Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (2024)

Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (1)

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Mana before Life is a defensive technique that utilizes the The Agnostic and Mind over Matter keystone passive skills. By using both keystone passives, a character's mana pool acts as both a source of effective hit points and a source of life recovery. The technique's effectiveness can be improved by additional sources of Damage is taken from Mana before Life and other modifiers related to increasing maximum mana or mana recovery. The strategy also synergizes well with builds that cast spells like Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (2)ArcArcSpell, Chaining, Lightning
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (8-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 6.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 120%
Requires Level 12An arc of lightning reaches from the caster to a targeted enemy and chains to other enemies, but not immediately back. Each time the arc chains, it will also chain a secondary arc to another enemy that the main arc has not already hit, which cannot chain further.Deals (6-198) to (32-1122) Lightning Damage
Chains +(4-7) Times
15% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each remaining Chain

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Chains +(0.05-1) Times

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (4) or Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (5)Ball LightningBall LightningSpell, Projectile, AoE, Lightning
Level: (1-20)
Cost: (12-23) Mana
Cast Time: 0.70 sec
Critical Strike Chance: 5.00%
Effectiveness of Added Damage: 60%
Projectile Speed: 400
AoE Radius: 22
Requires Level 28Fires a slow-moving projectile that damages each enemy in an area around it repeatedly with bolts of lightning.Deals (2-32) to (47-617) Lightning Damage
Base radius is 1.8 metres

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Base radius is (0.01-0.2) metres

Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (7)
, especially those linked with Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (8)Archmage SupportArchmage SupportLightning, Arcane, Support, Spell
Icon: ^
Level: (1-20)
Requires Level 31Supports spell skills that deal damage with hits and have no reservation. Cannot support arcane skills, Brand skills, Orb skills, Vaal skills, or skills used by totems, traps or mines. Cannot modify the skills of minions.Supported Skills gain Added Lightning Damage equal to (10-19)% of Unreserved Maximum Mana
Supported Skills have added Mana Cost equal to 5% of Unreserved Maximum Mana

Additional Effects From 1-20% Quality:
Supported Skills deal (0.5-10)% increased Spell Damage

This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (9)

Builds with large mana pools using The Agnostic can easily mitigate damage over time. For example, the resulting life recovery can completely counteract the damage from traps in the Labyrinth. Such builds will also strive for high mana regeneration and mana recovery, and may use Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (10)Eternal Mana FlaskEternal Mana FlaskRecovers 1800 Mana over 7.00 Seconds
Consumes 8 of 42 Charges on use
Requires Level 65Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (11)
s, even forgoing Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (12)Eternal Life FlaskEternal Life FlaskRecovers 2080 Life over 2.00 Seconds
Consumes 15 of 45 Charges on use
Requires Level 65Right click to drink. Can only hold charges while in belt. Refills as you kill monsters.
Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (13)
s entirely.


  • 1 Mechanics
  • 2 Skill tree
  • 3 Useful items
    • 3.1 Items
    • 3.2 Jewels
  • 4 Related Mods
    • 4.1 Damage taken Gained as Mana when Hit
  • 5 Version history
  • 6 References


Incoming damage that would be inflicted on the character's life is deducted from mana instead. If the character has insufficient mana, then the remainder of the damage will be taken from life.

Damage is applied to energy shield before life, and as a result there is no opportunity for any damage to be absorbed by mana.

Suppose you have 50% Damage taken from Mana before Life, and you have 5000 life. If you have 5000 mana or higher, then a 10000 damage hit will deal you 5000 life damage and 5000 mana damage, hence your Effective hit points is 10000. However, if you have only 3000 mana, then an 8000 damage hit will deal you 5000 life damage and 3000 mana damage, hence your EHP is 8000.

When the passive skill Eldritch Battery is allocated energy shield protects mana instead of life. This energy shield will absorb the converted non-chaos damage before it is applied on mana. Since chaos damage bypasses energy shield the chaos damage will then be applied directly on mana.

It does not reduce total incoming damage or increase a player's actual life total, and so does not affect the threshold or effectiveness of stun and ailments applied to players.[1]

Skill tree

Players can obtain up to 50% Mana before Life from skill tree passive nodes:

  • Mind over Matter - provides 40% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life
  • The Agnostic - Allows rapid regeneration of life by draining a percentage of your unreserved mana
  • Hierophant - Scion Ascendancy Notable that grants an additional 8% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life
  • Divine Guidance - Hierophant Ascendancy Notable that grants an additional 10% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life

