Tiefling (2024)

Tieflings were human-based planetouched, native outsiders that were infused with the touch of the fiendish planes, most often through descent from fiendsdemons, Yugoloths, devils, evil deities, and others who had bred with humans.[10] Tieflings were known for their cunning and personal allure, which made them excellent deceivers as well as inspiring leaders when prejudices were laid aside.[11]

Although their evil ancestors could be many generations removed, the taint lingered. Unlike half-fiends, tieflings were not predisposed to evil alignments and varied in alignment nearly as widely as full humans, though tieflings were certainly devious.[12] The celestial counterparts of tieflings were called aasimar.[13]

Eh... She's a tiefling, chief. They got fiend blood in their veins, usually 'cause some ancestor of theirs shared knickers with one demon or another. Makes some of 'em addled in the head... and addled-looking, too.



  • 1 Description
    • 1.1 Tiefling Bloodlines
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Combat
  • 4 Abilities
  • 5 Society
  • 6 Ecology
  • 7 History
  • 8 Homelands
  • 9 Notable Tieflings
  • 10 Appendix
    • 10.1 Notes
    • 10.2 Appearances
      • 10.2.1 Adventures
      • 10.2.4 Comics
      • 10.2.5 Gamebooks
      • 10.2.6 Video Games
      • 10.2.7 Board Games
      • 10.2.8 Card Games
    • 10.3 Gallery
    • 10.4 Further Reading
    • 10.5 External Links
    • 10.6 References
    • 10.7 Connections


Tieflings tended to have an unsettling air about them, and most people were uncomfortable around them, whether they were aware of the tiefling's unsavory ancestry or not. While some looked like normal humans, most retained physical characteristics derived from their ancestor, with the most common such features being horns,[15] prehensile[16] or non-prehensile tails, and pointed teeth. Some tieflings also had eyes that were solid orbs of black, red, white, silver, or gold, while others had eyes more similar to those of humans.[15] Other, more unusual characteristics included a sulfurous odor, cloven feet, or a general aura of discomfort they left on others.[10]

In many other ways, tieflings were similar to humans physically. Tieflings were, on average, just as tall as humans, from 5 feet and ​6 inches​ to ​6 feet and ​2 inches (170​ to ​190 centimeters) and weighed just a little bit heavier at 140​ to ​220 pounds (64​ to ​100 kilograms). Tiefling skin was usually human-like in color, though extending past normal human colors into reddish hues as well. Tiefling hair was also often the same color as human hair, though dark blue, red, or purple were common shades amongst the race.[15] Although it was not always the case, tieflings tended to have better reflexes than their human kin. This, along with their natural propensity for hiding and deceit, helped to give tieflings a reputation for thievery and duplicity.[10]

Tieflings who had strikingly inhuman features were often killed at birth by their horrified parents or others. Only those tieflings with subtle features or born to someone indifferent to their appearance, either out of acceptance or cruel purpose, were likely to reach adulthood.[9] Those tieflings who did reach adulthood could be expected to age at roughly the same rate.[12] They had life spans roughly 20 to 40 years longer than normal humans.[6]

Tiefling Bloodlines[]

Tiefling (1)

The physical appearance of a tiefling often depended on the exact ancestry that spawned it, a bloodline that might have remained dormant for generations. Diabolic or demonic tieflings could, besides the common horns and tails, possess a forked tongue, leathery or scaly skin, the smell of brimstone, or unusually warm flesh. Some accounts even held these tieflings to cast neither shadows nor reflections. Some diabolic tieflings also sported goat-like legs or hooves. Tieflings descended from rakshasa might have furred skin or feline eyes. Those descended from night hags could have small horns, glowing red eyes, or bruised, blue skin. Most tieflings had only one or two of these features.[17]

Some tieflings were not descended from mere fiends at all, but from powerful gods. These tieflings often had their own physical characteristics that set them apart. Tieflings sired by Beshaba, for instance, often had antlers instead of horns and pale, white hair. Those sired by Mask, on the other hand, were known for their tendency to cast no reflection.[18]

In Mulhorand, the most common tieflings were often those spawned from a union with Set or Sebek. Most tieflings were, however, the grandchildren or even great-grandchildren of fiends and in Mulhorand's neighbor, Thay, most tieflings were spawned deliberately by powerful wizards as part of some elaborate plot for power.[12]

