What is the alternating series test? (2024)

In this section we will learn about what alternating series are. It is very easy to see if the series is alternating by expanding it out. If the terms go from positive to negative and negative to positive, then it is alternating. We will also examine the convergence of alternating series by using a method called the alternating series test. The test requires two conditions, which is listed below. Keep in mind that if you cannot fulfill these conditions, that does not mean the alternating series is divergent. There is still a possibility that it is convergent.

Alternating Series Test

The alternating series test (also known as the Leibniz test), is type of series test used to determine the convergence of series that alternate. Keep in mind that the test does not tell whether the series diverges. In order to use this test, we first need to know what a converging series and a diverging series is.

What is a convergent series? What is a divergent series?

A convergent series is an infinite series which sums up to a finite number. For example, the famous convergent series:

What is the alternating series test? (1)

This convergent series sum up to π26\frac{\pi^{2}}{6}6π2! How do you get that? It is a long process that requires a lot of calculations, but usually it is sufficient enough to know that the series is convergent by the p-series test.

A divergent series is an infinite series where the sum is infinity. For example, the series

What is the alternating series test? (2)

Adding up all the numbers will give you a sum of infinity. If that doesn't convince you, take a look at this. Note that the series could be written as an NthN^{th}Nth partial sum.

What is the alternating series test? (3)

Now if we were to make it an infinite series, then we are going to take the limit as N goes to infinity of both sides. In other words,

What is the alternating series test? (4)

Now that we know what a divergent and convergent series is, let's take a look at the alternating series test.

Alternating Series Test

In order to use the alternating series test, the series must be alternating. In other words, the series are in the form:

What is the alternating series test? (5)


What is the alternating series test? (6)

where bn0b_{n} \leq 0bn0. An alternating series is not limited to these two forms because the exponent on the (-1) can vary. Now the alternating series test states that if the two following conditions are met, then the alternating series is convergent:

What is the alternating series test? (7)

For the second condition, bnb_{n}bn does not have to be strictly decreasing for all n1n \leq 1n1. As long as the sequence is decreasing at nn n \infty, then that will be sufficient enough to show that it is decreasing. Now that we know what the alternating series test is, let us put it to use for the following examples.

Example 1: Show that the series

What is the alternating series test? (8)

is convergent.

Before we want to use the alternating series test, we want to make sure that the series is actually alternating. In other words, turn this series into the form:

What is the alternating series test? (9)

As you can see, we can turn our series into that form. Notice that:

What is the alternating series test? (10)

And so we know that:

What is the alternating series test? (11)

Hence, we can go ahead and use the alternating series test. Now remember the two conditions. First we have to show that

What is the alternating series test? (12)

Since our bn=1n2b_{n} = \frac{1}{n^{2}}bn=n21, then our limit is

What is the alternating series test? (13)

Notice that this limit does to 0, hence

and so our first condition is fulfilled. Now let's take a look at the second condition. We have to make sure that 1n2\frac{1}{n^{2}}n21 is decreasing. How do we do this? There are a total of three ways to do this:

  • Method 1:

    Write out the first few termsWe can write out the first few terms of bnb_{n}bn and then conclude if the sequence is decreasing. Notice that:
    What is the alternating series test? (15)
    Notice how the numerator never changes, but the denominator is getting bigger and bigger. As the denominator gets bigger, then the numbers itself get smaller. Hence we can conclude that the sequence is decreasing, and condition is fulfilled. Some teachers may not see this method as legitimate for more complicating questions (because it's harder to compare). In that case, look at the other methods.
  • Method 2:

    Compare the nthn^{th}nth term and (n+1)th(n+1)^{th}(n+1)th term of the sequence bnb_{n}bn.

    Notice that the nthn^{th}nth term of the sequence bnb_{n}bn is:

    What is the alternating series test? (16)

    And the (n+1)th(n+1)^{th}(n+1)th term is

    What is the alternating series test? (17)

    Now comparing the two terms, you should notice that:

    What is the alternating series test? (18)

    The left side is bigger than the right side because the denominator in the right side is bigger, hence the term is actually smaller. So we just concluded that:

    What is the alternating series test? (19)

    for all nnn>1. This means that the nthn^{th}nth term is always going to be bigger than the (n+1)th(n+1)^{th}(n+1)th term, which means the sequence is always decreasing. Hence again, the second condition is fulfilled. Again, sometimes it's really hard to compare the two terms. In this case, look at method 3.

