Tiefling (2024)

The infernal-cursed humanoids of the world of Godsen.


Tieflings have 2 arms, 2 legs, a tail, and horns. Each arm has a hand with 5 fingers, and each leg can either have a foot with 5 toes, or hooves and a goat-like lower half, without the hair.

Biological Traits

Most Tieflings are of Asmodeus. Tieflings of the other Archdevils of the Hells tend to only change their spellcasting abilities.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tieflings can come to existence in many different ways.The first is through simple Tiefling and Tiefling mating. They give live birth, and pregnancies last around 8 months.Tieflings can also come out when mating with a Human, or if two humans with devilish blood in them mate, there is a chance to create a Tieflings.Tieflings can also appear if either a Tiefling or a Human Mates with a Devil. The Humanoid must be Female, as they have to bear the Tiefling, as if the Devil bears the child, a Cambion will be born instead.Finally, A Tiefling can be born if a human gives birth in Hell.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tieflings are considered adults at age 18.

Ecology and Habitats

Tieflings can live anywhere a Human can live.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tieflings are omnivores.

Naming Traditions

Tiefling names fall into three broad categories. Tieflings born into another culture typically have names reflective of that culture. Some have names derived from the Infernal language, passed down through generations, that reflect their fiendish heritage. And some younger tieflings, striving to find a place in the world, adopt a name that signifies a virtue or other concept and then try to embody that concept. For some, the chosen name is a noble quest. For others, it’s a grim destiny.Male Infernal Names: Akmenos, Amnon, Barakas, Damakos, Ekemon, Iados, Kairon, Leucis, Melech, Mordai, Morthos, Pelaios, Skamos, TheraiFemale Infernal Names: Akta, Anakis, Bryseis, Criella, Damaia, Ea, Kallista, Lerissa, Makaria, Nemeia, Orianna, Phelaia, Rieta“Virtue” Names: Art, Carrion, Chant, Creed, Despair, Excellence, Fear, Glory, Hope, Ideal, Music, Nowhere, Open, Poetry, Quest, Random, Reverence, Sorrow, Temerity, Torment, Weary

Beauty Ideals

Tieflings tend to have the ideals of a Sinner, in that males and females alike tend to seek men and women with larger "features."

Gender Ideals

Tieflings have similar Gender Ideals to Humans

Courtship Ideals

Tieflings have similar Courtship Ideals to Humans

Relationship Ideals

Typically, Tieflings enter short-term relationships, and males usually leave females with Children to care for.

Average Technological Level

The Empire the Tieflings used to own technology created by devils. Most of the technology where vehicles and weapons called "Fire Slingers."

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common and Tiefling

Common Etiquette Rules

Tieflings tend to be a little more wild in their form of etiquette. They do meetings with weird secret handshakes. There is no single way a Tiefling does a greeting. Same with their Goodbyes.

Common Dress Code

Tieflings tend to wear clothes similar to Humans, although they tend to wear one color suits.


