Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (2024)

1. Setup Camp

2. Dock

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3. Crafting Hut

4. Kraken

5. Worship

6. Golden Garden

7. Rhubarb Pie

8. Clay Hut

9. Antidote

10. Water Wheel

11. Statue Repair

  • Yellow Statue
  • Red Statue
  • Blue Statue

12. Destroy the Kraken

We're going to start off with a little "exploit" to make things much easier, but it may take a few attempts. Trust me when I tell you that it’s worth it. Not only will that make the start of the game easier, it will eliminate the need for an annoying grind later in the game and considerably cut down on the amount of time you will have to actively play the game.

From the main menu, start the game. You’ll immediately have to select your 5 initial villagers.

Don’t worry about the skills or information on the left and right. You want 2 male and 3 female villagers. You want them to be aged around 18-25.

Press Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (1) to select the villager if you want them or Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (2) to discard and get another option. There is no limit to this, so just keep going until you have the recommended villagers.

Start the game. You can skip the tutorial, unless you want some direction on how to play. If you do play it, things will occur in a different order to this guide. Bear in mind that you will probably be restarting a few times - read ahead for more info.

Once you’re in the game, find the younger of the 2 males. The reason for picking the younger one is we want them to be alive and available for as long as possible; younger equals more years of work before they die.

Select them and press Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (3) to see their Villager Details info page.

For now, you’re interested in the centre of this screen, where you can spend Lavastones to spin a wheel for an upgrade. You can only ever have 1 upgrade per villager and if you choose to spin again, you’ll lose anything that was already in place.

Press Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (4) to bring up the wheel and again to spin. Each spin costs you 3 Lavastones.

The upgrade you’re after here is Perfect Villager. Don’t worry if you can’t see it on the wheel – it will change as it spins, but there is no guarantee that Perfect Villager will be available.

The Perfect Villager has all skills mastered and can become the Chief, which is a requirement for late-game progress.

You start with 20 Lavastones, so you’ll have 6 attempts before running out. If you manage to get Perfect Villager, great! You can progress.

If you don’t get Perfect Villager, you want to reset your progress and try again. Press Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (6) for the Options menu and then select the red “Reset Profile” option at the bottom-right. You’ll have to confirm a few times and will be dumped back at the start menu.

Restart and repeat this process: choose 3 females and 2 males, all adults, skip the tutorial and immediately retry the spinning wheel on the younger male villager.

Eventually you’ll get the coveted Perfect Villager prize and you can get under way.

VERY IMPORTANT: Make a note of your Perfect Villager's name and keep it safe. You will need to reincarnate them towards the end of the game, which is going to be weeks away in real-time. Only their name and basic details are visible at the Mausoleum meaning you won't be able to work it out just by looking through all your deceased villagers (there will probably be over 50 by then). You don’t want to waste Lavastones bringing back the wrong villager.

After a short while, you’ll see a message appear about a strange crate appearing on the shore. This is the Daily Rewards Crate. Drag a villager to it for your first reward, which will be 100 food for Day 1.

Now you want to set tasks for your regular villagers. You want one Farmer, one Builder and two Researchers, leaving your Perfect Villager available for some of the initial puzzle tasks.

To set their tasks, go to their Villager Detail page. On the right is the 5 skills – Farming, Healing, Building, Research and Gathering. Each villager may already have some small progress in one of the skills. If possible, match tasks to villagers with progress (eg. if a villager has some skill in Farming, make them your Farmer). Select the tick next to the progress bar and press Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (7) to activate it. It will turn green.

The first priority is food. You don’t want your villagers to starve to death! There is a coconut tree on the Northern beach. Drag your Farmer to the tree by selecting them and holding Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (8).

They will attempt to collect some food. Because their skill is low (or non-existent) they will probably fail. Keep dragging them to the tree and eventually they will succeed and automatically carry it to the food hut nearby.

When a villager’s skill is low, they will often wander off after failing at a task (they tend to move around a bit anyway). As their skills increase, you can rely on them to stick at the job with less distraction. So, for this early phase, you’ll need to keep dragging the villager back until their skills improve a bit.

Repeat the process with both your Researchers and your Builder. The Researchers need to work at the Research Table, located on the left of the paved area towards the middle of the island. The Builder can get to work repairing the Wooden Hut below the paved area.


Next, let’s get some fire. Just above and to the right of the coconut tree you’ll see a circular object. It’s a Coconut Husk. Drag your Perfect Villager to it and they’ll carry it to the nearby fire pit.

