Chapter 9 (2024)

"What doesn't kill you will make you stronger."
Spoilers for The Quarry lie below.

Chapter 9 (1)

The Matriarch/Thicker Than Water is the ninth chapter of The Quarry.


  • 1 02:10
  • 2 02:12
  • 3 02:15
    • 3.1 Deaths
      • 3.1.1 Constance
  • 4 02:26
    • 4.1 Collectibles
      • 4.1.1 Evidence
      • 4.1.2 Tarots
  • 5 02:35
    • 5.1 Collectibles
      • 5.1.1 Clues
      • 5.1.2 Tarots
    • 5.2 Deaths and Infections
      • 5.2.1 Jedediah
      • 5.2.2 Jacob
      • 5.2.3 Ryan
  • 6 02:40
  • 7 02:24
    • 7.2 Kaitlyn alone
    • 7.3 Collectibles
      • 7.3.1 Clues
      • 7.3.2 Tarots
    • 7.4 Deaths and Infections
      • 7.4.1 Dylan
      • 7.4.2 Kaitlyn
  • 8 02:29
    • 8.1 Collectibles
      • 8.1.1 Tarots
    • 8.2 Deaths
      • 8.2.1 Abigail
  • 9 02:45
  • 10 03:10
  • 11 Collectables
  • 12 Deaths
    • 12.1 Laura
    • 12.2 Ryan
    • 12.3 Bobby
    • 12.4 Chris
    • 12.5 Constance
    • 12.6 Jedediah
    • 12.7 Travis
  • 13 Trivia


This section only plays out if Dylan is alive

Dylan and Kaitlyn are walking through the woods, trying to get to the scrapyard.

  • If Dylan's hand was amputated, he will comment about how this is him now. Kaitlyn suggests they get him a hook for his hand and call him Hooky McHook Face. Dylan can then be Depressed or Positive
    • Depressed: he says that no one would treat him the same now
    • Positive: he says it's pretty unique and that he could get different attachments for it. Kaitlyn encourages him, saying it's one hell of a story

Either way, Kaitlyn responds that they will all be laughing about this in a few years. Dylan can then be Curious or Reflective

  • Curious: he wonders if something was about to happen between Ryan and either of them back at the campfire
  • Reflective: he says he needs some me time

Regardless, Dylan says it doesn't matter and that they finally know Ryan's type: confident and heroic with an eyepatch

After they arrive at the scrapyard entrance, the lights automatically turn on, but Kaitlyn reassures that she thinks they are motion sensors


This section only plays out if Abi is alive

If Abi and Emma are both alive, Abi asks what they should do now. Emma tries unsuccessfully to lighten the mood by suggesting they make co*cktails and watch TV. Abi can be Annoyed or Curious

  • Annoyed: she tells Emma to cut the sh*t. Emma teases Abi about not being able to have fun, to which Abi can be Angry or Reflective
    • Angry: Abi tells Emma to f*ck off
    • Reflective: Abi accuses Emma of always needing an audience and says she's done with it. Emma gets more serious, telling Abi that she does need her, and that she really values her friendship.
  • Curious: she asks Emma why she is always so positive and confident as Emma dances around cheerfully. Emma replies that it's because she doesn't like to see other people sad, to which Abi can be Friendly or Curious
    • Friendly: she asks if Emma really thinks her followers are all sad people who need her to cheer them up. Emma tells her to go after her and not her "Emma-nation" fanbase, to which Abi replies that she needs to come up with a better name for her fans
    • Curious: she asks if that is why Emma makes vlogs


Laura is dragged by Constance to the upstairs of the house, while Travis tells his mother to take it easy. Laura breaks free from Constance using her gun. Travis tries to calm down his parents, but Constance immediately accuses Laura of killing Kaylee, and turns off the light.

Constance then appears and tries to wrestle the shotgun out of Laura's hands. Laura is then presented with a button-mashing QTE.

  • QTE completed

  • QTE failed

The shotgun goes off, blasting off Constance's face. Bobby arrives after having captured Ryan. Jed immediately rushes to her body and makes futile attempts to perform CPR on her. He then declares that Constance was murdered and tells Travis and Bobby not to protect anyone anymore.

Laura will attempt to flee the room. Jed will aim his gun at her and a QTE appears to dodge his shot.

