Why STEAM is so Important to 21st Century Education (2024)

As the education world explores strategies to equip students with the skills and knowledge they’ll need to be successful innovators in a 21st century workforce, there has been a growing emphasis on STEAM — the educational discipline that engages students around the subjects ofScience,Technology,Engineering,the Arts andMath.

Many education experts regard STEAM (and its predecessor STEM) as an essential component of 21st century education. Why? According to the U.S. Department of Education, “In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world, it’s more important than ever that our nation’s youth are prepared to bring knowledge and skills to solve problems, make sense of information, and know how to gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions.” Enhancing such skills lies at the heart of STEM and STEAM education.

Additionally, STEM and STEAM graduates “play a vital role in developing meaningful solutions to societal problems, such as the (COVID-19) public health crisis we are currently facing,” says Michael Milligan, CEO and executive director of ABET, a technology and engineering accreditation organization. The STEM Careers Coalition is collaborating on a COVID-19 Response Initiative project, examining how STEM professionals are pivoting their skills in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

What is STEAM?

STEAM is an educational discipline that aims to spark an interest and lifelong love of the arts and sciences in children from an early age. Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Math are similar fields of study in that they all involve creative processes and none uses just one method for inquiry and investigation. Teaching relevant, in-demand skills that will prepare students to become innovators in an ever-evolving world is paramount, not only for the future of the students themselves but for the future of the country.

STEAM empowers teachers to employ project-based learning that crosses each of the five disciplines and fosters an inclusive learning environment in which all students are able to engage and contribute. As opposed to traditional models of teaching, educators using the STEAM framework bring the disciplines together, leveraging the synergy between the modeling process and math and science content, for example, in order to blur the boundaries between modeling techniques and scientific/mathematical thinking. Through this holistic approach, students are able to exercise both sides of their brain at once.

The interplay between art and science is highlighted in an article titled “Communicating Science Concepts Through Art: 21st Century Skills in Practice,” by Sandy Buczynski, an associate professor with the University of San Diego’s Master of Education program, and three co-authors.

“There is a dynamic synergy between the visual arts and the natural sciences,” according to the article. “For example, science relies heavily on individuals with visual-art skills to render detailed illustrations, depicting everything from atoms to zebras. Likewise, artists apply analytic, linear and logical thinking to compose and scale their work of art.”

Buczynski and her co-authors write: “These parallel spaces of science and art are pulled toward each other by the education needs of the 21st century.” STEAM education, they contend, is particularly important in the scientific disciplines because, “The next generation of scientists will need to develop their communication skills through both traditional means of writing and speaking, as well as more artistic means including illustrating, animating, videography, cartooning and model building. (See the full article.)

In one real-life example of STEAM in action, an Andover, Mass., high school drew the spotlight for its approach to teaching geometry through the lens of art. “Through a scavenger hunt at a local museum, math and art students come to understand that scale in geometry is the same thing as perspective in art,” Andover High teacher Meghan Michaud said in a U.S. News article.

Beyond the classroom, both scientists and engineers use models — including sketches, diagrams, mathematical relationships, simulations and physical models — to make predictions about the likely behavior of a system. They also collect data to evaluate the predictions and possibly revise the model as a result. However, many engineers are not particularly comfortable with sketching; so connecting them with basic artistic skills through STEAM, and equipping them to better “see” their ideas, can help them become better engineers.

Also considered to be very helpful in preparing secondary students to succeed in higher education, STEAM has gained popularity among educators, parents, administrators, corporations and other institutions.

Why is STEAM so Important?

In today’s world, setting students up for future success means exposing them to these disciplines holistically in order to develop their critical thinking skills.

“Education is under pressure to respond to a changing world,” education writer Jeevan Vasagar asserts ina Financial Times article. “As repetitive tasks are eroded by technology and outsourcing, the ability to solve novel problems has become increasingly vital.”

And the earlier students are exposed to the STEAM disciplines, the better. Ina study by Microsoft, 4 in 5 STEM college students (78%) said they decided to study STEM in high school or earlier, and one in five (21%) decided in middle school or earlier. Yet, only 1 in 5 STEM college students feel that their K–12 education prepared them extremely well for their college courses in STEM. There also appears to be a major disparity in thefemale to male ratiowhen it comes to those employed in STEM fields. Getting more girls interested in STEAM disciplines is another facet of the movement.

Not only does a STEAM framework teach students how to think critically, problem solve and use creativity, it prepares students to work in fields that are poised for growth. A report from theU.S. Bureau of Labor Statisticsprojects growth in STEM and STEAM-related occupations of 8% between now and 2029, compared to 3.4% for non-STEM occupations. It also lists median annual wages of $86,980 for STEM/STEAM jobs, compared to $39,810 for all occupations.

Even for students who don’t choose a career in one of the STEM/STEAM fields, the skills students gain from a STEAM education can be translated into almost any career.

