USA Mega Millions Results and Prize Breakdown (2024)

Winning Numbers

  • 351222667
  • x4

Prize Breakdown


With Multiplier

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '-999','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'No Winners','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '0','GuessCountToDisplay': '

5+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783345','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 1000000.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 1,000,000

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '1,000,000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 4,000,000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '4,000,000','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5783346','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 10000.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 10,000

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '10,000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 40,000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '40,000','GuessCountToDisplay': '

4+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783347','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 500.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 500

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '500','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 2,000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '2,000','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5783348','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 200.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 200

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '200','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 800','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '800','GuessCountToDisplay': '

3+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783349','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 10.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 10

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '10','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 40','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '40','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5783350','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 10.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 10

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '10','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 40','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '40','GuessCountToDisplay': '

2+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783351','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 4.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 4

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '4','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 16','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '16','GuessCountToDisplay': '

1+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783352','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 2.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': '

US$ 2

','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '2','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': 'US$ 8','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '8','GuessCountToDisplay': '

0+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783353','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'}],rowNum: 1000,gridComplete:function(){var $grid = $(this);var getEvents = $._data($grid[0], 'events'); if (getEvents && getEvents.contextmenu && getEvents.contextmenu.length === 1) { var orgContextmenu = getEvents.contextmenu[0].handler; $grid.unbind('contextmenu', orgContextmenu); $grid.bind('contextmenu', function(e) { var oldmultiselect = this.p.multiselect, result; this.p.multiselect = true; result =, e); this.p.multiselect = oldmultiselect; return result; }); }$('#lotteryResultsGrid_jqGrid_rn').addClass('hideRightBorder');$grid.attr("gridcompleted", "true")},loadComplete:function(){$(this).trigger('loadComplete'); },});$('#lotteryResultsGrid_jqGrid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#lotteryResultsGrid_jqPager', {edit: false, add: false, del: false, excel: false, search: false , refresh: false});var cm = $('#lotteryResultsGrid_jqGrid')[0].p.colModel;$.each($('#lotteryResultsGrid_jqGrid')[0].grid.headers, function(index, value) {var cmi = cm[index], colName =;if(!cmi.sortable && colName!=='rn' && colName!=='cb' && colName!=='subgrid') {$('div.ui-jqgrid-sortable',value.el).css({cursor:'default'});}});});

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '0','GuessCountToDisplay': '

5+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783345','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 1000000.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 1,000,000','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '1,000,000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 4,000,000

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '4,000,000','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5783346','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 10000.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 10,000','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '10,000','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 40,000

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '40,000','GuessCountToDisplay': '

4+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783347','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 500.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 500','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '500','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 2,000

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '2,000','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5783348','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 200.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 200','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '200','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 800

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '800','GuessCountToDisplay': '

3+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783349','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 10.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 10','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '10','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 40

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '40','GuessCountToDisplay': '


','Id': '5783350','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 10.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 10','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '10','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 40

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '40','GuessCountToDisplay': '

2+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783351','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 4.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 4','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '4','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 16

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '16','GuessCountToDisplay': '

1+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783352','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'},{'DrawRef': '351324','CurrencyRef': '6','GameNumber': '1','LocalWinningAmount': 2.0000,'USDWinningAmount': 0.0,'RandomlyGeneratedMultiplier': '1','NoWinner': 'False','LocalWinningAmountToDisplay': 'US$ 2','LocalWinningAmountToDisplayNoDecimalsWhenZero': '2','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay': '

US$ 8

','LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplayNoDecimalWhenZero': '8','GuessCountToDisplay': '