In 1358 DR, a warlock coven known as the Toril thirteen performed a ritual that cursed most tiefling lineages—those of demons, devils, hags, and rakshasas, among others—with the "blood of Asmodeus", changing their original lineage with that of the archdevil himself. This was done to make Asmodeus a "racial god", ensuring him enough followers to attain godly powers.[19] After the Spellplague of 1385 DR, when Asmodeus became a god, the magic of the ritual took effect across all of Toril and afterwards most tieflings living in the 15th century DR were of the Asmodean lineage, all having a similar devilish appearance.[20]

Prior to Asmodeus's ascension to godhood, the infernal blood could be diluted through intermarriage, but afterward, the union of a tiefling with another race always produced a tiefling child.[21]

In the late years of the 15th century, tieflings of other bloodlines began to be born again, but the Asmodean lineage was still the most numerous by a wide margin at the time.[20]


Tieflings had a number of abilities gifted to them by their fiendish heritage. By and large, tieflings were alluring and intelligent creatures, with a seductive aura in spite of their obviously evil ancestry. To a large degree, tieflings were more capable of guile than a great number of races, but these were not their dominant qualities.[11]

Tiefling (2)

Most tieflings were aware from an early age that they were different from others around them, and would give in to strange urges and desires because of their unusual ancestry. Few tieflings were raised with the love a normal human child might expect to receive and this shaped most of the race into bitter individuals who expected eventual rejection from all whom they meet. While some would follow this path towards evil, others rejected it wholeheartedly and sought to make a good impact on the world around them, sometimes becoming the most heroic characters of all. Few could maintain this discipline however, and most tieflings fell somewhere between both extremes.[12]

Don't ever make a bet with a tiefling.

—Planar Proverb[22]

Because tieflings were generally distrusted throughout the world, owing to their fiendish heritage, many were themselves distrusting and self-reliant.[15] Tieflings were also proud and secretive by nature and possessed a dark demeanor.[7] Unfortunately, this only helped to further the reputation tieflings had for being social outcasts and untrustworthy scoundrels. However, members of other races would find that once they demonstrated friendship and trust towards a tiefling, it would quickly be reciprocated in full. Once that bond was forged, it was rarely broken.[15]


Tiefling (3)

Tieflings were talented warriors. In melee combat they were agile and quick on their feet. They preferred to use weapons that combined sharpness with speed. They commonly used hand crossbows, daggers, longswords, ranseurs, scimitars, spears, and stilettos. Most tieflings were ambidextrous and as a result favored a two-hand fighting style. Tieflings preferred to wear light armor and rarely used shields.[5]


Those tieflings who sought power through arcane magic were most often warlocks.[11] Tiefling arcane spellcasters of all kinds, however, felt a draw towards the fiendish energies of the planes and tiefling wizards commonly specialized as diviners for the purposes of seeking knowledge of the Lower Planes or as conjurers so that they might summon the dark spirits whom they called kin.[12]

Tieflings had an innate resistance to heat and had a hint of bloodlust that gave them a slight edge in combat. Tieflings also had access to an ability known as infernal wrath, which channeled their innate rage and potential for evil into their attacks for added effectiveness.[11] Some tieflings also learned to unlock their fiendish potential further, sprouting wings such as those borne by many fiends.[23]

Some tieflings also had the innate ability to cast a darkness spell, though not all of the race exhibited this trait.[10]


Tiefling (4)

Like other races that were the result of the breeding of two or more others, tieflings had no true culture they could call their own. However, there were many archetypal features of tieflings that were not necessarily innate. This include their attitude regarding their heritage, and while some tieflings embraced it, others were repulsed by it, forging the two most common stereotypes of tieflings.[7]

The former tieflings, who were proud of their fiendish past, were often fascinated by the dark and sinister events that touched the world, but were not necessarily evil or inclined to perpetuate them. Some tieflings of this type chose to use their knowledge of evil and their own fiendish abilities to thwart these dark plots and schemes. Others sought to learn more and to emulate these evil deeds.[7]

Other tieflings were ashamed or even frightened of their heritage and wished only to escape the shadow that lurked over them as a result. Some did this through constantly doing good, as though to make up for the evil that begot them. Others instead hid and tried to go unnoticed as they passed through the world, preferring to be ignored and forgotten than noticed and made a target because of their past.[7]