The first Tieflings was originally an Empire of Men in Ovak who had made a deal with Asmodeus, to become superior versions of themselves in 408wr. The leader, Ivix Ouron, would sign the contract, turning him and his subjects into Tieflings. However, Asmodeus would have put a small caveat put into the Contract, where the empire would fall, no matter what the Humans did. And, in 472wr, An Invasion of the Cult of dragons would commence, with armies of Dragons, half-Dragons, Cultists, and Kobolds would come and destroy everything, turning their Empire to rubble. The Tieflings would escape using the remaining ships to escape, the Survivors fleeing to Godsen. They would be treated as monsters when they make it, becoming citizens in 1576wr, as a group of Tieflings had stopped a Lich from killing the King of Godsen. However, while they are now legally treated as citizens by the Government, the people of Godsen are still distrusting of them.However, that is only the Tieflings of Asmodeus. After the Empire had fallen, Zariel would abuse their want for protection from the everything by making a deal with the former captain of the guard, to allow him and his soldiers to make them stronger. This deal turned their children into Tieflings of Zariel, who are stronger than the average Tiefling. She put in her deal, in the fine print, that their journey will become much harder, making creatures like sahuagin, merrow, and a dragon turtles attack the ship more often.Tieflings that were trapped in the Empire's ashes were afraid for their lives every day they were alive. Many believed that they would die. Because of this, most would seek to deal with Levistus, who would turn them into Tieflings of Levistus, giving them spells for survival and escape. In the fine print of the contract, the Tieflings became extremely paranoid and untrusting.When they Docked at Godsen, they were very poor. The Archdevil Mammon would make a deal with the Former treasurers of the Fallen empire to be able to get money easier. They and their children, along with former bankers and their children would turn into Tieflings of Mammon.To protect the people of the Fallen Empire, The Court Wizard would make a deal with Mephistopheles, to become even more powerful wizards. The Wizards would be come Tieflings of Mephistopheles, and would become powerful spellcasters known for their abilities. In their fine print, however, the wizards could not use their magic for good.The poor and the needy who managed to stow away onto the boats would make a deal with Glasya to become Tieflings of Glasya. Her deal made them superior thieves and rogues, granting them superior stealth than most others. Their curse was that they would always be the first accused of every crime committed that they get near.Some Tieflings who turned to evil, because the new world hated them, would make a Deal with Baalzebub to be able to corrupt those who hated for no reason, and to cause them immeasurable pain. These Tieflings would become Tieflings of Baalzebub, and while those making the deals are usually hateful and evil, those born as them aren't usually.One of the sons of the old Emperor made a Deal with with Fierna. He would seek to be able to convince his compatriots to follow him as their leader. The Son, his Children, and people who associated with him would become Tieflings of Fierna. In the fine print of the contract was that no one ever truly could like or befriend them.A group of Tieflings who would seek knowledge about why the Dragon cult would Invade. They made a deal with Dispater to become something that can easily learn information. They would become Tieflings of Dispater, and would be cursed with one simple piece of information; their creation was the reason for their downfall.A Tiefling named Kaurn would learn of another caveat of Asmodeus' contract: all Tieflings where cursed to always end up in hell. He would venture into hell in 808wr, to find an Archdevil that would help get the clause revoked. Every Archdevil he sought refused, as they would only benefit from the fine print, except one; Tiamat. Tiamat isn't one to take souls, instead only taking worldly treasures and servitude. Kaurn would ask, offering her his life and a copy of the Sword of Kas, not having the sentience, but keeping it's abilities. While she couldn't even make a contract, much less being able to change one, but Tiamat, due to her contacts in the political sphere of hell, could try to get him an audience with Asmodeus. In 1074wr, He would get his audience, and would make one simple request: Allow tiefling souls to go to anywhere, dependent on their alignment, not their heritage. In return, Kaurn must do two different things; He must stay in hell until he dies of natural causes; and that if a Demon or Devil kills him, the Contract is moot, and all Tieflings will be sent back to hell. Hidden in the Fine print, he would become immortal, and, as a punishment for Tiamat, he would become a Tiefling of Tiamat, a one-of-a-kind-subrace that the Dragon Queen physically could not harm. Because of servitude to Tiamat, she has allowed him to live in her temple, under her protection, as long as he served her until her death.Tieflings and the Calamity event had caused a strange phenomenon. Some Tieflings influenced by the Event became Bearded Devils. However, these Bearded Devils did not have ties to hell, other than their Tiefling heritage. Meaning, many Bearded Devils were killed, and not all of them were sent to hell, creating a small panic among the Angels of Mount Celeste, not knowing why souls of what they perceived as Bearded Devils were going to them instead of being returned to hell.

Historical Figures

Skamos, the bard. He helped Defeat Glatus, the Entropy.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Tieflings are usually feared and shunned by most creatures, due to their Devilish heritage, with exceptions from Dragonborn, Tarraskin, and Overworld Illithids.Dragonborn, Tarraskin, and Overworld Illithids all see them as themselves usually, so they tend to be friendly towards the species.Surprisingly, Tieflings and Aasimar are not natural enemies. Tieflings tend to resent Aasimar, but Aasimar don't usually hate Tieflings. Some Aasimar of war gods may try to "purify" the tieflings, but these types of aasimar are very rare to find, and are often already fairly hostile to those they deem as evil.

