Swim England updates transgender and non-binary competition policy (2024)

3 April 2023

Swim England has published its updated transgender and non-binary competition policy which aims to make all its sports fair and accessible to everyone.

It is the first time the policy has been revised since 2015 and has been introduced in a bid to create a ‘fully-inclusive, non-discriminatory competitive environment’.

All of Swim England’s disciplines – swimming, artistic swimming, diving and water polo – will see a new ‘open’ category introduced, which will be for athletes with a birth sex of male, trans or non-binary competitors.

Only athletes who have declared a birth sex of female will compete in the ‘female’ category.

This will apply for all licensed events, where times are submitted to official rankings or talent pathway competitions.

Swim England commissioned an independent consultant to gather the views of more than 2,000 of its members, stakeholders and advocacy groups before drawing up the updated policy.

Opportunities and enjoyment

It will come into effect on 1 September 2023.

Mike Hawkes, Swim England head of diversity and inclusion, said the changes had been introduced in a bid to ensure the competitive integrity of talent pathways is maintained, whilst also providing a competitive offer for transgender members.

He said: “Transgender competition within sport is an emotive subject.

“However, we believe we have created an inclusive competitive environment that will provide opportunities and enjoyment for everyone entering Swim England events.

“As a result of the strength of feeling displayed via our independent consultation, we recognise that fair competition is considered the backbone of our aquatic sports and therefore must be prioritised.

“This is a policy that will allow for inclusion up to the highest level possible, at which point competitive integrity across our events and talent pathways takes priority.

Considering each sport

“We think that we’ve been creative and we’re confident we’ve really taken into account the considerations of each individual sport.

“Those that participate in aquatics recreationally should be able to do so, in a fully-inclusive environment, free from discrimination.

“In order to achieve this, we will continue to support operators to provide a varied pool programme, catering for the many demographics found in our communities across England.”

The updated policy applies to Swim England competitions only, including those organised by its member regions, counties, clubs and affiliated organisations.

It will integrate with policies published by British Swimming, LEN and World Aquatics but, after taking into account feedback that it should not be applied in a blanket fashion from grassroots to elite level, it is not identical.

To view the transgender and non-binary competition policy for each discipline, download a range of resources and view a list of frequently asked questions, please click here.

Swim England updates transgender and non-binary competition policy (2024)


Swim England updates transgender and non-binary competition policy? ›

All of Swim England's disciplines – swimming, artistic swimming, diving and water polo – will see a new 'open' category introduced, which will be for athletes with a birth sex of male, trans or non-binary competitors. Only athletes who have declared a birth sex of female will compete in the 'female' category.

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The Court of Arbitration for Sport, or CAS, says transgender women can compete in World Aquatic events under two conditions: they did not experience male puberty or their male puberty was suppressed before age 12, and their testosterone levels are consistently below 2.5nmol/L.

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The Equality Act 2010 officially adds "gender reassignment" as a "protected characteristic", stating: "A person has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment if the person is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning the person's sex ...

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With Wednesday's ruling in place, she will be unable to participate in this month's qualifying trials to compete in the Olympics. Under rules established in 2022, World Aquatics banned transgender women who have been through male puberty from competing in women's races.

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The new category will be open for “all sex and gender identities” and will include 50m and 100m races across all strokes. “ “This pioneering pilot project highlights the organisation's unwavering commitment to inclusivity,” a statement from World Aquatics read.

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The vote by FINA, which administers international competitions in water sports, prohibits transgender women from competing unless they began medical treatments to suppress production of testosterone before going through one of the early stages of puberty, or by age 12, whichever occurred later.

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As a swimmer on the women's team, Thomas became the first transgender athlete to win an NCAA Division I title after winning the women's 500-yard freestyle event in March 2022.

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The word cisgender (often shortened to cis; sometimes cissexual) describes a person whose gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth, i.e., someone who is not transgender.

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Hilary Cass, a consultant pediatrician and former President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, led the independent review and said that there was insufficient long-term evidence of what happens to youth who are prescribed puberty blockers.

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If a trans employee has been diagnosed with a condition such as gender dysphoria, then they may also be protected by the disability discrimination provisions of the Act, as long as the other criteria for a disability have been met. Please see our specific page on disability discrimination for more information.

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For the first time in Olympic history, women athletes will have as many places in the Games as male athletes. This 50:50 allocation means the Paris 2024 Olympic Games this summer will be the first Olympics ever to achieve full gender parity – equal representation for both women and men – on the field of play.

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To be eligible for participation in girls' sports, a transgender girl must have completed one year of hormone therapy or provide medical evidence that she does not possess physical (bone structure, muscle mass, testosterone, hormonal, etc.) or physiological advantages.

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There have been 16 modern Olympic athletes widely known to have an intersex (disorders/differences of sex development) condition. The 1932 Summer Olympics was the first instance of an athlete now known to be intersex competing, also winning a medal.

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It lays out two requirements for trans women who are members of USA Swimming: The concentration of testosterone in their blood must be less than 5 nanomoles per liter continuously for at least 36 months before they apply to compete, and they must provide evidence that going through puberty as their sex assigned at ...

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Lia Thomas
Known forFirst openly transgender athlete to win an NCAA Division I national championship
Sports career
Height6 ft 1 in (185 cm)
8 more rows

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But, in early December, at the Zippy Invitational, in Akron, Ohio, Thomas dropped another second off her time in the five-hundred-yard freestyle, and nearly a second and a half off her time in the two-hundred-yard race. She won the sixteen-hundred-and-fifty-yard freestyle by thirty-eight seconds.

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FINA's decision – which is the strictest ruling from an Olympic sports body – states that male-to-female transgender athletes are eligible to compete, only if “they can establish to FINA's comfortable satisfaction that they have not experienced any part of male puberty beyond Tanner Stage 2 [which marks the start of ...

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In June 2023, World Aquatics announced it would start an “Open” category that includes all transgender athletes. Several sporting governing bodies - including in cycling and athletics - have also banned transgender athletes from elite female competition over the past two years.

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