Star Wars: 15 Shocking Things You Didn't Know About Poe Dameron (2024)

Poe Dameron is the first (human) character we see in this generation's Star Wars trilogy, and boy did fans immediately fall in love with the dashing pilot. Equal parts daring and caring, the Resistance golden boy is a beacon of hope.

His team of pilots-- called the Black Squadron-- save the day not once, but twice in The Force Awakens, and much of the credit for those victories is owed to Dameron’sinspiring leadership.

Of course, no account of Poe would be complete without mentioning his charming wingman, er, wingdroid, BB-8. Poe’s friendship with BB-8 rivals and maybe even surpasses Luke’s connection with R2-D2 (though probably not Anakin’s with R2). Poe’s gentle utterances of "pal" and "buddy" to the lovable droid makehim all the more appealing.

While Poe doesn’t have a lot of screentime in The Force Awakens, he still managed to make an impact on audiences, and that’s in large part due to the talents of one Oscar Isaac.

With a less competent actor, the debonair Poe could have easily been read as egotistical, but Isaac’s performance leaves you in awe of the pilot’s skills while you swoonyour way through his scenes with BB-8.

Here are the15 Things You Didn’t Know About Star Wars'Poe Dameron.

He Inherited His Piloting Skills From His Mom

Star Wars: 15 Shocking Things You Didn't Know About Poe Dameron (1)

Poe’s love and talent for flying came from his mother, Shara Bey, who was one of the top pilots in the Rebellion, going on special missions with the likes of Luke and Leia.

When Poe was younger, his mother would take him out on her A-wing. She’d plop the eager little Poe on her lap and would let him play with the ship’s controls. On one occasion, when Poe was around three years old, she even let him do barrel rolls as he and Shara flew around Yavin, the gas-giant that their home circled.

Poe’s early adventures with his mom, as well as the numerous stories of his mom’s heroic acts as a pilot, instilled in Poe a passion not only for flying, but also for doing the right thing.

He Might Be Force Sensitive

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In the comics, Poe and his pilot Snap are captured by the First Order and imprisoned. As Poe plans their escape, the door to their cell slides open, and Poebecomes convinced that he freed themby using the Force.

Poe thinking he’s Force sensitive isn’t entirely implausible since Poe grew up with a Force sensitive tree in his backyard. Poe’s mother, Shara Bey, helped Luke recover it and another identical tree from the Empire who hadtaken them from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Grateful for Shara’s help, Luke giftedone ofthe trees to Shara and her husband. They planted the tree beside their home, and the young Poe spent his youth nursing the tree to health and climbing its Force charged branches.

His Character Was Originally Scripted To Die In The Force Awakens

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According to an interview with Isaac, Poe was supposed to die immediately after the opening scene of the film, something that the actor was aware of when he signed on to the film.

When director J.J. Abrams pitched the role to Isaac, he told the actor that Poe would be playing an amazingkick-butt pilot who gets to open the whole movie… and then dies.

Since Isaac had been in a few movies where his character was killed off early on, he was initially hesitant to take on such a small role. However, he chose to sign on anyway, thinking it might be ablessingnot to have to sign on for a three movie deal.

When he wrote Abrams to accept the part, the director told the actor, “Never mind. I’ve figured it out. You’re in the whole movie now.”

Leia Grooms Him To Eventually Take Her Place

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In one issue of the Poe Dameron comics, Leia tells Poe that she can’t let the Resistance “rest on [her] shoulders forever,” and that eventually, she too will become one with the Force.

Even before the events of The Force Awakens, Leia urges Poe to see the bigger picture and realize that he’s more than just an amazing pilot, and that they would need more than good pilots to win the war.

Leia helps Poe realize he has the makings of a great leader and implies that he should be ready to take her place once she’s gone. As Oscar Isaac put it, Leia, “with tough love, wants to push Poe to be more than the bada** pilot, to temper his heroic impulses with wisdom and clarity.”