Useful items


  • Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (14)Atziri's FoibleAtziri's Foible
    Paua Amulet
    Requires Level 16(20-30)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate+100 to maximum Mana
    (16-24)% increased maximum Mana
    (80-100)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
    Items and Gems have 25% reduced Attribute Requirements
    The world is but a piece of parchment, blank and symmetric.
    We label each side: one Good, one Evil; one Black, one White.
    The divine truth, however, is that both are one and the same.
    -Jaetai, Vaal Advisor
    Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (15)
    - Provides both significant maximum mana and extremely high mana Regeneration
  • Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (16)The AylardexThe Aylardex
    Agate Amulet
    Requires Level 32+(16-24) to Strength and Intelligence+(30-50) to maximum Life
    +(50-70) to maximum Mana
    +1 to Maximum Power Charges
    10% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge
    (80-100)% increased Power Charge Duration
    1% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life per Power Charge
    40% reduced Critical Strike Chance per Power Charge
    Shackled fires dance about;
    Might within from force without.
    Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (17)
    - Grants 1% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life per Power Charge
  • Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (18)Mind of the CouncilMind of the Council
    Harlequin Mask
    Evasion: (518-666)
    Energy Shield: (155-208)
    Requires Level 57, 64 Dex, 64 Int(230-260)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
    +(15-20) to maximum Energy Shield
    (20-30)% increased maximum Mana
    10% chance to Shock
    +20% chance to be Shocked
    30% of Lightning Damage is taken from Mana before Life
    Attack Skills have Added Lightning Damage equal to 6% of maximum Mana
    Lose 3% of Mana when you use an Attack Skill
    You think we do not know.
    We know all that you think.
    Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (19)
    - Grants 30% of Lightning Damage is taken from Mana before Life


  • Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (20)Watcher's EyeWatcher's Eye
    Prismatic Jewel
    Limited to: 1(4-6)% increased maximum Energy Shield
    (4-6)% increased maximum Life
    (4-6)% increased maximum Mana
    <Two or Three random aura modifiers>
    One by one, they stood their ground against a creature
    they had no hope of understanding, let alone defeating,
    and one by one, they became a part of it.
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
    Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (21)
    with the mod (6-10)% of Damage taken from Mana before Life while affected by Clarity

Related Mods

Damage taken Gained as Mana when Hit

If the character has equipped items with the x% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana modifier, this can help with maintaining mana. This mana gain is spread over 4 seconds following the hit.[2] This modifier can be found on certain items and passive skills:

  • Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (22)MindspiralMindspiral
    Aventail Helmet
    Armour: (101-119)
    Energy Shield: (21-25)
    Requires Level 37, 42 Str, 42 Int+(100-120) to maximum Mana
    Gain (10-15)% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
    Enemies Cannot Leech Mana From you
    (10-20)% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
    Cannot Leech Mana
    Where top is bottom and weak is strong.
    Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (23)
  • Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (24)PraxisPraxis
    Paua Ring
    Requires Level 22+(20-30) to maximum Mana+(30-60) to maximum Mana
    Regenerate (3-6) Mana per second
    -(8-4) to Total Mana Cost of Skills
    8% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
    The Thaumaturgical masters of the Eternal Empire,
    as unpredictable and varied as they were,
    all understood one thing:
    Free thinking leads to free action.
    Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (25)
  • Any Warcry with Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (26)Spirited ResponseSpirited Response
    Cobalt Jewel
    Limited to: 1
    Radius: Medium
    (7-10)% increased maximum Mana
    With at least 40 Intelligence in Radius, 10% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana if you've Warcried Recently
    The Purity Rebels fought with heart and soul,
    To free their empire from corruption.
    And the fires of war did merely serve,
    To temper the steel of their spirits.
    Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
    Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (27)
  • Battle Rouse

Damage taken from Mana before Life can no longer roll as an Influence modifier, Synthesised Implicit modifier, or Eldritch Implicit modifier on Body Armour.

Version history

  • The Mind over Matter Keystone Passive Skill now causes 40% of Damage to be taken from Mana before Life (previously 30%).
  • Damage taken from Mana before Life can no longer roll as an Influence modifier, Synthesised Implicit modifier, or Eldritch Implicit modifier on Body Armour.
  • The Cloak of Defiance Unique Body Armour no longer has 10% of Damage is Taken from Mana before Life.
  • The Veiled modifier that grants Damage taken from Mana before Life while Focused now provides values of 18–22% (previously 28–32%). The crafted versions of this modifier now provide values of 11–15% (previously 21–25%).
  • Now applies to Damage over Time as well as Hits.
  • Introduced to the game.


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Mana before Life | PoE Wiki (2024)


Is chaos damage taken from Mana before Life? ›

Since chaos damage bypasses energy shield the chaos damage will then be applied directly on mana. It does not reduce total incoming damage or increase a player's actual life total, and so does not affect the threshold or effectiveness of stun and ailments applied to players.