0+1 Mega Ball

','Id': '5783353','IsActive': 'False','DateCreated': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','DateModified': '08/06/2024 21:10:05','IsNew': 'True','IsDeleted': 'False','IsChanged': 'False','IsOld': 'False'}],rowNum: 1000,gridComplete:function(){var $grid = $(this);var getEvents = $._data($grid[0], 'events'); if (getEvents && getEvents.contextmenu && getEvents.contextmenu.length === 1) { var orgContextmenu = getEvents.contextmenu[0].handler; $grid.unbind('contextmenu', orgContextmenu); $grid.bind('contextmenu', function(e) { var oldmultiselect = this.p.multiselect, result; this.p.multiselect = true; result =, e); this.p.multiselect = oldmultiselect; return result; }); }$('#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqGrid_rn').addClass('hideRightBorder');$grid.attr("gridcompleted", "true")$('#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqGrid_LocalWinningAmountMultiplyToDisplay').addClass('last');OnGridCompleteClientScript(this,true,"objects/dm.tlo?id=35056")},loadComplete:function(){$(this).trigger('loadComplete'); },});$('#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqGrid').jqGrid('navGrid', '#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqPager', {edit: false, add: false, del: false, excel: false, search: false , refresh: false});var cm = $('#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqGrid')[0].p.colModel;$.each($('#lotteryResultsWithMultiplierGrid_jqGrid')[0].grid.headers, function(index, value) {var cmi = cm[index], colName =;if(!cmi.sortable && colName!=='rn' && colName!=='cb' && colName!=='subgrid') {$('div.ui-jqgrid-sortable',value.el).css({cursor:'default'});}});});

Lottery Information

Guess Range 5/70 + Mega Ball 1/25
Multiplier Prizes Multiply any non-jackpot prize amount won by 2, 3, 4 or 5, depending on the Megaplier number drawn.
Offered In Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virgin Islands, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, U.S., Puerto Rico, USA
Schedule (Local draw time)
Jackpot Type CASH
Tax Requirement Lottery prizes are subject to taxation at source. There are three tax bands. Tax Band 1: Tax-free up to $599.99. Tax Band 2: Any prize between $600 and $4,999.99 is subject to a tax rate of 30% for non-residents. Tax Band 3: Any prize above $5,000 is subject to a tax rate of 38.82% for non-residents. Check the tax laws in your country of residence for any further local taxation you may be subject to.

Winning Odds

Match Winning Odds
5+1 Mega Ball1:302,575,350
4+1 Mega Ball1:931,001
3+1 Mega Ball1:14,547
2+1 Mega Ball1:693
1+1 Mega Ball1:89
0+1 Mega Ball1:37

USA Mega Millions Results and Prize Breakdown (1)

Check Your Mega Millions Lottery Results

The US Mega Millions lottery features nine prize divisions. Five winning numbers in addition to the Mega Ball entitle winning players to phenomenal jackpot prizes while partial matches determine winners of the secondary prizes. The winning numbers are chosen from a drum of 1-70, and the Mega Ball is an additional number, chosen from a separate drum of 1-25 that helps lottery fans win the 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th prize categories. The Mega Millions lottery also features a prize multiplier called the Megaplier. So,how does Megaplier work?Checking the Megaplier box will multiply all your secondary prize division winnings by 2 to 5 times, depending on which Megaplier number is selected at the draw. Mega Millions prizes are subject to local and federal taxes in the state in which the lottery ticket was purchased. Check Mega Millions numbers at theLotter to see if you are a winning player! View more lottery draw results here.

USA Mega Millions Results and Prize Breakdown (2)

How to Receive FREE Mega Millions Lottery Results

To receive your FREE Mega Millions online lottery results, sign up for email notifications here. Keep up with winning Mega Millions numbers on the go with theLotter's lottery apps for Android and iOS. Download today and get instant access to results and information for lotteries, plus check Mega Millions results up to ten draws back. See winning numbers, find draw schedules, and select your lucky numbers for the next Mega Millions draw, wherever you are from the comfort of your mobile device!