“Educating students in STEM subjects (if taught correctly) prepares students for life, regardless of the profession they choose to follow,” technology innovator and President of Enterra Solutions Stephen F. DeAngelis says inan article in Wired. “Those subjects teach students how to think critically and how to solve problems — skills that can be used throughout life to help them get through tough times and take advantage of opportunities whenever they appear.”

An important part of this educational approach is that students who are taught under a STEAM framework are not just taught the subject matter but they are taught how to learn, how to ask questions, how to experiment and how to create.


Before there was STEAM, there was STEM. The key innovator credited with updating STEM to STEAM by adding the arts is Georgette Yakman, an engineering and technology teacher who was the founding researcher of the STEAM educational framework in 2006.

However, the change was not about just “adding another thing” to STEM. Yakman explains that: “STEAM is about more than converging the fine arts and design thinking into STEM fields. The liberal arts are, the ‘who & why,’ the reasoning, to the ‘what & how’ of STEM.”

What is the History of STEM?

The acronym STEM was reportedly introduced in 2001 by scientific administrators at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), which had previously used the acronym SMET. More generally, America’s expanded emphasis on science and technology education dates back at least to the early days of the so-called “Space Race” between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, which kicked into high gear when the Soviets launched Sputnik, the first satellite to orbit the Earth, in 1957.

Why the “A” in STEAM is Important in Education

The Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), one of the early champions of adding the arts to the original STEM framework to create STEAM, said that doing so emphasizes the vitally important “symbiosis between the arts and sciences.” According to RISD, “The goal is to foster the true innovation that comes with combining the mind of a scientist or technologist with that of an artist or designer.” Former RISD President John Maeda, an early influencer for STEAM, has emphasized the idea that design thinking and creativity are essential ingredients for innovation.

The addition of the ‘A’ (The Arts) to the original STEM discipline to create STEAM is important in part because practices such as modeling, developing explanations and engaging in critique and evaluation (argumentation), have too often been underemphasized in the context of math and science education.

Adding “the Arts” to STEM to create STEAM is about “incorporating creative thinking and applied arts in real situations,” according to SteamPoweredFamily.com, whose article “What is STEM and STEAM? A Guide for Parents and Educators” asserts that, “Art is about discovering and creating ingenious ways of problem solving, integrating principles or presenting information. Picture an architect, they use engineering, math, technology, science and arts to create stunning buildings and structures.”

How to Specialize in STEAM

To the extent that STEAM education is based on a foundation of integration — of integrating different skills and disciplines with the goal of providing a richer educational experience — all teachers can benefit from a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of STEAM education.

For teachers who wish to specialize in STEAM, there are a number of educational opportunities available, including certifications and advanced degree programs (see more below).

For schools and districts looking to more formally embrace STEAM education, the Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM offers helpful resources, including an informative article titled “Becoming a STEAM School.”

STEAM Certification & Courses

Several of the notable certifications available for teachers seeking to position themselves for success in STEAM education, and to demonstrate their expertise on their resume, include the following:

There are also numerous opportunities for teachers to begin their own STEAM education journey without committing to a certificate or a degree program, through courses offered by online learning platforms such as Udemy and through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) now offered by some universities.

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STEAM Classroom Resources, Activities & Lesson Plans

Here is a helpful collection of STEAM education resources designed for use by classroom teachers and others:

Scholarships for Future STEAM Educators

STEM and STEAM scholarships are widely available for those looking to pursue an academic degree in this vitally important field of study. Here are several listings of top scholarship opportunities:

STEAM Grants & Financial Resources

Grants and financial resources are offered by a range of organizations to help educators bring STEAM education to their schools and to help fund specific projects. Here are several listings of potential STEAM and STEM grant opportunities:

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Diversity in STEAM

Women and minorities have traditionally been under-represented in such science and technology-oriented disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, cybersecurity, data science, STEM and STEAM. Today, many organizations — private companies and government agencies as well as industry advocacy groups — are actively trying to address this inequity.

“It’s no secret that employers are looking for young talent with STEM skills and digital literacy,” Donald E. Bossi, president of FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), writes in an article in Diversity in STEAM Magazine. “As educators, parents, and business leaders, we have a responsibility to offer all students – especially those who are underserved and underrepresented in STEM – equitable opportunities and pathways to success as contributing members of the workforce.”

Girls Who STEM is another online resource focused on ensuring that STEM and STEAM opportunities are available to all.

The Future of STEAM Education

Leonardo Da Vinci was on to something years ago when he stated, “Study the science of art. Study the art of science.”

So says author, futurist and business technology advisor Bernard Marr, writing in Forbes.com that STEAM education is essential to “prepare our kids for the fourth industrial revolution.” Though we cannot know right now what some jobs of the future will look like, “It makes sense to educate our children with the skills and capacity to think outside the box with creative solutions. This is something a STEAM education can effectively prepare them to do,” he said.