  • Method 3:

    Take the derivative

    What were going to do is take the general term (bnb_{n}bn) and change all the nnn's to xxx's, and set it as f(x)f(x)f(x). In other words,

    What is the alternating series test? (20)

    Now we are going to take the derivative of this function. This will give us:

    What is the alternating series test? (21)

    Notice that for xxx > 0, the denominator is going to be positive, and so the derivative f'(x) is negative. In other words, for increasing value of xxx, the function is decreasing. Now let's put that into the perspective of bnb_{n}bn. This means that for increasing values of n, the sequence bnb_{n}bn is always decreasing. Thus, we just fulfilled the second condition again.

    Since the two conditions are fulfilled, then we can conclude that the series

    What is the alternating series test? (22)

    converges. Now let's take a look at a more interesting alternating series.

Example 2: Consider the alternating harmonic series:

What is the alternating series test? (23)

Is it convergent? If it is, then what is the sum of this series?

  • What should we do here? You are probably thinking about one of the series convergence tests. You are most likely thinking about using the alternating series test. Again, we need to show that this is in fact an alternating series before we can apply the alternating series test. Recall that an alternating series could be of the form:
    What is the alternating series test? (24)
  • Notice that:
    What is the alternating series test? (25)
  • And so we know that
    What is the alternating series test? (26)
  • Since we know that it is an alternating series, then we can see if the two conditions are fulfilled. For the first condition, we see that:
    What is the alternating series test? (27)
  • So the first condition is fulfilled. Now the second condition states that bnb_{n}bn must be a decreasing sequence. Feel free to use any of the methods, but I will be using method two. See that the nthn^{th}nth term and (n+1)th(n+1)^{th}(n+1)th term are
    What is the alternating series test? (28)
  • Notice by comparing nthn^{th}nth term and (n+1)th(n+1)^{th}(n+1)th term of the sequence, we have:
    What is the alternating series test? (29)
  • Again, this is because the denominator on the right side is bigger, so the term is actually smaller. In other words, we just concluded that:
  • For nnn>1. Hence, every term after is smaller than the one before it. So we can conclude that the sequence is decreasing. Since both of the conditions are fulfilled, then the series is convergent. But what is the sum of the series? Fortunately, there is an easy way to find this. First, we must recognize the Maclaurin series:
    What is the alternating series test? (31)
  • Now if we were to set xxx = -1, then we will see that
    What is the alternating series test? (32)
  • In other words, we just concluded that:
    What is the alternating series test? (33)

So the sum of this alternating harmonic series is ln(2). If you want to take a look at more examples of using the alternating series test, click on this link.


Now here is an interesting question. If the alternating harmonic series is convergent, then what about the harmonic series itself? Is

What is the alternating series test? (34)

convergent or divergent? You may realize that this isn't an alternating series, so we are going to have to use another test. Why don't we use the nthn^{th}nth term test?

nth term test for divergence

Recall that the nth term test (also known as the divergence test) states the following:

What is the alternating series test? (35)

So if we take the limit and it is anything BUT 0, then we can say that the series diverge. However, if it does equal 0, then it does NOT mean the series converge. It just means the test has failed, and you would have to use something else to test the convergence.

Now using this test for the harmonic series we let:

What is the alternating series test? (36)

Then you will see that:

What is the alternating series test? (37)

Since we've got 0, then the nth term test has failed and we would have to try something else. This leads to the question, maybe the harmonic series really converges?

Does 1/n converge

Let us assume that the harmonic series is convergent. Then that means the series must sum up to a finite number. Let's call that sum S. So

What is the alternating series test? (38)

Now we are going to play a little trick here. We can say that:

What is the alternating series test? (39)

However on the right hand side of the inequality, see that

What is the alternating series test? (40)

In other words, we are saying that

What is the alternating series test? (41)

This is impossible, so we reached a contradiction. This situation causes us to get a mathematically illogical statement, so then the harmonic series must be divergent. A lot of people get confused by this method, so I have prepared another easier method to show that the harmonic series diverges. This method will require you to know the p-series rules.

Recall that p-series are in the form:

What is the alternating series test? (42)

The p-series rule (or p-series test) states that if p>1, then the series converge. Otherwise, the series diverge. Notice that the series that we have is very similar to it.

What is the alternating series test? (43)

In fact, our p=1 in this case. We also know that p=1\ngtr1, so then we know that the series diverge. Now we kind of went off topic here, but you must have realized that removing the (1)(n+1)(-1)^{(n+1)}(1)(n+1) from the series can actually change the convergence or divergence of a series.

Alternating Series Estimation Theorem

So we learned that it is possible to find the sum of an alternating harmonic series using a complicated formula that we were unfamiliar with. But what if we are dealing with another alternating series? How would we find the sum? Unfortunately there is no good way to find the exact sum of converging alternating series, but there is a way to estimate the sum. It is called the alternating series estimation theorem.

