

What is the maximum prompt length in OpenAI? ›

Let me explain: 4,096 tokens are the max tokens for a single prompt or if, for example, I create a code where multiple prompts are sent, 4,096 tokens are for the entire code (so for more prompts).

What is the maximum length of the response from the OpenAI ChatGPT API? ›

There is 1536 tokens maximum response in ChatGPT.

What is the maximum length of embedding in OpenAI? ›

The maximum length of input text for our latest embedding models is 8192 tokens. You should verify that your inputs don't exceed this limit before making a request. If sending an array of inputs in a single embedding request the max array size is 2048.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.