You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 9, 2024

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Research and development (R&D) is a vital function for many industries, from biotechnology to engineering, that involves creating new products, processes, or services. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in R&D, you might wonder how to get started and what skills and qualifications you need. In this article, we’ll give you some tips and insights on how to prepare yourself for a rewarding and challenging career in R&D.

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  • Muhammad Shehryar Khan, Ph.D. Banting Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Adjunct Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo | NSERC…

    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (3) 15

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1 Know your field

R&D is a broad term that covers many different domains and disciplines. Depending on your background, education, and interests, you might want to focus on a specific area of R&D, such as pharmaceuticals, software, or renewable energy. You should research the current trends, opportunities, and challenges in your chosen field, and identify the key players, competitors, and customers. You should also familiarize yourself with the relevant standards, regulations, and ethical issues that affect your field.

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  • Srinivas SK Specialist and consultant in analytical instrumentation. HPLC is my first love, though!
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    1) Get a PhD in your field and ...2) Get a degree or diploma in Finance or at least, go through a formal course in money management. If you don't know how to obtain and manage the money needed for your research, you will get nowhere in R&D.4) Understand the importance of deliverables. If you cannot translate your research work into a tangible benefit, then no one will fund you.3) Most important, learn how to manage people, especially those who provide the money you need for your research!


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (20) You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (21) 26

  • Moein Mozaffarzadeh Development Engineer at KROHNE
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    1) get a PhD and do it with all your love and energy. DO not look at it like a job. Look at it like your own business. 2) apply for R&D position.3) make sure the interviewer knows your value.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (30) 10

  • Kumaran Govindasamy
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    With respect to Pharmaceutical R & D, one has to be an expert in any one field of Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals, and further specialization in Synthesis, Formulation, Analytical methods, IPR, QA, QC, RA or Project Management to shine as R & D Scientist. And overall basic knowledge of patents/regulatory (IP/FDA) of major countries/regions is required. R & D requires combination of technical, analytical, and creative skills, and problem-solving capability by experimentation, testing, analyzing, data interpretation, critical thinking, etc. Also, soft skills, like good observation, presentation, communication, teamwork, and leadership are required.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (39) 8

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    If I am a Fresher, will choose to join a Organization with vast R&D Scope and spend at least 6-8 years to learn and contribute. Then move for different but related Verticals......


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (48) 8

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    There may be different field areas for different individual. But R&D perspective is same for all. First of all need to identify the core of research in your specialized field and make plans to work on it..


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (57) 4


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2 Build your skills

R&D requires a combination of technical, analytical, and creative skills. You should have a solid foundation in the scientific or engineering principles and methods that apply to your field, as well as the ability to use various tools and techniques to conduct experiments, tests, and simulations. You should also be able to think critically, solve problems, and generate innovative ideas. Additionally, you should develop your communication, collaboration, and project management skills, as R&D often involves working in teams, presenting results, and delivering outcomes.

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    I would emphasize pursuing an advanced degree in a scientific discipline. This is a requirement for most managerial positions and lack of a degree will seriously limit your opportunities for career advancement.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (66) 3

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    Agreed. One thing with all above points the individual must have fondness and attraction to this field. Than he/she may excel in R&D with interest and thrill. Individual must be updated with upcoming technology and trends. Must visit all product and Machine exhibitions to explore new ideas and innovations.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (75) 2

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    R&D thinking goes hand to hand with the skills of collaboration, communication, design thinking, innovation, strategic thinking, planning, identifying risks and resolve problems, and other. R&D work is mainly being done by a group of people rather than individuals, so the above skills are not only required but are necessary to develop a solid R&D mindset. As for the scientific knowledge and the principles i believe that it is a common sense requirement.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (84) 1

  • Gil Caceres ASE
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    I have been blessed to be a part of an RnD team with some of the greatest minds on the planet (Stanford Phds, Fullbright scholars). Here’s what I think are the 3 basic requirements. 1) Your education background must somehow be connected to your RnD function. 2) Your career experience must be based on Equipment Engg or Process Engg for you to run experiments and trials. 3) An Agile mindset. It’s a new concept to some but its been widely used in RnD. Agile depends on 3 key principles - flexibility, collaboration, and iterative progress. It’s the best method to develop any RnD project based on my experience.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (93) 1

  • Innocent H. Peter Uggh(MD) Medical Doctor( MD): | Global and Public health enthusiast |Healthcare leadership, Governance and Advocacy| |Cancer Research| We grow by helping one another
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    After knowing what you want to solve and what motivates you. It is important to build skills, look for the skills you'll need in the area this can be from personal motives or what others say about the field. Transferable skills are also very important such as communication, team working, collaboration, time management, grant writing, pitching etc. take your time and learn these skills


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3 Gain experience

One of the best ways to get started in R&D is to gain some practical experience in the field. You can look for internships, co-ops, or entry-level positions that offer exposure to R&D projects and tasks. You can also participate in extracurricular activities, such as clubs, competitions, or hackathons, that allow you to apply your skills and knowledge to real-world problems. You can also network with professionals, mentors, or peers who work in R&D, and seek their advice and feedback.