The alternating series estimation theorem states the following:

Suppose that the alternating series

What is the alternating series test? (44)

Is convergent and converges to a finite number SSS. Then

What is the alternating series test? (45)


SnS_{n}Sn = the partial sum of n terms (sum of the first n terms)

RnR_{n}Rn = the remainder (or error term) that we get from subtracting the actual value of the series with the sum of the first n terms. Sometimes it's called the alternating series error.

bn+1b_{n+1}bn+1 = the neglected term.

Note that this theorem only works if the series is alternating. You are probably very confused at what this theorem is saying, so let us use a series as an example.

Example 3: Let's take a look at the alternating harmonic series we used earlier:

What is the alternating series test? (46)
  • Let's expand the series out. Doing so will give us:
    What is the alternating series test? (47)
  • Now let's say that we want to estimate the sum of this series. What I'm going to do is estimate the sum of the series by summing the first 4 terms. Summing the first 4 terms gives us:
    What is the alternating series test? (48)
  • Since we only look at the first 4 terms, then the next term after it (the 5th5^{th}5th term) is the neglected term. Recall that the series can be rewritten as
    What is the alternating series test? (49)
  • So bn=1nb_{n} = \frac{1}{n}bn=n1, and hence
    What is the alternating series test? (50)
  • Now what the theorem says is that
    What is the alternating series test? (51)
  • So using the 2 pieces of information that we have, then
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  • Our remainder is kind of in the way of our equation, so we can get rid of it and have
    What is the alternating series test? (53)
  • Now instead of having the absolute value, we can rewrite our inequality to be:
    What is the alternating series test? (54)
  • Adding 0.58333 to all sides of the inequality gives us:
    What is the alternating series test? (55)
  • Hence, we just estimate what the sum of the series is! It must be between 0.38333 and 0.78333. Note that you can also do this by summing the first 5 term or the first 11 terms. Usually the questions you will be dealing with will tell you how many terms you need to sum. In fact, as you sum more and more terms and use this theorem, your estimation becomes more and more accurate.

Now let's take a look at a question where we don't know how many terms we need to sum, but we know that our remainder (or error) has to be less than a certain number.

Example 4: Determine the number of terms required to approximate the sum of the series

What is the alternating series test? (56)

with an error of less than 0.0001.

  • Recall that the theorem states that:
    What is the alternating series test? (57)
  • If the error must be less than 0.0001, then basically we are saying that
    What is the alternating series test? (58)
  • or in a more simple manner,
    What is the alternating series test? (59)
  • Now we can't really do anything with this inequality because there are too many unknowns. So we need to think of a better way to do this. This is where it gets a little tricky because we actually have to think about this.
  • Instead of saying that 0.0001 is less than the neglected term (0.0001bn+1)(0.0001 \leq b_{n+1})(0.0001bn+1), why don't we say that the neglected term is less than 0.0001. In other words, let's say that
    What is the alternating series test? (60)
  • Why? Think about it. We know that
    What is the alternating series test? (61)
  • The error term is less than the neglected term. So if the neglected term is less than 0.0001, then it must be true that the error term is less than 0.0001. Basically we are saying that:
    What is the alternating series test? (62)
  • So this works! Now going back to our inequality
    What is the alternating series test? (63)
  • We know that
    What is the alternating series test? (64)
  • So
    What is the alternating series test? (65)
  • That means
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  • We can rewrite this inequality to be:
    What is the alternating series test? (67)
  • That means as long as nnn > 9999, then the error (or remainder) will be less than 0.0001. Let's pick nnn=10000. This means that summing the first 10000 terms will guarantee the error to be less than 0.0001. That is a lot of terms to sum up! If you want to look at more examples, then take a look at this link:


What is the alternating series test? (2024)


What does the alternating series test say? ›

In mathematical analysis, the alternating series test is the method used to show that an alternating series is convergent when its terms (1) decrease in absolute value, and (2) approach zero in the limit.

How does the alternating series test fail? ›

In most cases, an alternation series ∞∑n=0(−1)nbn fails Alternating Series Test by violating limn→∞bn=0 . If that is the case, you may conclude that the series diverges by Divergence (Nth Term) Test.

What is the alternating series limit test? ›

The Alternating Series Test.

Given an alternating series , ∑ ( − 1 ) k a k , if the sequence of positive terms decreases to 0 as , k → ∞ , then the alternating series converges. Note that if the limit of the sequence is not 0, then the alternating series diverges.

What is the formula for the alternating series? ›

∑ n = 1 N ( − 1 ) n − 1 a n and ∑ n = 1 N + 1 ( − 1 ) n − 1 a n . Depending on whether N is odd or even, the second will be smaller or larger than the first.

