Slayer (2024)

Slayer (1)

Slayer is a System of progression-based quests that involve killing a specific type of Mob, and killing various Mini-Bosses and BOSSES associated with that mob type. They can be started by speaking to Slayer (2) Maddox the Slayer in the Tavern in the Hub.


  • 1 Types of Slayers
  • 2 Slayer Menu and Maddox
  • 3 Leveling
  • 4 Boss Loot
    • 4.1 Formulas and Weight Modifiers
    • 4.2 RNG Meter
    • 4.3 Rolling for Items
  • 5 Auto-Slayer
  • 6 Aatrox's Buffs
  • 7 Bosses and Minibosses
  • 8 History

Types of Slayers

There are six different types of Slayer quests that players can complete. Each one has a main boss that players must defeat, as well as various Mini-Bosses which have a chance to spawn prior to the boss. Each slayer type generally is more difficult than the last.

TypeBossUnlock RequirementDescription
Slayer (3) ZombieSlayer (4) Revenant HorrorNoneAbhorrent Zombie stuck between life and death for an eternity.
Slayer (5) SpiderSlayer (6) Tarantula BroodfatherSlay a Tier II Revenant HorrorMonstrous Spider who poisons and devours its victims.
Slayer (7) WolfSlayer (8) Sven PackmasterSlay a Tier II Tarantula BroodfatherRabid Wolf genetically modified by a famous mad scientist. Eats bones and flesh.
Slayer (9) EndermanSlayer (10) Voidgloom SeraphSlay a Tier IV Sven PackmasterIf Necron is the right-hand of the Wither King, this dark demigod is the left-hand.
Slayer (11) VampireSlayer (12) Riftstalker BloodfiendNoneA half-vampire, half-thrall immortal golem creation representing the multiverse coven in combat.
Slayer (13) BlazeSlayer (14) Inferno DemonlordSlay a Tier III Voidgloom SeraphEven demons fear this incarnation of pure evil, constantly feeding on its burning desire for destruction.

Each Slayer boss requires a certain amount of Combat XP gained from the requested mob in order to summon the boss. The player also receives a large amount of Combat XP per slayer boss completion dependent on the tier of slayer killed.

Slayer Menu and Maddox

The Slayer Menu can be accessed through Slayer (15) Maddox the Slayer or the Slayer (16) Maddox Batphone.

Vampire Slayer can be accessed through the special version of Slayer (17) Maddox the Slayer in the Rift Dimension or the Slayer (18) Maddox Badphone.


Revenant HorrorAbhorrent Zombie stuck
between life and death for
an eternity.

Click to view boss!

☠ Tarantula BroodfatherMonstrous Spider who poisons
and devours its victims.

Slay Revenant Horror II!

☠ Sven PackmasterRabid Wolf genetically
modified by a famous mad
scientist. Eats bones and

Slay Tarantula Broodfather II!

☠ Voidgloom SeraphIf Necron is the right-hand
of the Wither King, this
dark demigod is the

Slay Sven Packmaster IV!

☠ Riftstalker BloodfiendA half-vampire, half-thrall,
immortal golem creation
representing the multiverse
coven in combat.

Only inside The Rift!

☠ Inferno DemonlordEven demons fear this
incarnation of pure evil,
constantly feeding on its
burning desire for

Slay Voidgloom Seraph III!

Not Released Yet!This boss is still in
Auto-SlayerUpon defeating a boss,
automatically completes the
quest and starts another of the
same type if you have enough
coins in your purse or bank.
Slayer LeaderboardsUltimate bragging rights

Revenant Horror: N/A
Tarantula Broodfather: N/A
Sven Packmaster: N/A
Voidgloom Seraph: N/A
Riftstalker Bloodfiend: N/A
Inferno Demonlord: N/A

Global Combat Wisdom BuffSlayer Bonus

Total buff: +0☯ Combat Wisdom

Earn extra Combat XP based on
your unique slayer boss kills.

Highest slain tiers
Revenant Horror: No kills
Tarantula Broodfather: No kills
Sven Packmaster: No kills
Voidgloom Seraph: No kills
Riftstalker Bloodfiend: No kills
Inferno Demonlord: No kills

Tier I, II, III grant +1☯ Combat Wisdom.
Tier IV grants +2☯ Combat Wisdom.

Slayer Bonus RewardsUnlock bonuses by reaching a
LVL on the first 3 bosses.

✖ LVL 6
Earn +3 of any boss's main
token drop when slaying its

✖ LVL 7
Slayers are 4% cheaper.