Regardless of their motivations, tieflings often distrusted one another, sometimes even casting the same preconceptions on one another that others did on them. In spite of this, many secretly desired to have another tiefling nearby, if only to experience some small kind of kinship. Some of these tieflings gathered as partners-in-crime, while others were sought out by good tieflings who hoped to redeem others of their race.[12]

Relations with other races

Tieflings, in general, didn't get along well with the other races of the world and were slow to trust others of any race, even their own. This animosity that tieflings had for others was taken to its extreme in the case of aasimar, whom tieflings instinctively feared or loathed. Devas often had a similar reaction, making it difficult for members of either race to successfully interact with each other. Of all the common races, tieflings felt the most kinship with half-orcs, who were similarly a target of revulsion and hate.[18]

Tiefling (5)

Those tieflings who were religious were a varied lot, since no god held more sway over tieflings than any other, though Asmodeus, as the lord over the fiendish race of devils, may come close. Most tieflings called on one of the primary gods of their homeland, though there were exceptions. Beshaba, the goddess of bad luck, for instance, appealed to many of the race, owing to tieflings' collective sense of misfortune. Many evil tieflings who channeled their dark emotions into aggression often found themselves in the service of Cyric, as well. Prior to the Spellplague and the god's subsequent disappearance, Gargauth also drew a large number of worshipers seeking vengeance, as did Mask, who gathered tiefling thieves to his church. Shar, like Gargauth, appealed to those with a taste for vengeance.[18]


Tieflings were carnivores. They consumed blood, blubber, bone, gristle and meat. They even roasted insects and considered raw bone marrow a delicacy.[5]


In ancient times, the tieflings used to rule an empire that warred with an ancient empire ruled by the dragonborn. Even though the races had a long tradition of "enmity", those empires existed so long ago that dragonborn considered such enmity more theoretical than practical.[24][note 1]


Being the result of fiendish interference with humans, tieflings had no true homeland and were found throughout Toril. The race was particularly common, however, in Mulhorand and Unther before both nations were devastated by the Spellplague,[7] though the latter's population was said to have been vastly exaggerated.[12] Tieflings also once had a large presence in Thay, where many were slaves. Tieflings who were discovered in the land often became pawns in the struggles between Thay's zulkirs, whom they served as assassins, thieves, and spies.[12] The takeover by Szass Tam, however drove many out of the region.[7]

In the 15th century, tieflings were most commonly found in Narfell and High Imaskar, though many were also welcome in Tymanther, thanks to the native dragonborn's policy of racial tolerance. Other tieflings allied themselves with the genasi servants of Memnon in Calimshan, where they were a valued addition to the efreeti's war against his rival Calim. Many tieflings were also found along the Sword Coast, particularly in the cosmopolitan Baldur's Gate, as well as parts of the Dragon Coast. In Aglarond, the race was only begrudgingly tolerated as enemies of Thay.[7]

Notable Tieflings[]



  1. The ancient empires of the dragonborn and tieflings seems to be a reference to Arkhosia and Bael Turath, two ancient empires that existed in the world Nerath. While Nerath is the setting of "core" 4th Edition, and there is no evidence in Realmslore of said empires existing in the past history of Abeir-Toril, the lore of said empires mentions that they build some colonies in other worlds and planes. Perhaps the history of these ancient empires was learned by the dragonborn and tieflings of the Realms from these places.



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Tiefling (6)

Left to right: an aasimar, a tiefling, a fire genasi, an earth genasi, an air genasi, a water genasi, and a normal human.

Tiefling (7)

Left to right: an aasimar, an earth genasi, an air genasi, a water genasi, a fire genasi, and a tiefling.

Tiefling (8)

Promotional wallpaper with concept art of a female tiefling.

Tiefling (9)

Promotional wallpaper of a dwarf and a tiefling caught in a trap.

Tiefling (10)

A typical male tiefling of Sigil.

Tiefling (11)

A typical female tiefling of Sigil.

Tiefling (12)

Two tieflings, the one on the left descended from Levistus, the one on the right from Zariel.

Tiefling (13)

A tiefling rogue of the planes.

Tiefling (14)

A more inconspicuous tiefling with pale skin.

Tiefling (15)

A tiefling symbol from Neverwinter Nights 2.

Further Reading[]

External Links[]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.