  • If it's completed, Laura will dodge the shot and continue running.
  • If it's failed, Laura will be shot and falls to the floor, apparently dead.

Either way, Ryan is then stabbed by Bobby and escapes into the food lift.

Laura drops the gun, and Constance tells her she won't be hurting the Hackett family anymore. Bobby arrives after having captured Ryan.

Laura can choose to either Run or Distract

  • If she chooses Run, she will attempt to flee the room. Jed will aim his gun at her and a QTE appears to dodge his shot.
    • If it's completed, Laura will dodge the shot and continue running.
    • If it's failed, Laura will be shot and falls to the floor, apparently dead.
  • If she chooses Distract, she will begin humming in a high pitch, much to everyone's confusion. Ryan unsuccessfully attempts to escape Bobby's grip. Constance insults Laura for singing off-key, and Ryan's resisting ends with Bobby stabbing him. Laura then tells Ryan to run, and he escapes into the food lift while Bobby complains that Ryan took his knife. Laura is presented with an interrupt prompt to spit in Constance's face.
    • If she spits, Constance exclaims to Jed that Laura spat on her. Laura then escapes the room as Constance takes Jed' gun and fires it at her.
    • If she doesn't spit, Constance takes Jed's gun and shoots Laura at point-blank range. Laura then falls to the floor, apparently dead.



  • If Laura completes the QTE during the struggle for the shotgun, she will shoot off Constance's face.


Ryan finds himself in a different room after having escaped through the food lift. He is presented with an interrupt prompt to pull out the knife

Ryan can explore the room. He can look under the bed, only to find a bucket of feces but enough room for him to fit under it. He can also look in the closet, finding enough hiding room

The story will progress when he looks through the lock hole of the door near the lamp and sees Bobby approaching. Ryan can choose Block Door or Hide (if he explored neither the bed nor the closet, he will automatically block the door).

  • If he blocks the door, Bobby will break through the door and chase Ryan
  • If he decides to hide, he must choose to hide in the closet or under the bed (if he only explored one of these, he will automatically hide there). In either hiding spot, he must complete a Don't Breathe segment.
    • Failing it causes Bobby to spot him
    • Succeeding it allows him to flee undetected, as Bobby radios that he's close

Either way, Ryan escapes by exiting a door to the balcony before entering another door. If he fails too many QTEs, Bobby will knock him out and drag him away. Otherwise, Bobby will yell to Ryan that he can't hide from him in his own house




  • Death - The player can find the tarot card on top of a wardrobe.


Laura can explore the Hackett house. The story progresses as she goes upstairs and through the balcony. She can find receipts for electrified cages, meant to hold the infected Hacketts during full moons

After Laura opens a specific door, Jed appears (with Constance if she is alive) and confronts Laura.

  • If Laura was previously shot, Jed will remark that he thought she was shot. She replies that she got better, causing him to deduce that she's infected.

Jed shoots her at point-blank, causing Constance to cheer in joy. Jed then declares that he doesn't have enough silver to kill Laura, but he can still make her suffer. Laura must then fight Jed.

  • If most QTEs are failed, Jed stabs Laura numerous times. However, Laura still manages to get up, surprising Jed.
  • If most QTEs are completed, she successfully fends off Jed, and she can choose to continue attacking Jed, or flee.
    • If she chooses to flee, Jed gets up and aims his gun at her.
    • If she chooses to attack Jed, she begins choking him and is presented with a button mashing prompt.
      • Failing it causes Jed to break free from the chokehold, and he raises his gun at her.
      • Succeeding it results in her snapping his neck, while Constance yells at her to stop and curses her.

Either way, a bright light stuns Laura. She breaks the fusebox, shutting off electricity to the house, including in the basem*nt, where the cell doors open.

  • If both the werewolf Nick and Jacob are still alive and contained within, and if Jacob is not infected, the werewolf will walk into Jacob's cell and maul him to death.
  • If only Nick is still alive, he will walk out of his cell but not be seen again for the rest of the story,
  • If only Jacob is alive, or if Nick is alive and Jacob is infected, Jacob will walk out of his cell unharmed.

Travis then bursts into the room.