“If the children and students of today are our future, this is the type of education we need,” Naveen Jain, founder of the World Innovation Institute, wrote a number of years ago when STEAM was just gaining momentum (“Schools Out for Summer: Rethinking Education for the 21st Century“). The traditional system of “standardized, rote learning that teaches to a test is exactly the type of education our childrendon’tneed in this world that is plagued by systemic, pervasive and confounding global challenges,” he said. “Today’s education system does not focus enough on teaching children to solve real-world problems and is not interdisciplinary, nor collaborative enough in its approach.”

This same type of thinking is inspiring many educators to master the art of STEAM education so they can better prepare their students for future career opportunities. In addition to online courses and certifications, one of the best options available to educators seeking to become STEAM specialists is to earn a master’s degree in this increasingly essential field.

For example, the University of San Diego offers a 100% onlineMaster of Educationdegree program that gives students the option to specialize in STEAM, learning from accomplished faculty instructors with extensive experience in K-12 instruction and research. Visit the MEd STEAM specialization page on the USD website to learn more about the program, the course of study and curriculum.

Why STEAM is so Important to 21st Century Education (2024)


Why do you think STEAM is important in today's education? ›

Most educators know that STEAM education improves technical skills. However, STEAM education also imbues students with confidence while allowing them to find joy in learning and experimenting with new concepts. Learning these concepts in conjunction with one another can bring so much versatility to your classroom.

Why was STEAM so important? ›

Many students have greater aptitude and affinity for either arts and humanities or mathematics and science. STEAM education, with its integrated and holistic approach, helps students conceptualize these disciplines as parts of a greater whole.

What is the role of STEM learners in the 21st-century? ›

Moreover, these 21st-century skills help students understand the impact of STEM fields on society. This would include the ethical and social implications of scientific advancements. This type of education encourages students to think critically and consider the long-term consequences of their decisions.

How effective is STEAM education? ›

The Benefits of STEAM Education

STEAM education, which integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics, offers numerous benefits. It fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, nurturing students' ability to approach challenges from multiple perspectives.

What do children learn from STEAM? ›

STEAM for young children falls under the umbrella of inquiry instruction. Inquiry instruction encourages active (often hands-on) experiences that support building understanding and vocabulary, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and reflection.

Why is STEAM effective? ›

The heat from a steam room opens up the mucous membranes around the body, allowing deeper, easier breathing. The steam from a steam room can break up the congestion in the sinuses and lungs and, therefore, might help treat colds, unblock sinuses, and aid breathing.

What is the benefit of STEAM? ›

Steam opens your pores and cleanses your skin. It can help loosen any dirt and debris buildup, which can help improve the appearance of your skin. Lowers blood pressure. The heat in a steam room can dilate, or enlarge, your blood vessels.

What is the goal of STEAM? ›

STEAM Education is an approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking.

Why is steam so powerful? ›

This form of water is also called water vapor, and it's very powerful stuff. This is because steam has a lot of energy. When you took the liquid form of water and heated it on the stove, you increased the energy in those water molecules. When you get energized, you move around a lot more than when you're tired, right?

Why is Steam so successful? ›

Gabe Newell, the co-founder of Valve, has stated that “the main goal of Steam has always been to increase the quality of the user's experience by reducing the distance between content creators and their audience.” [3] At each step of the game creation process, from production to launch to distribution and maintenance, ...

What is the problem with STEAM education? ›

The Problem with STEAM Education

Educators often face a significant problem with STEAM education: the lack of any meaningful connection between science, technology, engineering, mathematics and other fields like social sciences, arts, and humanities.

Why is STEM education important today? ›

STEM Fosters Important Skills

STEM education cultivates essential skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, design innovation, decision-making, digital and computational literacy, teamwork and adaptability in the next generation of STEM professionals.

Why is the STEM being changed to STEAM? ›

By integrating the arts into STEM, STEAM-focused curricula incorporate the study of the humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design, new media and more.

What are steam education examples? ›

While STEM focuses on scientific concepts as an interdisciplinary approach, STEAM education investigates the same concepts but as part of the creative or artistic process. For example, a student may learn computer programming while designing a three-dimensional model of a sculpted artwork.

What is STEM education and why is it important? ›

The integration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics has been a central focus both within and well outside of education. In fact, it's such a powerful concept that it has been hailed as critical to the future — for children, diversity, the workforce and the economy, among other areas.

What does STEAM mean for education? ›

As a result, education professionals have developed the acronym STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math), leading many to assess STEM vs. STEAM, their merits, and their application in the professional sphere.

How is STEAM useful to us? ›

Steam is used across multiple industries for its ability to transfer heat to drive chemical reactions, sterilize or disinfect objects and to maintain constant temperatures.

What is the importance of technology in STEAM education? ›

Integrated technology in STEM learning spaces ensures students gain certain knowledge about concepts or formulas required. It also allows them to apply knowledge to solve and overcome problems. Technology is an important element of STEM learning spaces.

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