There is a Dry Wood Pile just to the left of the Research Table. Drag your Perfect Villager to the pile and they’ll take some wood to the fire pit.

Now that things are set up, have the Perfect Villager interact with the fire pit to set it alight.

Finally, for this puzzle at least, use your Perfect Villager to repair the Breeding Hut – it’s located down to the very bottom-left of the island.

This will complete the SETUP CAMP puzzle and also unlock:

  • Bigger Better Breeder

    Fix the Breeding Hut

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Each puzzle you complete will award you Lavastones. Press Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (17) to access the menus at the bottom-left and find the puzzle page – because you have an unclaimed prize, there should be a marker over the Puzzles icon. Select it with Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (18). You can also cycle through the menu pages with Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (19) and Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (20). Select the top-left puzzle on the Puzzle Page and press Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (21) to collect your loot.

Remember to save up your Lavastones. You’ll need at least 20 to revive your Perfect Villager much later on. Refer back to the Lavastones section of the General Hints & Tips page for more.

The Breeding Hut is where your villagers… well, enjoy special moments together and make baby villagers. You want that to happen as it gives you more workers which will eventually be needed to replace villagers when they die of old age, so set all your villagers to auto-breeding.

Select a villager and press Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (22) to see their details page. On the bottom-left is a tick you can toggle next to Auto-Breeding. This means that intermittently they will head to the Breeding Hut and (perhaps) make a new villager!


Your next task is the Dock. Around the map there are 3 Pieces of Wood. Pick them up, one at a time, and your villager will carry them to the Dock on the Southern beach.

Once they are all in a pile next to the Dock, interact with that pile 3 times with your Perfect Villager to perform the repairs. This will complete the Dock puzzle.


Required Resources:
- Water x 1

Required Technology:
- Construction 1 (6,000 TP)

Once again, select your Perfect Villager. Drag them to the Science Board – it’s just to the right of the Research Table (shown in the image above). They will work there for a short while. There will be no notification but they will have drawn up plans for the Crafting Hut, which is found towards the centre of the bottom half of the island. If you look closely you can see writing on the Science Board, signifying that you're good to go.

It will take a few goes but get your Perfect Villager to work on the hut. Your builder may automatically join in too. You can click on the hut to see a progress percentage at the bottom of the screen.

Once the Crafting Hut is complete, you’ll need to clear the tree root just to the left of it. Drag your Perfect Villager to the Whale skeleton to the bottom-right. They will take a whale bone to the construction table, which is near the research table.

Once they place the whale bone, drag your Perfect Villager onto the construction table and they will make a Pick Axe. They will automatically head down to the tree root and cut it, allowing lava to flow to the Crafting Hut (which, apparently, powers it or something). You’ll also complete the Crafting Hut puzzle and unlock:

Eventually that tree is going to die. We want that to occur for something later on, so don’t worry when it happens.

Having both the Dock and the Crafting Hut repaired will prompt the arrival of the Trader, who arrives by boat at the Dock.

The Trader offers the ability to trade resources, mostly crafted, for Tech Points. While this sounds like a good deal, especially early on when your population is low and your researchers are generating points very slowly, I recommend against it. You want to spend your time crafting everything you need to progress the story and solve those puzzles.

As your population grows, Tech Points will accumulate much faster. You’ll have more than enough to max out every category long before you’ve crafted everything you need.

Speaking of Technologies, take a look at them now. Press Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (31) and the default option will take you to Technologies page by pressing Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (32).

Those Tech Points your researchers have been collecting at the Research Table will be used here. Sadly, it’s going to take a while before you can afford anything. Use the time to start collecting resources with your Perfect Villager and crafting things for the puzzles. Remember you can only craft items at Level 0 right now.


Things slow down from here. You will need to be checking with the game regularly but will have to wait for things to happen. While the crafting times this early in the game aren't too bad, you'll likely have to wait several days for TP to accumulate.

To proceed with the story, you want upgraded Construction and Crafting Technologies, but to play it safe I recommend getting Farming first. This will open up more gardening options which is important as the Coconut Tree will intermittently run out of resources eventually and, as you population increases, you'll need more efficient farming.

Once you get 4,000 Tech Points, open the Technologies page and select Farming.

At Farming Level 1 you can now have your Farmer work the crops on the small field above the Crafting Hut. Drag them there and they will initially water the field before collecting more food.