  • If at least one of his parents is still alive, he will be trying to calm everyone down, but Travis is ordered by his parent(s) to take Laura's head off.
  • If both of his parents are dead, he will be visibly distraught as he looks at Jed's body. Some text reading "Travis is devastated" appears.

Regardless, Laura gets into a running pose while Travis points his gun at her and yells at her to wait. However, Laura escapes anyways.




  • The Sun - The player can find the tarot card near the windows.

Deaths and Infections[]


  • If Laura completes the QTEs during the fight with Jed and chooses "attack" instead of "run", she will snap his neck.


  • If Jacob is not infected, Ryan stopped Laura from shooting Nick, and left Jacob in the cage in Chapter 8, Nick will maul Jacob to death once Laura breaks the fusebox.


  • If Ryan chooses to let Laura bite him to prevent his death from blood loss, he will be infected.


This section has two different openings:

  • If Ryan passed out during the chase, he wakes up to Bobby standing over him. Bobby says he's unsure if he's supposed to kill Ryan and that he usually has to wait until he is told. He advises Ryan to stay there as he asks his father. Bobby tries contacting Jed, but ends up reaching Travis, and tells him that he found "a live one" (Ryan) but that he's bleeding and seems to be dying. As Bobby continues talking with his back facing Ryan, the counselor slowly sneaks away and escapes the room
  • If Ryan escaped Bobby initially, he must continue hiding.

Either way, Ryan tries sneaking in a narrow passage between two walls, and is presented with a QTE to stay quiet

  • Failing it causes Bobby to punch through the wall and grab Ryan, tossing him into another room
  • Succeeding it causes Ryan to sneak through, but he enters another room and collapses due to pain and exhaustion

Regardless, Bobby confronts Ryan:

  • If Ryan pulled out the knife, Bobby will point out that Ryan is losing a lot of blood. Ryan asks for help, but Bobby says the best thing he can do is put Ryan out of his misery. Laura then appears out of nowhere, scaring Bobby off as he realizes she's infected.
  • If Ryan didn't pull out the knife, he is presented with an interrupt prompt to stab Bobby
    • If it's completed, Bobby will comedically complain that it hurts and that he's never been stabbed before. He then leaves, calling for his father. Laura then appears out of nowhere, startling Ryan.
    • If it is not completed, Bobby pulls the knife out, saying that it is his knife and that nobody is allowed to take it. Laura then appears out of nowhere, scaring Bobby off as he realizes she's infected.

Laura then notices Ryan's injuries, and he asks her how bad the injuries are. She points out that he has lot a lot of blood but she can heal him if she bites him, though that will cause him to be infected.

  • Rejecting the bite annoys Laura, as she believes Ryan has made a mistake. Ryan is then guaranteed to die later.
  • Accepting the bite causes Laura to glance at Ryan's arm. An interrupt prompt to pull away appears.
    • If the prompt is completed, the same results play out as if he initially rejected the bite.
    • If the prompt is not completed, she will bite and infect him, causing him to heal.


Kaitlyn & Dylan together[]

Kaitlyn and Dylan wander into the junkyard. They notice the only working car is attached to a crane, so Dylan boards the crane and lowers the car. He then notices the other motion lights in the junkyard lighting up, indicating that a werewolf is approaching. He can either warn Kaitlyn by sounding the horn or lift the car

  • Warn Kaitlyn

  • Lift car

  • Timeout

Dylan honks the horn and yells to Kaitlyn that something is coming and tells her to hide in the car. A QTE then appears for Dylan to lift the car.

  • If he fails it, the werewolf will smash the car's window, but Kaitlyn will shoot it away. Dylan then automatically lifts the car
  • If he succeeds it, he begins pulling the car up, but the werewolf catches it anyways

Kaitlyn gets in the car just as Dylan unexpectedly begins lifting it. Kaitlyn panics and yells to him to stop and that she's still in it. Meanwhile, the werewolf lunges at the rising car but fails to catch it. As the werewolf lunges again, it catches the car, causing Kaitlyn to yell to Dylan to get the werewolf off the car.

If no decision is made, the path played out is similar to the "warn Kaitlyn" path, except that Dylan doesn't honk the horn and Kaitlyn automatically gets into the car

Dylan can either sound the horn or slam the car

  • Sound horn

  • Slam car

  • Timeout

Dylan honks the horn, attracting the werewolf's attention. Kaitlyn sees a stack of tires and jumps out of the car, using the tires to break her fall. Dylan sees the werewolf climbing the crane and finds a blowtorch. He must then complete a button-mashing QTE to light the blowtorch and defend himself.

