The Best 7 Hydrating Drinks & 8 Worst Ones | Virgin Pure (2024)

Looking for the best drinks to hydrate?It turns out there are quite a few options when it comes to filling your bodyback up with water and electrolytes. Whether you're looking for post-workoutreplenishment or trying to keep your body hydrated during a bout of the stomachflu, these options will help you feel better. However, there are also some drinksthat won’t help when it comes to being dehydrated, so watch out for those.

The importance of stayinghydrated

Staying healthily hydrated means that you’remaintaining your body’s natural water balance. Your everyday optimalperformance depends on keeping that balance right, so you should replace allfluid that you lose. As over half of your body is made up of water, all of yourfunctions depend on there being enough. By knowing the best ways to rehydrate, you caneasily maintain a healthy level of hydration in your body.

Don’t forget that there are many adverse effects of dehydrationso you can stay motivated to drink more water!

The Best 7 Hydrating Drinks & 8 Worst Ones | Virgin Pure (1)

What are the best drinks to hydrate?

Luckyfor you, there are a few drink options when you’re looking to hydrate. Becausethere are a range of options, you can mix and match so hydrating doesn’t getboring! We’ve listed the bestdrinks for you to hydrate below, so make sure to read them all.

1. Water

No surprises here. Water is always going to be one of the best drinks to hydrate.Pure water is completely natural. A half to three-quarters of our bodies aremade up of water, so when we start to lose some of it (ie: dehydration), whatdo you think it should be replaced with? There’s no arguing with that.

Take a look at

howmuch water we should be drinking


2. Milk & milk alternatives

Onescientific study.

has suggested thatmilk is right up there with the most hydrating drinks. This is because it contains themineral sodium - an electrolyte also found in rehydration solutions such asDioralyte. Along with the natural amounts of sugar (lactose), protein and fatalso found in milk, this slows the amount of urine we pass and therefore cankeep us hydrated for longer. As milk also contains calcium and vitamin D, it’sgenerally an all-round healthy drink to help hydration levels.

If you’re not into dairy, you should be able to find a milk alternative to suityour taste buds. They generally have fewer calories, fat and protein than milk (althoughsoy milk has roughly the same amount of protein, and coconut milk may containmore fat). You can also go for the ones with added calcium, but best avoidthose with lots of added sugar.

If you’re ok with dairy in principle and just want to avoid lactose, thenlactose-free milk is your best bet as it has the same nutrient value thannormal milk. Instead of lactose, it contains lactase - the enzyme thatdairy-tolerant people produce that breaks down lactose in their bodies.

3. Fruit and herb-infused water

Adding a slice of fresh fruit or aromatic herb to your water is an ideal way toadd a bit of extra taste while staying healthy. While a slice of lemon, gingeror mint remain the favourites, why not try some different combinations - suchas strawberry, lime and basil or grapefruit and rosemary?

4. Fruit juice

That’s 100% fruitjuice, not the stuff made from concentrate. Also, whilethe real stuff is best as it contains lots ofvitamins and minerals, it does contain a fair amount of sugar - around 8-9g per100ml. Therefore we’re advisedto keep our daily intake down to roughly one small glass a day.

Find out more about theamount of sugar in fruit juices and smoothies.

5. Sports drinks

Not to be confused with energy drinks (such as Red Bull), isotonic sports drinks (such as Lucozade Sport, Powerade and Gatorade) are one ofthe best ways to rehydrate while exercising. While drinking water is sufficientlyhydrating for light and moderate exercise, isotonic drinks are what you need ifyou’re exercising for over an hour or you haven’t eaten in a fair while.

Decent isotonic drinks should contain around 50mg per 100ml of that oldhydration favourite, sodium, along with smaller amounts of other electrolytessuch as potassium and chloride, and around 6-8% should be a carbohydratesolution (that’s where the sugar is - around 6g per 100ml). This idealcombination will help give you energy and replenish what you lose in sweat but,because of all the sugar, isn’t great for you if you’re not exercising.

6. Coconut Water

Coconut water has been called the natural sports drink as it contains all theessential electrolytes: sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.It generally has more potassium than sports drinks and, at around 4-6g per100ml, slightly less sugar. Coconut water contains far less sodium though soit’s no substitute if you’re into serious exercise. But that amount of sugar,while less than most soft drinks and fruit juices, is still one to watch ifyou’re not burning it off.

7. Tea

While you don’t want to be drinking too much regular tea all day, as thecaffeine may make you pee more and get dehydrated, herbal tea can be a greatway to help stay healthily hydrated as, like normal tea, it’s full ofantioxidants that can help fight off harmful free radicals that couldcontribute to diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

Green tea is particularly great for antioxidants and has less caffeine thanblack tea. Decaf tea has obvious advantages over regular tea, but itsantioxidant power isn’t so great.