Keep an eye on your food supply. If it gets low, set more villagers as Farmers (don't forget to manually drag them to the tree/garden to increase their skill a little to get them started).

Hopefully your Builder has completed the first Wooden Hut by now. This increases your population limit by 2 to 22. The only other building they can repair right now is the Clothing Hut, located between the coconut tree and the Food Hut. Once built, you could spend Lavastones to change your villagers’ appearances here (not recommended) but we’ll need this hut much later on for a puzzle.

After Day 2 you should start to have cracks appearing. Be sure to craft several Ropes (Vine + Vine) so you can explore them - hopefully you'll get some good loot.


Required Resources:
- Fire x 1
- Coal x 1 *
- Water x 1 *
- Oil x 1 (Coal + Water, 10m) *
* I always had 1 x Oil already at the Crafting Hut, so this may not be needed - check at the Crafting Hut

Required Villagers:
- Adept Builders x 2

Required Technology:
- Construction 1 (6,000TP)

Keep gathering resources, crafting required items and researching tech points.

Whenever you can use a resource somewhere on the island, you will see it by dragging a villager to the Crafting Hut. Once you have collected some Water, drag your Perfect Villager to the Hut.

Select Water and the villager will carry it to a rock near the paved area.

Once they’re done, drag them back to the now-cooled rock and they will pick it up and carry it to the Kraken Statue.

The second rock it easier. It’s over near the large tree towards the bottom-right.

Drag your Perfect Villager to it and they will place it on the Kraken Statue. With both rocks ready to go, you’ll need to improve your Construction Technology to continue.

While you wait, make sure you have some Oil (Water and Coal). You’ll need one in a moment. You may already have 1 Oil so check before you start crafting. You’re also going to need some Fire (it’s the ember that occasionally drops out of the fire pit on the beach).

You also need your Builder (the regular villager) to have reached Adept Builder status to complete this puzzle. Hopefully that should have already happened – if not, just keep an eye on them and drag them back to build/maintain one of the huts if they wander off.

Save up 6,000 Tech Points and upgrade your Construction Technology. At Construction 1 your Builder can repair the Hut at the very top-right, near the Mausoleum, for another 2 to the maximum population.

Your Perfect Villager can now fix the Kraken Statue – drag them over the statue and they will place one of the rocks we put there a while back into the eye socket. Repeat for the other rock/eye. This unlocks:

  • Real Eyes Realize

    Place the Kraken Eyes

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Now drag the villager to the Crafting Hut and select the Oil. They will carry it up and fill the bowls on the Kraken Statue. Take the villager back to the Crafting Hut and you’ll be able to grab some Fire, which they will use to light that oil.

Now you need 2 villagers who are Adept or better Builders, 1 of which can be your Perfect Villager. Drag them both to the rock on the circular stone platform in the centre of the lower part of the island. They will push the boulder here out of the way with some dramatic results and a cutscene.

You’ll also complete the Release the Kraken puzzle, gaining another 3 Lavastones and unlocking:

  • Release The Kraken

    Complete the Kraken Puzzle

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Required Resources:
- Lava x 4
- Water x 4
- Fire x 2
- Stone x 4 (Lava + Water, 45m)
- Metal x 2 (Stone + Fire, 2hrs)

Required Villagers:
- Adept Researchers x 4

Required Technology:
- Crafting 1 (17,000TP)

The next puzzle will see you repairing the 4 pedestals around the Kraken Statue. 2 of them require Stone and 2 require Metal. Notice that Stone is also required to craft Metal, so you’ll actually need 4 Stone for this puzzle.

Stone is created by combining Water and Lava at the Crafting Hut. Craft 2 and drag your Perfect Villager or an Adept Builder to the hut. They will carry them up and rebuild the first 2 Pedestals.

Now you’ll need a further 2 Stones to craft the required Metal. The recipe is Stone and Fire. You will also need to upgrade your Crafting Technology to level 1, which requires 17,000 Tech Points.

Once all 4 Pedestals are repaired, you’ll need some specific villagers, namely Adept or Master Researchers. If you have some nursing mothers who are Researchers, they are able to assist with this puzzle even though they are carrying their baby.

Drag a villager to each of the Pedestals and they will begin to worship on it. Once the 4th is placed, a scene will show 3 coloured blocks appear around the island and you will complete the Worship puzzle. These blocks will be important later on.