  • Failing it results in werewolf severing both of his arms before mauling him to death (only if he was uninfected). Kaitlyn escapes the junkyard, unharmed.
  • Succeeding it results in another QTE to avoid the werewolf's attack and burn it
    • Failing it results in the werewolf knocking the blowtorch out of his hands and biting his right arm (only if he was uninfected)
      • If Dylan's hand was amputated, he will be unable to pick up the blowtorch and is thus mauled to death
      • If Dylan still has both hands, he can complete a QTE to use his other hand to pick up the blowtorch
        • Failing it results in the same death as if his hand was amputated
        • Succeeding it causes him to burn the werewolf, scaring it away. However, he will be infected
    • Succeeding it results in Dylan burning the werewolf, scaring it away

Dylan swings the car wildly, and Kaitlyn eventually falls out of the car. She lands on the stack of tires, breaking her fall.

If no decision is made, Kailtyn will shoot the werewolf off the car, and its second attack will damage the crane, causing Kaitlyn to fall from the car onto the stack of tyres.

If Dylan survives, Kaitlyn is confronted by the werewolf and yells to Dylan for help. He is presented with a QTE to drop the car on the werewolf.

  • Failing it results in Kaitlyn being bitten on the leg and infected. Dylan then automatically drops the car on the werewolf, incapacitating it.
  • Succeeding causes Dylan to drop the car on the werewolf immediately and allows Kaitlyn to remain uninfected.

If Dylan was bitten in Chapter 5 and Ryan refused to sever his hand, he remains in the crane and is visibly unwell. Kaitlyn goes up the crane to check on him, but he screams at her to run and get away from him. Despite her protests, she leaves just as Dylan transforms into a werewolf.

If Dylan was not infected at the radio hut in Chapter 5, he gets down from the crane and meets Kaitlyn on the ground. If she was bitten due to Dylan failing the QTE, Kaitlyn will berate him for not dropping the car fast enough. If Dylan passed the QTE to drop the car, Kaitlyn will thank him for saving her life. Either way, they will decide to go back to the lodge as it's better than staying out in the open.

Kaitlyn alone[]

Kaitlyn enters the scrapyard and sees the wagon attached to a crane. She presses a button that opens the gates and enters the crane to lower the wagon. As she enters the wagon, the scrapyard's motion sensor lights turn on, indicating a werewolf is approaching. She can either use Gun or Hide.

  • Gun

  • Hide

  • Timeout

Kaitlyn grabs the gun and gets a chance to shoot the werewolf

  • Failing to shoot the werewolf will get Kaitlyn mauled
  • Shooting the werewolf will knock the it back, allowing her to make a break for the Container. She must perform a QTE to adjust the rod
    • Failing it will get Kaitlyn mauled
    • Succeeding it will prompt another QTE to drop the container on the werewolf
      • Failing it will cause the container to fall on both the werewolf and Kaitlyn, killing her
      • Succeeding it will trap the werewolf under the container, allowing Kaitlyn to escape the scrap yard

Kaitlyn hides from the werewolf in the car. She must complete a Don't Breathe segment.

  • Failing it results in Kaitlyn being bitten, but otherwise acts as if she had succeeded
  • Succeeding it does not get Kaitlyn bitten, though she will then have to shoot the werewolf as it breaks through the windshield
    • Failing to do so will get Kaitlyn mauled
    • Succeeding will knock the werewolf back, allowing her to make a break for the Container. She must perform a QTE to adjust the rod
      • Failing it will get Kaitlyn mauled
      • Succeeding it will prompt another QTE to drop the container on the werewolf
        • Failing it will cause the container to fall on both the werewolf and Kaitlyn, killing her (unless infected; if her curse is lifted, she will still die)
        • Succeeding it will trap the werewolf under the container, allowing Kaitlyn to escape the scrap yard

If no decision is made, Kailtyn will fail to make a decision and will get mauled by the werewolf.



  • Scrapyard Note - Dylan or Kaitlyn can find a note in the garage upstairs.
  • Discarded Signage - Dylan or Kaitlyn can find discarded signage in between the sets of stairs leading from the containers.