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    The more you are being involved in R&D the more you learn, this is 100% guaranteed. More challanges result in more problem solving skills and a wider sense of R&D approaches. You can enhance your R&D experience from your early career steps by participating to innovation competitions, hackathons, innovation academies etc. Personally, that helped me a lot. Also, i truly believe that building business skills is also part of a successful R&D career.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (110) 2

  • kevin Mwashuma Operations Director -TEA Laboratories Holdings (Pty) Ltd
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    Practical involvement in real life scenarios that require solutions often guide one in measuring there interest in R&D. These real life applications of ones curiosity to solutions in the field is by far the best place to start . Eventually a series of events in different set ups results in accessing where to start. Submerge yourself in internship opportunities in the desired field of interest, or co-op with different Gurus in your field of interest and gain more experience before deciding on what to invest an education in.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (119) You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (120) 2

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    Actually experience of R&D is not game for one day, it's continue and new thing to do on next day. Individual must do best to learn new things and challanges. Which build new confidence everyday to take smart decisions. This experience make you capable and expert to you for any kind of job enlargement etc.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (129) 1

  • Anette Julie Vargas Machuca Manrique Research and development
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    La experiencia práctica ganada en el campo o en el lugar donde se dé los procesos es vital para la gestión de proyectos exitosos en investigación y desarrollo. En ocasiones la solicitud o la idea inicial para satisfacer la necesidad adquiere una forma y un enfoque distinto al aterrizarla en la realidad del proceso, surgen ideas de mejora y se diseña un proceso o producto más eficiente para la organización.



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  • Marcelo Montoro Founder, Managing Director and Business Developer Manager at Crismachem | PDG IESE | Chemist | 📌 Dry Mortar Expert
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    One of the best options for gaining experience is to enter the quality control laboratories in any company. Once you know the raw materials on the market and the product, the next step can be to rely on commercial support to find out the needs of the market. It is at this point where we already have market, product and formulation experience that allows us to develop R&D&I ideas.


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4 Advance your education

R&D is a highly competitive and dynamic field that requires continuous learning and improvement. You might want to pursue further education to enhance your qualifications and credentials for R&D roles. You can consider enrolling in a master’s or doctoral program that specializes in your field of interest, or taking online courses or certifications that cover relevant topics and skills. You can also attend workshops, seminars, or conferences that showcase the latest research and developments in your field.

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  • Muhammad Shehryar Khan, Ph.D. Banting Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Adjunct Assistant Professor at University of Waterloo | NSERC Scholar in Advanced Materials Processing
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    As a university dropout who went on to complete a PhD and is currently working as a postdoc at MIT, I've learned firsthand that a PhD or postdoc isn't mandatory for R&D positions. However, going through all of this structured training will undoubtedly make you much better equipped to deal with the challenges that often come with these roles.So, if you are interested in R&D, give some serious thought to an advanced technical thesis-based graduate degree that will help you achieve your goal!


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (155) 15

  • Bharath Kumar Reddy Yellasiri Alternative Energy Expert leading Axis Energy's Technology Innovation
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    Earning my Ph.D. has significantly altered the way I approach various tasks, instilling in me the ability to connect disparate elements for innovative outcomes. After spending several years in research and development (R&D), I transitioned to the Solar Energy Corporation of India, a non-R&D organization. Proudly, I can attest that my Ph.D. played a pivotal role in enabling me to contribute meaningfully and introduce innovations within this new professional context.In conclusion, I firmly believe that a Ph.D. can bring a unique perspective to any career, enhancing one's ability to innovate and make a positive impact.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (164) 14

  • M. Paz Pellús García Farmacéutica especializada en Cosmética y Regulatory | Evaluadora de la Seguridad de Productos cosméticos
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    La educación es fundamental para alcanzar cualquier meta. Yo siempre recomiendo estar al día de las formaciones que se ofrecen dentro de las asociaciones del sector, que suelen estar muy relacionadas con las actividades que se desarrollan en los puestos de trabajo más relevantes. Te preparará para reunir las skills necesarias para el puesto deseado.



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  • Marcelo Montoro Founder, Managing Director and Business Developer Manager at Crismachem | PDG IESE | Chemist | 📌 Dry Mortar Expert
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    It is not only important to advance in education through a doctorate, but life in the company in R&D&I is not only about being a researcher, but also about being able to be a Director of R&D&I, Technical Director, CTO or Project Manager, for which it is important to be trained with a broader perspective beyond the chosen field of expertise, which is essential to start in these positions.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (182) 1

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    The highest R&D involvement i got was from my PhD. PhDs are undervalued and outdated for some CEOs/managers. This is wrong, a PhD is the highest form of specialised R&D and it is not only from the scientific/engineering aspect but also from the management point of view. In R&D teams usually people forget the "Research" part and go straight to the "Development" part which is absolutely disastrous.