Required Resources:
- Grass x 3
- Wheat Grass x 3
- Earth x 3
- Mixed Herb x 3 (Grass + Wheat Grass, 10m)
- Fertilizer x 3 (Mixed Herb +Earth, 4hrs)

Required Villagers:
- Master Farmer x 1
- Child (any) x 1

Required Technology:
- Farming 2 (50,000TP)

The next puzzle focuses on Farming. You’ll need a Master Farmer and Farming Technology upgraded to level 2 at a cost of 50,000 Tech Points.

Once you have both of those things, drag your Master Farmer to the Apple Seed that dropped from the tree next to the Crafting Hut when it died.

They will carry it over to the hole near the garden on the right of the island and plant it. This will unlock:

  • Keeper of the Seed

    Retrieve the Apple Tree Seed

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Wait a while and an Apple Tree will grow. This dries out the garden, preparing it for the next phase.

To proceed, you’ll need a child. Drag them to the new garden and they will play in the dirt, thus preparing it for planting.

Have an Adept Farmer interact with the Seed Bag which is found next to the Water bucket on the paved area. They will carry some seeds over to the Garden and plant them.

Repeat this twice more, so you have planted a total of 3 crops. The first is Rhubarb, the second Strawberries and the third Blueberries.

Now go ahead and drag your Master Farmer to the Crafting Hut and choose the Fertilizer. They will take it to the Garden and use it on the first of the crops, being Rhubarb.

Once again, repeat 2 more times to fertilize the Strawberries and Blueberries in order.

If you click on the Garden, it will show the progress of the 3 crops – eg. not planted, not fertilized. Once planted and fertilized you’ll see a 2 hour countdown.

Wait until the growing time is up. Once they are ready, the Garden puzzle will be completed. Have your Farmer interact with the Garden 3 times to harvest them all - they will all be put in the Crafting Hut like any other resource.

While you are over here, have your Farmer interact with the now fully-grown Apple Tree (assuming it is – you’ll see red apples on the branches once it’s ready) next to the garden. It may take a few attempts but you will receive an Apple which will automatically be placed in the Crafting Hut. Apples are similar to Vines. They rely on Gathering skill and can be collected by children. You will only need 1 though.


Required Resources:
- Lava x 1
- Water x 2
- Wheat x 1
- Stone x 1 (Lava + Water, 45m)
- Flour x 1 (Wheat + Stone, 4hrs)
- Dough x 1 (Flour + Water, 8hrs)

Required Villagers:
- Master Farmer x 1

Required Technology:
- Crafting 2 (240,000TP)

For the next puzzle, you’ll need some Dough and you’ll need to upgrade your Crafting Technology to level 2 to craft it.

Once it’s ready, drag a villager to the Crafting Hut and they will carry it up to the Dining Table.

This action will unlock:

  • Rollin' in Dough

    Use the Dough

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Have a villager take the Rhubarb from the Crafting Hut. They will carry it over to the Dining table and put it next to the Dough.

Finally, drag the villager to the Crafting Hut and select the Apple.

With the Apple, Dough and Rhubarb, you can have your Master Farmer prepare a pie by dragging them to the Dining Table. This will unlock:

  • Master Chef

    Make a Pie!

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Now you’ll want to cook that pie. Drag your Farmer to the rock pile just next to the steps at the top beach.

They will carry a rock to fire pit and warm it up, then carry it down to the oven, which is on the wall behind the Dining Table. This prepares the oven for use.

Now drag your villager to the Dining Table once again and they will put the pie in the oven. It will take a minute or so (click on the oven to see a timer at the bottom of the screen) for the pie to cook.
Return with your Farmer after the timer is done and they will put the now-cooked pie on the Dining Table. You will unlock:

You can now drag a villager* to the table to enjoy the pie. On the 3rd time, the Rhubarb Pie puzzle will be complete.

*The pie can be eaten a total of 6 times. Each time it provides a small boost to all the skills except Building, so this can be a good opportunity to up-skill a younger villager. A child can eat the pie.


Required Resources:
- Red Earth x 12
- Water x 12
- Fire x 12
- Clay x 12 (Red Earth + Water, 45m)
- Clay Brick x 12 (Clay + Fire, 2hrs)

Required Villagers:
- Master Builder x 1

Required Technology:
- Construction 2 (80,000TP) and 3 (400,000TP)

The Clay Hut is located at the top of the island in the centre.

