Drya'boli (Half-Elf/Tiefling) by CoffeeSorcerer69 (2024)

CoffeeSorcerer69 | Drya'boli



"The strange life that some are dealt sometimes border on that of a curse or a blessing"

Leag Thornleaf Stormveil the Storm Sorcerer.


The history of this strange race is almost unknown, what is known is that they wander about the countryside living their life as they please. Something that's been observed about them, is that they're usually a mix between two specific bloodlines that amalgamate together to make them. But that their bloodline has a higher chance of producing either an Elf or a Tiefling, it's not impossible for them to produce another one like them, but it hasn't been proven yet.


The appearance of this race varies, but they almost always have the horns and tail of their infernal heritage, and in the dark their eyes glow a solid color. While also holding a resemblance to an elf with their unearthly grace and haunting beauty. The main attraction of their apperance though, comes from the nonsensical infernal markings that covers their elven skin.

Drya'boli Names

The names of this race has been noted to use a combination of Elven and Infernal names to symbolize their nature.

Drya'boli Traits

Your Drya'boli character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Cha +2

Size. Drya'boli range from 5 to 7 feet tall and have varied builds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. 30 feet.

Age. Although Drya'boli reach physical maturity at about 18-24, their understanding of adulthood goes a little beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. A Drya-boli typically claims adulthood around the ages of 60-70 and can live to be around 450-600 years old.

Alignment. Drya'boli tend to have a chaotic point of view because they are constantly on the road and envied by society.

Darkvision. Thanks to your heritage, you have superior vision in the dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.

Fey Ancestry. Your elvish blood has given you a resistance to being charmed or put to sleep through magic. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magical sleep.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common, Elvish, Infernal, and one extra language of your choice.

Descent. At 1st level, when you begin as this race, you choose one of the cantrips offered to you by your subrace. At 3rd level, you choose an ability from your subrace between your elvish side or your infernal side. At 5th level, you gain the ability from your subrace that you didn't choose.

High Asmodian

Ability Score Increase. Int +1, Cha +1
Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.
Cantrips. You know the Thaumaturgy or the Control Flame cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them.
Descent Traits:

Elven Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you gain proficiency in one skill, one weapon and one tool of your choice.

Infernal Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you can cast the hellish rebuke rebuke spell as a 2nd level spell; you must finish a rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. You can also cast this spell using any spell slots you may have.

Sea Levistian

Ability Score Increase. Con +1, Wis +1
Resistance. You have resistance cold damage.
Cantrips. You know the Ray of Frost or the Shape Water cantrip. Charisma is you spellcasting ability for them.
Descent Traits.

Elven Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you gain a swimming speed of 30 feet along with the ability to breath underwater and you ignore any drawbacks caused by a deep underwater environment. Using gestures and sounds, At 5th level you can communicate simple ideas with any beast with an innate swimming speed.

Infernal Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you can cast the Armor of Agathys spell as a 2nd level spell; you must finish a rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. Charisma is you spellcasting ability for this spell. You can also cast this spell using any spell slots you may have.

Eladrin Mephistopheles

Ability Score Increase. Dex +1, Wis +1
Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Cantrips. You know the Mage Hand or the Shillelagh cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them.
Descent Traits:

Elven Side. Your base walking speed increases to 35 feet. As a bonus action. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you gain the use of Fey Step to magically teleport up to 35 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see; You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain 2 expended uses when you finish a short rest, and all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. You can also use this trait using any spells slots you may have.

Infernal Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you can cast the Burning Hands spell as a 2nd level spell; you must finish a rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. Charisma is you spellcasting ability for this spell. You can also cast this spell using any spell slots you may have.

CoffeeSorcerer69 | Drya'boli

Pallid Glasyian

Ability Score Increase. Int +1, Wis +1
Resistance. You have resistance to psychic damage.
Cantrips. You know the Minor Illusion Or the Dancing Lights cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them.
Descent Traits:

Elven Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you can cast the Sleep spell; you must finish a rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell. You can also cast this spells usingany spells slots you may have.

Infernal Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you can cast the Disguise Self spell; you must finish a rest in order to cast this spell again using this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this trait. You can also cast this spell usingany spell slots you may have.