  • Judgement - The player can find a tarot card on top of the containers.

Deaths and Infections[]


  • If Dylan is not infected and fails to use the blowtorch to defend himself after sounding the horn to distract Silas, his left arm will be severed before having his throat ripped out.
    • However, if he still has both hands, he will be infected instead, with one more chance to use the blowtorch, or he will still die.


  • If Kaitlyn is alone and fails to act when given a choice after first seeing Silas, she will be mauled to death.
  • If Kaitlyn is alone and fails to shoot Silas when given the chance she will be mauled to death.
  • If Kaitlyn is alone and fails to adjust the container in time, she will have her throat ripped out.
  • If Kaitlyn is alone and fails the QTE where she has to knock out the bar holding up a shipping container, the container will crush her body, killing her in the process.
    • If Kaitlyn is infected, this will not kill her unless her curse is lifted; either way, she will not be playable in Chapter 10.
  • If Kaitlyn is alone and fails the Don't Breathe segment when hiding in the car, her leg will be bitten by Silas.
    • The infection does not set in soon enough to protect her from Silas himself, but will protect her from the scrap.
  • If Kaitlyn is with Dylan, should Dylan fail the QTE to drop the car onto Silas, Kaitlyn's leg will be bitten by Silas.


If Abi is alive and Emma did not survive Chapter 4 uninfected, Abi will be alone. She can explore the stormshelter and find silver bullets. She will eventually climb out of the storm shelter and find herself in Chris' surveillance room.

If Emma survived Chapter 4 uninfected and Abi is dead, Emma will be alone. This section plays out almost exactly the same as Abi's solo section. If Emma was infected in Chapter 6, she presumably transforms off screen in Chris' office.

If Abi is alive and Emma survived Chapter 4 uninfected, they are in the storm shelter together. Emma says they can't just sit there, but Abi retorts that Dylan said it was safe and that all they need to do is wait until morning. Emma tells Abi to find something for them to protect themselves with. Abi can then explore the shelter

The story progresses when Abi finds the ladder. Emma suddenly appears and asks Abi what she found, before encouraging her to open the tiny door at the top of the ladder. Abi refuses, as they don't know what's up there. Emma clarifies that the ladder could be an escape route, causing Abi to hesitantly agree.

  • If Emma was never infected, Abi then climbs up the ladder and finds herself in Chris' surveillance room.
  • If Emma was infected in Chapter 6, she becomes irritated at Abi's hesitation, to which Abi can be Concerned or Annoyed
    • Concerned: she asks Emma if she's okay and what's gotten into her. Emma replies that she doesn't know
    • Annoyed: she tells Emma to cut the sh*t, to which she aggressively screams "f*ck you!", before saying that it hurts

Regardless of the dialogue choice, Emma begins panting and distances herself from Abi before collapsing, growling, and transforming into a werewolf. Abi must escape; she is presented with a choice between the ladder or the stairs

  • Ladder

  • Stairs

Abi runs to the ladder. If Dylan damaged the ladder in Chapter 2, Abi falls off the ladder but gets back up. She has to complete a button-mashing QTE either way, and failing it results in werewolf Emma mauling her to death.

Abi runs for the stairs, but werewolf Emma catches up and knocks her off her feet. Abi attempts to get up but is pinned down by the werewolf and has her face devoured.





  • If Abigail is inside the storm shelter with an infected Emma, and fails the QTE to climb the ladder (if Dylan climbed down it in Chapter 2), she will be mauled by Werewolf Emma.
  • If Abigail is inside the storm shelter with an infected Emma, and chooses to run for the stairs, her face will be torn apart by Emma.


Laura and Ryan are in the attic, as Laura blocks a door. Ryan says he might need to rest soon

  • If he accepted her bite, she tells him that he'll feel better soon
  • If he rejected her bite, she tells him it's not too late for her to bite him, but he continues to refuse it

Laura then comments that she feels pretty good and smells something good, but Ryan tells her to stop being creepy.

Laura can explore the attic. The story progresses when she walks towards the middle of the room, and finds a werewolf chained to a pole. She comments that she thinks they have found Chris, before the werewolf breaks free from its chains. It advances towards the pair, but the ground breaks, causing all three to fall through.


