What do you think of talismans? | Faith Forum (2024)

Rajan Zed| Reno Gazette Journal

The dictionary definition of “talisman" includes: an object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune; something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects; an object believed to bring good luck or to keep its owner safe from harm.

Many people around the world still use talismans, although their religion/denomination might not approve/prescribe their usage.

Some of the popular talismans include acorns, albatrosses, amanita muscaria, ankhs, barnstars, Celtic crosses, crimson amber, dreamcatchers, evil eye, fish, gris-gris, hamsa hand, horseshoe, ladybugs, maneki-neko, ouroboros, roses, sacred hearts, seals of Solomon, shamrocks, swastikas (going back to Stone Age), verses from scriptures, wishbones, etc.

It has been a belief among the users that one can harness spiritual and heavenly forces through talismans to gain access to those to protect from danger, disease, evil, etc., and bring luck. One is sometimes advised to keep one's talisman a secret and not share with others.

Talismans also have been used in architecture and have a long history. These reportedly have been used in medieval medicine in Europe, and sometimes are worn during intercourse to ensure conception.

We asked our panel: What do you think of talismans?

Trust only in God

Daniel H. Mueggenborg, bishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno

The superstitious use of talismans and other items believed to possess magical powers is prohibited in various biblical passages. Rather than relying on these false and deceptive securities, Christians are called to place their trust in God’s loving providence.

Catholicism does permit the appropriate use of images, medals and other material faith expressions but never under the belief that these items in themselves possess any type of power. Rather, these items can help the believer to stay focused on God’s presence in their lives and to trust in that presence through regular acts of faith. Thus, any power associated with such expressions of faith always and only belongs to God and not to the objects themselves.

Those who have mistakenly fallen into the use of superstitious or magical items are encouraged to recognize their erroneous misplaced trust, seek forgiveness, and renew their loving dependence and faith in God alone.

Not a matter of luck

Matthew T. Fisher, resident priest, Reno Buddhist Center

People are very superstitious animals. That is why our sages recommend avoiding superstition, and still many Buddhists indulge in lucky charms and talismans. Buddhist teachers are critical of wishful thinking, a driver of the trade in talismans. Clearly, that foot was not very lucky for the rabbit?

Some Buddhists embrace Omamori as sources of protection and luck, while others view them as commercialism.

We emphasize inner wisdom and peace, not reliance on magic objects. Despite this, some temples even sell talismans to support operations. Remember, their use is not central. In the end, the decision to use a lucky charm is up to you. We don’t judge. Buddhism encourages a spiritual journey, not collecting stuff. Our teachings help us develop wisdom and inner qualities — no magic needed. Observe the world around you. See how it works. And rely on the wise compassionate Universe, the source of liberation and happiness.

Scriptures do not talk about talismans

Micheal L. Peterson, northwestern Nevada media specialist, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Talismans can have a comforting effect for some people and they are many and diverse. For example, a letter from a now deceased loved one can move one to feel confidence and security during trying times, a military medal of a great grandparent can inspire courage to press forward even as odds are against you. These and others I have seen in my lifetime have caused me to understand the value of talismans in many people’s lives.

I believe that we all have talismans of one kind or another. Although the scriptures do not directly speak of talismans, we understand that at the Last Supper the name of Jesus Christ became a divinely established talisman for evermore, by which the powers of heaven could be invoked to operate in any righteous undertaking (John 13,14; John 16:24). This, I submit, is the greatest talisman of all and is available to everyone.

Objects do not have any power

Dawn M. Blundell, lead pastor, Epworth United Methodist Church, Fallon

Some Christians wear specially blessed medallions or crosses, or bury statues in the yard, to ward off evil and invite God’s protection. But I have always found things like that to be little foreign.

The Bible strongly condemns the use of talismans, but evidently only the ones connected to foreign gods. The people of Israel freely used the urim and thummim to divine the will of God. And the Ark of the Covenant itself could be considered a talisman, because keeping it protected the people from harm.

To me, the value of objects is to point us to God. Prayer beads, for example, remind me to pray often and unrushed. Statues and paintings inspire and educate and encourage. Sometimes when I preach, I keep a really cool rainbow handheld cross with me, to keep me focused. But I don’t believe they have any power in and of themselves.

No harm in talismans

Karen A. Foster, minister, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Northern Nevada

Because Unitarian Universalists encompass a wide array of beliefs on a wide array of topics, I surmise that there are those who believe in talismans and those who do not, with others finding some middle ground.

I personally do not believe that the physical form of the talisman itself has power to avert evil and bring good fortune. However, there may be a type of “placebo effect” at play, and if so, what is the harm?

What if the meaning and power that is bestowed on the talisman is symbolic in nature and something that reminds us that we can be comforted, that we are worthy of having hope, and that a better world or a better frame of mind is possible? What is the harm in holding on to a talisman if it brings us joy and a brighter outlook?