RNG Meter
Your RNG Meter fills with
Slayer XP every time you
defeat a Tier III or higher!

When your meter is full, your
selected drop will be guaranteed
to drop the next time you defeat
the boss!


Revenant HorrorAbhorrent Zombie stuck
between life and death for
an eternity.

Doesn't exist here!

Tarantula BroodfatherMonstrous Spider who poisons
and devours its victims.

Doesn't exist here!

Sven PackmasterRabid Wolf genetically
modified by a famous mad
scientist. Eats bones and

Doesn't exist here!

Voidgloom SeraphIf Necron is the right-hand
of the Wither King, this
dark demigod is the

Doesn't exist here!

Riftstalker BloodfiendA half-vampire, half-thrall,
immortal golem creation
representing the multiverse
coven in combat.
Inferno DemonlordEven demons fear this
incarnation of pure evil,
constantly feeding on its
burning desire for

Doesn't exist here!

Not Released Yet!This boss is still in
Auto-SlayerUpon defeating a boss,
automatically completes the
quest and starts another of the
same type if you have enough
coins in your purse or bank.
Slayer LeaderboardsUltimate bragging rights

Revenant Horror: N/A
Tarantula Broodfather: N/A
Sven Packmaster: N/A
Voidgloom Seraph: N/A
Inferno Demonlord: N/A

Global Combat Wisdom BuffSlayer Bonus

Total buff: +0☯ Combat Wisdom

Earn extra Combat XP based on
your unique slayer boss kills.

Highest slain tiers
Revenant Horror: No kills
Tarantula Broodfather: No kills
Sven Packmaster: No kills
Voidgloom Seraph: No kills
Inferno Demonlord: No kills

Tier I, II, III grant +1☯ Combat Wisdom.
Tier IV grants +2☯ Combat Wisdom.

Slayer Bonus RewardsUnlock bonuses by reaching a
LVL on the first 3 bosses.

✖ LVL 6
Earn +3 of any boss's main
token drop when slaying its

✖ LVL 7
Slayers are 4% cheaper.

RNG MeterRiftstalker Bloodfiend

Your RNG Meter fills with
Vampire Slayer XP every time
you defeat Riftstalker Bloodfiend III
or higher!

When your meter is full, your
selected drop will be guaranteed
to drop the next time you defeat
the boss!


Completing Slayer Quests grants Slayer XP for each respective boss. When a boss is killed, only the player that the boss belonged to gains Slayer XP. The XP required for each Slayer level is as follows:

  • Slayer (19)Zombie
  • Slayer (20)Spider
  • Slayer (21)Wolf
  • Slayer (22)Enderman
  • Slayer (23)Blaze
  • Slayer (24)Vampire
91,000,000Grim Reaper
7100,000Pest Control Genius
8400,000Tarantula Exterminator
91,000,000Spider Annihilator
7100,000King Hunter
8400,000Pack Leader
91,000,000Alpha Wolf
8400,000Tall Purple Hater
91,000,000Definition of End
8400,000Demon Eater
91,000,000Gabagool King
52,400Lord of Night

Boss Loot

Slayer Bosses drop loot by rolling from three different loot pools: token drops, main drops, and extra drops. These three tables interact and affect each other in various ways, as shown below. You can view the loot tables for each of the slayers on their respective pages.

Loot PoolInformationItem Examples
TokenEach of the token loot pools contain one drop, all of which are used in many of the recipes within the respective slayer collections.All the token drops are Slayer (25) Revenant Flesh, Slayer (26) Tarantula Webs, Slayer (27) Wolf Teeth, Slayer (28) Null Spheres, Slayer (29) Derelict Ashe, and Slayer (30) Coven Seals.
MainMost of the items dropped are from this loot pool. They typically have base drop rates of below 20%.Examples from Zombie Slayer include Slayer (31) Foul Flesh, Slayer (32) Undead Catalysts, Slayer (33) Scythe Blades, and more.
ExtraThis loot table mostly contains Runes but sometimes other items.Aside from Runes, the Blaze Slayer loot table also contains Slayer (34) Enchanted Blaze Powder and the Slayer (35) High Class Archfiend Dice.

Formulas and Weight Modifiers

The base chance for any given drop can be determined using the formulas listed below, depending on its loot table.

Drop TypeFormula
TokenSlayer (36)
MainSlayer (37)
ExtraSlayer (38)

Drops you do not have unlocked are not included in the total weights, meaning certain drops have a higher drop rate if your slayer level is lower.