What is the alternating series test Leibniz? ›

Alternating series, Leibnitz's alternating series test, Series of positive terms. A series the terms of which are alternately positive and negative is called the alternating series. An alternating series converge if the absolute values of its terms decrease monotonically to zero as n tends to infinity.

What are the three conditions for the alternating series? ›

Those three conditions are: + bn Condition (1): The series is an alternating series (it has the form where by > 0); Condition (2): The absolute value of each term is less than or equal to that of the preceding term (the statement br+1 <bn is true for all n); and Condition (3): The terms shrink toward zero for large n, ...

What is the P rule for the alternating series? ›

The p-series rule (or p-series test) states that if p>1, then the series converge. Otherwise, the series diverge. Notice that the series that we have is very similar to it. In fact, our p=1 in this case.

Does the Alternating Series Test prove absolute convergence? ›

The alternating series test doesn't help to prove absolute converges. You need to show that the series of absolute values ∑∞n=1|an| converges.

What is the alternating series of signs? ›

An alternating series is a series whose terms alternate between positive and negative signs. An alternating series is an infinite series that can be written as: ∑ k = 1 ∞ ( − 1 ) k − 1 u k = u 1 − u 2 + u 3 − ⋯ + ( − 1 ) k − 1 u k + ⋯ with u k > 0 for all , or.

How to find error of alternating series? ›

If the series satisfies the conditions for the Alternating series test, we have the following simple estimate of the size of the error in our approximation |Rn| = |s − sn|. (Rn here stands for the remainder when we subtract the n th partial sum from the sum of the series. ) then |Rn| = |s − sn| ≤ bn+1.

What is the limit test for series? ›

Limit Comparison Test: Let ∞∑n=1an and ∞∑n=1bn be positive-termed series. If limn→∞anbn=c, where c is finite, and c>0, then either both series converge or both diverge.

Can the Alternating Series Test prove divergence? ›

The alternating series test only proves an alternating series converges and nothing about whether the series could/will diverge.

What is the theorem of alternating series? ›

The theorem known as "Leibniz Test" or the alternating series test tells us that an alternating series will converge if the terms an converge to 0 monotonically.

What are the rules for limit comparison test? ›

The Limit Comparison Test

Require that all a[n] and b[n] are positive. If the limit of a[n]/b[n] is positive, then the sum of a[n] converges if and only if the sum of b[n] converges.

What is the formula for the alternating series convergence? ›

For an alternating series ∞∑n=1(−1)n+1bn, if bk+1≤bk for all k and bk→0 as k→∞, the alternating series converges.

What is Leibniz' formula? ›

The leibniz rule states that if two functions f(x) and g(x) are differentiable n times individually, then their product f(x). g(x) is also differentiable n times. The leibniz rule is (f(x). g(x))n=∑nCrf(n−r)(x). gr(x)

What is the ratio test for convergence of alternating series? ›

The Ratio Test

lim k → ∞ | a k + 1 | | a k | = r . If 0≤r<1, 0 ≤ r < 1 , then the series ∑ak ∑ a k converges. If 1<r, then the series ∑ak ∑ a k diverges. If r=1, then the test is inconclusive.

What is the formula for an alternating sequence? ›

By an alternating sequence we mean any sequence {an} that is of the form an = (−1)nbn for some non-negative real numbers bn.

What happens if an Alternating Series Test fails? ›

In most cases, an alternation series ∞∑n=0(−1)nbn fails Alternating Series Test by violating limn→∞bn=0 . If that is the case, you may conclude that the series diverges by Divergence (Nth Term) Test.

How to find sums of alternating series? ›

Answer: To find the sum of an alternating series, use the formula for the sum of an infinite alternating series: Sum = a / (1 – r), where “a” is the first term and “r” is the common ratio between consecutive terms. The sum of an infinite alternating series can be found using a specific formula.

How to tell if an alternating sequence converges? ›

In other words, if the absolute values of the terms of an alternating series are non-increasing and converge to zero, the series converges. This is easy to test; we like alternating series.

What is a series that alternates signs? ›

An alternating series is a series whose terms alternate between positive and negative signs. An alternating series is an infinite series that can be written as: ∑ k = 1 ∞ ( − 1 ) k − 1 u k = u 1 − u 2 + u 3 − ⋯ + ( − 1 ) k − 1 u k + ⋯ with u k > 0 for all , or.

Is an alternating series positive or negative? ›

An alternating series is a series whose terms are al- ternately positive and negative. We look at a couple of examples. Example 1.2. (i) The series (−1)n is an alternating series - for each odd n it is negative and for each even n it is positive.

What does alternating harmonic series converge to? ›

Since the odd terms and the even terms in the sequence of partial sums converge to the same limit S , S , it can be shown that the sequence of partial sums converges to S , S , and therefore the alternating harmonic series converges to S .

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