Laura, Ryan, and werewolf Chris fall through the ground to a lower level of the Hackett house. The other Hackett members rush to the room whilst Bobby fights off Chris. Laura then transforms into a werewolf and throws Travis against the wall, damaging a mirror and causing him to notice the shards of the mirror are silver.

Bobby attempts to incapacitate Chris, while Travis calls out for Bobby to grab the dropped shotgun.

  • If Bobby was stabbed, he will struggle against Chris, and will be thrown around and mauled to death. Chris then attacks and kills his parents (if they survived up to this point).
  • If Bobby was not stabbed, he will lunge onto Chris's legs before being thrown against the wall and gets knocked unconscious whilst their parents (if they survived up to this point) leave the room, unharmed.

Ryan picks up the shotgun, and is able to shoot werewolf Chris, werewolf Laura, or do nothing.

  • Shoot Chris

  • Shoot Laura

  • Do nothing

Chris is killed and Laura transforms back into a human.

  • If Laura shot Travis during her prison break, he will glance at the mirror shard and lunge at her, stabbing her to death. Travis then glares at Ryan whilst approaching him. Ryan can either attempt to reason with Travis or become aggressive and insult him, but either choice results in Travis lunging for Ryan's gun. Ryan must complete a QTE to dodge Travis.
    • Failing it results in Travis taking the gun and shooting off Ryan's face.
    • Succeeding it presents Ryan with an opportunity to shoot Travis.
      • Failing this results in the same scene of Travis taking the gun and shooting Ryan dead.
      • Succeeding it results in Ryan shooting off Travis' face.
        • If Bobby survived the ambush, he will avenge Travis' death by stabbing Ryan through the neck, killing him.
        • If Bobby was killed in the ambush and Ryan accepted Laura's bite, Ryan will leave the room, unharmed.
        • If Bobby was killed in the ambush and Ryan rejected Laura's bite, Ryan will collapse and die of blood loss.
  • If Laura didn't shoot Travis and Ryan accepted her bite, Travis will glance at the mirror shard and throw it away. Travis and Laura express gratitude to each other for not killing each other. Laura asks what happens now that Chris is dead and everyone is back to normal. Travis interjects that the werewolf curse is not over since Chris wasn't the first werewolf. He explains that Silas, a white wolf, was the first werewolf, and that the Hackett family was cursed when Caleb and Kaylee started a fire to free him. Silas then bit Caleb and Caleb bit Kaylee and Chris. Ryan then comments that he remembers seeing a white wolf earlier that night near the radio shack. Travis then realizes Silas was responsible for running Laura and Max off the road two months ago and that he must have returned. Travis then teams up with them to hunt Silas, saying they can still save what's left of his family and that he knows where to find the white wolf.
  • If Laura didn't shoot Travis and Ryan rejected her bite, Travis will glance at the mirror shard and throw it away. Travis and Laura express gratitude to each other for not killing each other. Ryan then collapses and dies of blood loss. Laura must complete a QTE to grab his dropped gun.
    • Failing it results in Travis taking the gun and holding her at gunpoint. He tells her that he can't let her go, and locks her in the basem*nt.
    • Succeeding it presents her with another QTE to shoot Travis.
      • Failing this results in the same scene of Travis locking her in the basem*nt.
      • Succeeding it results in her shooting off Travis' face. She then leaves the house and returns to Max.

Laura is killed. Chris then bashes Ryan's face in with the shotgun and escapes, while Travis crawls out of the room, unharmed.

Ryan is killed by Chris in the same way as if he shot Laura. Travis then stabs werewolf Laura with the silver-backed mirror shard while she lunges at him and decapitates him, resulting in both deaths.




  • If Ryan decides to shoot Laura instead of Chris after she transforms, she will be shot with a silver bullet and killed
  • If Ryan does not shoot either Laura or Chris, werewolf Laura will be stabbed to death with a silver mirror shard while beheading Travis.
  • If Ryan successfully shoots Chris, and Laura had shot Travis in Chapter 7, after she transforms back she will be stabbed to death by Travis.


