Florida Eviction Laws: The Process & Timeline In 2024 (2024)

Per Fla. Stat. § 83.40 et. Seq., landlords in Florida have a legal right to evict tenants from their rental properties. The specific eviction process will be detailed below.

Tenants can be ordered to vacate the landlord’s property based on a number of reasons provided by law.

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Now, let’s dive in.

3 ways landlords can evict tenants in Florida

The following are the three most common reasons for initiating an eviction process:

  1. Tenant failed to pay rent
  2. The tenant did not follow their lease’s rules (e.g. keeping a cat in their unit when the lease has a strict no pets provision)
  3. Tenant did not maintain their unit according to the minimum standards set by Florida law. See Fla. Stat. § 83.52.

What landlords can not evict tenants for

All cities in the state of Florida prohibit landlords from using common forms of ‘self-help’ to push their non-paying or ‘problem’ tenants from vacating their units.

These methods include, but are not limited to:

  1. Removing the tenant’s unit doors
  2. Changing the tenant’s locks to effectively lock them out of their unit
  3. Interfering with a tenant’s utilities, including cutting off their main water valve and other actions

Can tenants sue their landlords?

Yes. Their tenants can sue landlords who take any of the above or similar actions for monetary damages or for statutory damages of up to three times their rent.

Winning tenants can also sue for their attorney fees. If they hire a lawyer on contingency, the lawyer can also try suing to recover their fees.

To avoid any of the issues above, landlords must follow the 5 steps below to properly go through an eviction process.

Step #1: Give your tenant proper notice

Tenants cannot be legally ordered to vacate their residential units unless they have been properly notified of the beginning of the eviction process. State law provides for 3 types of notices: 3-day notice, 7-day notice with a chance to ‘cure,’ and an ‘unconditional quit’ 7-day notice.

3-day notice

This notice is given to tenants who didn’t pay their unit’s rent on time. To have any legal effect, your notice to a non-paying tenant must clearly state the exact rent amount due and gives the renter three days to pay up. This 3 day period does not include holidays or weekends.

The notice must say that their tenancy is terminated if the tenant doesn’t pay within three days.

If the tenant fails to pay after the 3-day notice and doesn’t move out, Fla. Stat. § 83.56(3) allows a landlord to start a lawsuit for the eviction process.

7-day notice of lease violation with a chance to ‘cure’

Most leases list terms of occupancy the tenant is supposed to follow. Similarly, there are also tenant obligations required by state law. Landlords send out 7-day notices when the tenant violates these terms.

If the lease terms or statutory obligation violation(s) can be corrected or ‘cured,’ the landlord must give the tenant a 7 day notice with a chance to cure. This type of notice lets the tenant know which lease term(s) they are breaking and that they have a week (7 days) to correct the problem. The notice also lets the tenant know if, after 7 days have passed, the violation continues, this would terminate their tenancy.

If the tenant has not resolved the violation within the 7 day notice period, per Fla. Stat. § 83.56(2)(b), the landlord can go to court to file suit for an eviction process.

Seven-day “Unconditional Quit” notice for uncorrectable lease term violations

According to Fla. Stat. § 83.56(2)(a), tenants can be found to violate lease terms in a way that can’t be cured or corrected. The law provides the landlord with an ‘unconditional quit’ seven-day notice in these situations. This notice spells out the lease terms or statutory provision(s) the tenant violated and tells them to vacate their unit with 7 days or face an eviction lawsuit. Once the 7 days are up, the landlord can go to court to continue with the eviction process.

Other types of notices cover no lease tenants or holdovers

If the tenant hasn’t signed a lease, the landlord can end the tenancy without giving any specific reason. The landlord only has to send proper notice to the tenant, allowing for the number of days provided by Fla. Stat. § 83.57. For instance, month-to-month tenants must be given 15 days to vacate.

Since Florida law does not automatically renew leases when they expire, tenants who continue to rent are considered ‘leaseless.’ Accordingly, the notice process for month-to-month tenants described above, apply to them.

If you want your own Florida lease agreement, head over to DoorLoop's Forms Page to download your very own template.

Follow the right method of giving notice to your tenant

According to Florida law Fla. Stat. § 83.56(4)., notices sent to tenants are considered properly delivered if these are hand-delivered, mailed, or, if the tenant isn’t around to receive the notice, leaving a copy of it at the tenant’s residence.