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5 Showcase your portfolio

R&D is a field that values results and evidence. You should have a portfolio that demonstrates your skills, achievements, and potential as an R&D professional. You can include samples of your work, such as papers, patents, prototypes, or code snippets, that highlight your contributions to R&D projects or initiatives. You can also include testimonials, awards, or recognitions that attest to your performance and impact. You can use platforms like GitHub, LinkedIn, or ResearchGate to showcase your portfolio online.

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    To showcase your portfolio for a career in R&D, start by highlighting your research projects and outcomes. Create a dynamic online portfolio showcasing your methodologies, findings, and innovations. Demonstrate your problem-solving skills, creativity, and ability to drive results. Network with professionals in the field, attend industry events, and seek mentorship opportunities. Lastly, tailor your portfolio to the specific role or company you're targeting, emphasizing your relevance and potential impact. Ready to make your mark in R&D! 🚀🔬


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (199) 6

  • Maria Fernanda Juppet Ewing Cryptomarket CEO • Vujade Ventures Co-founder
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    Compartir tus ideas con otros a través de diferentes plataformas es un buen ejercicio, te permite contar con comentarios que pueden enriquecer tu trabajo, pero es importante no desanimarse con críticas destructivas, especialmente en una etapa temprana de investigación.Todo punto de vista es válido, por lo que merece ser evaluado en su propio mérito.



    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (208) 3

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    A well-crafted portfolio is key to launching a career in R&D, showcasing your expertise, project diversity, and achievements. It highlights the scope and impact of your work across academic, private, and B2B projects, serving as a vital complement to your resume. This concise tool not only demonstrates your capabilities to potential clients, partners, and recruiters but also aids in assessing and presenting your professional journey efficiently.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (217) 2

  • Daniel Westerbaan Researcher | Consultant | Artist | P.Eng
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    This can be a difficult challenge as R&D is often bound by non-disclosure agreements. Because of this, I am not able to showcase some of my best achievements. So what does one do in this situation? Be the person that others can rely on to solve the tough problems and your reputation will grow and spread. This is where word of mouth and relationships can make up the difference. Slow and steady wins this race.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (226) 1


6 Explore your options

R&D is a field that offers many different options and opportunities for career development. You can work in various sectors, such as academia, industry, government, or non-profit, that have different goals, cultures, and expectations. You can also work in different roles, such as researcher, developer, analyst, or manager, that have different responsibilities, skills, and rewards. You should explore your options and find the ones that match your interests, values, and aspirations.

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    Exploring your passion within specific areas like technology or healthcare, followed by building both technical expertise and soft skills. Gain practical knowledge through internships or research opportunities, consider relevant higher education, and network while showcasing your work through a portfolio or open-source contributions.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (235) You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (236) 7

  • Dr Balamurugan K Vice President at Malladi drugs and pharmaceuticals ltd
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    Starting in R&D is about knowing your field, learning skills, getting hands-on experience, pursuing education, showcasing your work, exploring options, and staying open to change.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (245) 5

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    I totally agree with this statement. Never settle into one R&D landscape, try several R&D roles. This will allow you to understand R&D process through a various points of view, allowing you also to explore your strengths in each position as well as finding where you can offer (add) value the most.

  • Marcelo Montoro Founder, Managing Director and Business Developer Manager at Crismachem | PDG IESE | Chemist | 📌 Dry Mortar Expert
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    Specialisation is the key. Once specialised in a field, the company or organisation must work under the "Expanded Enterprise" approach, involving customers and suppliers in the research and development process, which allows this process to lead to an innovative product or service. Involving downstream and upstream parties is key.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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    If you consider different perspectives to impact commercial success, then pursuing research and development is worthwhile. Collaborating with diverse minds is crucial because individual brilliance may have limited results.


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  • Ajay Kumar Kalva LinkedIn Top Voice | Product Development Engineer | Ex-TT Specialist at DRL | Certified LSSMBB | Masters in Quality Management
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    Start a career in R&D by building a strong educational foundation, developing critical skills, and gaining practical experience through internships. Network with professionals, pursue advanced degrees, and seek entry-level positions to apply your knowledge. Stay updated through continuous learning and contribute to publications to showcase your expertise in the field.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (280) You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (281) 2

  • Innocent H. Peter Uggh(MD) Medical Doctor( MD): | Global and Public health enthusiast |Healthcare leadership, Governance and Advocacy| |Cancer Research| We grow by helping one another
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    The biggest thing to learn is to never give up or back down, learn from the failures embrace them, build on them and become better day by day. The hustle will eventually pay


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  • Victor Ponce Resolutionary Polymer Chemistry Researcher
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    Reading technical and scientific information from special newsletters, magazines and papers will help to broaden and support your mind capabilities and skills.


    You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (299) 2

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    Be willing to accept failure whether it's by your own hand or as a groupIt could take multiple different tests or even multiple repeated tests to nail down the right conditions or parameters. Even then, it may only be one unit operation in a whole circuit


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You’re thinking about a career in R&D. How do you get started? (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.