  1. David "Zeb" Cook(1994). Planescape Campaign Setting, Sigil and Beyond. Edited by David Wise. (TSR, Inc), p. 28. ISBN978-1560768340.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford(2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 42–43. ISBN978-0-7869-6560-1.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert, James Wyatt(June 2008). Monster Manual 4th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 250. ISBN978-0-7869-4852-9.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Skip Williams, Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook(July 2003). Monster Manual v.3.5. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 209–210. ISBN0-7869-2893-X.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Allen Varney, ed.(June 1994). Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix. (TSR, Inc.), p. 112. ISBN978-1560768623.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Richard Baker, James Wyatt(March 2004). Player's Guide to Faerûn. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 31. ISBN0-7869-3134-5.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Rob Heinsoo, Logan Bonner, Robert J. Schwalb(September 2008). Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 19. ISBN978-0-7869-4929-8.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford(2014). Player's Handbook 5th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 121. ISBN978-0-7869-6560-1.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Reynolds, Forbeck, Jacobs, Boyd(March 2003). Races of Faerûn. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 125. ISBN0-7869-2875-1.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo(June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 20. ISBN0-7869-1836-5.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, James Wyatt(June 2008). Player's Handbook 4th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 48. ISBN0-7869-4867-1.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 Reynolds, Forbeck, Jacobs, Boyd(March 2003). Races of Faerûn. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 126. ISBN0-7869-2875-1.
  13. Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo(June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 19. ISBN0-7869-1836-5.
  14. Black Isle Studios (December 1999). Designed by Chris Avellone. Planescape: Torment. Interplay.
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, James Wyatt(June 2008). Player's Handbook 4th edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 49. ISBN0-7869-4867-1.
  16. Eleni Roussos(April 4, 2023). The Art and Making of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. (Random House Worlds), p. 23. ISBN9781984861863.
  17. Reynolds, Forbeck, Jacobs, Boyd(March 2003). Races of Faerûn. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 125–126. ISBN0-7869-2875-1.
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Reynolds, Forbeck, Jacobs, Boyd(March 2003). Races of Faerûn. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 127. ISBN0-7869-2875-1.
  19. Erin M. Evans(2016). The Devil You Know. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 262–264. ISBN978-0786965946.
  20. 20.0 20.1 Steve Kenson, et al.(November 2015). Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Edited by Kim Mohan. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 118. ISBN978-0-7869-6580-9.
  21. Erin M. Evans(December 2012). Lesser Evils. (Wizards of the Coast), loc. 5292. ISBN978-0-7869-6136-8.
  22. David "Zeb" Cook(1994). Planescape Campaign Setting, A Player's Guide to the Planes. Edited by David Wise. (TSR, Inc), p. 13. ISBN978-1560768340.
  23. Rob Heinsoo, David Noonan, Robert J. Schwalb, Chris Sims(November 2008). Martial Power. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 63. ISBN978-0-7869-4981-6.
  24. Tim Pratt(March 2012). Venom in Her Veins (Kindle ed.). (Wizards of the Coast), loc. Chapter 2. ISBN0786959843.
  25. Erin M. Evans(2016). The Devil You Know. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 80–83. ISBN978-0786965946.
  26. Erin M. Evans (2014-10-14). Farideh (PDF) (in English). Wizards of the Coast. p. 2. Retrieved on 2014-10-13.
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Codename Entertainment (September 2017). Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms. Codename Entertainment.
  28. Magic: The Gathering (July 2022). Tiefling (22)HBG #16 "Klement, Novice Acolyte", illus. Maria Poliakova. Wizards of the Coast.
  29. Christopher Perkins, et al.(March 2021). Candlekeep Mysteries. Edited by Michele Carter, et al. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 10. ISBN978-0-7869-6722-3.
  30. Daniel S. Donnellyed.(June 1998). The Trumpeter 2, no. 6 (link). (RPGA), pp. 2–3.
  31. Daniel S. Donnellyed.(June 1998). The Trumpeter 2, no. 6s (link). (RPGA), p. 2.
  32. Richard Baker, et al.(April 2015). Princes of the Apocalypse. Edited by Michele Carter, Stacy Janssen. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 2?. ISBN978-0-7869-6578-6.