You’ll need a total of 12 Clay Bricks. Combine Water and Red Earth to craft Clay (45 mins). Combine that Clay with Fire to create a Clay Block (2 hrs). Repeat another 11 times.

You will need Construction to level 2 (80,000T) and 3 (400,000 Tech Points) to be able to have a Master Builder carry each Clay Brick, one at a time, to the Clay Hut and use them to repair it.

At Construction Level 2, you can also have your builders repair the Stone Hut at the top right of the map, closest to the Mausoleum, for an additional 2 to the maximum number of villagers.

If you click on the hut you can see the repair progress, with each Clay Brick adding between 8-9%.

Once the last Clay Brick is placed, the hut will be completed. For some reason it may take a minute or two for the Clay Hut puzzle popup to appear but you should be able to collect the Lavastones from the puzzle menu page right away. This seems to be a feature for the rest of the game... the gears grind slowly and the game will take a while to catch up.

The Clay Hut will also add 5 more to the maximum population you can have on the island but this may not appear until you exit to the main menu and return.


Required Resources:
- Algae x 1
- Magic x 1
- Poison x 1 becomes available during the puzzle
- Pond Water x 1
- Water x 1
- Antidote x 1 (Magic + Poison, 5m)
- Bacteria x 1 (Algae + Water, 2hrs)
- Mini Eggs x 1 (Bacteria + Pond Water, 12hrs)

Required Villagers:
- Child x 1

To get started on this puzzle, you’ll need 2 adults and 1 child. Take a look at the Kraken statue and you’ll notice what looks like a pile of twigs under the tentacles. Drag each of the adults onto those twigs (you’ll see a notification at the bottom of the screen about it being a Broken Nest).

The 2 adults will pull the tentacles out of the way, so you can now drag a child to the Nest for them to collect it. The child will then take the Nest Rubble down to the bottom-right corner, at the edge of the Lower Pond.

Once the new nest is in place, craft some Mini Eggs at the Crafting Hut. Have a villager take the Mini Eggs from the Crafting Hut and they will carry them over to the new Nest.

This fairly simple act will unlock:

  • Real Estate

    Find a home for the Snake Eggs

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Now you’ll have to wait for some rain. The eggs will hatch and you’ll see some snakes slithering near the nest.

When you see those snakes, drag a child to the Nest. The first time you do this the Lower Pond will turn green. Do it again and, hopefully, they will grab some Poison. Keep trying until they do.

You can now craft the Antidote at the Crafting Hut. Have a villager collect it from the Crafting hut and they will use it on the Lower Pond, fixing the green water problem and completing the Antidote puzzle.


Required Resources:
- Fire x 2
- Lava x 6
- Red Earth x 4
- Water x 10
- Cement x 2 (Clay + Stone, 8hrs)
- Ceramic x 2 (Cement + Limestone, 12hrs)
- Clay x 4 (Red Earth + Water, 45m)
- Forge Bucket x 2 (Ceramic + Clay, 10hrs)
- Limestone x 2 (Seashell + Stone, 8hrs)
- Metal x 2 (Fire + Stone, 2hrs)
- Stone x 6 (Lava + Water, 45m)

Required Villagers:
- Master Builder x 1

Required Technology:
- Crafting 3 (620,000TP)

Have a Trainee Builder interact with the wood blocking the water to the left of the Mausoleum. They will move some of the wood to an Organised Wood Pile adjacent.

Next, have a Trainee Researcher to draw up plans at the Science Board. This allows a Master Builder to interact with the Organised Wood Pile, which they will use to build a wooden wheel.

You will need to upgrade Crafting to level 3 (620,000 Tech Points) to be able to craft 2 Forge Buckets. You’ll also need 2 Metal.

Drag an Adept Builder to the Crafting Hut and have them select the first Forge Bucket. They will carry it to the Anvil. Drag them back to the Crafting Hut and choose Metal, which again will be taken to the Anvil.

Now have the Adept Builder interact with the Anvil and they will create a Centre Piece, carrying it up to the wooden wheel.

Repeat this whole process again, taking the second Forge Bucket and Metal to the Anvil and then creating a Centre Piece and taking it up to the wooden wheel with the first.