Tiefling (2024)


What is a tiefling? ›

tiefling (plural tieflings) (fantasy, roleplaying games) A member of a race of beings having a combination of human and demonic ancestry, found especially in Dungeons & Dragons.

Is tiefling a demon? ›

Tieflings were human-based planetouched, native outsiders that were infused with the touch of the fiendish planes, most often through descent from fiends—demons, Yugoloths, devils, evil deities, and others who had bred with humans.

Are tieflings considered evil? ›

In 5th edition, tieflings do not have an innate tendency towards evil, though many usually end up going down that path due to the prejudice against them. Also due to the prejudice against them, tieflings have a fierce independent streak and are inclined towards being chaotic.

What is the personality of a tiefling? ›

Personality Traits
d8Personality Traits
3I usually give a fake name if I don't know someone well.
4Life is short and death is around every corner. Why plan ahead?
5Never back me into a corner. When I have nothing left to lose, I am at my most dangerous.
5 more rows
May 26, 2016

Can a tiefling and a human have a baby? ›

Genetics and Reproduction

They give live birth, and pregnancies last around 8 months. Tieflings can also come out when mating with a Human, or if two humans with devilish blood in them mate, there is a chance to create a Tieflings.

Is a tiefling a succubus? ›

There are many stories of men who fall in love with demons are great beauty against their will. Most often the price for such ecstasy is their very soul. Tieflings of the Succubus Legacy are children of these encounters.

Who do tieflings worship? ›

Tieflings who revere a god other than Asmodeus often worship deities who watch over and care for outsiders, including Ilmater, Mask, Selûne, Shar, and Tymora. Gods of knowledge, survival, cunning, and warfare are also common attractions for tieflings who value those qualities.

Can a tiefling appear human? ›

Tieflings are their own race but often times artwork will depict them as humans with horns and a tail. Sometimes with coloured skin, but not always.

What creature type is tiefling? ›

Tieflings are humanoid creatures with demonic/devilish features, as they have a Demon or a Devil as an ancestor. They often have reddish skin, horns, non-prehensile tails, and pointed teeth. Other, more unusual characteristics include a sulfurous odor, cloven feet, or a general aura of discomfort they leave on others.

Why do people hate tieflings? ›

Because tieflings are generally distrusted throughout the world due to their fiendish heritage many are distrusting and self-reliant. Tieflings are also proud and secretive by nature and possess a dark demeanor.

What are tieflings afraid of? ›

Tieflings, in general, do not get along well with the other races of the world and are slow to trust others of any race, even their own. This animosity that tieflings have for others is taken to its extreme in the case of aasimar, whom tieflings instinctively fear or loath.

How rare are tieflings? ›

By default, tieflings are extremely rare. The tieflings of the Venomous Demesne have always been in hiding. Planetouched tieflings are most common in the Demon Wastes and rarely ever leave it. If you don't know that a tiefling is connected to fiendish powers, then they are just a person with strange skin and horns.

Do tieflings have a weakness? ›

Some are harmed by holy water or direct sunlight. They may be vulnerable to certain spells, such as spirit wrack or cacofiend, which do not normally affect humans. Some find themselves unable to enter sanctified areas. A few tieflings are especially vulnerable to silver weapons.

Do tiefling colors mean anything? ›

If we go with historically lore-accurate colors; tieflings can basically be any color (owing to their fiend blood), but exotic colors are by no means mandatory and weren't commonly depicted until the edgy "Hellboy" era of 4th edition.

What lifestyle do tieflings have? ›

Tieflings generally don't have their own society or culture. They are often born into another established society, so they try to fit into it instead. Some Tieflings might enjoy their fiendish heritage and become hedonistic warlocks.

Can a tiefling pass as human? ›

Fangs or pointed teeth are common among all types of tieflings. Some tieflings pass almost completely for human. This is most common among the tieflings of distant planes, whose faint fiendish ancestry is ancient and unknown to them.

Can a human turn into a tiefling? ›

"Tieflings are created in one of three ways: as a human transformed into a tiefling using powerful magic; as the offspring of an existing tiefling; or as the offspring of a human and a cambion or half-fiend."

Is tiefling a curse? ›

Tieflings are cursed people. Somehow, some way they have been physically twisted by fiendish blood.

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