RNG Meter

The RNG Meter is a feature unlocked for an individual boss-type upon slaying the Tier III boss. It allows you to select an individual drop to increase its chances of dropping.

More specifically, when you kill a Slayer boss, the first step in rolling its loot is to multiply the weight of your selected item by up to 3x using the following formula:

Slayer (39)

The required XP is calculated using the following formula:

Boss TypeFormula
VampireSlayer (40)
All OthersSlayer (41)

The highest base drop rate is calculated using the above weight formulas for each boss tier that you have killed, and then taking the highest chance. For example, Slayer (42) Foul Flesh has its highest base chance of 16.2245% from the Tier IV Slayer (43) Revenant Horror, meaning it has a requirement of 3,081 XP.

Rolling for Items

The first drop you will obtain from a Slayer boss is its Token item, as it has a 100% drop rate.

Then, you have a chance to receive a Main drop. Each Main drop has its Slayer (44)Magic Find multiplied by the following formula, if its base drop rate (after the RNG Meter modifications) is less than 5%.

Slayer (45)

Slayer (46)

Then, a random item from the boss's loot table is rolled. If the item is considered a Main item, then it is dropped, otherwise it is ignored entirely.

The same process then repeats for Extra drops, except a slightly modified drop chance formula for checking Slayer (47)Magic Find is used. The modified weight values of the Main drops from before are not used here / effectively get undone.

Slayer (48)

Show Zombie Slayer Example

Let's say you kill a Tier V Slayer (49) Revenant Horror with 300 Slayer (50)Magic Find and your RNG Meter selected on the Slayer (51) Warden Heart with exactly 1,000,000 XP collected.

First, the weight of the Slayer (52) Warden Heart drop is increased from 2 -> 3.1013, due to the RNG Meter being exactly at 1,000,000 XP or 27.5349%. This is based on the following formula:

Slayer (53)

Then, when the Main items are rolled for, the weights for all of them with a drop rate of less than 5% are multiplied by 4x, due to the 300 Slayer (54)Magic Find.

Slayer (55)

This results in the Slayer (56) Warden Heart having its weight increased from 3.1013 -> 12.4055. Because the weights of the Token and Main items in this scenario add up to 16,112.4055, this means the Slayer (57) Warden Heart has a drop rate of 0.07699%.


Auto-Slayer is a feature unlocked upon reaching level 6 in Zombie Slayer, Spider Slayer and Wolf Slayer. It allows players to automatically start a slayer quest of the same type after their current slayer quest has been completed successfully, and can be enabled through Slayer (58) Maddox the Slayer's menu.

Auto-Slayer will only begin a new quest if the player has sufficient Coins in their purse or Bank. If neither source contains enough Coins, a new quest won't start, and they'll receive a message saying "Auto-Slayer: you could not afford to start another quest!"

Aatrox's Buffs

Aatrox is a Mayor dedicated specifically to Slayers. His perks have a positive effect on Slayer XP gain, rare drop chances, and quest pricing. He is often elected when all 3 of his perks are active as they make slayer quests more profitable.

Bosses and Minibosses

Below are a list of Mini-Bosses and BOSSES associated with each of the Slayer types.

  • Zombie
  • Spider
  • Wolf
  • Enderman
  • Vampire
  • Blaze

Main Article: Zombie Slayer

MobName and StatsItem LootOther Loot
Slayer (59)[Lv80] Slayer (60) Revenant Sycophant
24,000 Slayer (61)Health
320 Slayer (62)Damage
360 Slayer (64) Combat XP
Slayer (65)[Lv150] Slayer (66) Revenant Champion
90,000 Slayer (67)Health
800 Slayer (68)Damage
600 Slayer (70) Combat XP
Slayer (71)[Lv300] Slayer (72) Deformed Revenant
360,000 Slayer (73)Health
1,600 Slayer (74)Damage
1,200 Slayer (76) Combat XP
Slayer (77)[Lv390] Slayer (78) Atoned Champion
600,000 Slayer (79)Health
800 Slayer (80)Damage
900 Slayer (82) Combat XP
Slayer (83)[Lv770] Slayer (84) Atoned Revenant
2,400,000 Slayer (85)Health
1,600 Slayer (86)Damage
1,600 Slayer (88) Combat XP
Slayer (89)[Lv10-1,580] Revenant Horror
500-10,000,000 Slayer (90)Health
15-2,400 Slayer (91)Damage
50-2,000 Slayer (105) Combat XP
1 Coin
1-6 Slayer (106) EXP Orbs