Now a Master Builder can assemble the Unfinished Water Wheel, competing the Wood Wheel puzzle and unlocking:

  • Reinventing the Wheel

    Build the Water Wheel

    Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (68)

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The final puzzles require a Master Gatherer for a few things. If you already have one, great! Unless you want to spend time up-skilling one of your villagers, you can resurrect your Perfect Villager for the role. In addition to their role as Chief in the Blue Statue puzzle, they can do the gathering as well. Go the Mausoleum and resurrect them for 20 Lavastones. They will return as a child, so it will take 24hrs or so until they can get to work. You'll need them in the Yellow Statue puzzle (collecting gold with the Gold Pan) and the Red Statue puzzle (using the Moss Stone). They can also be 1 of the 3 villagers who are both Master Builders and Researchers in the Yellow Statue puzzle.

Remember those 3 coloured blocks that appeared at the end of the Worship puzzle? Now you’ll be constructing coloured statues on each block. Each statue has 3 parts which will emerge when you complete the associated task. You can complete the tasks in any order.

Yellow Statue

Required Resources:

- Lava x 2
- Red Earth x 2
- Seashell x 1
- Stone x 1
- Water x 4
- Cement x 1 (Clay + Stone, 8hrs)
- Ceramic x 1 (Cement + Limestone, 12hrs)
- Clay x 2 (Red Earth + Water, 45m)
- Forge Bucket x 1 (Ceramic + Clay, 10hrs)
- Limestone x 1 (Seashell + Stone, 8hrs)
- Stone x 2 (Lava + Water, 45m)
Required Villagers:
- Master Builder + Researcher x 3 (need to be both)
- Master Gatherer x 1

Required Technology:
- Research 1 (22,000TP), 2 (110,000TP) and 3 (740,000TP)

You need to have collected 3 purple necklaces. This should have already happened. They will appear in the slotted rock by the paved stone area.

The first should have been collected from the Daily Reward Crate on day 2. The second and third are retrieved from cracks, at random. One will be found after day 5 and the other after day 10. As they are random, you’ll just have to keep exploring cracks until they appear.

For the second and third, there is no notification when you find them. They will simply appear in the slotted rock.

Once they are all there, drag a villager to the slotted rock. They will gather up the 3 necklaces and carry them to the Yellow Statue. The central section of the statue will appear.

You may have noticed a Gold Pan over towards the creek on the right side of the bottom area. Drag a Master Gatherer to the Pan and they will collect some Gold. Do this 3 times to fill the pan, and again for them to take the Gold over to the Anvil.

Craft another Forge Bucket and have a villager take it to the Anvil. Now have a villager interact with the Anvil. They will create a Gold Nugget and carry it to the base of the Yellow Statue and assemble it, which is piece #2.

For the final piece of the Yellow Statue, you’ll need 3 villagers who are both Master Builders and Master Researchers. You should have plenty of Master Researchers already – you’ll just need to spend some time getting 3 of them to build/maintain the huts.

You will also need to upgrade your Research Technology to level 3 at a cost of 22,000+110,000+740,000 Tech Points, which may be a little more time consuming.

Drag your Master Builder/Researchers to the Science Board. You will see a notification at the bottom of the screen that they are working on plans for the Yellow Statue. They will become ‘enlightened’, shown by a light bulb above their head.

Once all 3 are enlightened, drag them one at a time to the yellow statue. Once the last is dropped there, the final piece of the Yellow Statue will appear.

Red Statue

Required Resources:
- Water x 1

Required Villagers:
- Adept Builder x 1
- Child (any) x 1
- Master Gatherer x 1

Have a child gather the 3 Herbs. They are called ‘Strange Plants’ when you hover over them.

The child will take the Herbs to the Cooking Area. Once all 3 have been retrieved, you’re going to make some soup.

Have a villager get some Water from the Crafting Hut. They will take it up to the pot in the paved area and fill it up. Now villagers can interact with the Food Preparation Table (the rectangular table where the child placed the Herbs).

Do so and they will put all 3 Herbs into the pot. Now it just needs some heat. Drag a villager to the Rock Pile next to the small set of steps above the paved area (the same one you used for the Rhubarb Pie earlier). The villager will carry one of the rocks and place it under the Cooking Pot.

If you click on the Pot now, you will see a timer at the bottom of the screen. In 2hrs time, the Soup will be ready!

Once the timer is done, drag a villager to the Pot. They will place 3 bowls of soup on the nearby Dining Table. Much like the pie, the soup will boost all stat's except Building. This late in the game it probably doesn't matter too much. Have one (or more) villagers enjoy the soup and once all 3 are consumed the first piece of the Red Statue will appear.

