Helwyr/Strategies (2024)

Helwyr/Strategies (1)
This article is a strategy guide for Helwyr.

Information on mechanics, setups, and tactics is on this page.


  • 1 Recommended levels and equipment
  • 2 Overview
  • 3 Attacks
  • 4 Hard mode
  • 5 High-level AFK solo strategy

Recommended levels and equipment[edit | edit source]


Helwyr/Strategies (2)

You need 80+ Magic (boostable) to enter the boss arena.

Helwyr/Strategies (3)

You need to kill 40 Serenist monsters for every hour you want to fight this boss. Gaining 4,500 Serenist reputation reduces this to 20. You can accumulate up to 200 killcount which is saved.

Level recommendations

Helwyr/Strategies (4)

It is recommended to have at least level 80+ in your chosen combat style (Attack & Strength, Ranged, Magic, or Necromancy).

Helwyr/Strategies (5)

It is recommended to have at least level 80+ Defence.

Helwyr/Strategies (6)

At least 71 Helwyr/Strategies (7) and Ancient Curses are recommended to protect against this boss' attacks.

Helwyr/Strategies (8)

Use the best combat potions that you have to increase your hit chance and damage. Overloads are recommended at level 96 Helwyr/Strategies (9).

Helwyr/Strategies (10)

Augmented gear with basic perks is sufficient at 86 Helwyr/Strategies (11).


Helwyr/Strategies (12)

If you deal low damage use Protect from Melee or Deflect Melee.

Helwyr/Strategies (13)

If you deal high damage, you can use Soul Split during the fight instead of protection prayers.

Equipment recommendations

Helwyr/Strategies (14)

This boss has no particular weakness, so you can use any combat style during this fight.

Helwyr/Strategies (19)

Use tier 80 weaponry or better
(see recommendations).

Helwyr/Strategies (20)

Equipping the Shard of Mah prevents aggression from monsters in the Heart of Gielinor's main area.

Optional boosts

Helwyr/Strategies (21)

Use a damage-boosting familiar to increase your damage: Ripper Demon, Kal'gerion demon, blood reaver, or steel titan.

Helwyr/Strategies (22)

This boss does not count as any slayer task, so the slayer helmet damage boost has no effect.

Helwyr/Strategies (23)

This boss is poisonable, and cinderbane gloves and weapon poisons deal additional damage.

Helwyr/Strategies (24)

The Inquisitor staff deals +12.5% ability damage and has a flat +10% hit chance when used against this boss.

Helwyr/Strategies (25)

The Seren godbow's special attack is very strong against this target with all combat styles as it is a 5x5+ target.


Helwyr/Strategies (26)

You need 80+ Magic (boostable) to enter the boss arena.

Helwyr/Strategies (27)

You need to kill 40 Serenist monsters for every hour you want to fight this boss. Gaining 4,500 Serenist reputation reduces this to 20. You can accumulate up to 200 killcount which is saved.

Level recommendations

Helwyr/Strategies (28)

It is recommended to have at least level 99+ in your chosen combat style (Attack & Strength, Ranged, Magic, or Necromancy).

Helwyr/Strategies (29)

It is recommended to have at least level 90+ Defence.

Helwyr/Strategies (30)

At least 71 Helwyr/Strategies (31) and Ancient Curses are recommended to protect against this boss' attacks.

Helwyr/Strategies (32)

Use the best combat potions that you have to increase your hit chance and damage. Overloads are recommended at level 96 Helwyr/Strategies (33).

Helwyr/Strategies (34)

Augmented gear with basic perks is sufficient at 86 Helwyr/Strategies (35).


Helwyr/Strategies (36)

If you deal low damage use Protect from Melee or Deflect Melee.

Helwyr/Strategies (37)

If you deal high damage, you can use Soul Split during the fight instead of protection prayers.

Equipment recommendations

Helwyr/Strategies (42)

Use tier 90 weaponry or better
(see recommendations).

Helwyr/Strategies (43)

You require a shield or defender/rebounder/repriser switch because you need to Resonance a lot of Helwyr's highly damaging special attacks.