He’s The Resistance Poster Boy

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Poe “I can fly anything” Dameron is undoubtedly the best pilot in the Resistance, as he and many of his Resistance members remind us, but in addition to being an amazing pilot, he’s also-- as somefans have noticed-- devilishly handsome.

With his Disney prince looks and a patented hair flip that could bring a galaxy to its knees, it’s no surprise that Poe is the most dashing member of the Resistance.

His disarming looks don’t go unnoticed by Poe’s team of pilots, though,as they once told their commanding officer that, if the Resistance had recruitment posters, he should be on them.

This teamreasoned that, if their fearless leaderwere to becomethe face of the Resistance, their numbers would triple.

His Parents Were Part Of The Rebellion

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Both of Poe’s parents were part of the Rebellion against the Empire. Poe’s father, Kes Dameron, was part of the strike-team led by Han Solo that was responsible for destroying the second Death Star’s deflector shield on Endor.

Poe’s mother, Shara Bey, was assigned to pilot and aid key members of the Rebellion on several special missions. One of these missions was escorting Princess Leia to the Emperor’s home planet (and unbeknownst to Leia, her birth mother’s home), Naboo.

She aided and protected Leia as the the Emperor unleashed an attack on the planet from beyond the grave. Bey was also tasked with helping Luke retrieve a valuable item from one of the Empire’s bases – a Force-sensitive tree that the Emperor stole from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

HeCould Be A First Order Spy

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A theory posted by Reddit user MichaelSilverVargues that Poe is a First Order spy. For such a major character, Poe is missing for a huge chunk of the film. The time between him crashing on Jakku and showing up to kickbutt at Maz Kanata’s temple is largely unaccounted for.

This theory reasons that, during this time, Poe was picked up from Jakku by the First Order and brainwashed by Kylo Ren to act as a spy for the Order. There are some holes in the theory-- mainly that the novelization of the The Force Awakens provides an account of Poe’s time on Jakku.

Also, if Poe were working for the Order, he probably wouldn’t have destroyed Starkiller Base. However, there is a slightpossibility that Poe’scould be a sleeper agent, which would make for a shocking twist.

He Was Recruited Into The Resistance By Leia

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Before joining up with the Resistance and becoming its most daring and darling pilot, Poe flew for the New Republic. He had growing concerns about the First Order, but his superiors in the New Republic dismissed them, not believing that the Ordercould be a real threat.

Leia recognized a familiar stubborn streak within Poe – a steadfast commitment to doing the right thing – which reminded Leia of her brother Luke. She arranged a secret meeting with Poe in which she offered the pilot a spot in the Resistance.

Since General Organa was a hero of his and Poe’s fear of the First Order’s growing power matched hers, Poe took little convincing. He joined the Resistance and quickly became one of Leia’s most trusted operatives.

He Has A Soft Spot For Droids

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Even Star Wars tackles the age-old question asked in nearly every science-fiction franchise: are machines sentient? Poe seems to think so, or, at the very least, he acts like they are.

Poe is one of the few characters who frequently expresses concern and compassion towards droids. His love for droids is established in The Force Awakens when Poe is reunited with BB-8 at the Resistance base. He’s clearly overjoyed to see the droid and even calls him his "buddy."

While it’s not uncommon for pilots to develop strong attachments to their droids, Poe takes things a step further. On a mission with C-3PO, he insists that the protocol droid stop calling him "master," arguing that 3POwas a legendary hero of the Rebellion, and Poe should be the onereferring tohim as "master."

He Has An Archenemy Who's Out To Get Him

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One of the major arcs in Marvel’s Poe Dameron comic is the rivalry between Poe and a First Order agent named Terex. Poe and Terex faceoff several times, and while they both take hits, Poe and his pilots usually come out on top.

Terex was ordered by Captain Phasma to capture Poe and deliver information that he had uncovered about a Senator who was acting as a spy for the First Order. When Terex failed to deliver Poe and the stolen data, Phasma demanded Terex to return to the First Order for a debriefing.

