You’re Smoking Meat All Wrong (Yes, You) | Gear Patrol (2024)

Contrary to what your dad told you, more smoke does not mean better barbeque.

You’re Smoking Meat All Wrong (Yes, You) | Gear Patrol (1)Henry Phillips




This may come as a shock to would-be pitmasters everywhere, but more smoke does not mean better barbeque. Plumes of billowy, opaque white smoke spilling from a pit is a tell-tale sign of poor fire control. What you really want is a consistent, fast-moving stream of blue-grey smoke — so thin it’s barely visible. Here’s why.

Thick smokes is unhealthy (and it tastes bad)

All smoke carries particles that give flavor to food but thick smoke carries them in bittering, borderline unhealthy doses in the form of carcinogenic creosote, an oily, tongue-numbing residue of wood and charcoal that didn’t fully burn.

Thin, wispy blue smoke, on the other hand, provides a flavor boost without smothering your food. As a general rule of thumb: the harder it is to see the smoke coming out of your chimney, the better.

Good smoke comes from hot fires

Smoke is a “visible collection of a variety of solid, liquid, and gas particles left unburned during the combustion process.” Thick, white smoke is the product of more particles left unburnt during combustion. Translated into barbeque terms: white smoke is the sign of never-alive or nearly-dead fires.

To counteract this, leave exhaust vents open to maximize oxygen intake to your coal or wood bed. This will increase the temperature of the flame and ensure your chosen fuel is fully combusting and creating only the good smoke.

Water is the enemy

Depending on who you ask, the majority of barbeque-approved woods are made up of 50 percent water. Burning water-logged wood means steam, steam means a cooler fire and a cooler fire means bad smoke. This is also why soaking wood before barbequeing makes very little sense. To get around the water problem, only buy seasoned wood that’s air- or kiln-dried to eliminate as much of the wood’s moisture content as possible.

You’re Smoking Meat All Wrong (Yes, You) | Gear Patrol (3)

Good smoke requires patience

Just because your fire is hot doesn’t mean it’s ready for food. Both wood and charcoal will emit white smoke when first ignited; as the fire gets hotter, white smoke gives way to a dark grey smoke which, if given ample oxygen to feed on, then becomes hallowed blue smoke. In other words, let your fuel source burn until it’s hot enough to produce the good stuff.

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You’re Smoking Meat All Wrong (Yes, You) | Gear Patrol (2024)


What color should my smoke be when smoking meat? ›

Smoke from wood or charcoal for cooking can range from bluish, to white, to gray, to yellow, brown, and even black. The most desirable smoke is almost invisible with a pale blue tint. You can see it below. Blue smoke is the holy grail of low and slow pitmasters, especially for long cooks.

Why is white smoke bad for smoking meat? ›

Moreover, white smoke will cause your food to taste "over-smoked," bitter, and give it an oily aftertaste. This undesirable taste is due to the build of creosote you just put on your food. Creosote is the molecular materials of wood that's vaporized and condense or solidify when they touch a cool surface (your meat).

What does blue smoke mean in a fire? ›

blue smoke means the coals are hot, airflow is good, and the firebox isn't overcrowded. A little blue smoke. goes a long way; you do not want billows of white. smoke - that's a dirty fire.

What is the difference between blue and gray smoke? ›

Clean wood-fire produces clean, almost transparent smoke, which is thinner and exits the exhaust rapidly. It's sometimes referred to as blue smoke, unlike the thick gray smoke of a dirty fire that could block out the sunlight. Clean smoke smells better too.

What temperature is best for smoking meat? ›

Meat smoking is best in the range of 200 to 220 degrees Fahrenheit. To be safe, most meats need to be cooked to an internal temperature of 145 degrees and poultry to 165 degrees. However, to get real tender barbecue you want a higher final temperature, say around 180 degrees.

Does meat get more tender the longer you smoke it? ›

The other is to barbecue it with smoke and a relatively low temperature over a long period of time so the connective tissue and harder-working muscle (which is why it's tough meat) can become tender.

Can you use too much smoke when smoking meat? ›

Our recommendation is to start with minimal smoke flavor, then gradually increase until you get the proper flavor. Avoid the temptation to use too much wood since this can cause incomplete combustion which makes meat taste bitter.

Why does my meat turn black when smoking it? ›

If the meat is smoked on extremely high heat or for a long time, the meat will burn and turn black. It will also be impossible to consume due to its toughness. Apart from it turning black, a high temperature can also leave the meat uncooked and raw on the inside and done on the outside.

What is dirty smoke when smoking meat? ›

Dirty smoke is when your smoker is producing thick white/grey or black clouds of smoke from the chimney/stack. It is not ideal for cooking as it leaves behind an acrid taste on foods, along with a dark soot.

What does black smoke mean? ›

Under these conditions, the smoke can ignite and create a hazardous and possibly deadly situation for firefighters. When a fire produces dark brown or even black it is an indication that the fire is underventilated and/or it contains an abundance of petroleum products.

What does white fire mean? ›

When temperatures approach 2,400º F to 2,700º F, flames appear white. You can see these differences for yourself by observing a candle flame or a piece of burning wood. The part of the flame closest to the candle or the wood will usually be white, since the temperature is usually greatest near the fuel source.

What is blue smoke when smoking? ›

Thin Blue Smoke is the byproduct of clean-burning wood – at just the right temperature – and it's packed with pure “smoky” flavors. Too much wood will produce a thick, white smoke.

Why would black smoke come out of exhaust? ›

Black Smoke

Billowing black smoke is generally a sign that the fuel-air ratio in your engine is too rich. This means that the fuel injectors are either adding too much fuel or that the intake valves aren't letting enough air in.

What does grey black smoke mean? ›

At times, black smoke can be an indicator that a manmade material is burning such as tires, vehicles or a structure. As a general rule, the darker the smoke, the more volatile the fire is. Grey smoke can indicate that the fire is slowing down and running out of materials to burn.

What color should your smoke be when smoking meat? ›

Blue smoke is considered the ideal smoke color for smoking meat. It results from a clean and efficient combustion process, producing a bluish tint in the smoke. Blue smoke indicates that the wood is burning at the right temperature and that the meat will absorb a mild, delicate flavor without being overwhelming.

What does good smoke look like in a smoker? ›

The color of your smoke will tell you a lot about your fire. A cleaning burning fire will produce an exhaust that is either a light thin blue or even totally clear. That's the smoke you want. Watch your fire and you'll see it go through phases.

What color smoke is normal? ›

If you have very thin, white smoke coming out of your exhaust, you have a normal car. What you're seeing here is water vapor and it's especially noticeable on cold days. If the color of your smoke isn't white and if the thickness is anything more than thin, that's when there might be cause for concern.

What color shows smoke best? ›

This means red and yellow-toned LED bulbs are ideal over blue and bright white. It is important to note that visibility will depend on the density of the smoke. Thinner smoke will allow more penetration of light, but thick black smoke will require thermal imaging.

What does blue and white smoke from exhaust mean? ›

Excessive amounts of white smoke could indicate head gasket failure. Condensation is fairly common in hybrid cars, due to the combustion engine being used less. • Blue smoke from the exhaust: Oil is being burned.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.