  • If Ryan fails to shoot Chris or shoots Laura instead, he will have his face bashed in
  • If Ryan pulls out the knife early on, he will die from blood loss while running from Bobby
  • If Ryan does not accept Laura's bite or doesn't get the opportunity to, and Ryan successfully shoots Chris, he will die from blood loss
  • If Travis kills Laura and Ryan fails the QTE to shoot Travis, he will get shot in the head
  • If Ryan shot Travis and Bobby was not stabbed and survived, he will be stabbed in the neck


  • If Ryan had stabbed him earlier, he will get his throat mauled by werewolf Chris


  • If Ryan successfully shoots Chris, he will be shot with a silver bullet and killed


  • If Bobby was stabbed by Ryan, she will be mauled to death by werewolf Chris


  • If Bobby was stabbed by Ryan, Jed will get his face smashed in by werewolf Chris


  • If Ryan fails to shoot anybody, he will get mauled and decapitated by werewolf Laura
  • If Travis kills Laura and Ryan succeeds the QTE, Travis will get shot and killed.
  • If Ryan died from blood loss and Laura succeeds the QTEs, Travis will get shot and killed.


  • The chapter is named "Thicker Than Water" if Emma is the only protagonist who is dead. Otherwise, the chapter is named "The Matriarch".
  • If Ryan dislodges the knife at the first opportunity, Bobby is guaranteed to survive the rest of the game.
  • If Laura doesn't attack Jedediah and Ryan doesn't stab Bobby, Jedidiah is guaranteed to survive the rest of game.
  • If Laura doesn't shoot Constance and Ryan doesn't stab Bobby, Constance is guaranteed to survive the rest of the game.
  • If Ryan shoots nobody or shoots Laura, Chris is guaranteed to survive the rest of the game.
  • If Ryan shoots Laura, Travis is guaranteed to survive the rest of the game.
  • If Kaitlyn was bitten by the werewolf but otherwise survives her encounter in the scrapyard AND Laura shot Travis in the cell OR Ryan rejected Laura's bite(Because she can still die in the freezer or the pile of scrap if Laura shoots Silas so the werewolf curse is broken), she is guaranteed to survive for the rest of the game, although doing so will also guarantee Ryan or Laura's death. Kaitlyn is the sixth counselor that can have their survival guaranteed, after Emma in Chapter 4, Dylan in Chapter 5, Jacob and Abigail in Chapter 6, and Nick in Chapter 8.
  • If Ryan rejected Laura's bite AND Ryan shoots Chris, Laura is guaranteed to survive the rest of the night. Laura is the seventh counselor that can have their survival guaranteed, after Emma in Chapter 4, Dylan in Chapter 5, Jacob and Abigail in Chapter 6, Nick in Chapter 8, and Kaitlyn in Chapter 9.
  • If Ryan fails to shoot Chris, Max is guaranteed to survive for the rest of the game, although doing so will also guarantee Ryan and Laura's deaths. Max is the eighth counselor that can have their survival guaranteed, after Emma in Chapter 4, Dylan in Chapter 5, Jacob and Abigail in Chapter 6, Nick in Chapter 8, and Kaitlyn in Chapter 9.
  • If Ryan survives the ordeal in the Hackett House AND Laura is dead(To do this, Laura has to shoot Travis in the cell, Ryan has to not pull out the knife for the first time and stab Bobby with that, accept Laura's bite and shoot Chris and Travis), he is guaranteed to survive the rest of the night. Ryan is the ninth and final counselor that can have their survival guaranteed, after Emma in Chapter 4, Dylan in Chapter 5, Jacob and Abigail in Chapter 6, Nick in Chapter 8, and Kaitlyn, Laura and Max in Chapter 9.
v · d · eGameplay in The Quarry
Chapter 9 (2024)


What is the meaning of Chapter 9? ›

Chapter 9 is a bankruptcy proceeding that provides financially distressed municipalities with protection from creditors by creating a plan between the municipality and its creditors to resolve the outstanding debt.

What is the difference between Chapter 9 and chapter 11? ›

A chapter 9 debtor can use, sell or lease its property without bankruptcy court approval or oversight. A chapter 11 debtor cannot use, sell or lease property outside of the ordinary course without bankruptcy court approval. Section 1113 of the Bankruptcy Code does not apply in a chapter 9 case.