In practical terms, though, many judges require landlords to prove that the tenant actually received notice. This means landlords should use certified mail or require a return receipt when mailing out eviction notices. Still, the best method is to physically deliver the required notice personally. If the tenant isn’t around, landlords must post a conspicuous and hard to ignore notice of eviction at the tenant’s place.

Step #2: Write up your complaint and file your Florida Eviction Lawsuit at your county court

Once a landlord has complied with the necessary notice period of 3 or 7 days, Fla. Stat. § 83.59 enables landlords to file suit for eviction at the county courthouse with jurisdiction over the rental property area.

To file suit, the landlord or their attorney needs to file the following documentation with the county court:

  • Complaint for Eviction
  • Summons
  • Non-military Affidavit
  • A double-stamped addressed envelope for each defendant

What should the complaint contain?

The complaint must give the court all relevant information it needs to order an eviction:

  • The landlord’s information
  • Location of the property
  • The tenant’s violation
  • A specific request for eviction of the tenant

Landlords must also attach to the complaint a copy of the lease (if any) and a copy of the notice sent to the tenant.

The summons is the notice sent to the tenant informing them of the lawsuit.

The affidavit of non-military status certifies to the court that the tenant isn’t US military personnel on active duty. Different rules apply to active-duty military personnel.

Most Florida country courthouses require a $185 filing fee. In addition, there’s a $10 additional summon issuance fee for each defendant.

Notice to Comply

Before filing for an eviction with the court, you need to issue the tenant a notice to comply. You can either download the free PDF or Word template, or create your Florida eviction notice from here using a step-by-step wizard that guides you through the entire process to make sure you are submitting the legally correct notice.

Keep in mind, the step-by-step wizard will ask you to pay a small fee at the end - it's a small price to pay to ensure legal compliance and protection. The last thing you want is to go to court only to find out you did the first process incorrect.

Step #3: Serve the Tenant with the Eviction Complaint and Summons

For the court to get “personal jurisdiction” over a tenant, the eviction summons must be served to the tenant. The county court clerk will send the tenant a copy of the eviction summons and complaint. Plus, a copy of the summons and complaint must be delivered to the tenant in person.

Landlords can either hire a private company or retain the county sheriff for personal process service. Typically, Florida sheriff offices charge between $30 to $50 per tenant to be served.

Process service private companies can charge anywhere from $50 to as much as $100 per named tenant in the summons.

Step #4: Go to your Court Hearing, Win a Judgment and Get A Writ of Possession

Once the tenant’s been served personally with the landlord’s complaint, the tenant has five (5) days to file a response to the complaint in writing at the county clerk’s office. The tenant has to pay the court’s necessary filing fee to respond to the lawsuit.

If the tenant submits a response to the court, a hearing is set up, and a judge will be assigned to hear the eviction case.

Landlords must physically appear on the date and time and show up at the appointed hearing courtroom. Bring whatever evidence (including witnesses who will give testimony) you need to prove your claim.

Expect the court clerk to swear you in and ask you to promise to tell the court the truth. Expect to provide your testimony to the court along with whatever documentary evidence you have that proves your claim. Keep in mind that, at the very least, you are expected to bring a copy of your complaint, the lease the tenant signed, and a copy of the three-day or seven-day notice.

Should you be successful in proving the claims made in your complaint, the judge will issue a legal judgment declaring you the winner of your dispute. This legal document is then given to the county clerk’s office. In turn, the clerk will provide you with a Writ of Possession.

Eviction Process if Tenant does not reply

In the event your tenant doesn’t bother to answer the complaint, once five days pass, file a default judgment motion with the clerk of court. You will be given a motion hearing time and date with the judge slated to hear your case.

Appear at the appointed time and place. If all your paperwork is in order, the judge will conclude the hearing by issuing a judgment awarding you possession of the tenant’s unit. This will be sent to the county clerk, who will then give you a Writ of Possession.

Step #5: Wait for the County Sheriff to Serve the Tenant and Carry out the Writ of Possession

For an eviction to be legal in Florida, the county sheriff’s department must serve your tenant the Writ of Possession and execute it.

You must pay a Writ service and execution fee to your country sheriff’s office ranging between $90 to $115. All writs of possession must include the landlord’s full name and contact number of the land or the information of their authorized agent. The landlord or their authorized agent must meet with Sheriff’s deputies at the premises of the eviction.

Carrying out a Writ of Possession involves two steps: service and execution.