Terex ignored Phasma’s orders, though, and went on a rogue mission to capture Poe. Again, he failed, and was taken to Phasma, who threatened to send him to work in the mines for disobeying her and Supreme Leader Snoke. Instead, seeing his use, she outfitted him with cybernetics that made him completely subservient to the Order.

He's Not a Mirror of Han

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When The Force Awakens first came out, fans were quick to draw parallels between the film and A New Hope. In addition to pointing out similarities between the films’ plots, fans also noted similarities between the new trio and Luke, Leia, and Han.

While none of the characters are exactly the same, they do have some striking similarities. One of the early comparisons likened Poe to Han. Since they’re both dashing pilots, the comparison is fair, but Poe's closest parallel is undoubtedly Leia.

Like the General, he's been in the fight against evil since he was a kid. He has committed to the cause from the very beginning, unlike Han who shuffles in and out of the fight.

The closest mirror of Han would be Finn, who is thrust into the fight but wants out as soon as possible, though of course, as their characters’ develop, they risk everything to help and defend their friends.

J.J. Abrams Named The Character After A Stuffed Bear

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Typically, a lot of thought goes into naming a character, especially Star Wars characters. A name says a lot about a character’s personality and potential arc. As if the droid-loving, jacket-gifting, honest good-guy Poe wasn’t lovable enough, the character’s namesake is literally a teddy bear, specifically, Abrams’ daughter’s stuffed bear.

In an interview, Abrams said, “Someone reminded me recently that my daughter had a polar bear named Poe [or Po’ — short for “polar”], and that might’ve been why it felt right. There was a kind of sweetness to, and a charm to that name.”

Charm is definitely something the ace pilot has in spades. As for Poe’s last name, Abrams used his assistant Morgan Dameron’s last name, arguing that the name "Dameron" had a Star Wars feel to it.ThusPoe Dameron, hotshot pilot for the Resistance, was born.

BB-8 Gets More Action Than He Does

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In the Poe Dameron comics, we learn that BB-8 has a bit of a romance going. Droids aren’t always programmed with a gender, so we can’t say for certain whether BB-8’s love interest is a girl like some fans have speculated, but the droid’s name, IVEE, does sound like a name traditionally given to women.

We’re introduced to IVEE when Poe assumes that BB-8 fixed his X-wing, but he soon learns that a droid named IVEEis actually responsible for the repairs. When he asks the droid why it fixed his ship, the droid points to BB-8, and then the two droids roll off into the sunset together, as Poe looks on and says, “Good for you, pal.”

While many fans areready to start shipping the droids hardcore, the writer ofthe Poe Dameron comic, Charles Soule, has said that the droids’ relationship status is set to "it's complicated."

He’s More Of A Son To Leia Than Kylo Ren Is

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Given Kylo Ren’s actions-- namely turning to the Dark Side and killing Han Solo-- it’s no surprise that his relationship with Leia is a little strained.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Oscar Isaac spoke of his character’s relationship with General Organa, saying, “Poe is in some ways a surrogate son for Leia, but also I think she sees in him the potential for a truly great leader of the Resistance and beyond.”

In the comics, Poe is shown to be one of Leia’s most trusted operatives, and seeing as how Leiahas noticed bits of her brother in Poe, it stands to reason that she would begin to view him as her son-- someone to carry on her fight,similar to how she carried on her parents’ fight against the Empire after they were gone.

Oscar Isaac Is Totally Aboard The Finn/Poe Ship

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While, canonically, BB-8 is getting more action than his pal Poe, some fans have embraced the the Finn/Poe ship that has come to be known throughoutfandom as "stormpilot."

Most of the shipping between Poe and Finn is born from their heartfelt reunion on the Resistance base, where the two characters run towards one another, the music swelling as they embrace. That, and Poe’s (some would say sensuous) lip bite as he appreciates the way his jacket looks on Finn, cemented the ship in the minds and hearts ofmany viewers.