For the second Red Statue piece, you’ll have to wait patiently until a crate washes up on the southern beach. This seems to take around 24 hours to appear, but your mileage may vary.

Use a villager to collect some Braids from the crate. They will be taken up to the Clothing Hut.

Get an Adept Builder to fix the Braids by dragging them to the Clothing Hut. If a Builder is nearby they may do this automatically This will release a bird that will fly to the bush just to the right of the Kraken Statue, but you may have to wait a while until it appears.

That bird will pollinate the bush. You can now have a child interact with the bush and they will take some flowers and decorate the Braids. Now, drag a villager to the Crafting Hut who will take the Braids to the Red Statue, resulting in the second Red Statue piece appearing.

Once again, you may have to wait for the next step – RNG Gods depending. However, it should be there right away.

A red crab will appear on the South beach – it will be over to the right near the Lower Pond with the Snakes.

Note that it’s not the red hermit crabs you will have noticed from time to time.

Drag a child to the crab and they will distract it. Now drag an adult to the crab who will collect it. The crab will be used to clean the Moss Stone further up the creek, near the large tree.

Finally, drag a Master Gatherer to the Moss Stone and they will use it to create the 3rd Red Statue piece.

Blue Statue

Required Resources:


- Air x 1
- Magic x 2
- Water x 1


- Jumping Potion (Air + Magic Concentrate, 10hrs)
- Magic Concentrate (Magic + Magic, 8hrs)
Required Villagers:
- Chief (Perfect Villager) x 1
- Adept or Master Builders (optional, several will speed things up)

The first part of the statue is nice and easy. Simply have a villager take some Water from the Crafting Hut. They will put out the fire on the beach at the top of the island, revealing a Diamond.

Drag your villager to the fire pit/Diamond and they will carry it down to the blue block and construct the first part of the Blue Statue.

I’m not sure if it matters but drag a villager back to the Fire Pit and they will re-light the fire.

Next, you’ll need a Jump Potion. Craft it at the Crafting Hut and then have a villager use it. They will walk up to the Mausoleum and use it to retrieve the red ruby on the wall. It will automatically be carried back down to form the second part of the Blue Statue.

This is the step where your Perfect Villager is required. If you haven't already, resurrect them. Interact with the Mausoleum. All your dead villagers will be there. Find the Perfect Villager from way back at the start of the game. Hopefully you can remember who they were!

The Perfect Villager will be a child again (but with max’d stats) so you’ll need to wait some time for them to age to adulthood (about 24hrs).

Drag them over to the Chief’s jacket which is above the Breeding Hut, then onto the Science Board.

After working at the Science Board for a moment they will walk over to the centre of the area and start to build a statue.

The Chief is only required to create the statue. You can have all your other Builders assist at the statue if you want to speed things up. You can click on the statue to see the progress at the bottom of the screen.

Once the central statue is built, the last piece of the Blue Statue will appear.

With all 3 coloured statues complete, the Statue Repair puzzle will be complete. This grants a whopping 20 Lavastones (bit late now...)


It's possible that you've reached this point without completing all the preceding puzzles. I don't know what happens if you complete this puzzle (and Chapter 1). There are some big events that happen leading into Chapter 2 and it may not be possible to go back and complete the Chapter 1 puzzles. Given how long it takes to get to this point, I doubt anyone will ever test it (but let me know if you do!) Make sure everything else is done before placing the last piece of glass in the statue.

Required Resources:


- Algae x 2
- Blueberry x 1 (collected in the Golden Garden puzzle)
- Earth x 3
- Fire x 3
- Grass x 3
- Lava x 1
- Sand x 3
- Seashell x 1
- Strawberry x 1 (collected in the Golden Garden puzzle)
- Water x 3
- Wheat Grass x 3


- Bacteria x 2 (Algae + Water, 2hrs)
- Blue Butterfly x 1 (Blueberry + Worm, 24hrs)
- Blue Glass x 1 (Blue Butterfly + Glass, 48hrs)
- Fertilizer x 3 (Earth + Mixed Herb, 4hrs)
- Glass x 3 (Fire + Sand, 8hrs)
- Limestone x 1 (Seashell + Stone, 8hrs)
- Red Butterfly (Strawberry + Worm, 24hrs)
- Red Glass (Glass + Red Butterfly, 48hrs)
- Stone x 1 (Lava + Water, 45m)
- Sulfur x 1 (Fertilizer + Limestone, 12hrs)
- Worm x 2 (Bacteria + Fertilizer, 8hrs)
- Yellow Glass x 1 (Glass + Sulfur, 48hrs)
Required Villagers:
- Master Builder

The final puzzle is easy but as you might expect it will take a while to craft all the required items. Hopefully you've been lucky with some random loot. A few of the items here take 48hrs to craft!