USA Mega Millions Results and Prize Breakdown (3)

Important Mega Millions Results Updates

Over the years, the Mega Millions lottery has changed its rules to create a more exciting game with even bigger prizes. Some of these changes reflect efforts to make Mega Millions as popular as Powerball, the other multi-jurisdictional lottery in the United States. In October 2017, the minimum Mega Millions jackpot was raised from $15 million to $40 million. In addition, the guess range matrix changed to 5/70 + PB 1/25. The odds of winning the Mega Millions jackpot dropped to one in 302,575,350, a change intended to increase the size of the lottery’s jackpots. The odds of winning the second tier prize improved, while the odds of winning any prize in the Mega Millions draw dropped to one in 24. The price of a Mega Millions increased as part of the changes and many of the secondary prizes were doubled. Following these changes, Mega Millions promises bigger prizes than ever before!
In April 2020, it was announced that the minimum jackpot would be reduced from $40 million to $20 million and the minimum jackpot increases were eliminated and instead and would instead determined by ticket sales and interest rates.

USA Mega Millions Results and Prize Breakdown (4)

Mega Millions Lottery Record Jackpots

Mega Millions set the world jackpot record on 30 March 2012 when it awarded a $656 million prize to three lucky winners from Maryland, Kansas, and Illinois. Three colleagues from Maryland’s public education system pooled their money in the draw and purchased tickets as the 'Three Amigos'. The three won a third of this record Mega Millions prize; each of them became a lottery syndicate winner! This huge Mega Millions jackpot would remain the largest jackpot prize ever until Powerball’s epic draw in January 2016 with its $1.586 billion jackpot.

The largest Mega Millions jackpot of all time was the $1.602 billion prize that went to Saltines Holdings LLC from Neptune Beach, Florida on 8 August 2023 after 32 rollovers .

An exciting jackpot worth $1.537 billion prize won by a single ticket purchased in South Carolina for the draw on 23 October 2018. That jackpot fell just short of breaking Powerball’s hold on the world record.

US Mega Millions celebrated the new year with some spectacular lottery fireworks – with its jackpot reaching a massive US$1.348 billion before being won by a single ticket purchased in Maine. The extraordinarily lucky winner correctly guessed all the regular numbers 30, 43, 45, 46, and 61, as well as the Mega Ball 14, to score the second-biggest prize in Mega Millions jackpot history!

Interested in more important information? Read our Mega Millions guide.

Visit the official Mega Millions site!

USA Mega Millions Results and Prize Breakdown (2024)


What is the Mega Millions prize breakdown? ›

The Mega Millions annuity is paid out as one immediate payment followed by 29 annual payments. Each payment is 5% bigger than the previous one to keep up with inflation. For a typical jackpot of $100 million, the initial payment would be about $1.5 million, and future annual payments would grow to about $6.2 million.

How many numbers do I need to win a prize in Mega Millions? ›

How many balls do I need to match for Mega Millions prize? You can win $2 for the matching just one - the Mega Ball. Short of the jackpot, you can win up to $1 million for matching all five white balls (except in California). You can check all the prize payouts on the Mega Millions site here.

Did anyone win Mega Millions tonight? ›

There was no jackpot winner in California for this draw. But there are 57,423 winning tickets! Get your ticket for the next draw.

Do you win any money if you have 2 numbers on the Mega Million? ›

How much do you get for 2 numbers on Mega Millions? Two numbers will not win you anything in Mega Millions, unless one of the numbers is the Mega Ball.

What is the best strategy for picking lottery numbers? ›

In particular, pick random numbers. If you pick your favorite number or the day of your birthday like the 7th, which is the day of the next drawing, many people can be doing the same and that puts a lot of numbers between 1 and 31. Picking your own numbers doesn't change the odds of winning.

How do you know if you won anything on Mega Millions? ›

Where can I get results for Mega Millions? Right here on the official Mega Millions® website. Winning numbers are posted shortly after each drawing.

What if you get the Mega Ball only? ›

Matching only the Mega Ball means a $2 win.

How to win Mega Millions strategy? ›

The only proven, mathematically valid way to increase your odds of winning is to buy more than one ticket each time you play. Your chances will still be low, but they do improve with each set of numbers you play. Make sure to pick a different set of numbers for each ticket, or you won't improve your odds at all!