Tempestas Avarialien

Ability Score Increase. Str +1, Dex +1
Resistance. You have resistance to thunder damage.
Cantrips. You know the Gust or the Thunderclap cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them.
Descent Traits:

Elven Side. You have hollowed bones to help you fly but reduce your carry weight by half. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, bird-like wings sprout from your shoulder blades and are there at all times, with a wingspan of almost four times your height. You can use a reaction to glide to prevent fall damage with a descent speed of 60 feet. When you reach 5th level, your wings start allowing you to fly, you gain a flight speed of 50 feet, and you begin descending at will. While using your descent speed you can move horizontally. You cannot fly if you are wearing medium or heavy armor.

Infernal Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you can cast the Fog Cloud spell; you must finish a rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell. You can also cast this spell usingany spell slots you may have.

Ascended Shadar-Kai

Ability Scores Increase. Con +1, Cha +1
Resistance. You have resistance to necrotic damage.
Cantrips. You know the Sacred Flame or the Toll the Dead cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them.
Descent Traits:

Elven Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you can use a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 15 feet to an unoccupied space you can see, and you gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage until the start of your next turn. During that time, you appear ghostly and translucent; You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain 2 expended uses when you finish a short rest, and all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. You can also use this trait using any spells slots you may have.

Infernal Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you can cast the sanctuary spell; you must finish a rest in order to cast this spell again using this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this trait. You can also cast this spell usingany spell slots you may have.


Ability Scores Increase. Dex +1, Con + 1
Resistance. You have advantage on saving throws against the Poisoned or Diseased Conditions, and resistance to poison damage.
Cantrips. You know the Primal Savagery or the Spare the Dying Cantrip. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for them.
Descent Traits:

Elven Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you may expend one hit die, taking the damage to give your "cleansing blood" to a willing creature to purge an adulterant from their system. You can end the Poisoned or Diseased conditions on a creature when you use this ability, you can use this a number of times equal to your Constitution Modifier; You regain 2 expended uses when you finish a short rest, and all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.

Infernal Side. When you reach 3rd or 5th level, you can take an action to manifest durable bat-like wings that sprout from your shoulder blades with a wingspan of almost four times your height. While out you have a flying speed equal to your walking speed + 5 feet while you aren't wearing heavy armor, but when your wings are out your walking speed is halved. At 5th level, your walking speed is no longer reduced as a result of manifesting your wings. Any armor or clothing you are wearing not fit to let your wings sprout might be destroyed when fully manifested

SubraceBase HeightBase WeightHeight ModWeight Mod
High Asmodian Drya'boli5'0"85 lb.+2d8x(1d4) lb.
Sea Levistian Drya'boli4'8"90 lb.+2d6x(1d4) lb.
Eladrin Mephistopheles Drya'boli5'0"85 lb.+2d8x(1d4) lb.
Pallid Glasyian Drya'Boli4'8"80 lb.+2d8x(1d4) lb.
Tempestas Avarialien Drya'boli5'0"30 lb.+2d10x(1d4) lb.
Ascended Shadar-Kai Drya'Boli5'0"85 lb.+2d8x(1d4) lb.
Blood-Wing Drya'Boli5'0"85 lb.+2d10x(1d4) lb.
Credit for the Subraces provided
  • u/DeathIVIonkey- Blood Elves

  • The Mage College- Ascended Tiefling

  • Coffee's Refined Elf Subraces- Avariel Elf, Shadar-Kai Elf, Glasya Tiefling, Levistus Tiefling, Mephistopheles Tiefling

  • Forgotten Realms- High Elf, Sea Elf, Eladrin Elf Moon/Pallid Elf, Asmodeus/Base Tiefling,

  • DnD 5e wikidot- Winged Bloodline Tiefling

  • My Homebrew- Gale Altered/Tempestas Tiefling

CoffeeSorcerer69 | Drya'boli


Improved Fey Step

Prerequisite: Eladrin Elf/Half-Elf, or Eladrin Mephistopheles Drya'boli

Your Fey Step has become more potent and you can now use it more often than before.