All you need to do is craft a coloured glass for each Statue, matching the colours. So, you need Blue, Red and Yellow Glass. Once crafted, use a Master Builder to take them to each statue.

Two events will now play out – details in the spoiler. After the first event, the game will likely continue normally and nothing else will happen. Exit the game (just go back to the main menu) and start it again and the second event should occur shortly after.

The first event will complete the Defeat The Kraken puzzle and the second will unlock the last achievement.

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***

As the second event plays out you will eventually unlock the last achievement of the game:

  • A New Beginning

    Unlock a new chapter

    Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (84)

    1 guideGuide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (85)Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (86)Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (87)

If you've made it this far, congratulations on your completion!

4. Crafting2. General hints and tips

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Guide for Virtual Villagers Origins 2 (2024)


What is the perfect villager in VV Origins 2? ›

The Perfect Villager has all skills mastered and can become the Chief, which is a requirement for late-game progress. You start with 20 Lavastones, so you'll have 6 attempts before running out. If you manage to get Perfect Villager, great! You can progress.

Which tech should I buy first in Virtual Villagers Origins 2? ›

I would suggest farming or science, they help the most, but in the end youll need all the technologies to complete all the puzzles, so whatever you want, but farming and science are best to start.

What happens when you complete all the puzzles in Virtual Villagers Origins? ›

The game is considered officially over when you have solved all the puzzles. Collecting everything gives you a population boost, but that's it. As for what to do with your current tribe you can: Max out the population, keep playing, or start over with a new tribe.

What is the fastest way to get tech points in Virtual Villagers Origins 2? ›

The more experienced your Scientist is, the more tech points they will earn. They can also be found in certain events around the Island, watching ads, and in Random Events. You can earn them faster by upgrading the Research Technology and also by purchasing one or more of the Science Totem.

How do you get a golden child in Virtual Villagers Origins 2? ›

Complete the "Idol" and "Ruins" puzzles, have fertillity and spirtualaty at level 3, drag a kid to the lake (That you unblocked) and the goldenchild will be walking on water, check out the puzzles guide for more help!

What age is adult in Virtual Villagers Origins 2? ›

Villagers can produce children once they are fully adult (age 18 & up). Once a female villager reaches the age of 50, she will no longer be able to have babies. Male villagers do not have an age restriction on their ability to have children.

Can you have twins in Virtual Villagers Origins 2? ›

The village's fertility technology may also be enhanced with tech points in the "technologies" section, which will improve the chance of villagers having children, and at higher levels, allows villagers to have twins and triplets (it is not recommended to try for multiple births until at least one hut has been ...

How do you auto breed in Virtual Villagers Origins 2? ›

Fortunately, there is an option on the character information page you can select to have them auto-breed, which should mean they maintain the population automatically. Unless you want to actively playing the game, you should have all your villagers set to auto-breed.

How do you get magic virtual villagers in Origins 2? ›

magic - it can only be found by exploring cracks! The items found in the crack are 100% random, including the chance a villager might not find anything.

How to farm in vv origins 2? ›

To plant seeds, drag any three villagers to the seed bag below the research table. They will bring three seeds to the garden. Next, you have to fertilize the garden. Fertilizer is crafted in the Crafting Hut.

How many villagers can you have in Virtual Villagers Origins 2? ›

Your island will start off with 5 villagers, who you will select right at the start of the game. Over time, your villagers will need to breed to maintain/expand your population. Initially, there is a cap of 20 villagers but you can increase that by repairing some huts around the island (and via a few other means).

How long is a year in Virtual Villagers Origins 2? ›

Time in Virtual Villagers
ModeReal TimeGame Time
1/2 Speed3 1/2 hr1 year
Normal2 hr1 year
2x speed1hr1 year

What does the chief do in Virtual Villagers Origins 2? ›

Overview. As the chief, this villager does not work, but when set to direct a task, other villagers performing that task become more effective. The chief also has the ability to magically add food to the village's food bin every 24 hours (in real time).

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.