Ethnic Groups

Faerûn: ArkaiunBedineCalish*te (DjenTethan)ChondathanChultan (Tabaxi, Eshowe, Thinguth)DamaranD'tarigDurpariFfolkGurHalruaanIlluskanImaskariLantannaMarMazticanMuhjariMulanNarNetherese (Eraka, Marsh Drover, Tunlar)RashemiRaumviranRengarthReghedmenShaaranSossrimTalfirTashalanTethyrianTuramiUlutiun (Angulutiun, Ice Hunters, Iulutiun, Nakulutiun)Vaasan
Maztica: AzuposiDog PeopleGreen FolkMetahelNahopacaNexalanPayit (Itza)
Taan: Commani, Dalat, Fankiang, Gur, Guychiang, Igidujin, Kashghun, Khassidi, Naican, Oigur, Pazruki, Quirish, T'aghur, Tsu-tsu, Tuigan, Zamogedi
Kara-Tur & Malatra: Bavanese & BertaneseBawaniHanIssacortaeKoryoanKozakuranKuongNubari (HuroolaKoshivaKukalatu‎‎Wise OnesZantira)PazrukiPurangSengShouTabotanTayanulchiWaneseWu-haltai
Zakhara: Zakharan

Related Races

Tiefling (2024)


What is a tiefling? ›

tiefling (plural tieflings) (fantasy, roleplaying games) A member of a race of beings having a combination of human and demonic ancestry, found especially in Dungeons & Dragons.

Is a tiefling a demon? ›

Tieflings were human-based planetouched, native outsiders that were infused with the touch of the fiendish planes, most often through descent from fiends—demons, Yugoloths, devils, evil deities, and others who had bred with humans.

Are tieflings considered evil? ›

In 5th edition, tieflings do not have an innate tendency towards evil, though many usually end up going down that path due to the prejudice against them. Also due to the prejudice against them, tieflings have a fierce independent streak and are inclined towards being chaotic.

What is the personality of a tiefling? ›

Personality Traits
d8Personality Traits
3I usually give a fake name if I don't know someone well.
4Life is short and death is around every corner. Why plan ahead?
5Never back me into a corner. When I have nothing left to lose, I am at my most dangerous.
5 more rows
May 26, 2016

Can a tiefling and a human have a baby? ›

Genetics and Reproduction

They give live birth, and pregnancies last around 8 months. Tieflings can also come out when mating with a Human, or if two humans with devilish blood in them mate, there is a chance to create a Tieflings.

Is a tiefling a succubus? ›

There are many stories of men who fall in love with demons are great beauty against their will. Most often the price for such ecstasy is their very soul. Tieflings of the Succubus Legacy are children of these encounters.

Why do people hate tieflings? ›

Because tieflings are generally distrusted throughout the world due to their fiendish heritage many are distrusting and self-reliant. Tieflings are also proud and secretive by nature and possess a dark demeanor.

How rare are tieflings? ›

By default, tieflings are extremely rare. The tieflings of the Venomous Demesne have always been in hiding. Planetouched tieflings are most common in the Demon Wastes and rarely ever leave it. If you don't know that a tiefling is connected to fiendish powers, then they are just a person with strange skin and horns.

What are tieflings afraid of? ›

Tieflings, in general, do not get along well with the other races of the world and are slow to trust others of any race, even their own. This animosity that tieflings have for others is taken to its extreme in the case of aasimar, whom tieflings instinctively fear or loath.

Do tieflings have a weakness? ›

Some are harmed by holy water or direct sunlight. They may be vulnerable to certain spells, such as spirit wrack or cacofiend, which do not normally affect humans. Some find themselves unable to enter sanctified areas. A few tieflings are especially vulnerable to silver weapons.

Who do tieflings worship? ›

Tieflings who revere a god other than Asmodeus often worship deities who watch over and care for outsiders, including Ilmater, Mask, Selûne, Shar, and Tymora. Gods of knowledge, survival, cunning, and warfare are also common attractions for tieflings who value those qualities.

Can tieflings be good? ›

While some would follow this path towards evil, others rejected it wholeheartedly and sought to make a good impact on the world around them, sometimes becoming the most heroic characters of all. Few could maintain this discipline however, and most tieflings fell somewhere between both extremes.

Can a tiefling pass as human? ›

Fangs or pointed teeth are common among all types of tieflings. Some tieflings pass almost completely for human. This is most common among the tieflings of distant planes, whose faint fiendish ancestry is ancient and unknown to them.

Can a human turn into a tiefling? ›

"Tieflings are created in one of three ways: as a human transformed into a tiefling using powerful magic; as the offspring of an existing tiefling; or as the offspring of a human and a cambion or half-fiend."

Is tiefling a curse? ›

Tieflings are cursed people. Somehow, some way they have been physically twisted by fiendish blood.

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