ElizaBeth Webb Beyer, Jewish rabbi

Our Sages are divided on their approval of amulets. Some rabbis permit them, if a knowledgeable expert wrote it with the appropriate specific intention. Other rabbis were against it as heretical nonsense and a distraction from trust in G-d. Since rabbis were never completely able to stop their use; they instead regulated them. An “approved” amulet was successful with three different people. An “expert” amulet writer had written and used three different types of amulets, successful on three people.

Within Judaism, there is an understanding of the power of the written word. Even today, there is a considerable market for amulets containing the Hebrew names of G-d, angels, or even verses from the Bible. They may be used in pregnancy, childbirth, to protect infants, to protect one on a journey, or many additional needs. Modern medical research would concur that belief in amulets (aka “placebo affect”) can indeed be powerful.

Misguided spiritual energy

Stephen R. Karcher, presiding priest, Saint Anthony Greek Orthodox Church

Our Church is replete with physical objects that become signs and symbols of the work God is doing in the world. Objects can be anything, like a palm cross, icons, flowers, blessed oil, basil or holy water. These physical things can convey blessings from the One who blesses them, but they never take on a life of their own or possess any magical properties.

Our faith is in a person, the Lord Jesus Christ, who sanctifies the physical world. Therefore, material things can be blessed and used to express faith and direct us to the healer of all our infirmities. We are gravely mistaken when we use them like amulets, talismans or good-luck charms to ward off evil spirits. Scripture clearly teaches these spirits are not worthy of fear, worship or appeasem*nt because they are under Christ’s authority. He is the only one that delivers humanity from all evil.

A comfort, but no substitute

Nancy Lee Cecil, Baha’i teacher

When we feel the need for divine protection to guard against physical harm or danger, we might better turn to God in prayer — not just tangible talismans. Somewhat like astrology, talismans offer shortcuts to personal strength, finding out who we are, and determining our destinies.

Through prayer, independent investigation and supplication, Baha’is ask for God’s help in peril and overcoming obstacles. Though talismans and other mystical practices provide quick and comforting support, the ideal path to protection in this life and the next comes directly from God. When we withdraw ourselves from our physical environment and engage in the spiritual power of insight from meditating on the word of God, we unlock “… the doors of mysteries” and “… can unfold the secrets of things-in-themselves.” The Baha’i Writings tell us “… through (prayer), affairs of which man knows nothing are unfolded before his view. Through it, he receives Divine inspiration and heavenly food.”

No other gods

Bryan Smith, lead pastor, Summit Christian Church, Sparks

God is clear in Exodus 20:3: “You shall have no other gods before me.” But why? God knows our heart’s propensity to wander from him and find security in other things, i.e., talismans. God longs for our heart and is described as jealous for us. Jealousy sounds negative, but it isn’t. God desires us and wants to give us the best life possible. But that is only found in devotion to him, not in sharing the space of our hearts with anything less.

The Bible calls the production of idols or talismans worthless (Jeremiah 10:3). The argument is made that an idol shaped from wood (or any material) cannot speak, walk or stand on its own. Idols cannot do any good (Jeremiah 10:5). Rather than looking to created things we are to look to the Creator and find our existence, hope, security, etc. in him.

My personal talisman

Kenneth G. Lucey, philosophy/religion professor emeritus, University of Nevada

Webster says talisman is “an object bearing a sign or character … held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune.” For years I have owned a small “talisman” of my own design. The size of a quarter, on one side there is a small critter saying “Time to be a Tadpole.” “Tadpole” is an acronym for the seven personal traits found on the reverse side: Thoughtful, Aware, Disciplined, Patient, Observant, Lucky, and Excellent Survivor. The purpose of this “talisman” is to remind me of the importance of practicing these personal traits. On the back are also the four symbols used on playing cards: (spade, heart, club and diamond). As a fan of the game Texas hold ‘em poker, my talisman is a potent reminder of the vital importance of those seven traits in the context of that game and in the living of life generally.


Sherif A. Elfass, member, Northern Nevada Muslim Community Member

Muslim scholars agreed that it is not permissible (haram) for Muslims to use talismans which contain anything other than Quran. However, they differ concerning those contain Quran. Some of them said that wearing these is permitted, while others said that it is not permitted. The view that it is not permitted is the view of the majority and more likely to be correct because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Spells, amulets and love-charms are (forms of) shirk.” (Shirk means wrong beliefs).

Many Muslims, unfortunately, use talismans out of ignorance of their religion. While they firmly believe that everything happens by the will of Allah, they think that these talismans will intervene somehow. This is considered a form of shirk, which is a major sin. Undoubtedly not allowing talismans acts as a precautionary measure to prevent means that lead to wrong beliefs. This is what every Muslim should do.