Serving the Tenant

First, the Sheriff’s Deputy must personally deliver a copy of the Writ to your tenant. If the tenant is hiding or can’t be found, the Deputy can just post the Writ on the premises. Generally, writs of possession give tenants 24 hours to leave the premises. In practical terms, Writs usually end up giving tenants between 48 to 72 hours to vacate. This is due to the fact that everyone involved has to coordinate their schedules, and writs can only be executed during normal business hours (cutting out weekends).

Once the deputy posts or personally delivers the Writ, the Deputy will make a phone call to the landlord or their authorized agent to schedule a meet-up at the property. This meeting is set after at least a full 24 hours has passed from the Writ’s delivery or posting.

Ejecting the Tenant

Second, the Deputy executes the Writ. After at least 24 hours after the Writ’s service, the Deputy will then show up at the premises to physically eject the tenant (assuming the tenant is physically there). The Deputy will also stand by (and, if needed, keep the peace) while the landlord installs new locks or takes measures to secure the premises.

If requested by the landlord, the Deputy will enter and check out the property-including opening rooms inside. This is meant to defuse any tensions or prevent potentially dangerous situations caused by hiding tenants who might confront the landlord after the Deputy leaves.

The Deputy is also expected to remain at the premises while the landlord or their authorized representatives remove the tenant’s possessions from the property.

If the tenant has a lot of possessions, the landlord has to make arrangements with movers to quickly take out and remove the tenant’s items from the repossessed property.

Can a Florida Eviction Attorney help you?

Whether you are a landlord or property manager, evictions can be emotionally and physically rough on you. The whole process can be draining since the process is complex, and mistakes can cost you time or money.

For instance, you have to correctly figure out the amount of rent due when giving a 3-day notice. Depending on your lease’s terms, you may or may not include the following in your rent total:

  • Late fees
  • Insufficient balance bank fees
  • Monthly surcharges for pets
  • Storage or parking space charges
  • Fees for amenities like gym access or pool privileges

If you include any of the fees or charges above in your calculation of ‘rent,’ the eviction hearing judge might invalidate the notice you gave your tenant. Your eviction lawsuit will get dismissed, and you end up having to start all over again from the beginning of the eviction process.

Contact an experienced eviction attorney so you can smoothly and correctly navigate the often confusing eviction process. Save time and gain peace of mind.

For a complete overview of Florida's landlord-tenant laws, visit DoorLoop's Complete Guide to Florida Landlord-Tenant Laws.

Showing Evidence

How to keep good records

If the tenant disagrees with the eviction request and they reply to the court, it’s essential that you keep extremely good records of everything so you can provide proof to the judge and win your case. This part can make or break your entire eviction request in the event of a dispute.

You can stay organized by:

  1. Keeping a physical paper trail - This gets VERY hard to search through, takes up a lot of storage space, and could get lost, damaged, stolen, or burnt in a fire.
  2. Scanning documents - Scan every document into your computer. A great scanner is the Brother ADS-1700W for under $200 or the Fujitsu ScanSnap iX1500 for $400.
  3. Backups - Store and backup every file using Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or any other option that is easily searchable.
  4. PMS - Use a property management software to save everything from lease agreements, signed documents, violations, emails, notes, invoices, payments, reminders, maintenance requests, pictures, videos, and anything you can imagine. This is used best when you also scan every document into your software.

Evidence to show for not paying rent

If the tenant doesn’t pay rent, and they dispute that claim, it’s important that you show the judge the following:

  1. Your lease agreement - Showing the terms of the agreement, when rent is due, and any penalties for late payment.
  2. All payments - Showing all previous payments, how they were normally made (check, credit card, ACH, etc…), and what date they were normally paid on.
Florida Eviction Laws: The Process & Timeline In 2024 (2024)


Florida Eviction Laws: The Process & Timeline In 2024? ›

What eviction rules have changed in Florida for 2024? A notable change to Florida tenancy laws is that notice periods have increased when ending a monthly agreement. If you need to terminate a month-to-month tenancy, you can give 30 days written notice to vacate your property.

What is the new eviction law in Florida? ›

What eviction rules have changed in Florida for 2024? A notable change to Florida tenancy laws is that notice periods have increased when ending a monthly agreement. If you need to terminate a month-to-month tenancy, you can give 30 days written notice to vacate your property.

How long are evictions taking in Florida right now? ›

Evicting a tenant in Florida typically takes between two to four weeks. The process starts with providing a notice to the tenant, which can vary from three days for non-payment of rent to seven or fifteen days for other lease violations. If the tenant does not comply, the landlord can file an eviction lawsuit.