Main Article: Enderman Slayer

MobName and StatsItem LootOther Loot
Slayer (171)[Lv1,730] Slayer (172) Voidling Devotee
12,000,000 Slayer (173)Health
5,000 Slayer (174)Damage
800 Slayer (176) Combat XP
Slayer (177)[Lv2,500] Slayer (178) Voidling Radical
25,000,000 Slayer (179)Health
7,400 Slayer (180)Damage
2,000 Slayer (182) Combat XP
Slayer (183)[Lv4,330] Slayer (184) Voidcrazed Maniac
52,000,000 Slayer (185)Health
25,000 Slayer (186)Damage
5,000 Slayer (188) Combat XP
Slayer (189)[Lv270-8,860] Voidgloom Seraph
300,000-210,000,000 Slayer (190)Health
1,200-21,000 Slayer (191)Damage
50-500 Slayer (211) Combat XP
1 Coin
1-6 Slayer (212) EXP Orbs

Main Article: Blaze Slayer

MobName and StatsItem LootOther Loot
Slayer (230)[Lv1,730] Slayer (231) Flare Demon
12,000,000 Slayer (232)Health
7,000 Slayer (233)Damage
1,200 Slayer (235) Combat XP
Slayer (236)[Lv2,500] Slayer (237) Kindleheart Demon
25,000,000 Slayer (238)Health
12,000 Slayer (239)Damage
2,400 Slayer (241) Combat XP
Slayer (242)[Lv4,330] Slayer (243) Burningsoul Demon
75,000,000 Slayer (244)Health
30,000 Slayer (245)Damage
8,000 Slayer (247) Combat XP
Slayer (248)[Lv200-700] Inferno Demonlord
2,500,000-150,000,000 Slayer (249)Health
100 + 5-50% Max HP Slayer (250)Damage
50-500 Slayer (272) Combat XP
1 Coin
1-6 Slayer (273) EXP Orbs