No harm in carrying a talisman

Toni King, spiritual leader, Unity Center of Reno

There’s a legend of an eastern monarch plagued by worries who called his wise men together to ask them to formulate a few magic words that would help him in times of distress and yet be brief enough to always have before his eyes and be appropriate for every situation — wise and true and endlessly enduring. They came back to the king with a secret talisman: “this too shall pass” engraved on a signet ring.

In Unity, we align with the One Power in the Universe. Although we do not believe in magic, we do recognize the universal power of the Word, Logos, and see the value of carrying a reminder that may be imbued with the Word. There is no harm in carrying a talisman that brings an awareness of comfort and strength. Just know that Power is already abiding within you, your Source for all things.

Next week’s topic:Is debt a moral issue?

Faith Forum is a weekly dialogue on religion produced by religious statesman Rajan Zed. Send questions or comments to rajanzed@gmail.com or on Twitter at @rajanzed.

What do you think of talismans? | Faith Forum (2024)


What do you think of talismans? | Faith Forum? ›

The superstitious use of talismans and other items believed to possess magical powers is prohibited in various biblical passages. Rather than relying on these false and deceptive securities, Christians are called to place their trust in God's loving providence.

What's the point of talisman? ›

A talisman is any object ascribed with religious or magical powers intended to protect, heal, or harm individuals for whom they are made. Talismans are often portable objects carried on someone in a variety of ways, but can also be installed permanently in architecture.

Do Catholics use talismans? ›

In Catholicism, rosaries are not only religious symbols but also serve as talismans for many believers. They represent faith, protection, and a deep connection to spiritual beliefs. The rosary is a string of beads used in prayer, with each bead representing a specific prayer.

What is the belief of amulets? ›

Amulets which are said to derive their extraordinary properties and powers from magic or those which impart luck are typically part of folk religion or paganism, whereas amulets or sacred objects of formalised mainstream religion as in Christianity are believed to have no power of their own without faith in Jesus and ...

Is talisman a good thing? ›

Talismans can have a comforting effect for some people and they are many and diverse. For example, a letter from a now deceased loved one can move one to feel confidence and security during trying times, a military medal of a great grandparent can inspire courage to press forward even as odds are against you.

What does the Bible say about talismans? ›

The Bible bluntly declares, “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am against your magic charms with which you ensnare people” (Ezekiel 13:20). Think of it this way. Our lives are filled with uncertainty and danger; none of us knows what the future holds for us.

Are talismans against Christianity? ›

Trust Only in God

The superstitious use of talismans and other items believed to possess magical powers is prohibited in various biblical passages.

What is an example of a talisman in real life? ›

Be it the crucifix, the yin-yang symbol, or your grandmother's wedding ring worn on a chain around your neck, these symbols – often called talismans – provide strength, comfort, and meaning when we wear them.

What religion uses talisman? ›

A talisman is any object that is imbued with protective powers, and all cultures have manifestations of such objects. In the world of Islam, they bear Qur'anic inscriptions as well as images of prophets, astrological signs, and religious narratives.

What powers does a talisman have? ›

A talisman has magical powers and brings luck; an amulet protects against evil, disease, and danger. Amulet and talisman energy are slightly different in their purpose. A talisman invokes a quality or power, say your ability to see auras or speak with plants.

What is the oldest talisman? ›

Neanderthals and other prehistoric peoples used natural amulets in burials, and so-called Venus figurines dating to about 25,000 bc may be among the earliest of man-made amulets.

Do amulets have power? ›

Amulets are worn as protection from harm, whereas other charms may be created to offer the wearer superhuman abilities or wisdom. Most are thought to bring good fortune. A talisman, like an amulet, is a lucky charm. However, a talisman is created specifically to aid its wearer with special magical powers or protection.

What is the goal of talisman? ›

In the base game, the main goal is to reach the Crown of Command in the centre of the board and then, by casting Command Spells, force the other characters out of the game.

What is the use of a talisman? ›

Used and revered since the Stone Age, talismans are objects believed to be imbued with magical properties, and are intended to guide, empower, and protect the owner from danger, evil, harm, and sickness.

What is the power of a talisman? ›

Talismans are often inscribed with symbols or words that are thought to hold a specific meaning or power. In many cultures, talismans are believed to ward off evil spirits and protect the wearer from harm. They can also be used to attract good fortune, love, and prosperity.

How does the talisman game work? ›

The game contains three regions: Outer, Middle, and Inner. Players start in the Outer Region and try to progress to the Inner Region, through the Valley of Fire, and claim the Crown of Command. The game's name, "Talisman", refers to the rule that only characters possessing a Talisman card may enter the Valley of Fire.

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