If you’re intrigued by tea, discover our article on

30things you didn’t know about caffeine


The Best 7 Hydrating Drinks & 8 Worst Ones | Virgin Pure (2)

The 8 worst drinks tohydrate

While most things are fine in moderation, there are some drinks thatare less than ideal when you’re trying to find the best ways to rehydrate. Check out some of the worst drinks you canhave when trying to stay hydrated:

1. Soft drinks

Most soft or fizzy drinks are packed full of tooth-rotting and weight-addingsugar, and some also have caffeine.

2. Beer, wine and spirits

Alcohol can have a diuretic effect, meaningthat it can make you pee more often. Although this can affect some people morethan others, anything diuretic will hinder your healthy hydration.

3. Hot chocolate

Although you’re only likely to drink a steaming mug of hot chocolate when it’scold and you’re not losing more body fluid than usual through sweat, the badnews is that calorific hot chocolate can contain more sugar than a can of pop.Sorry!

4. Coffee

We’re not going to tell anyone they shouldn’t enjoy a lovely cup of coffee, butwe would heed advice and not to drink too much of it. Excess caffeine can havea number of negative effects, from making you pee more, to stopping yousleeping, to upping your anxiety – although this does vary from person toperson.

5. Lemonade

Why is lemonade on the naughty list? To counteract the naturally bitter tasteof lemon, a huge amount of sugar is added to lemonade to make it sweet. It’senough to make your teeth cringe. Maybe stick to a nice slice of lemon in yourwater.

6. Energy Drinks

As we mentioned above, when talking about sports drinks, you shouldn’t get yourRed Bull confused with your Lucozade Sport. While sports drinks like LucozadeSport, Powerade and Gatorade are isotonic (made for drinking during longsessions of heavy exercise) energy drinks are hypertonic (designed forpost-exercise). Hypertonic drinks are more than 10% carbohydrate - that’s a lotof sugar and salt.

Most soft drinks are hypertonic, including co*ke, Pepsi and lemonade.While they may give you an immediaterehydration sensation when you gulp them down after you’ve been exercising, allthat sugar and salt will do you no good if you haven’t been active.

7. Flavoured milk

We’ve extolled the nutritional virtues of milk above, but when you start tohead towards the flavoured varieties, then that simply means that more sugarhas been added. And we don’t need to keep banging on about why added sugar isbad for you, do we?

8. Smoothies

It’s true, sorry. You think that smoothies are all well and good because of thefruit, right? Well, depending on what’s in them, some may be good as apost-exercise protein hit and most will be full of vitamins. But, more oftenthan not, they’ll also be packed with ‘free sugars’ that are released whenfruit and veg are juiced or blended. It’s that same sweet enemy again. The samerule as fruit juice above applies - stick to one small glass a day.

We already know that your body is constantly expelling water, making youdehydrated, and these sugar-filled drinks don’t help! Find out all theways your body loses water throughout the day.

How to know when you’redehydrated

The best way to rehydrateand stay hydrated is to stave off thirst by sipping water throughout theday, little and often. If you’re exercising or it’s hot, then you should upyour intake to replace the extra fluid your body’s losing. Barring any healthissues, your body does a great job at maintaining its natural water balanceand, if you listen, it will tell when you need to drink more water. Nature’sbest indicator is the colour of your pee - it should be clear or pale yellow,anything darker means you need to rehydrate.

What are the symptoms of dehydration?

Knowing when you’re dehydrated is important, so you know when yourbody needs a little more TLC. Here are the main symptoms of dehydration,according to the NHS

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Dark yellow and strong-smelling urine
  • Feeling tired
  • Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
  • A dry mouth, lips and eyes
  • Urinating little, and fewer than four times aday

How does dehydration happen?

Other than not drinking enough water, there are some other waysthat dehydration can occur. Dehydration can happen more easily if you have:

  • Diabetes
  • Vomiting or diarrhoea
  • Sweated too much afterexercising
  • Drunk too much alcohol
  • Been taking medicines that makeyou pee more (diuretics)
  • Been in the sun too long(heatstroke)
  • A high temperature of 38C ormore

It's important to know whyyou feel so thirsty, so you can avoid dehydration. Check out article onthis and make sure to discovereight ways you can drink more water.

While we’ve listedall the mosthydrating drinks, we’ll always stand by our number one choice - water.It’s only natural! While the odd little cup of all the other drinks areabsolutely fine (we love our morning coffee!), you should always remember thatyour body has its natural levels of water, salt and sugar and will work bestwhen that balance is maintained. Why create trouble by constantly adding toomuch sugar or too much salt? The problem with most drinks, other than water, isthat they contain unnatural levels of sugar and salt, while pure water has allthe healthy natural minerals you need. Some of us will also try to cut down ondairy and caffeine, so, again, water always comes out on top. We don’t thinkyou can beat it.

For deliciously crisp water to rehydrate your body, discover why having

a home water system is just like havingmineral water on tap


The Best 7 Hydrating Drinks & 8 Worst Ones | Virgin Pure (2024)


What is the number 1 hydration drink? ›

1. Water. No surprises here. Water is always going to be one of the best drinks to hydrate.

What is the best drink for dehydration of seniors? ›

To prevent dehydration, you should drink water throughout the day. Water is best, but other drinks can also be helpful like milk, flavored sparkling water, and low-sugar fruit juices. Even frequent small sips are helpful if you cannot drink a full glass at a time.