Whether or not it’s queerbaiting is difficult to say, but Oscar Isaac has voiced support for the ship, saying, “I think there’s a very subtle relationship happening. You have to watch the film a few times to see the little hints, but there was. At least I was playing romance.”


Can you think of any other interesting facts aboutPoe Dameron? Let us know in the comments!

Star Wars: 15 Shocking Things You Didn't Know About Poe Dameron (2024)


Star Wars: 15 Shocking Things You Didn't Know About Poe Dameron? ›

The 33-issue comics series is one of the earliest expansions of the Sequel Trilogy era in Star Wars storytelling outside of the films. It adds tremendous depth to the X-Wing pilots of this era—both characters who appear in the films and those exclusive to the comics.

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The 33-issue comics series is one of the earliest expansions of the Sequel Trilogy era in Star Wars storytelling outside of the films. It adds tremendous depth to the X-Wing pilots of this era—both characters who appear in the films and those exclusive to the comics.

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One of the most frightening moments of the latest Star Wars trilogy was when Kylo Ren's tortured Poe Dameron in The Force Awakens. He extracted intel on behalf of Supreme Leader Snoke in an emotional scene that almost broke Poe, giving Kylo and the First Order the upper-hand in going after General Leia's Resistance.

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Rather than making it out of the TIE fighter via ejection, Poe's jacket got caught in the co*ckpit, and he was forced to go down with the ship. He got ejected during the crash, landing far from the wreckage, unconscious like Finn. When he woke, he couldn't find Finn but eventually ran into Naka Iit, a Blarina scavenger.

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After filming The Last Jedi but before its release, Isaac said in 2017: Poe is in some ways a surrogate son for Leia. But also I think she sees in him the potential for a truly great leader of the Resistance and beyond ...

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Status. Lor San Tekka is a minor character in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, who also appears in The Rise of Kylo Ren and Poe Dameron comic books. He was the elder of one of the villages on Jakku.

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These are 23 of the most brutal moments in "Star Wars," with a little honorable mention for the galaxy beyond the camera.
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Hazz became the sect's first leader, known as "hu'aac-du'ul-staranjan"—or simply the Hidden One—and was given absolute rule over the sect.

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The Grand Inquisitor and Mother Talzin are equally terrifying with their relentless pursuit and dark powers. Darth Nihilus and Darth Sidious showcase their unparalleled evilness and strategic brilliance, making them some of the most fearsome villains in the galaxy.

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Poe led a fighter assault that destroyed a massive First Order Siege Dreadnought, but disobeyed Leia's orders to break off the attack. An angry Leia demoted him to captain.

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However, Poe abandoned the group during the Kijimi summit—rejecting Zorii's offer to take over the pirates from her mother—to return home and later join the New Republic as a T-85 X-wing pilot.

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While Anakin was easily one of the greatest pilots in the galaxy and the best of the Clone Wars, Poe Dameron proved himself in ways that Anakin could never compete with. The main reason for this was that Anakin had one thing that Poe didn't, the Force.

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Bey, who taught her young son how to fly, died six years after the Battle of Endor. Poe followed in his late mother's footsteps and flew for the New Republic before defecting to Organa's Resistance to fight against the growing threat of the First Order.

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Zorii Bliss is a supporting character in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. She a human female native to the frigid planet Kijimi. She shared a past connection with Poe Dameron, as they were once both spice runners until Poe left to join the Resistance.

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In-Canon Star Wars Comics Prove Poe Dameron Is Indeed Force Sensitive.

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1The High Republic (2021) 1The High Republic Phase I – Light of the Jedi Omnibus October 17, 2023
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Poe Dameron – 54 minutes and 52 seconds.

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Star Wars Tales (occasionally styled as Star Wars: Tales) is a quasi-canonical Legends comic book anthology series from Dark Horse Comics. It had a twenty-four issue run and was published quarterly, beginning in 1999 and concluding in 2005.

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