  • Choose Wisdom or Charisma to increase by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You learn to speak, read, and write in Sylvan.
  • You can now use your Fey Step an extra number of times equal to 1 plus your Charisma or Wisdom Modifier (minimum of 2 uses).
  • When you use your fey step, you can use two uses instead of just one use of your fey step, to bring a creature within 5 feet of you of your choice with you.

Enforcement of Cania

Prerequisite: Mephistopheles Tiefling, or Eladrin Mephistopheles Drya'boli

Your ancestors have emboldened your infernal power giving you even more magical potential than before.

  • Choose Wisdom or Charisma to increase by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you roll for damage, you can consider it magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance.
  • You can reroll a 1 on already magical damage.
  • You gain an additional attunement slot, and you can attune to one random item of your choice making it a +1 item. If you end the attunement then the item turns to dust.

Raven Queens Presence

Prerequisite: Shadar-Kai Elf, or Ascended Shadar-Kai Drya'boli

Your association with the Raven Queen has given you power over the material plane, allowing you to summon her power in a time of need.

  • Your Constitution increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Whenever a creature dies within 60 feet of you, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier.
  • When your temporary hit points are reduced to 0, then the last creature that dealt damage to you takes necrotic damage equal to your Constitution modifier.

God Linked

Prerequisite: Ascended Tiefling, Aasimar, or Ascended Shadar-Kai Drya'boli

Your Celestial bond allows you access to minor divine powers that some may envy.

  • Your Wisdom increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Whenever you see a creature is being attacked, you can summon divine energy to grant the creature temporary hit equal to twice your Wisdom modifier.
  • While you are wearing light armor or no armor and not wielding a shield, you can add your half of your Wisdom modifier (rounded up) to your AC.


Prerequisite: Tiefling or Drya'boli

Your Fiendish Blood grants you a boon that most will envy you for.

  • Your Charisma increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You learn the Control Flames cantrip.
  • Spells you learn from your "Infernal" Legacy trait can now be cast a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).

Fey Eccentricity

Prerequisite: Elf, Half-Elf, or Drya'boli

Your Fey heritage grants you resistance that some may find irritating.

  • Your Dexterity increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have proficiency in the Perception skill, if you already have proficiency then you gain expertise.
  • When you succeed on a saving throws against being charmed, frightened, or put to sleep through magical means, the caster takes psychic damage equal to half your overall level.

Tempest Blood

Prerequisite: Air Genasi, Avariel Elf, Tempestas Avarialien Drya'boli, Tempestas Tiefling

The storm in your blood has begun to radiate, granting you more power.

  • You have resistance to lightning and thunder damage.
  • You know the Shocking Grasp and Thunderclap cantrips, and you can cast them as a bonus action instead of an action.
  • You learn the Gust of Wind spell, you can cast it once per long rest. If you have a feature that grants you spell slots, you can spend spell slots to cast it after casting it in this way.

Cloud Hopper

Prerequisite: Air Genasi, Avariel Elf, Tempestas Avarialien Drya'boli, Tempestas Tiefling

Your elemental heritage, while mysterious to most has granted you a great boon of their people.

  • You gain a flying speed of 30 feet if you don't already have a flying speed.
  • If you fly up into a cloud, you can walk on the cloud as if it were normal terrain for you, if you bring another creature without a flying speed, the cloud counts as difficult terrain and can only walk on the cloud for as long as you stand on the cloud.
  • When you use a flying speed, as a reaction, you can create a small 5 x 5 foot square platform made of small clouds. This platform lasts for 10 minutes and can easily be blown away with a gust of wind, only you or another creature like you can stand on it, and it acts like normal terrain for you.


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Drya'boli (Half-Elf/Tiefling) by CoffeeSorcerer69 (2024)


Is it possible to be half elf half tiefling? ›

Tiefling is a Heritage. You choose one Ancestry and then get only one Heritage. So without house rules, a half-elf tiefling is not possible. So, we can do an ELVEN tiefling or a HUMAN tiefling, but not a HALF-ELVEN tiefling.