What's the healthiest drink for dehydration? ›

What are the best electrolyte drinks to prevent dehydration?
  • Watermelon juice. Watermelon is not only a summer favourite but also a fantastic source of hydration. ...
  • Lemonade. ...
  • Homemade sports drink. ...
  • Cucumber-mint infused water. ...
  • Aloe vera juice. ...
  • Homemade herbal tea.
May 22, 2024

What hydrates better than water? ›

Milk is more hydrating than water

For example, milk was found to be even more hydrating than plain water because it contains the sugar lactose, some protein and some fat, all of which help to slow the emptying of fluid from the stomach and keep hydration happening over a longer period.

What is the healthiest drink besides water? ›

5 Healthy Drink Choices That Aren't Water
  • Vegetable Juice. Bottled brands provide 100% vegetable juice that can offer an additional serving of vitamins and minerals for your diet. ...
  • Infused Water. ...
  • Milk. ...
  • Green Tea. ...
  • Sparkling Water. ...
  • Industry-Leading Beverage Services.

How do I hydrate my body asap? ›

  1. Amid the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced, busy lives, we often forget to pause and take care of ourselves. ...
  2. Signs of Dehydration. ...
  3. 5 Ways to Hydrate Fast. ...
  4. Add Electrolyte Hydration Powder to Your Drink. ...
  5. Eat Water-Rich Fruits and Veggies. ...
  6. Drink Plant-based Milk. ...
  7. Enjoy a Lemonade. ...
  8. Snack on Plant-based Yogurt.

What hydrates your body the most? ›

1. Water. While it likely comes as no surprise, drinking water is most often the best and cheapest way to stay hydrated and rehydrate. Unlike many other beverages, water contains no added sugars or calories, making it ideal to drink throughout the day or specifically when you need to rehydrate, such as after a workout.

Does chugging water hydrate you more? ›

We grab a bottle of water and guzzle it down, often in one go, to satisfy that thirst. But that's not really the best way to hydrate, says Lindsay Baker, PhD, a senior principal scientist at the Gatorade Sports Science Institute. “In general, it's best to sip a little bit throughout the day,” Baker says.

How much water should a 70 year old drink? ›

Recommended water intake for seniors varies, but your senior should generally aim to drink one-third to one-half of their body weight in ounces daily. For example, if your senior weighs 150 pounds, they should aim to drink 50-75 ounces of water per day.

How do seniors stay hydrated? ›

Choose foods with high water content.

These include cucumbers, watermelon, lettuce, strawberries, tomatoes and celery. Soups, broths and stews are also a good way to boost your fluid intake, especially in the colder weather. If you're watching your sodium, be sure to opt for low-sodium versions.

What is the best thing to drink to rehydrate quickly? ›

Drinking water, isotonic sports drinks, or skimmed milk are all ways to rehydrate. Dehydration is when there is an insufficient volume of water in a person's body. It can occur due to sweating, illness, diarrhea, vomiting, urinary issues, or not drinking enough water. Dehydration can range from mild to severe.

What is best to drink when severely dehydrated? ›

If you're dehydrated, drink plenty of fluids such as water, diluted squash or fruit juice. These are much more effective than large amounts of tea or coffee. Fizzy drinks may contain more sugar than you need and may be harder to take in large amounts.

What do doctors prescribe for dehydration? ›

Intravenous (IV) fluids and IV medication -- including some that contain electrolytes or medications that help normalize electrolyte levels -- are often used. Other IV medications may need to be used to treat underlying causes of dehydration (for example, IV antibiotics for dehydration caused by infection).

What do doctors recommend for hydration? ›

The best advice is to drink water when you're thirsty and stay hydrated throughout the day to prevention dehydration, according to Dr. Ly. And if you're working out intensely or dehydration symptoms like headache or lightheadedness have already set in, electrolytes are key.

Which electrolyte drink is the healthiest? ›

8 healthy drinks rich in electrolytes:
  • Coconut water and maple water.
  • Homemade electrolyte drink.
  • Electrolyte powders, tablets and water.
  • Cow's milk and plant-based milks.
  • Pickle juice.
  • Smoothies.
  • Sports drinks.
  • Watermelon juice.

What brand of water hydrates the best? ›

Top Bottled Water Brands
  • Best bottled spring water - Acqua Panna.
  • Best high pH bottled water - Essentia.
  • Best soft-tasting bottled water - Fiji.
  • Best naturally filtered bottled water- Icelandic Glacial.
  • Best local bottled spring water - Arrowhead.
  • Best crisp-tasting bottled water - Voss.
Jun 10, 2024

What is better than Gatorade for hydration? ›

Pedialyte products generally provide fewer calories and sugar and a significantly higher electrolyte content than Gatorade. Pedialyte may help people of all ages recover from viruses, while Gatorade is specifically designed for adult athletes.

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