Helwyr/Strategies (44)

Equipping the Shard of Mah prevents aggression from monsters in the Heart of Gielinor's main area.

Optional boosts

Helwyr/Strategies (45)

Use a damage-boosting familiar to increase your damage: Ripper Demon, Kal'gerion demon, blood reaver, or steel titan.

Helwyr/Strategies (46)

This boss does not count as any slayer task, so the slayer helmet damage boost has no effect.

Helwyr/Strategies (47)

This boss is poisonable, and cinderbane gloves and weapon poisons deal additional damage.

Helwyr/Strategies (48)

The Inquisitor staff deals +12.5% ability damage and has a flat +10% hit chance when used against this boss.

Helwyr/Strategies (49)

The Seren godbow's special attack is very strong against this target with all combat styles as it is a 5x5+ target.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Helwyr/Strategies (50)

Helwyr is Seren's general and located in the south-east area of The Heart.

Helwyr only uses melee auto-attacks and special attacks, unlike the other generals who have multiple combat styles at their disposal. The auto-attacks deal up to 1,200 damage. Helwyr will skip auto-attacks if he is unable to reach his target; his range is roughly two spaces away from him so it is recommended to attack him from within this distance.

At the start of the fight you should be positioned next to Helwyr's spawn point to avoid the auto-attack skip mechanic. Use Anticipation as soon as he appears to prevent getting bound from his first aid of nature special attack if you take too long to get out of it.

Attacks[edit | edit source]

Helwyr/Strategies (51)

Helwyr's bites and claws at the player. It does not add any bleed stacks.

Suggested actions:

Helwyr/Strategies (55)

Helwyr sends three balls of energy around the room, causing three mushrooms to grow in size and emit poison gas in a 5x5 AoE.

  • Getting caught in the gas will deal up to 250 hard typeless damage every tick, and reduce the player to walking speed if their run is on.
  • If the player is in a gas cloud for more than 4.2 seconds then they will also be bound for 2.4 seconds.

Message: Nature, lend me your aid!

Suggested actions:

  • Run or walk away from the gas clouds or use Helwyr/Strategies (56)Surge
  • If you are caught and bound in the gas cloud use Helwyr/Strategies (57)Freedom to break free.
Helwyr/Strategies (58)

Helwyr stands upright and cleaves the area in front of him in a cone radius.

  • Players caught in the clawed area will be hit for up to 3,000 damage and be inflicted with one bleed stack.
  • The bleed starts off at a base of 50 soft typeless damage every 2 ticks, and the more bleeds a player takes, another 50 is added, up to a cap of 250.
  • Bleeds last for 27 seconds, but will be prolonged if the player is inflicted with another bleed before the first expires.

Message: YOU. WILL. BLEED!

Suggested actions:

  • Pray Helwyr/Strategies (59)Protect from Melee/Helwyr/Strategies (60)Deflect Melee
  • This can be easily avoided by running far enough from him in any direction out of the frontal radius, especially underneath him or to either side.
  • Alternatively, you may equip a shield and use Helwyr/Strategies (61)Resonance to heal off the damage. If done correctly, you will receive 1000-4000 lifepoints in healing or, if done incorrectly, in damage.

It is recommended that you keybind your shield, Resonance and your primary weapon. This will allow you to quickly switch and cast Resonance as well as letting you return to attacking with much more consistency. Once you become comfortable with this, you can also disable your Deflect Melee curse to increase the healing received. This is the primary mechanic that you will need to practice and learn for efficient kills.

Helwyr/Strategies (62)

Helwyr leaps over to a nearby player and begins a frenzy of clawing attacks. He will always place himself north of the targeted player; if this is not possible, then he tries to get a close as possible. This will deal rapid melee damage of up to 1,800 every two ticks and each hit will add a bleed stack, up to five bleed stacks in total. The bleed deals 50 soft typeless damage per stack, up to a cap of 250, every 2 ticks for 27 seconds.