What is 10 of damage is taken from Mana before Life? ›

The 10% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life is additive with other Mind Over Matter modifiers where appropriate, and provides the Mana before Life defensive technique. The 1% of Mana Regenerated per second mod is scaled by X% increased Mana Regeneration Rate modifiers.

What is Mana before Life Poewiki? ›

Mana before Life is a defensive technique that utilizes the The Agnostic and Mind Over Matter keystone passive skills. By using both keystone passives, a character's mana pool acts as both a source of effective hit points and a source of life recovery.

What is mana instead of life Poe? ›

Incoming damage that would be inflicted on the character's life is deducted from mana instead. If the character has insufficient mana, then the remainder of the damage will be taken from life. Damage is applied to energy shield before life, and as a result there is no opportunity for any damage to be absorbed by mana.

Do you lose mana as phases end? ›

When a phase ends, any unused mana left in a player's mana pool is lost. Up until Magic 2010, a player would also lose 1 life for each unspent mana lost this way. This was called mana burn, and because it was the loss of life instead of damage, it could not be prevented or altered by effects that affect damage.

Does mana go away after upkeep? ›

Basically, you mana pool empties between your upkeep step and draw step... meaning you can only play instants with mana from Braid of Fire.

How fast does mana regenerate? ›

In the absence of any additional Regenerate Mana percentage from the sources listed below, any character will regenerate from zero to maximum mana in ~120 seconds (2 minutes), regardless of maximum mana.

How do you get more than 200 mana? ›

This can be done up to 9 times, which in addition to the 1 initial star makes 10 stars total, representing 200 mana. Mana capacity can be increased further through the use of various armors such as Gem Robes and Nebula armor, plus accessories. Reforging accessories to the Arcane modifier can further boost maximum mana.

What is the chance to recover 10% of mana when you use a skill? ›

Mechanics. Channelled skills: The modifier 20% chance to Recover 10% of Maximum Mana when you use a Skill only applies when one activates a channelled skill for the first time. It does not continue to grant mana recovery as one spends additional mana on channelled skills that are already activated.

Why is mana called mana? ›

"Mana" is a word that comes from Polynesian languages meaning something along the lines of "supernatural power". The concept of mana was introduced in Europe by missionary Robert Henry Codrington in 1891 and was popularized by Mircea Eliade in the 1950s.

What is the mana in Islam? ›

The word mana appears three times in the Quran, at 2:57, 7:160, and 20:80. It is narrated in the Sahih Muslim that Muhammad said: "Truffles are part of the 'manna' which God sent to the people of Israel through Moses, and its juice is a medicine for the eye."

What is MoM in poe? ›

Mind Over Matter (often referred to as MoM) is a keystone passive skill that allows the character's mana to absorb a portion of the damage dealt to life. It is an essential part of the Mana before Life defensive technique.

What skill cost life instead of mana poe? ›

Blood Magic, Sanguimancy, and Lifetap Support make skills cost life instead of mana. Eldritch Battery allows paying mana costs by spending Energy Shield. This is still paying a mana cost, but not spending mana for effects like Kitava's Thirst.

What is mana in real life? ›

mana, among Melanesian and Polynesian peoples, a supernatural force or power that may be ascribed to persons, spirits, or inanimate objects. Mana may be either good or evil, beneficial or dangerous. The term was first used in the 19th century in the West during debates concerning the origin of religion.

What kind of energy is mana? ›

Mana has been defined by Western and Hawaiian scholars as supernatural power, divine power, miraculous power, spiritual power, but for our purposes, we will think of it as spiritual energy and the universal life force as mentioned by Piʻianaiʻa, knowing that it may include the other definitions as well.

How does chaos damage work? ›

Effect. This enchantment has a 50% chance of dealing fire, frost, and shock damage simultaneously, affecting the target's Health, Stamina and Magicka. The enchantment itself has eight different possible outcomes, with the majority of the time either one or two effects being delivered to the target.

What is damage taken gained as mana? ›

Damage Taken Goes to Mana returns mana to a player character equivalent to a percentage of final attack damage applied: if no damage is applied then no mana is returned. It does not divert damage from life to mana, or reduce damage to life in any way.

Is chaos damage over time an ailment? ›

Your second W.E. is referring to Chaos damage you cause that is NOT an ailment. Of the three damaging ailments I listed, only Poison does chaos damage over time. Bane does not poison/bleed or ignite. So it is 'non-ailment chaos damage over time' and will be affected by the second W.E but not the first one.

What does chaos damage count as in wow? ›

Chaos is a school of magic wielded by warlocks and demon hunters. It's a uniquely comprehensive multi-school, combining five or more of the seven damage types. It always includes Arcane, Fire, Frost, Nature, and Shadow; and can optionally include Holy and Physical.

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