What are the steps of the eviction process in Florida? ›

  • Step 1: Send an Eviction Notice. Non-Payment of Rent. ...
  • Step 2: Wait to Hear from the Tenant. ...
  • Step 3: File in the Court. ...
  • Step 4: The Tenant Is Served a 5-Day Summons. ...
  • Step 5: Attend a Court Hearing. ...
  • Step 6: Obtain a Writ of Possession. ...
  • Step 7: Repossess the Property.

What is the 24 hour writ of possession period in Florida? ›

(1) In an action for possession, after entry of judgment in favor of the landlord, the clerk shall issue a writ to the sheriff describing the premises and commanding the sheriff to put the landlord in possession after 24 hours' notice conspicuously posted on the premises.

What is the squatter law in Florida 2024? ›

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 621 into law on March 27, 2024. This Florida State squatter law was created to help property owners by making it easier to evict a squatter who remain on the property illegally. The new 2024 squatters law went into effect on July 1, 2024.

Can you be evicted in Florida without going to court? ›

The only lawful way to remove a tenant from a rental property is to follow the termination procedures above, and then get an eviction order from a court. Only a law enforcement officer—such as a sheriff—can physically remove a tenant from a rental. Taking illegal self-help measures can have serious consequences.

How to delay eviction in Florida? ›

Talk to Your Landlord

You may be able to come to an agreement without going to court. An eviction will cost both of you money (as well as time), and your landlord may be willing to stop the eviction if you agree to certain terms, such as paying rent you owe or stopping behavior that violates the lease.

How far behind on rent before eviction in Florida? ›

If you don't pay your rent, 15 days later, he can go to court and start eviction proceedings. Once he has the eviction notice, you have 30 days to get out. If you show up for the eviction hearing (you will get notice of it) and give the judge a GOOD reason why you didn't pay your rent, you might get a stay for 30 days.

What is the hardship stay of eviction in Florida? ›

A hardship stay of eviction is a legal directive ordered by a judge that temporarily suspends the eviction process. It is a temporary solution and allows tenants to remain on the property until they can: Find alternative living arrangements. Secure assistance for paying past due rental.

Can you overturn an eviction in Florida? ›

(NRS 40.380.) CAUTION! If you want to stop an eviction, you must file your appeal before you are removed from the rental unit. Once you are evicted (removed), there is no ready way to "undo" the removal and get back into the property.

What constitutes an illegal eviction in Florida? ›

Examples of illegal “self-help” evictions include changing the locks, removing the front door, or turning off the heat or electricity—all of which may be the basis for a tenant suing a landlord. Florida tenants may sue for actual damages or whichever is greater. A tenant may recover court costs and attorney fees.

How do I win an eviction case in Florida? ›

  1. 5 Common Defenses Tenants Use to Fight Eviction in Florida. ...
  2. “My Landlord Has Neglected the Property” ...
  3. “I Wasn't Given Proper Notice” ...
  4. “I Paid My Rent, Just Not to My Landlord” ...
  5. “I Don't Have the Money At the Moment” ...
  6. “I Didn't Have Access to My Home”
Jan 21, 2022

What is a replevin order? ›

A writ of replevin is a prejudgment process ordering the seizure or attachment of alleged illegally taken or wrongfully withheld property to be held in the U.S. Marshal's custody or that of another designated official, under order and supervision of the court, until the court determines otherwise.

What is the ejectment law in Florida? ›

Florida law allows for a legal action know as an Ejectment to remove a non-rent paying person living in your home, who has not signed a lease and has no title or interest in the property. Often times, this involves a person whom you have allowed to live in your home and who later refuses to leave when asked.

How much does a writ of possession cost in Florida? ›

Writ of Possession

Total Fee: $115 per writ per address, plus a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Can I kick someone out of my house without notice in Florida? ›

The benefit of removing someone through the Unlawful Detainer process is that it tends to be quicker than the Eviction Process. Specifically, although we always recommend doing so, you are not required to give formal notice to the person illegally occupying your property.

Is there any way to stop eviction in Florida? ›

Talk to Your Landlord

You may be able to come to an agreement without going to court. An eviction will cost both of you money (as well as time), and your landlord may be willing to stop the eviction if you agree to certain terms, such as paying rent you owe or stopping behavior that violates the lease.

What is the hardship extension for eviction in Florida? ›

Eviction hardship extensions are time-sensitive, so tenants must act promptly to rectify their situation. The judge will review the evidence and either deny or grant the stay of eviction. They may sometimes request that the tenant present their case during a court hearing.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.