Message: You cannot escape me. Aaaargh!

Suggested actions:

  • Pray Helwyr/Strategies (63)Protect from Melee/Helwyr/Strategies (64)Deflect Melee. Deflect Melee must always be active when this mechanic is in progress as the damage sustained will be often enough to kill a player.
  • The attack has a range of 2 squares from him. Helwyr/Strategies (65)Devotion can block all the melee attacks, but Helwyr/Strategies (66)Debilitate is a good alternative when it is on cooldown if not planning to run away from him.
  • Alternatively, just as Helwyr moves north, immediately use Helwyr/Strategies (67)Surge, Helwyr/Strategies (68)Escape or Helwyr/Strategies (69)Dive to avoid this attack. This will prevent him from applying any frenzy damage and bleeds.
  • Use Helwyr/Strategies (70)Barge or Helwyr/Strategies (71)Greater Barge back as soon as possible to prevent Helwyr from moving towards the player, which causes an auto-attack to be skipped and summon the wolves earlier than usual.
  • At the end of this attack the player should use Helwyr/Strategies (72)Freedom as the bleed applied by the previous rake & rend attack will have accumulated up to 250 damage (up to 400 if Berserk is active). If the player has had to use freedom to escape an aid of nature attack then it should still be used as soon as possible and damage should be minimised until the player reaches a healthy lifepoint total.
Helwyr/Strategies (73)

Helwyr howls, summoning two cywir alphas.

  • They only have 3,000 life points and deal little damage but should still be killed to prevent them from sniping Resonance heals from Helwyr's bleed attack.
  • Furthermore, should the cywir alphas remain alive when Helwyr uses the aid of nature attack, he will instead spawn six balls of energy instead of three.
  • The alphas don't die off immediately as soon as he's killed, rather persisting for around 3 seconds before doing so. Some adrenaline may be gained off them in preparation for the next kill.

Suggested actions:

  • An efficient way to kill them is to use area-of-effect abilities that can damage both Helwyr and the Alphas simultaneously.
  • Wait until they are both beside you and then use Helwyr/Strategies (74)Hurricane , Helwyr/Strategies (75)Death_Skulls or Helwyr/Strategies (76)Quake.
The aid of nature3 Auto-attacks
Helwyr/Strategies (77)

Helwyr/Strategies (78)
3 Auto-attacks
Helwyr/Strategies (79)
Helwyr/Strategies (80)
3 Auto-attacks
Helwyr/Strategies (81)
Cywir alphas3 Auto-attacks
Helwyr/Strategies (82)

Hard mode[edit | edit source]

In challenge mode Helwyr has increased combat stats, a new ability and slight modifications to their normal abilities. He has 300,000 life points and a slightly more powerful auto-attack.

  • Helwyr's aid of nature ( Nature, lend me your aid!) attack has double the amount of mushrooms. There are 6 per attack and they are focused around the player's position rather than being placed erratically around the chamber. The damage they deal is increased to ~450 per tick (0.6s).
  • Helwyr's rake & rend ( YOU. WILL. BLEED!) attack disables protection prayers/curses before impact and does 6,000-7,000 damage. The bleed damage over time is doubled to 100 damage per stack.
  • Helwyr's thrash ( You cannot escape me. Aaaargh!) attack damage is increased to around 3,600 melee damage per hit.
  • The cywir alphas that he summons are slightly stronger and have 5,000 health. If Helwyr has already summoned two sets of cywir alphas already the wolf-summon ability will be replaced with another YOU. WILL. BLEED! attack in its place.
  • After summoning the cywir alphas Helwyr will perform a new "mushroom barrage" attack. All inactive mushrooms will rise up from the ground and explode, dealing 5,500-6,000 hard typeless damage each. When he first performs this attack only the northern row of mushrooms remain in the ground. After the first explosion, the row of mushrooms directly south of the previous set will be unaffected in the next explosion and can be safely stood in; and so on until he reaches the southernmost row of mushrooms. Helwyr will not perform any auto-attacks for the entire duration of this mechanic, although he will still try to chase the player. Be prepared for the aid of nature attack to be used immediately after this one though.