What is an elf tiefling called? ›

(Elf/Tiefling) Davi are a mysterious lot. Living longer than elves, they are few in number and seem to disappear from historical records. They have fiendish blood that is diluted with elven heritage.

How long do half elf tieflings live? ›

A Drya-boli typically claims adulthood around the ages of 60-70 and can live to be around 450-600 years old. Alignment. Drya'boli tend to have a chaotic point of view because they are constantly on the road and envied by society. Darkvision.

Can an elf become a tiefling? ›

Rather, to be a tiefling is to have been born with a deformity that touches both body and soul. They are typically born to human parents, whose race seems most capable of interbreeding, although tieflings born to elven, dwarven, or even orcish parents are not unheard of.

What if two half-elves have a kid? ›

Half-elves can have children of their own. When they form families with other half-elves, their offspring will be half-elves themselves. However, if a half-elf has children with someone of different ancestry, even a member of their parental races, the results can vary.

Do elves like tieflings? ›

Tieflings are persecuted by the superstitious Wild Tribes and the vengeful humans of Galoron, though they have good reason (demons caused the gods to fade and almost destroyed the world). They only really find peace among the elves, who have lived long enough to know that not all tieflings are "demonspawn"

Is tiefling a curse? ›

Tieflings are cursed people. Somehow, some way they have been physically twisted by fiendish blood.

Is tiefling a demon? ›

Tieflings were human-based planetouched, native outsiders that were infused with the touch of the fiendish planes, most often through descent from fiends—demons, Yugoloths, devils, evil deities, and others who had bred with humans.

Can tieflings have babies with humans? ›

Tieflings can come to existence in many different ways. The first is through simple Tiefling and Tiefling mating. They give live birth, and pregnancies last around 8 months. Tieflings can also come out when mating with a Human, or if two humans with devilish blood in them mate, there is a chance to create a Tieflings.

Do tieflings age faster? ›

Tiefling Traits

Age: Tieflings mature at the same rate as humans but live a few years longer.

Do tieflings need to sleep? ›

Other unique traits have been identified in individual tieflings. has the power to generate cold from her hand, climb sheer surfaces with ease, and does not need to sleep. The tiefling Ghienna cannot use portals and can never leave the city of Sigil, though this is a close secret.

What color is a tiefling's skin? ›

In many other ways, tieflings were similar to humans physically. Tieflings were, on average, just as tall as humans, from 5'6" – 6'2" (1.67 – 1.88 m) and weighed just a little bit heavier at 140 – 220 lbs (64 – 91 kg). Tiefling skin generally extends past normal human colours into red or even yellow hues.

Are tieflings naturally evil? ›

In 5th edition, tieflings do not have an innate tendency towards evil, though many usually end up going down that path due to the prejudice against them. Also due to the prejudice against them, tieflings have a fierce independent streak and are inclined towards being chaotic.

What race do tieflings like? ›

Relations with other races

Of all the common race, tieflings feel the most kinship with half-orcs, who are similarly a target of revulsion and hate.

Can tieflings and elves mate? ›

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They are capable of interbreeding with Humans but, unlike Humans, cannot interbreed with Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, or Aasimar. Tiefling-Human hybrids tend to favor their Tiefling parent to such an extent that they are effectively Tieflings themselves.

Can there be a half human half tiefling? ›

The offspring of one of these powerful half-blooded creatures and a normal human is a tiefling. The offspring of two tieflings will be a tiefling, while the offspring of a tiefling and another humanoid has a half chance of inheriting from either parent.

Can a half-elf be half dwarf? ›

Half-dwarves were usually the result of a dwarf mating with a human, gnome, elf, or halfling.

Can two humans give birth to a tiefling? ›

Tieflings can come to existence in many different ways. The first is through simple Tiefling and Tiefling mating. They give live birth, and pregnancies last around 8 months. Tieflings can also come out when mating with a Human, or if two humans with devilish blood in them mate, there is a chance to create a Tieflings.

Can you be half-elf and half orc? ›

Uniya is the term used in Jrusar for people in Exandria who have both elvish and orcish lineage and so are both half-elf and half-orc. Another name for uniya is elf-orcs.

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.