Slayer (274) SkyBlock Prototype
October 10th, 20190.7.2Slayer Added.
October 14th, 2019Minor PatchIncreased the Tier IV boss XP granted from 400 -> 500 XP, and reduced their kill requirements to be spawned by 25%.
Reduced the Sven Packmaster's top speed significantly.
Reduced the Revenant Horror's speed boost on hits slightly.
Bosses now take 40% longer to regenerate Slayer (275)Health after being out of combat.
Fixed the bosses' aggro mechanic so they don't start running way out.
Fixed the bosses teleporting way to much much on the player under certain conditions.
Fixed the random slayer quest option not giving the intended bonus rewards.
Mini-bosses (like the Revenant Sycophant) now correctly stop following the player at some point.
October 15th, 2019Minor PatchAdded a chat message and sound effect when getting rare drops from bosses.
Changed Slayer (276) Revenant Armor and Slayer (277) Tarantula Armor to flash the player's bonused Slayer (278)Defense when hit by the zombies and spiders.
Added tons of spiders to the upper levels of the Spider's Den to help with Spider Slayer.
Made mini-bosses spawn more consistently during slayer quests.
The Sven Packmaster now dramatically reduces bow Slayer (279)Damage.
The Sven Packmaster will now slamdunk its target from afar if they haven't moved in a bit.
Moved the Slayer (280) Reaper Falchion and Slayer (281) Revived Heart from Slayer (282) Zombie Slayer 7 -> 6, and the Slayer (283) Voodoo Doll from 6 -> 5.
Reduced the Slayer (284) Maddox Batphone cooldown to 5 -> 3.
October 17th, 2019Minor PatchNormalized the XP required for Spider and Wolf Slayer levels so they're the same as Zombie Slayer.
Reduced the Slayer (285)Damage of the Deformed Revenant, Mutant Tarantula, and Sven Alpha.
Increased the despawn timer of the Sven Packmaster by 1 minute.
November 12th, 20190.7.4Fixed the Stat buff rewards from Wolf Slayer and level 8 and 9 of all other Slayers not working.
December 3rd, 2019Minor PatchBoss drops will now guarantee dropping their respective "token" items (including Slayer (286) Revenant Flesh, Slayer (287) Tarantula Web, and Slayer (288) Wolf Tooth). The other more rare drops and runes are on separate drop tables. If the stars align, you can get 3 different drops from a slayer boss.
Added a slayer XP leaderboards icon.
Flipped the Wolf Slayer level requirements for Slayer (289) Mastiff Armor and Slayer (290) Armor Of The Pack.
Buffed Slayer (291) Armor Of The Pack to EPIC.
Added decent NPC sell prices for the ~20% drop rate slayer items.
Turned Slayer (292) Foul Flesh into Minion Fuel, while still keeping its use to brew Slayer (293) Stamina Potions.
Added the Slayer (294) Pooch Sword, which is an upgrade to the Slayer (295) Shaman Sword.
February 21st, 20200.7.6Slayer Mini-Boss boss drops are now exclusive to the player who spawned it for 5 seconds, after which the killer is prioritized.
Made Slayer bosses teleport to the player who spawned them in upon falling in the void.
Fixed Slayer (296) Jingle Bells being able to pull agro from Slayer bosses.
February 28th, 2020Minor PatchFixed being able to tame the Wolves from Wolf Slayer.
Fixed Slayer (297) Combat XP buffs not counting towards Slayer quests.
October 2nd, 20200.9.5Fixed the Slayer Sack opening in the Slayer rewards menu.
March 12th, 2021Minor PatchTier V Revenant Horror Added.
Auto-Slayer Added.
RNGesus Meter Added.
Added a bonus reward for 4% cheaper Slayers at level 7 for all types.
Added an NPC sell price to Slayer (298) Revenant Flesh.
May 31st, 20210.11.5Enderman Slayer Added.
August 13th, 2021Minor PatchAdded NPC sell prices to more of the Token drops.
September 23rd, 2021Minor PatchAdded an Autopet rule exception for when you have a Slayer boss spawned.
Added the Slayer (299) Travel Scroll To The Void Sepulture as a reward from Slayer (300) Enderman Slayer 4.
January 13th, 2022Minor PatchAdded a cooldown to spawning Slayer Mini-Bosses to prevent exploits.
April 20th, 2022Crimson Isle ReleaseBlaze Slayer Added.
April 29th, 2022Minor PatchFixed certain Slayer quests not Loot Sharing correctly.
May 11th, 2022Minor PatchAdded a Setting to always keep the Slayer tracker in the sidebar as XP instead of dynamically adjusting for kills.
June 22nd, 2022Minor PatchFixed Slayer bosses regenerating Slayer (301)Health after they have already died.
August 27th, 2022Minor PatchAll Slayer bosses will now damage Necromancy-summoned Mobs.
May 27th, 2022Minor PatchNecromancy-summoned Mobs now despawn after the Voidgloom Seraph's Malevolent Hitshield is destroyed.
November 21st, 2022Minor PatchSlayer bosses now have a hologram above them saying who owns them.
November 23rd, 2022Minor PatchWhen doing a Slayer quest, each Mob killed will now give a maximum of 50% of the XP needed to spawn the boss.
June 20th, 2023The Rift ReleaseVampire Slayer Added.
July 12th, 20230.19.1Fixed Slayer bosses and minibosses not counting towards Slayer (302) Grandma Wolf Pet's Kill Combo.
Fixed the SkyBlock Guide showing incorrect Vampire Slayer tiers.
Fixed the the Slayer rewards preview menu not being capitalized.
August 22nd, 20230.19.3Killing Slayer bosses now rewards Bits.
August 25th, 2023Minor PatchFixed an issue with Slayer bosses not dying properly.
October 4th, 20230.19.5Fixed Slayer quest showing the boss is still alive when it's already dead.
October 16th, 2023Minor PatchFixed Slayer bosses spawning when the quest has been cancelled due to dying during the spawn animation.
Fixed the Inferno Demonlord sometimes unintentionally teleporting high up in the air.
October 24th, 20230.19.6Slayer bosses now show their tier in their nametag.
Fixed an inconsistency with viewing details in the Slayer menu.
November 6th, 2023Minor PatchFixed Slayer boss spawning problems when the last mob to kill is dying to the void.
Fixed Slayer boss spawning problems when the last mob to kill is killed while applying a lot of knockback to it.
Fixed the Slayer (303) Soul Eater Enchantment not working on Slayer Mini-Bosses.
November 28th, 20230.19.8Fixed Slayers listing Bits in their rewards even when the player didn't have a Slayer (304) Booster Cookie buff active.
December 12th, 20230.19.9Fixed Slayer (305) Fire Eels and Slayer (306) Rats counting towards Zombie Slayer progress.
January 16th, 20240.19.10Fixed players being able to hit other players Voidgloom Seraph bosses when they don't have the requirement for it.
Fixed Slayer Minibosses not working with a few on-kill effects, like Dominus stacks from Slayer (307) Crimson Armor.
Slayer (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.