Methods used to deal with these attacks in normal mode can be adapted to challenge mode with some adjustments:

  • Use Resonance or Disruption Shield to block the rake & rend attack when Helwyr shouts YOU. WILL. BLEED!. Turn on Soul Split while protection prayers are disabled but switch back to Deflect Melee as soon as it is available again. This assumes all cywir alphas to be cleared beforehand. If that's not the case use Dive, Escape or Surge to dodge the cleave attack, but be prepared for the thrash attack coming early. A bleed stack will be inflicted, but it is needed to tank the bleed and save Freedom for the coming attack.
  • After the alphas are summoned, try to get as close as possible to the northern part of the arena before the mushroom barrage attack begins. Unlike the previous abilities Helwyr doesn't have any animations or quotes to indicate the start of this mechanic - rather, the mushrooms increase in size. Make your way south accordingly to avoid getting hit by any blasts, although one can be tanked with Reprisal for some hefty reflect damage. Use the previously found path to reach the southern edge as different rows of mushrooms explode. Once you reach the south immediately use Anticipation, since the aid of nature attack will start soon after the final mushroom barrage ends. Try to avoid any active mushrooms from the aid of nature attack at the same time - Dive or Surge past them if necessary. If you cannot reach the north in time, try to prioritise getting hit by only one mushroom.

High-level AFK solo strategy[edit | edit source]

To solo this boss effectively, players require max combat levels.




Helwyr/Strategies (90)

Helwyr/Strategies (91)

Helwyr/Strategies (92)

Helwyr/Strategies (93)

Helwyr/Strategies (94)

Helwyr/Strategies (95)

Helwyr/Strategies (96)

Helwyr/Strategies (97)

Helwyr/Strategies (98)

Helwyr/Strategies (99)

Helwyr/Strategies (100)

Helwyr/Strategies (101)

Helwyr/Strategies (102)

Helwyr/Strategies (103)Helwyr/Strategies (104)Helwyr/Strategies (105)Helwyr/Strategies (106)
Helwyr/Strategies (107)Helwyr/Strategies (108)Helwyr/Strategies (109)11Helwyr/Strategies (110)
Helwyr/Strategies (111)Helwyr/Strategies (112)Helwyr/Strategies (113)Helwyr/Strategies (114)2
Helwyr/Strategies (115)Helwyr/Strategies (116)Helwyr/Strategies (117)
Helwyr/Strategies (118)Helwyr/Strategies (119)Helwyr/Strategies (120)Helwyr/Strategies (121)


Inventory Setup

FamiliarBlood reaver (familiar) if using vampyrism aura, otherwise use Ripper Demon (familiar).

AFK Action Bar

  • Helwyr/Strategies (122)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (123)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (124)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (125)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (126)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (127)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (128)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (129)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (130)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (131)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (132)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (133)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (134)
  • Helwyr/Strategies (135)

Helwyr/Strategies (136)

Helwyr/Strategies (137)

Helwyr/Strategies (138)

Helwyr/Strategies (139)

Helwyr/Strategies (140)

Helwyr/Strategies (141)

Helwyr/Strategies (142)

Helwyr/Strategies (143)

Helwyr/Strategies (144)

Helwyr/Strategies (145)

Helwyr/Strategies (146)

Helwyr/Strategies (147)

Helwyr/Strategies (148)

Helwyr/Strategies (149)Helwyr/Strategies (150)Helwyr/Strategies (151)2Helwyr/Strategies (152)11
Helwyr/Strategies (153)Helwyr/Strategies (154)Helwyr/Strategies (155)Helwyr/Strategies (156)
Helwyr/Strategies (157)Helwyr/Strategies (158)Helwyr/Strategies (159)2Helwyr/Strategies (160)
Helwyr/Strategies (161)Helwyr/Strategies (162)Helwyr/Strategies (163)Helwyr/Strategies (164)


Inventory Setup

Helwyr/Strategies (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.