How does Chapter 9 work? ›

Chapter 9 is modeled after chapter 11. Accordingly, the Code protects a municipality from creditors, much like a commercial debtor receives protection in a chapter 11 case. In both proceedings, debtors enjoy an automatic stay.

What happens after Chapter 9? ›

Once the court accepts a Chapter 9 reorganization filing, it triggers an automatic stay. An automatic stay stops all collection actions against the debtor town. But Chapter 9 limits the role of creditors by banning the proposal of competing reorganization plans.

What is Chapter 9 acts about? ›

Jesus reveals to Saul that He is alive. He tells Saul to go into Damascus and wait for a man to tell him what to do. Saul does so, being led by the hand as he has gone blind (Acts 9:1–9). Meanwhile, Jesus appears to Ananias, one of His followers in Damascus, and tells him where to find Saul.

Who is the beast in Chapter 9? ›

In chapter 9, Simon finds out the beast is actually just a dead body. The boys all go to Jack's feast, and Ralph and Jack argue. Jack has his boys start a tribal dance, and they kill Simon because they are so worked up they think he is the beast.

How is Chapter 11 legal? ›

Chapter XI [ chapter 11 of former title 11] allows a debtor to negotiate a plan outside of court and, having reached a settlement with a majority in number and amount of each class of creditors, permits the debtor to bind all unsecured creditors to the terms of the arrangement.

Who benefits from Chapter 11? ›

This chapter of the Bankruptcy Code generally provides for reorganization, usually involving a corporation or partnership. A chapter 11 debtor usually proposes a plan of reorganization to keep its business alive and pay creditors over time. People in business or individuals can also seek relief in chapter 11.

What triggers Chapter 11? ›

However, Section 109 of the Code permits and courts agree that individual debtors not engaged in business may file for relief under chapter 11. This usually occurs when an individual's debt exceeds the statutory debt ceiling (see: 11 U.S. Code § 109) for chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code.

Who gets paid first in chapter 11? ›

Secured creditors like banks are going to get paid first. This is because their credit is secured by assets—typically ones that your business controls. Your plan and the courts may consider how integral the assets are that secure your loans to determine which secured creditors get paid first though.

Who gets paid first Chapter 7? ›

Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows liquidation of assets to pay creditors. Unsecured priority debt is paid first in a Chapter 7, after which comes secured debt and then nonpriority unsecured debt.

How long does Chapter 7 stay on your record? ›

How long does a Chapter 7 bankruptcy stay on your credit report? In most cases, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy can stay on your credit reports for up to 10 years from the date you file bankruptcy. Once the 10-year period ends, the bankruptcy should fall off your credit reports automatically.

Is chapter 9 honorable? ›

CHARACTERIZATION OF SERVICE: Soldiers separated under Chapter 9 may receive either an honorable discharge or a general under honorable conditions discharge.

What is the difference between chapter 9 and 11? ›

The main difference between Chapter 9 and Chapter 11 bankruptcies is who can use them. While Chapter 9 applies to certain government entities, Chapter 11 bankruptcy allows a business or individual to reorganize its debts and obligations.

What happens in chapter 9 in night? ›

In Chapter 9 of Night, Eliezer is moved to the children's block in Buchenwald after his father dies. American soldiers are on their way to liberate the camp, so the Nazi soldiers decide to evacuate the camp and then burn it down.

What does Numbers Chapter 9 mean in the Bible? ›

Numbers 9 records the observance of the 2nd annual Passover memorial. The 2nd Passover was kept the 14th day of the 2nd month of the 2nd year after the Israelites left Egypt.

What does Mark chapter 9 teach us? ›

It begins with Jesus' prediction that "I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power". The chapter then recounts the transfiguration of Jesus, a healing miracle, and Jesus' teaching about the return of Elijah, humility and temptation.

What is Chapter 9 of the help about? ›

It's Saturday and Skeeter is getting ready for her blind date with Stuart Whitworth. She's trying not to get her hopes up; she knows he won't be interested in her. She lies and tells her mother she's spending the night at Hilly's, babysitting her kids.

What is the main idea of Chapter 9 of night? ›

Themes in Night Chapter 9

Hopelessness: The theme of hope vs. hopelessness can be seen in this chapter through Eliezer's reaction to his father passing away. Eliezer becomes depressed and numb, losing hope and motivation for everything but food.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.