How to claim Mega Millions small prize? ›

There are three ways to claim prizes $599 and under: visit a Lottery retailer, claim at a Lottery District Office or claim by mail. Option 1: Visit a Lottery Retailer Best Option! Take your winning ticket to a Lottery retailer and the clerk will hand you cash on the spot.

Is there a prize for 3 numbers in Lotto? ›

You also win prizes if you match any 3, 4, or 5 numbers of the winning 6-number combination, in any order.

What is the next drawing for Mega Millions? ›

Mega Millions® drawings are held Tuesday and Friday at 11:00 pm ET.

What is the Powerball jackpot? ›

The jackpot is won by matching all five white balls in any order and the red Powerball. Jackpot winners may choose to receive their prize as an annuity, paid in 30 graduated payments over 29 years, or a lump-sum payment. Both advertised prize options are prior to federal and jurisdictional taxes.

How do Mega Millions work? ›

Mega Millions tickets cost $2 per play. To play, pick six numbers from two separate pools of numbers: either five different numbers from 1-70 for the white numbers, and one number from 1-25 for the gold Mega Ball. You win the Mega Millions jackpot by matching your numbers to all six numbers pulled in the drawing.

What happens if you only get 5 numbers in Mega Millions? ›

If you match all five white balls but not the Mega Ball, you'll fall short of the jackpot but take home a $1 million prize. That could become $5 million with the Megaplier. If your ticket has matched any numbers, regardless of the possible prize size, be sure to hang onto it and sign it.

Is it worth playing the megaplier? ›

Is the Megaplier worth it? The Megaplier doesn't change your odds of winning Mega Millions, so it's important to keep in mind that it won't guarantee you any prizes. However, if you do win a non-jackpot prize, the Megaplier can significantly upgrade that prize.

Who won the lottery 14 times? ›

Most people can only dream of winning the lottery, so it is crazy to hear of lucky folks who have hit jackpots not just once, but multiple times. Well Stefan Mandel is one of those people, winning a whopping 14 times, but for him, luck didn't have much to do with it.

Has anyone ever won Mega Millions with Quick Pick? ›

11. $536 Million (Indiana) On July 8, 2016, an Indiana couple won this mega jackpot after buying 5 Quick Pick tickets on a road trip. The winning family was able to remain anonymous by accepting their prize through a law firm in the state.

How to win lottery mathematically? ›

There is only one known way to ensure winning the jackpot. That is to buy at least one lottery ticket for every possible number combination. For example, one has to buy 13,983,816 different tickets to ensure to win the jackpot in a 6/49 game.

How long does it take to get paid out for Mega Millions? ›

If you elected the cash option or if your prize is only offered in a single payment, your check should arrive approximately six to eight weeks from your claim date. If your prize is to be paid in installments, your first payment should be available within six to eight weeks from your claim date.

What does megaplier 3X mean? ›

Most states offer a Megaplier feature to increase non-jackpot prizes by 2, 3, 4 or 5 times; it costs an additional $1 per play. Before each Mega Millions drawing on Tuesday and Friday nights, the Megaplier is drawn. From a pool of 15 balls, five are marked with 2X, six with 3X, three with 4X and one with 5X.

What happens if you get three numbers on Mega Millions? ›

You are more likely to win the Power ball lottery than winning Mega Millions because Mega Millions has an additional. If you get 3 numbers in the Mega Millions drawing with no mega balls, you will win $7.00 to $10. 00. If you get three numbers and one mega ball, expect to receive $150.00 to $200.00.

How Mega Millions payout? ›

If you win a Mega Millions® jackpot, you will choose how to be paid: Cash Option or Annual Payout. Prize claim parameters vary from state to state. Contact your Mega Millions lottery for detailed information. Annuity option: The Mega Millions annuity is paid out as one immediate payment followed by 29 annual payments.

What is Mega Millions' next drawing? ›

Mega Millions® drawings are held Tuesday and Friday at 11:00 pm ET.

What is the Powerball payout structure? ›

Jackpot winners may choose to receive their prize as an annuity, paid in 30 graduated payments over 29 years, or a lump-sum payment. All lower-tier prizes are set cash amounts.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.